Hills and wild flowers (part one)
By hywel
One day last week we went to see what wild flowers we could find in the hedgerows about.
We took the road that climbs the hill opposite where I live, and there are views looking back down at the vilage
It’s rather a hilly area but they are gentle rolling hills :o)
We decided on the road through Trap and past Carreg Cennen Castle
Just by it was this field full of bright yellow buttercups
As we proceeded along it became a bit more cloudy but there was still some sunshine out.
There wasn’t such a lot of cowparsley this year – Anthriscus sylvestris – but I love the way it lookes light and airy.
And it goes nicely with the Red Campions lol
Here’s a closeup of it with two little insects
The Red campions – Silene dioica – looked colourful along the way. There are lots of them this year.
Last year I collected some seeds to grow it in my garden, but never got round to sewing them.
Maybe I’ll do it for next year. I would love to have these in my garden.
I thought it would be nice to take a flask of hot water to make coffe, and I packed a scone each for us aswell. It’s nice to have a coffee out in the coutryside.
So I stopped in a layby in the sunshine and got the stuff out of the boot – only to find I’d forgotten to put the coffee in lol I had left it behind on the kitchen table :D
So Beryl had the scone with a mug of milk. And I had the scone on it’s own ….
We laughed about it lol but I was a bit disappointed. These ‘senior moments’ are a nuisance and come on rather too often these days :o(
Never mind, the sheep had plenty of grass, and we had a nice view, and were still laughing about it for a long time afterwards :o)))
…… so after ‘not having my coffe’ I had another look in the hedgerows and found two vetches
Bush Vetch – Vicia sepium
And Common Vetch – Vicia sativa
I love to see the wild vetches. There’s a sort of ‘happiness’ that goes with them somehow :o)
I also saw plenty of Great Stitchworts – Stellaria holostea. They were finishing now. Things seem to be going over very early this year.
May is always the time for the Hawthorn or May tree – Crataegus monogyna
There is a lot of it this year
Then we went a bit further along the way … and I’ll put the rest in another blog or you’ll be here all day :o))
20 May, 2011
More blog posts by hywel
Previous post: Springtime Hills
Next post: Hills and wild flowers (part two)
Beautiful pics...
wonderful hills...
Pity about forgetting the coffee ...
... good to know that the sheep "were still laughing about it for a long time afterwards" ;o) x
20 May, 2011
loved the blog, I like wild flowers, always have done from being very small. I used to have an I-spy wildflowers book. Wonder if they still make them (now I am showing my age).
20 May, 2011
What an absolutely charming blog, Hywel and your pictures show us all the lovely flowers that a lot of people take for granted.
You really made my day with this - so cheery. Thanks :))
20 May, 2011
lovely pictures - the coffee was amusing - I do that kind of thing all the time :D At leat you had some milk lol
Nice views and great blog - love the castle very much
20 May, 2011
What a lovely blog Hywel I throughly enjoyed it love those Companions so pretty some times I think the wild flowers are prettier and more effective than the ones we grow in our garden. Love all those scenes and the castle and had a good giggle of you forgeting the coffee you ll have to take piano lessons they ve done tests and people who play a piano don't go senial lose their memory.
20 May, 2011
Thanks for all your comments :)
Mavis I'm pleased you like the vetches. They are one of my fav groups of plants :)
TT I do believe the sheep were laughing aswell lol :o) And I'm glad you liked the hills. I was thinking of you when trying to decide which ones to show. I only like some of them lol
Barbara (O oil) I remember those books. I've still got a wild flower one. I'll put a pic of it if I can find it later on :)
Marie - I'm happy to have made your day :) It's worth while when it makes someone happy :o)
Paul I'm glad I'm not the only one that does things like that lol. Nice you like the castle. It is about 5 miles from my village :)
Sixpence. I do play the piano - passed 2 exams aswell lol but many years ago. Don't think i could play it now.
I preffer the wild flowers aswell. I think they look more natural than the cultivated ones :)
20 May, 2011
another brilliant blog Hywel, what lovely countryside you have there, all your photos are wonderful to look at, sorry you forgot the coffee, we all have senior moments, nothing to worry about,
20 May, 2011
Great blog and photos:)
20 May, 2011
thanks for nameing the vetch hywel,some came up in the garden last year and i didnt have a clue what it was,but left it in as it was so pretty,hope it comes back this year
20 May, 2011
Lovely pics and blog Hywel, those wild flowers are beautiful.
20 May, 2011
Lol Hywel you never fail to make me laugh..you and your Beryl sound a right hoot,...lovely relationship you have there,..laughter makes the world go round !
Loved your blog,.. pictures,humour and information, good on ya !
20 May, 2011
Looks like you had a lovely walk.... love all the wild flowers... used to see so many before i moved to the sea....
20 May, 2011
Thats brilliant Hywel you should find time to got back to it now and then yes they are so natural and send of lovely mixed clolours amongst themselves naturally too.
20 May, 2011
Lovely blog Hywel, such a pretty place you live in. I love red campion too. There is LOADS of it everywhere here as well this year....it must have enjoyed the cold winter! Glad something did!
20 May, 2011
Great walk, Hywel. Love the wild flowers, often a better display than all the work in the garden, but then, thats where all the originals are :-)
20 May, 2011
Thanks everyone :) I'm pleased you all liked my wild flowers (I call them mine anyway lol)
We went in the car. It was a round trip of about 20 miles. I would still be walking :)))
Sixpence I won't go back to it - I have no piano, and no time anyway . But the main reason being I have no interest in it - except listening to it on a CD lol
20 May, 2011
I was unfamiliar with the names of some of the wildflowers so found your blog particularly interesting, Hywel.
I'm pleased to note that you have those "senior moments" too...lol I think a lot of us are in the same boat! lol
Lovely scenery too....and all within a few miles of your home....how great is that!
20 May, 2011
Lol Hywel I supose near enough is good enough :o))
20 May, 2011
Thanks for your lovely blog Hywel! It has rained and hailed and been dull and dreary for days now, so your cheery sunny blog and pics have brightened up my day considerably! Thanks!:0)x
21 May, 2011
Thank you all :)
Whistonlass Nice to hear I'm not the only one getting them lol
Libet I'm pleased my blog brightened up your day :) Sorry to hear of your bad weather. Maybe some of our sunshine will come accross the Irish sea lol
21 May, 2011
i just love the hedge rows at this time of year hywel and all the wild flowers, each time i go down our lanes i see something new, shame you forgot the coffee though lol, make a list and tick off as you pack next time haha :o)) great pics x
21 May, 2011
Isn`t it wonderful what mother nature has on offer for us to admire.
We used to be taken on nature walks from school and I always enjoyed it, its a pity that at a time when we seem to appreciate nature more the old legs give out.lol.
So thanks for bringing back all your lovely photos to share with us.
21 May, 2011
Hi Hywel, a lovely blog and picture's we enjoy going around the side roads and seeing all the different wild flowers
21 May, 2011
AHHH !! I can smell the sweet air already. Wonderful photographs & as always a great walk H.
21 May, 2011
Lovely blog, Hywel, and so comforting to know that I am not the only one suffering from 'senior moments' (lots of us from the comments above!) - as long as you can laugh at them they're no problem :)
22 May, 2011
Thank you everyone :) I love wild flowers. I just can't stop photographing them !
22 May, 2011
Lovely blog :) and nice castle to have lolling in the background :)
We used to go to a lovely campside on the coast near Cardigan every whit week for probably 10 years or so, but with me at uni and Sam in Germany its the first year we've not... its really sad because I used to always look forward to it... in my memory its always a world made of shades of pink, green and blue: blue from the great expanses of sky and sea, green from all the lush hedges and fields and pink from the red campions and foxgloves... thats how I've always remembered it, with high hedges on narrow lanes and cow parsley brushing against the car; so very beautiful, the verges are no where near as enchanting where I live! :P Thankyou for such a lovely blog with such nice photos :)
22 May, 2011
Thank you Jennyfer. That must have been a lovely place, and with lots of happy memories for you :o)
23 May, 2011
Great photos of our native "weeds", Hywel! Well many of the weeds in our gardens would turn out to look like some of these if we were to let them grow & flower!
Like you I love to see wild flowers blooming in the countryside. When I was in Cuenca a few weeks ago I was very interested to see what "weeds", pardon, wild flowers, were growing there. As there had been a great deal of rain over the last few months there everything was so green & there were 1,000s upon 1,000s of flowers everywhere. The grass was green without the need for watering - nowhere could you see the straw yellow grass (except here in the East & South East of the UK) everything was like it was a month before here in the UK when my son & his wife visited us at the end of March.
looking forward to reading your 2nd blog on wild flowers.
23 May, 2011
We've had plenty of rain here in Carmarthenshire today. It poured down all day until about 4.30. Then the sun came out.
I know the east of England needs rain badly, but I want the warm summer weather to return to wales - -
well to this bit of it anyway :)
23 May, 2011
love these pics ............. think you did 1 last year tooo ......... the white folwer next to the hawtorn ............ i have that every were in my garden ............ and a few others too ............ as you no i like a sort of nat look
23 May, 2011
Yes I did put pics of them then. I like photographing them.
I know you like a wild look. I do too. I have the seeds of some wild flowers to sew in my garden.
24 May, 2011
Lovely scenery, you are so lucky to live close to such beauty. :-)
24 May, 2011
That is one of the nicest blogs I've seen, the pictures are beautiful the scenery well... what can I say especially those "rolling hills" But you wouldn't believe that you have just answered the question I've asked a few minutes ago. So that's what they are called RED CAMPIONS, thank you Hywel. You see I have them in a pot, didn't put them there, the birds must have done, but didn't know their name. Yes they are nice, at least now I can read about them and maybe they would look good in my tiered garden, unless of course they spread too much, will see.
24 May, 2011
Thank you both for your comments on my blog :)
Glad to have been of help Titchy. I would like to have those in my garden aswell.
25 May, 2011
Lovely photo's I like all things wild so was particulally interested in you'r blog especially the bit senior moment bit......sometimes I just lift my hands in astoundment at the daft things I do knowing there are other people out there like me helps me to admit to my "daftness" In the grounds of my local church there are some scarlet pimpernel which I believe are a member of the primrose family. I'v asked for permission to dig up a small root but will have to wait till it shows its head so I can identify it. I also have feverfew growing by my vgreen house it comes up every year. I just keep trimmimg it back to keep it in control.
25 May, 2011
Just read your blog Hywel, just beautiful, what a lovely place to live. well done.
25 May, 2011
what a lovely blog ~ just shows its the simple flowers we enjoy just as much as the exotic. lovely to see the blue sky ~ i loved that photo with the gate in it.
the lack of coffee made me laugh! no coffee shops near you?
25 May, 2011
I`m definitely having senior moments Hywel, I`ve only just found this blog, lol, I`ve seen the pic of the ISPY book of Wildflowers and realise now why it was posted, we had lots of those books when we were kids and loved going out and about finding the plants, birds etc, also used to go trainspotting, mind you in those days we could go off on our bikes for hours and feel safe, cannot do that these days..
Lovely blog Hywel...
25 May, 2011
Thanks everyone for all your nice comments :)
Daisyco I had the scarlet pimpernel and feverfew as weeds in a previous garden. I used to pull them up and throw them away. I also had heartsease (like a tiny viola), and creeping veronica aswell. They were all very pretty. I wish I had them in this garden.
I hope you can get the s. pimpernel to grow.
Patricia yes I am fortunate to live here. It is very beautiful :o)
ST - I think I like wild flowers better than the cultivated ones.
no coffee shops in the sticks :o)
Sue yes we used to go for hours and walk through the woods etc. Not possible now. Kids of today are missing out :(
26 May, 2011
if my camera was working i would be out doing a little walk like yours ~ i think this blog is lovely. thanks hywel.
26 May, 2011
Great blog, and lovely photos..Great to see other people also having senior moments and i'm not even senior yet..
26 May, 2011
I did enjoy this Hywel, I must confess that I didn`t know the names of many of them but I know better now. Oh, senior moments....I seem to have more than my fair share of them lately!
27 May, 2011
Thank you all :o))
And I've had some more senior moments today lol
27 May, 2011
Just catching up with people's blogs- Hywel this is a very good one and has gone on my favourites! I used to know the names of lots of wildflowers from my father, but have forgotten a lot of them. You must have a very good camera. I know you say you crop your pics - I am going to experiment with mine too. I hope the building work is going ok?
1 Jun, 2011
I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. I took some similar ones myself in Devon at Easter but I don't think they are as good as yours technically.
8 Jun, 2012
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Loved seeing all these wildflower's Hywel,Ilike Vetch and Campion as well,lot's of lovely view's the castle looks great shame about the coffee, looking forward to part two:-))
20 May, 2011