A New Tomato Variety
By hywel
How many of you remember last Christmas (2010), Terratoonie compiled a quiz for us ?
It was a word search, and came in the form of a
“Silly Story” about a gardener who travelled in a Reliant Robin ……..
“all the way from the Irish coast to Matoaka USA”
The answers to the quiz were all plant names, and being very knowledgeable about such things (not !) …I put one of my answers as “Irish Coast Tomato”
“All the way from the Irish Coast to Matoaka USA”
…… you can see how I deduced the answer :o)
I had extra stars for it being the funniest answer too lol
Well, I must tell you, these plants really do exist … and here in this blog you will be able to see the very first ones ever grown :o)
Here’s a map of where they were first bred, along the Irish coast ;o)
Terratoonie was able to obtain a trial pack of seeds, (they’re very rare and difficult to come by) … and she kindly sent it on to me :o)
I sewed them strictly as instructed on the pack …
And they germinated ….
Here they are growing nicely after being pricked out …
I kept them in a poly grower …
… and they grew taller…
And taller … :o)
And even taller !
And then flowers appeared …
Followed by fruits :o)
Sorry about the blurry photos there…. my
camera had an off day ;o)
Now they were supposed to turn red, but someone stole them before I could take a photo ;o)
… and they ate them ….
…. and I’ve been assured that they were delicious …..
However, if you are lucky enough to grow these exotic plants, don’t eat the fruits like my friends did …. or you might end up like this ….
5 Jan, 2012
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Sorry you didn't get to taste any TT ;o)
5 Jan, 2012
Looking at those photos, I reckon it's a good thing I didn't get the opportunity to eat any ;o)
5 Jan, 2012
LOL ! :o)
I tried one but I'm not showing the photo ;o))
5 Jan, 2012
Lol. I've heard they make your hair turn red ;o)
5 Jan, 2012
They make the whole of you turn red ! :O
5 Jan, 2012
You are back in great form to start the new year Hywel. Love those tomatoed pets.
5 Jan, 2012
Thank you Scotsgran. We need a bit of something to smile at in the middle of winter :o)
5 Jan, 2012
)( )( )( )( )( Big round of applause for Hywel and Terratoonie ably supported by Truffle and Blodyn.....hope the symptoms subside after a while........( I think I might get nightmares.....)
5 Jan, 2012
Are you really sure these were tomatoes Hywell as they look like cucumbers , the way they grow with the spikey stems!What a shame you never got to taste one.I kept looking at the fruit appearing at the back of the flower and it looks strange.Perhaps its just as well you never ate one! lol
5 Jan, 2012
I too thought they look like cucumbers or melon...great blog Hywel so funny..you looked after them so well..i may send you my tom plants to look after..lol :o)
5 Jan, 2012
It isn't a serious blog lol. Use your imagination - pretend :o))
I didn't really know what they were. That's how they grew.
It was only supposed to be a bit of fun, because of the wrong answer I gave in TT's quiz.
5 Jan, 2012
it is fun Hywel--- ask Bloomer & Co about Tom Duck from last year--- the tomato fumes caused a serious outbreak of Goy wackiness that has spread........ooerr
5 Jan, 2012
I know it isn't a serious blog Hywel,but at my age it doesnt take much to confuse me..& cant seem to find my imagination either...lol :o)
5 Jan, 2012
Never mind :o) Age can do strange things to people lol (like me)
5 Jan, 2012
Hilarious blog, Hywel, you did so well to grow them to fruition (not sure that's the correct use of that word here!). I thought you were growing little ducklings, I could even see their little beaks. No wonder they had a strange effect on poor Truffle and Blodyn :)
5 Jan, 2012
great blog hywel and glad i didnt get to taste the irish coast toms after seeing what happened to our two lovely culprits, how long did the effects take to wear off hywel.. mind you they wont be to eager to pinch the trial fruits again i bet lol :o)))
5 Jan, 2012
Truffle still looks just the same, as when I photographed him, Sandra ...
... red horns etc ...
He keeps telling me that dog biscuits are the antidote...
... and asking, please may he have LOTS of Bonios ;o)))
5 Jan, 2012
What a scary guard! Those final two photos are absolutely hilarious Hywel.
5 Jan, 2012
lol Terra think he may be pulling your leg Terra haha ;o)) clever truffle
5 Jan, 2012
hahaha - thank you for making me laugh... lovely pictures, loved the guard pics and the surprised look in Truffle's eyes... Well done Hywel and Terra:)
5 Jan, 2012
Brilliant Hywel - loved it!
5 Jan, 2012
Just what we need,Hywel..lots of fun ! This is great,and I never expected to see those two at the end ! Well done,thanks for using your imagination..we all need to do that sometimes..just let the mind do its own thing ! Lol.
5 Jan, 2012
Ha ha Just spotted this blog Hywel....Its brilliant.....laughed my head of nearly Happy New Year my friend x x
5 Jan, 2012
LOL! thats so funny!
5 Jan, 2012
Lmho Hywel I remember the quiz well, super fun blog you and TT are tops, soo funny!! poor Truffle and Blodyn will they ever recover from being tomatoed? still chuckling :o)))))
5 Jan, 2012
Thank you all for your comments :o)
5 Jan, 2012
Smashing blog....makes a change from 'who ate all the pies' :)
6 Jan, 2012
Good little guard-kitty, Blodyn! Well done!
6 Jan, 2012
When I saw it growing up and up Like Jack and the beanstalk I never dreamed instead of a Giant at the top it would be that 'little devil Truffle and is parner in crime the little imp 'Blodyn'......
6 Jan, 2012
Such a commical blog Hywel and those tomatoes looked lovely.
6 Jan, 2012
Have to say i could not stop laughing, it was so so funny, just the thing to make us all smile at this time of year LOL:o)))
6 Jan, 2012
Now I do feel so silly Hywell , but i hadn't seen Terras quiz.yet another senior moment!
6 Jan, 2012
Don't feel silly Pleeease :o) You weren't a member then - I didn't realise that - so I'm the silly one you see lol :o)
I'm sorry if I sounded a bit abrupt. It's the way I talk. I always sound like that - Must be because I'm welsh lol
6 Jan, 2012
Thank you everyone, for your comments :o) I'm glad I gave you a laugh on a dull day :D
6 Jan, 2012
Thats ok Hywell, you're forgiven.
6 Jan, 2012
Thank you :o) x lol
6 Jan, 2012
Just catching upon blogs, Hywel ... so glad I found this one ... I couldn't decide whether Blodyn was yawning or miaowing in the first pic of her! ... Well done on growing the seeds and making me laugh aloud at the final photos ... :o)
7 Jan, 2012
Thats classic and so welcome Hywel, I `ve jogged up and down the blog a few times laughing my head off, I really needed a good Goy session and you`ve come up trumps with this one..Straight into favs, love the pics,lol...
9 Jan, 2012
Poor Blodyn, don't let her see the pics or she may never forgive you. Needed a good chuckle, thankyou!
9 Jan, 2012
Great Blog Hywel. Loved the photos :o))
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks everyone. I'm glad to have given you a laugh :D
11 Jan, 2012
Lol, hywel, brilliant! yes i remember those quizzes last year! :^))
11 Jan, 2012
Thank you ;o)
12 Jan, 2012
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Excellent blog, Hywel.
Now on my favourites ...
I'm delighted at your success with the Irish Coast Tomato trials...
My verdict.. NOT GUILTY ;o)
5 Jan, 2012