Flowering Dunes, and Sea Views.
By hywel
During the warm weather, we went down by the sea, and I took photos of the wild flowers growing on the dunes.
I’d forgotten most of their names, so had to look them up … my memory is fading lol :o)
Sorry if it’s a long blog but you can switch off when you get fed up,
I’m mad about wild flowers, and can’t stop talking about them :o)
All over the dunes grew this tiny little creeping plant. It’s Wild Thyme – Thymus drucei ….
Here it is with some Sea Holly –
Eryngium maritimum …
The Eryngium is very pretty. I’ve got some in the garden, but it isn’t flowering yet.
The next one is Lady’s Bedstraw –
Galium verum …. it grows to about 6 inches, and is sort of tufty :o)
Here are some views …
I’ve shown photos of this place several times, but it’s very nice there …. never gets over-crowded :o)
This old lighthouse is built on a jetty, at the harbour entrance.
It’s disused now ….
Other flowers growing on the dunes are
Rest Harrow – Ononis repens …
Sea Bindweed – Calystegia soldanella …
Pyramid Orchid – Orchis pyramidalis …
It was just coming to the end of it’s flowering.
The dunes are covered with Maram grass –
Ammophila arenaria,
and in places there were lots of Evening primroses – Oenothera biennis …
And of course, you wouldn’t be in Britain if there wasn’t any litter strewn all over the place :o(
Here are just two small samples …
The dunes are being eroded by people walking over them (including me lol)
So in the worst affected areas they’ve been fenced off, and wooden paths have been laid down for you to walk on. …
Some more wild flowers on the dunes …
Heartsease or Wild Pansy – Viola tricolor …
Sea Rocket – Cakile maritima …
This next one I believe is Sea Arrow Grass –
Triglochin maritima ….
It’s common in salt marshes.
Near the harbour entrance I saw lots of Scentless Mayweed – Matricaria maritima …
It was growing in the cracks between the rocks,
as was this little Sea Campion – Silene maritima ….
And also Rock Sea Lavender – Limonium binervosum …
but these photos are not very clear because of the rocks in the background … it’s a lovely mauve colour, and very delicate-looking :o)
Here’s where I keep my yacht ;o)
Just pulling your leg lol :D
Thank you for coming with me over the dunes :o)
29 Jul, 2012
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Thank you Sandra ... it was me and the holiday makers lol although there are never too many crowds there. Beryl isn't able to walk far. She has quite bad arthritis in her hips so she stayed by the car :o(
29 Jul, 2012
That's a shame,Hywel..such a painful condition for Beryl..my mum was the same...hope she was able to have a nice view from the car instead :o)
29 Jul, 2012
Yes she did, I left her looking at the yachts and eating an ice cream lol ...
29 Jul, 2012
What a gorgeous place Hywel! great job naming all of the wildflowers as well.
Nice that you bought Beryl an ice cream ;)
29 Jul, 2012
Lovely photos, you do live in a lovely part of the world Hywel. It great they are protecting the dunes which remind me of the sand dunes in Aberdovey.
29 Jul, 2012
Blog in my Faves.. What nice weather you had, the sea lavender and sea bindweed are lovely. Nice combination of Eryngium and Thyme.
29 Jul, 2012
Thankyou for such a lovely blog really enjoyed the walk with you lovely photos, i never think of going on our sand hills.
29 Jul, 2012
Its amazing what you see when you really look isn't it.. great photos
29 Jul, 2012
Excellent blog Hywel - so interesting!
29 Jul, 2012
Such happy memories walking among the sand dunes Hywel, we loved it when we were kids and my fave. was sea campion, we used to squeeze the back of the flower and watch it open. You have taken some lovely photos. Glad B. enjoyed her ice cream, hope you had one too!!
29 Jul, 2012
What a fascinating variety of plants! It's a shame about the litter, but I'm afraid that's everywhere, we have a problem with it here too.
29 Jul, 2012
oh i do like to be beside the seaside.....and now i now a few more flower names...thank you..:-)
29 Jul, 2012
Oh how lovely Mr Hywel..thanks for taking us on a trip to the seaside :) Love wild flowers too :)))))))
29 Jul, 2012
Its really amazing, how those plants get enough nourishment to survive the salt winds, and flower so beautifully.
We tend to take them too much for granted.
29 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog , Hywel , thanks for the trip !
Wonderful collection of wild flowers there . We've been to a wild beach on the east coast today , but nowhere near as many plants about .
I agree with you Diane , we do take them so for granted .
29 Jul, 2012
The range of flowers is amazing Hywel you've done so well spotting them and then naming them for us.
As you know I enjoy SW Scotland, the area is called the Machars your photo's of the flowers remind me very much of there
29 Jul, 2012
Hywel do you know the wild flower on my blog please? thought you might know, lovely blog and gorgeous pictures :)
29 Jul, 2012
I love this blog, Hywel! It ticks all the boxes: sea, blue skies, dunes, and wildfowers. And you know all the names! The sea campion is very striking up close. It looks a lovely place and all the better for not being crowded. We have a large dune system very near here. It's a fascinating environment, isn't it? Thank you for the trip!
29 Jul, 2012
That is a lovely blog, hywel, I really enjoyed your pics. made me want to sit in a deck chair and have an icecream. lol. Jx
29 Jul, 2012
Oh, Hywel. How you have made me long for the sea! I LOVE wildflowers too and you've shown a beautiful collection there. The wild thyme, bindweed and heartsease appeal to me particularly. As for the litter, it makes my blood boil. Last year, we did a coastal walk in Scotland starting at Port Patrick. At one point, we descended by steep steps into a breathtakingly beautiful little bay, only to discover that behind us, against the rocks was a huge collection of refuse thrown up by the sea. It was absolutely shocking! Why do people do it? Laziness, I suppose, and indifference. Sorry for the rant. Lovely blog as usual. Hope Beryl's ice-cream was good.
29 Jul, 2012
Thank you for a day at the seaside. I love the sea campion although I did not know it was a wild flower. I recently bought one in Aldi to go in my new Rock garden/alpine bed/scree bed. Its doing well in a pot until I finish building the new project. These are great photographs and some I recognise, others I don't think I have seen before.
29 Jul, 2012
A smashing blog Hywel, beautiful surroundings and judging by the colour of the sky it was also a nice day for you, lovely photo`s..
29 Jul, 2012
Thank you all for reading my blog, and your comments :o)
30 Jul, 2012
Thanks for taking me to the seashore- looks like you had a lovely time.
30 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog, Hywel. Shame about the litter louts! It's so easy to just pack up your rubbish and dump it when you see a bin - or take it home. Hate thoughtless people!!
30 Jul, 2012
lovely Hywel - love the sea and beach pictures - and the harbour with your yacht lol - shame some people feel the need to drop litter - makes me really peed off ! You have a lovely area to live in
30 Jul, 2012
A very pleasant journey Hywel, lovely to see, especially for me who doesnt get to visit these places. Thanks, I enjoyed it, and seeing all the flowers - a bonus.
30 Jul, 2012
The opening ceremony at the Olympics seems to be the topic of the day on radio this morning. It was totally spoiled for me by my least favourite person on TV - he who plays Mr Bean - throwing his dirty tissue in to the open piano workings. Disgusting.
30 Jul, 2012
Thank you everyone :o)
Yes Homebird, that's the one ... lol
Scotsgran I couldn't be more disinterested in the olympics if I tried :o( Sport just leaves me numbed ...
30 Jul, 2012
I'm not a tv fan but I enjoy taking a look at the effort the athletes put in. I watched the opening on i player because we missed it on tv but my lasting memory is not good. We don't want to encourage litter louts.
30 Jul, 2012
Would that be the steps near to Monreith Tuesdaybear?, theres a long flight of steps down, the rubbish looks mostly to havecome from the little fishing boats, its supposed to be a conservation area but theplastic bottles ropes gloves...even fish boxes..... makes you wonder
30 Jul, 2012
Another great blog Hywel, loved the walk among the sand dunes and all the lovely wild flowers, a breath of sea air is just what I needed on this showery July day, thanks for the walk!
30 Jul, 2012
Amazing pictures Hywell - It's amazing where you can find such beautiful wild flowers. I particularly liked the Eryngium I'm sure I've never seen it along the beach dunes before - will have to keep an eye out for it!
30 Jul, 2012
Wonderful blog ... I think I need to see the sea again soon now :o)
30 Jul, 2012
Lovely pics Hywell. I love sand dunes, reminds me of many happy holidays in Wells-next-the-Sea in North Norfolk when I was a little girl. You are very knowledgeable with you flower names. Lovely :)
31 Jul, 2012
I could never get fed up of looking at your blogs Hywel, and I don't mind how long they are. Really enjoyed this one as I do all of them.
31 Jul, 2012
looks like a lovely place hywel im gunna suggest heading your way next time we go on hols in wales!...only if we can go on your yacht heehee!! :-)))
31 Jul, 2012
Lovely Hywel - a fantastic collection. Thank you for the pic of the rest harrow - I found some last week and didn't know what it was. Where are the dunes?
2 Aug, 2012
Fantastic pics and very informative too ......I felt as though I was there with you:-))
4 Aug, 2012
My favourite blog of the evening so far, Hywel ... fascinating and very informative with the flower names ... I'm sure there aren't so many wild flowers on our Sussex coast as you have there ...
4 Aug, 2012
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What a great place,Hywel..I love all your pics and how good are you,knowing all those names of the wild flowers ? ..I only know a few of the more common ones..a lovely area and those beaches with wonderful..just such a calming place to be..just you and nature..and Beryl,I presume? :o) Thanks for sharing :o))
29 Jul, 2012