A Sunny Autumn Day
By hywel
It’s been nice and sunny here these past few days, so on Friday I took a bus to Llandeilo.
I always take a bus if I’m going on my own, and it’s a pleasant half hour journey through the countryside.
I took some photos, and I’ll show them to you …
This is St Teilo’s church, after which the place was named :-
While I was there I had a walk around the churchyard. Some of my ancestors are buried there, but I have never found any memorials to them. Maybe they’ve crumbled away with age.
Autumn colours decorate the trees in the grave yard …
I found a Liquidamber that had bright red leaves, but lots of them had been blown off, and were carpeting the ground :-
Here’s a nice Yew tree, with berries and a gnarled trunk …
It was pleasant to walk under the Yews …
I wonder what tree this is ?
It has a nice weeping effect :-
Llandeilo is a hilly place.
Llandeilo bridge, built in 1848, spanning the Tywi river :-
It carries the A 483 trunk road – the main route from Swansea to North Wales
(although it is more like a country lane in many parts)
Here are some views of the river and countryside, from the bridge :-
I’d better go now, or I’ll miss the bus home, and the next one isn’t for an hour !
24 Nov, 2013
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Thank you :o) I'm glad you enjoyed the blog.
I've never seen the grave of the 105 yr old person. I'll have a look next time I go ... although it would be a job to find it because it's rather a large graveyard, and much of it is overgrown.
I agree rivers can tell us a lot. I find them mysterious, and rather frightening at times.
24 Nov, 2013
Beautiful scenery, Hywel,and so much nicer with a lovely blue sky,.it was the same here too..I love the different colours of the Houses..how cheering they look..I'm glad you had a nice walk in the sunshine..:o)
24 Nov, 2013
I do like the way you see "through" things. Your pictures jump off the page and shout 'come visit'. I'm not fond of living in hilly areas. I was brought up where I could see hills and mountains but for miles around it was relatively flat, great cycling country. Thank you for sharing. It is a shame that yews so often are the tree of choice for graveyards because people tend to think of it as a 'gloomy' tree.
24 Nov, 2013
Lovely blog, Hywel ..
reassuring to see there are still some blue-sky places which look peaceful, quiet and surrounded by beautiful scenery and wonderful hills ....
24 Nov, 2013
Its grey here and a nippy wind so seeing your lovely blue sky and beautiful scenery is a treat.
I love the street with the pretty sugar almond coloured houses
24 Nov, 2013
Super blog Hywel, so evocative. The colours of the trees are truly magical.
The colourful houses remind me of the little houses on Murano, the tradition says they were coloured in such a way so the fishermen could see their own homes as they headed home. I wonder if there is a tradition behind 'your' cottages?
Thank you so much for allowing me to accompany you...I really enjoyed the 'walk' :)
24 Nov, 2013
lovely blog. I loved seeing the blue skies and the pretty coloured houses.
24 Nov, 2013
Another lovely, interesting blog Hywel.I love your "walks"I think I like the last few are my fav, with the river.Not sure about the coloured houses! :-))
24 Nov, 2013
What a lovely crisp day you had , I can almost feel the air .
Beautiful pictures , Hwyel .
24 Nov, 2013
Thanks for all your comments :o) I'm pleased everyone liked my blog.
It's been grey and dull today lol
Waddy, I don't think there's a tradition of coloured houses in that street. They have only been painted like that in recent times.
Interesting about the fishermen's cottages :o)
24 Nov, 2013
Really enjoyed this too. The deep blue sky is a wonderful backdrop to all your lovely photos. I love the little collection of autumn leaves on the ground and the shapes of the beautiful trees.
Hope you didn't miss the bus!
24 Nov, 2013
Another super blog with great photos Hywel what a lovely old church and such lovely scenery...enhanced by the bright blue sky so glad you let us share your nice day out :o)
25 Nov, 2013
Lovely pictures . Glad you enjoyed the sunny fall day. Thank you for the tour.
25 Nov, 2013
Thank you all for reading my blog, and your comments :o)
No Wildrose, I didn't miss the bus lol ... and it was nice and warm on it too :o)
25 Nov, 2013
A lovely blog, Hywel! We love wandering around old churchyards as well. There is always something interesting to see. Llandeilo looks a lovely little place.
25 Nov, 2013
Lovely blog Hywel ... fabulous blue sky and such lovely Autumnal colours ... thanks for sharing your trip out ... :o)
25 Nov, 2013
Thank you both for reading my blog, and your comments:o))
25 Nov, 2013
That's a beautiful graveyard Hywel, with some grand trees. Its nice to have ancestors in a place like that. Like the others i really enjoyed the bright colours of the whole blog, especially the blue sky and red leaves.
Gralew, coloured houses are found all over this area. They often brighten up dull parts of town too.
25 Nov, 2013
In future days there will be travelogues that will ask - Has Hywel blogged it? - If the answer be yes, then it is worth a visit...
Great stuff.
26 Nov, 2013
I love your country blogs, Hywel. I love looking around churches and villages. Its nice to see all these places as I don't suppose I would ever get there to see them myself ! The weather seems to have been kind for you for your trip out ! I love the colourful houses too. Thanks for sharing this with us.
26 Nov, 2013
Thanks for all your comments :o) I'm pleased everyone likes my blog.
26 Nov, 2013
You should be named "Travelling Ambassador of Wales"! Your blogs do so much good for Wales! We get to see places that we'd probably never see in our lives. Such great scenery, beautiful old churches & bridges! Lovely views of trees & rivers not to mention the houses you show us on your blogs! :-))
Thanks for the trips you take us on around your part of Wales, Mr Ambassador! :-))
27 Nov, 2013
Thank you for your comment Balcony :o) I'm pleased you liked my blog.
28 Nov, 2013
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great blog...did you see the grave with the person that was a 105 years old? berried there....iam almost sure that this is the church and churchyard that i visited and took photos of :-) (i do not think i have the photos now) will look for them...it will be before i had a computer so it might be a challenge trying to find them... inside the church was a lot of copper and bronze ornate things (or that may have been another church) anyhow....ive enjoyed your blog...brought back some nice memory's for me...and WOW!!! you have had some really lovely bright sunny days (mornings) i was walking under some rather attractive well established Yews the other day...and thought how awesome the trunks are, i love the dark dusty wood... rivers tell a tale..do they not??
thank you.... interesting and picturesque blog...
24 Nov, 2013