Some November Photos from my Garden :o)
By hywel
My garden is winding down now, and I think these will be the last photos for this year.
I’ve taken lots of Fuchsia cuttings, and they seem to be doing well – don’t know if they’ve rooted but they look all right :o)
Here are the potted Fuchsias under cover by the garage. They’ll be put in the shed soon …
The little Begonia semperflorens from my front garden, have been planted in troughs, and cut back, because I want to try and over winter them …
And I have lots of various shrub cuttings :-
I am very pleased my Cyclamen coum corms are growing. I’m looking forward to the flowers in the spring :o)
The Fuchsias are the best things in the garden now. They are doing better than they have all year :o)
Mrs Popple is one of the best ones …
Fuchsia magellanica alba :-
I took some photos of the others but they didn’t come out very well :o(
Acer leaves on an Euonymus bush – looking rather artistic :-
A very late New Dawn rose :-
Colourful Blackberry leaves :-
Blackberry flower :-
A variegated Hebe :-
Colourful leaves on a hydrangea that Homebird sent me last year :-
Another look at the Cotoneaster tree -
it’s still full of berries :o)
Colourful Euonymus leaves :-
Sedum spathulifolium :-
Cupressus :-
I love the colour of this Euphorbia …
And I still have lovely dark leaves on my Sambucus :o)
Holly with berries :-
A garden view containing the Holly tree :-
A garden view with sundial :-
Another view :-
St Francis :-
… with Fuchsia Peter Pan :o)
Bella, who drives me up the wall !
I’m sorry the photos are not very good. They seem to have a bluish tinge to them. I put it down to the weather lol :D
26 Nov, 2013
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Another lovely blog Hywel... All your fucshia cuttings look nice and healthy, and the other plant cuttings as well.I've also taken lots of cuttings, they are under fleece in the grow house, and the main plants overwintering in the shed.Your garden still looks well stocked, and Bella looks as though she is in charge!! Love the Euonymus red leaves, I'm looking out for one these next season... is it Alata?Don't know why you say your photos are not very good, they are lovely!! :-))
ps which Euphorbia is it ?
26 Nov, 2013
Crikey Hywel - if you hadn't said it was your garden in November, it would be difficult to tell.
I'm sure I've said before that your Cotoneaster is my favourite. You've been very busy propagating - I hope all do well for you.
I think the light levels really affect pictures at this time of year - any I seem to take just don't turn out well.
Best not forget Bella - looking ever so content as usual.
26 Nov, 2013
Hywel, I hope that every little cutting survives the winter and does well for you next year.
The pale pink rose is perfect.........and it's November which is quite astonishing!!
Lovely garden pictures and certainly the colour has lasted longer than any of us could have asked for.
26 Nov, 2013
I am amazed by the life in your garden Hywel. Mine is in winter mode.
26 Nov, 2013
You've been very busy and your garden is still looking good in November.
26 Nov, 2013
Aww, poor Bella, I'm sure she doesn't really drive you up the wall and that you love her really.
I cannot believe your Fuchsias, do they realise it's nearly the end of November? Mine have finished flowering ages ago.
I thought my garden had no colour left but your blog has made me feel quite ashamed and I should get out there and look at things with 'different' eyes. Thank you Hywel for making me look closer. The colour still remaining in your garden is truly fantastic :)
26 Nov, 2013
Thanks for reading my blog, and your kind comments about the photos.
Gralew I believe it's Euonymus alata :o)
and yes, Bella is very much in charge ! lol
Good luck with your cuttings ...
Waddy, Bella drives me mad because she wants to go out at 4 a.m. and stays out for many hours looking for shrews in the hedgerows. When she brings them in, she lets them go in the house ! ... drives me mad ! lol :D
26 Nov, 2013
Lol, Sorry, but what about a cat flap Hywel? You might 'love' Bella more then.
26 Nov, 2013
Your photos are just fine Hywel ! Your garden looks amazing still. I can't believe its a November garden ! I must put some of mine on as it is like the flowers have decided to carry on regardless, especially my fuschias too.
26 Nov, 2013
Super colour you have there Hywel, What a lot of cuttings you have been busy! I hope they all do well for you, haven't the fuschias done well to last so long this year mine are still blooming too, Bella looking lovely as ever too! :o)
26 Nov, 2013
It looks lovely, Hywel. Aren't the blackberry leaves beautiful?
26 Nov, 2013
I can see Bella is the boss. I think she approves of all your efforts. She has settled in really well. Your plants are lasting a long time. There is not a month all year when you cannot do a blog that pleases us all. Looks like the potting is taking a back seat for the time being. How do you fit it all in.
26 Nov, 2013
Your garden has a lovely autumnal feel Hywel, if I may have a very artistic eye, not only by your photos but your garden too, Lady Bella seems to approve......
27 Nov, 2013
Thank you all for your comments ... they give me much needed confidence :o)
Waddy there is a cat flap but I lock it at night incase any strays come in.
Rose, yes it would be nice to see some photos of your garden. I hope you are happy there :o)
Scotsgran I want some electrical work done in the garage, but the electrician was taken ill. I'll wait until the new year before asking him again. It's too dark and cold now. When the days start to lengthen it will be better for the electrician, and for me :o)
27 Nov, 2013
Beautiful Bella & beautiful garden too. I couldn't do without a cat flap as I'd have the same problem as you. Get her one for x-mas. My fuchsias got their leaves frosted some time back & are now in the shed. So much colour still in your gdn. Lovely blog, thank you.
27 Nov, 2013
Lovely photos of your garden and Bella, such a pretty cat... nice to see lots still going on in your garden.:))
27 Nov, 2013
Thank you both :o))
27 Nov, 2013
You have so much colour in your November garden, Hywel ... all looking good ... don't be too hard on Bella ... she's only doing what comes natural to a cat! :o))
27 Nov, 2013
What wonderful colours for November Hywel. That long view of the garden just shows how well planned it all is with the contrasts of colour and shape. You can come and redesign mine any time!
We would hate to be without our catflap. Another cat did venture into the utility room once but the resident soon sorted that out!
Shrew suggestion: Rowan usually kills her prey before she brings it in, but with our last cat we used to get a cardboard tube and close off one end. Put cotton wool or something similar in the closed end, and a couple of sultanas or a bit of birdseed, and leave it in the same room as the shrew.The shrew or vole would see the 'tunnel' and shelter in it and in the morning you can just take it outside and shake it out.
Did the Alice Hoffman take? I've rooted a spare just in case.
27 Nov, 2013
Thank you all for your comments :o)
Hi Shirley, Bella is much wilder than any other cat I've ever had lol. She was kept as a 'house cat' with her previous owners, and now that she's found the outside world she's gone mad !
Steragram there is a cat flap - well two of them really (one in the conservatory door to the outside, and one in the 'conservatory into kitchen' door ... so that Bella can come and go as she pleases.
However, I lock the outside door flap in the night. When Bella wants to go out at 4 a.m. she has to wake me up. She won't stay in like the other cats did.
Thanks for the 'shrew suggestion' !
Yes the two Alices are doing well. So far so good :o)
27 Nov, 2013
She's making up for lost time then Hywel!
27 Nov, 2013
Yes she definitely is ...
At the moment sleeping peacefully on the settee lol
27 Nov, 2013
27 Nov, 2013
It's really amazing how a few extra weeks of mild weather in the autumn can make such a difference in a garden! With such a mild October the frosts have taken their time arriving - much to our delight! Here the frosts arrived at least 3 weeks later than other years. Here we are at the end of November still without a good hard frost to put everything under "wraps" for the winter. Only timid affairs hardly worth calling frost!
I was most surprised to see that lovely "New Dawn" rose, Hywel, it's really lovely! Your garden looks wonderful for the end of November! I hope your cutting do alright. I have taken cuttings of Geraniums & Pelargoniums & African Violets & many seem to have rooted! :-))
The Pansies & Violas on my balcony are looking good & will provide some colour during the winter.
27 Nov, 2013
Are you keeping any fuchsias on your balcony this year Balcony?
27 Nov, 2013
Good luck with your cuttings Balcony. I can never grow African violets. They never last very long here.
I'd like to know about your balcony fuchsias too ...
28 Nov, 2013
Lovely photo's Hywel, you've been very busy with your cuttings, I never have much success with cuttings in pots, however if I just pop a few twigs straight into the garden they usually take for me, I do something wrong somewhere, I tried for years with African Violets and always lost them until I brought home the one that dad threw out when mum died, that was four years ago and its now twice the size and flowering well, I like to think my mum is keeping an eye on it for me.....
Can't have catflaps here as Morgan ends up wearing them so I do know how maddening it can be when one of the cats decide it wants out after everything is locked up for the night....
2 Dec, 2013
Would have been great to see a pic of Morgan wearing a cat flap...
2 Dec, 2013
Just a thought Hywel, what about a magnetic cat flap? Our last cat used to have one. The cat wears a collar with a special tag, which operates the catflap. Only the cat wearing the tag can get through the flap.
2 Dec, 2013
I don't have any Fuchsias now, well that is except for a climbing one 'Lady Boothby'. I got it as a rooted cutting from a girl on another gardening forum I post on. It did quite well last year, it's first on my balcony, but this year it has just sulked & has hardly grown at all & produced not a single flower. :-((
I would like to get so more next year as it is one of my all time favourite plants! :-))
I have no difficulty with growing or rooting African Violets. I'll have to post a blog with some I have. I potted up half a dozen cuttings a month or so ago & they are looking quite well at the moment.
I was sent some miniature ones back in March from a guy on another gardening forum. I sent him an Amaryllis bulb & he sent me the tiny plants - most of which are still growing & gave me lots of flowers during the summer. I hope they survive the winter.
2 Dec, 2013
Thank you all for reading my blog, and your comments :o)
Hi Sue. Nice to hear from you again. I'm pleased to hear about your African Violets. I just can't grow them at all.
Hi Waddy, I was told that it wasn't possible to install a magnetic cat flap into my double glazed door.
Anyway I don't like cats wearing collars. I don't think they like it either. It might not 'seem' to bother them but I'm sure it does. They can't tell us.
Hi Balcony. I hope you can grow some more Fuchsias next year. I also like them very much. I will look at your African Violet blog later on :o)
3 Dec, 2013
Interesting about cat collars, Hywel. One of our neighbours is a vet. He used to have a wandering cat, who he wouldn't see for days. He wouldn't put a collar on him for identification, because he reckoned they were a safety risk - he said the chance of the cat catching it on something and then choking were quite high - although I've never actually heard of that happening.
As to whether the cat is comfortable with it - plenty of little boys don't like stiff collars, but they can make it perfectly obvious!
3 Dec, 2013
I hate collars and ties myself Melchisedec, and maybe that's why I don't like the thought of a cat wearing a collar.
I had some snobbish relations and they weren't willing when I wore my T-shirt and jeans lol ... well that's normal for a teenager I think (and for old men too !)
3 Dec, 2013
I'm with you! Since I retired, it's definitely dress-down day most days unless it's very important. (Like being mother of the bride/groom!)
3 Dec, 2013
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Nice to see so much colour still about, I am sure it will suddenly go, it seems to be hanging on much longer than usual. I don't see a bluish tinge, Bella looks fine.
26 Nov, 2013