October Ends ... Autumn 2013
By hywel
My garden is still nice and green.
WET ! but nice and green …
But then it usually is in October. We don’t often get early frosts here,
… and that suits me, because I like the rain.
I’ve taken some photos over the past 2 or 3 days, to show you how it’s looking at the moment :o)
I hope you enjoy them …
A winter flowering pansy :-
Solanum capsicastrum berries :-
They’re not really that colour. They’re much more of a tangerine colour, but the modern camera isn’t very good at copying the colours correctly :o(
An autumn flowering Cyclamen, in a hanging macramé … ‘thing’ …
My hardy Fuchsias are better now than they’ve been all summer :o)
This big Mrs Popple is full of flowers :-
Again, the colour isn’t picked up properly by the digital camera :o(
Lena and Lady Thumb :-
Army Nurse :-
Delta’s Sarah :-
It’s dragging along the ground, so I had to hold it up for the photo !
Here’s a frost tender one – Carmel Blue …
It’s looking a bit bedraggled. I’ll have to take it in for the winter :-
Hydrangea paniculata :-
A Saxifrage, but I don’t know the name :-
Gentle Hermione :-
It’s a rose someone gave me in memory of my mam and dad :o)
Lonicera :-
I like the way this variegated Ivy creeps all about my garden, in between all the slabs, and filling in the gaps :o)
This Hypericum shrub still has flowers, and green berries …
… as well as black berries :-
I’ve never seen these Euonymus berries before :-
Cotoneaster cornubia :-
Cotoneaster horizontalis :-
Garden views …
A view looking north west from my garden :-
St Francis watches over us all :o)
Here’s Bella, enjoying the autumn rain ! :o)
Well, it’s dark and cold and wet … so I think I’m going to hibernate now, until the spring :D
31 Oct, 2013
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Lovely as usual - the cotoneaster is a real treat: birds' breakfast all ready and waiting? My hardy fuchsias are doing well too - how do you get Lena to grow so upright?
Rowan wants to know if Bella enjoys jumping about in the plants and hiding? Also whether the pottery cat is finished?
31 Oct, 2013
so much colour still in your garden Hywel...lets hope the wind this weekend leaves u some flowers to look at next week...:-)
31 Oct, 2013
Your garden is looking incredible for this time of the year Hywel. Your Cotoneaster cornubia is my favourite of all your plants - I love it.
Bella looking beautiful as usual. Views amazing.
Thanks for sharing.
31 Oct, 2013
Thank you all :o)
Lizziebee I am pleased to hear of your Mrs Popple :o)
Steragram I think Lena is growing up through the other fuchsias around her.
Please tell Rowan that Bella enjoys frightening me by jumping out from behind a bush, when I don't know she's there !
And no, the pottery cat isn't finished. I'm waiting for an electrician to come and see to the plugs in my shed ... but he has the flue ! :o(
Sandra I hope we don't get any winds this week end. I didn't know they had been predicted. We were lucky last week end, we had none ... even though Pembrey Sands recorded winds of over 80 mph :o(
Scottish I am pleased you like my C cornubia. I nearly lost it a few years ago, when the trunk started to go rotten ... but all is well now :o)
31 Oct, 2013
what a lovely blog Hywel. your garden is looking wonderful. glad bella enjoys the garden too. Your fuchsia are beautiful.
31 Oct, 2013
going to be windy saturday..we have 50/60 mph predicted Hywel..
31 Oct, 2013
Your garden is lovely,Hywel,and like others,I really like the Cotoneasters and Mrs Popple..I have Lena too..a gift from Steragram..I think mine might be better growing through something else,instead of the flowers being on the ground..or maybe in my Chimney pot next year..Your Gentle Hermoine Rose is beautiful,but I love the two rings you are wearing in the photo A lovely blog and pics,thank you for sharing :o)
31 Oct, 2013
yes wet but lovely.
From Jane.
31 Oct, 2013
Looks great Hywel. I always think that Cotoneaster of your looks wonderful with all the red berries.
31 Oct, 2013
Thanks for all your comments about my garden :o)
Sandra Bloomer, I always wear those rings. They are Celtic rings, and have a knot-work pattern on them :o)
Sandra, I hope the weather prediction is wrong :o(
31 Oct, 2013
Beautiful blog as ever Hywel I love your Cotoneaster standard tree it is beautiful like a red and green umbrella, your fuschias are gorgeous too, Bella is lucky to have so many lovely plants to hide amongst..... or pose beside! Thank you for sharing your colourful garden don't make us wait til spring for an update lol :o)
31 Oct, 2013
I thought they might be,Hywel.I love the engraving on them .:o)
31 Oct, 2013
Hi Hywel, thanks for sharing the pictures of your colourful garden. Lots of berries there for the birds to eat. I love your celtic rings, I really love the celtic artwork. I hope you got through the weekend of bad weather alright. We didn't have it too bad in Derbyshire, we were on the edge of the weather front. Your new cat Bella is really lovely. Our Dusty has settled down well with us now and likes to follow us to see what we are doing. She has just started to let us pick her up. It's taken her a long time to overcome all her fears.
1 Nov, 2013
Yet again... another great blog.Mrs Popple has been great again in my garden,has nearly taken over the border she's in.Love the Cotoneaster Hywel, did you train it to a tree?so many lovely berries on it.Those fantastic views as well....I'm jealous!
1 Nov, 2013
Thank you all :o)
Neena I'm going to hibernate now ... :o) I don't know when my next blog will be ...
Bella enjoys hiding among the shrubs and jumping out at me when I don't know she's there ! :o)
Linda I'm pleased you like my Celtic rings :o)
We didn't get the bad weather here - we missed it. We were lucky !
I'm glad Dusty has settled now. Bella is taking her time, bet getting there slowly :o)
Gralew I bought the Cotoneaster as a standard tree, but I keep cutting it back for it to stay the same shape :o)
1 Nov, 2013
I love that standard tree Hywel, must look out for one of those, the birds will be having a right ole feast in your garden with all those berries, there are lots showing around here as well, its s'posed to be a sign of a harsh winter isn't it?, its a very soggy day here again but quite mild, I' m being selfish and hoping it stays that way as I haven't been able to move any of my plants yet, my toms are still in the top g'house and I'm not s'posed to garden until I've had my checkup,(sigh)
Lovely to see all your fuschias doing so well still and of course the lovely Bella, all four-legged friends here are staying indoors, even Morgan and Brynner have decided its lazy time and are sleeping the days away, don't know what they'll do when winter does arrive, lol.....
1 Nov, 2013
A lovely blog, as always, Hywel. I had practically given up on my fuchsias this year, but now they are just coming into their own. I hope they will last a bit longer, and I think they might - like you, we have a mild climate here. The garden is really going over now, but the mild weather means everything continues to grow. The lawn is in desperate need of a cut, but it's rather wet ... never mind - I think I will have to get to it! I find I lose motivation around this time of year. What a great year it's been, though, so badly needed after the last few. Enjoy your hibernation ;-)
1 Nov, 2013
I enjoyed your garden Hywel and I think Bella likes the rain like you too, she looks like she's smiling :-)
A couple years ago, after seeing yours, I bought a Cotoneaster cornubia, no berries yet or very few, any idea how long I will have to wait, thanks
1 Nov, 2013
Your garden looks lovely as usual Hywel fabulous fuchsias mine have only just got going to, Bella's lovely,a cat that likes water!!!! mind you saying that our daughters does to he tries to get in the shower with her boyfriend.
1 Nov, 2013
My daughters fuchsia is in very full flower like yours and looks beautiful Hywel, strange seasons. Your garden is a delight for November Hywel still lots of colour, wonderful.
1 Nov, 2013
Great blog as always. My fuschias have only come into their own in the last month or so, very odd. Love all the flowers and berries, and Bella too of course.
1 Nov, 2013
Thanks for all your comments about my garden :o)
Sue I think lots of berries are a sign that there were plenty of insects around at pollinating time :o) I don't think berries know what the weather is going to do next January :o)
(That's my way of hoping we'll have a mild winter lol)
I hope it's not long before your check up ...
Dawn my C cornubia is about 25 years old. It gets better every year ... Good Luck ! I hope you get some berries next year. The flowers always attract many many insects :o)
I am happy that other people also have some nice Fuchsias at last ...
Thank you all :o)
1 Nov, 2013
1 Nov, 2013
Still some lovely colour in your garden Hywel..Hi :)) Ive been looking at pics of your Cactus and wow they are amazing, hard to believe some are 30 plus years old, they must be hardier than i thought, Fascinating plants arent they.. Bella looks relaxed and happy, great job there Hywel, you obviously know as much about cats as you do Cacti :))))
2 Nov, 2013
Great blog and that view is to die for. I do like cotoneasters they are probably my favourite shrub. They look good in every season.
2 Nov, 2013
Thanks for all your comments :o)
2 Nov, 2013
Thanks Hywel. I hope so too.
2 Nov, 2013
Your garden is looking great, Hywel. I keep looking at it and wondering if I could be brave enough to get rid of my back lawn - something to think about over the winter :)
3 Nov, 2013
Your Alice Hoffman have rooted in water Hywel. Shall I pot them up and wait until spring or shall I risk sending them now?
3 Nov, 2013
Thank you all :o))
Gee yes get rid of the lawn. They're so boring, and a lot of work. They get full of moss and weeds, and you have to keep mowing and scarifying them :o( You can tell I don't like lawns lol
You'll be able to grow more plants and your garden will look more interesting :o)
I don't know what to do Steragram ! They will probably make the journey all right I suppose, so you could send them :o) I'll keep them in the conservatory. Thank you.
3 Nov, 2013
Tell you what, I'll keep one back and pot it just in case and if the other two don't survive tell me and I'll send it next year. Best of both worlds.
3 Nov, 2013
That's a good idea :o) Thank you ...
3 Nov, 2013
All still looking good in your garden Hywel, lets hope we dont get to much cold weather.... or I will join you in hibernation.... :))
4 Nov, 2013
I felt like hibernating yesterday it was so cold. This morning when I went to put the bins out there was frost on top of the cotoneaster on the front wall. Our neighbours roof was totally white and here and there where there are no trees there is frost on the ground. Brr! I hope all of our members who are busy moving and settling in to their new homes are all warm and cosy.
4 Nov, 2013
Thank you Hollyeves, you are welcome to join me in hibernation. I think I will go there SOON !
Thank you Scotsgran, I thought I saw frost on my car roof at 4 a.m. when I looked out. It had gone by 7 ... but today has been rather chilly. I hope the frost didn't spoil any remaining flowers in your garden.
Are there any people moving home then ? I think I've missed that information along the way ...
It was a very frosty February when I moved here, and I had a job to dig some things out of the ground. It took one day to move the furniture and a whole week to move all the plants !
4 Nov, 2013
You won't be moving again soon then. Cuttings posted today. Don't get too excited, they are very tiny as most of the shoots were flowering.
4 Nov, 2013
There was quite a frost two miles inland, where Mum lives. It took her a while to de-ice the windscreen. Here, fairly close to the seafront, there was no sign of one, but it is beginning to get a bit chilly!
4 Nov, 2013
Hywel Karensusan, has just moved and will in future be goying as Cottagekaren, Franl155 is moving very soon. Quiltingqueen and Urbanite also have new homes to move in to soon. Nothing stands still for long.
5 Nov, 2013
Ah yes, I remember about Urbanite now :o)
Never heard of Quiltingqueen ... so I looked her up.
Apparently I put a comment on her recent blog lol ... but she hasn't been on for a long time before that.
5 Nov, 2013
What a lovely collection of plants, especially fuschias you have , Hywel. I wouldn't hibernate yet as there might still be some sunny days , even though its cold ! Just put another jumper on Hywel ! Lol.
11 Nov, 2013
Thank you Rose :o)
I am hibernating. It's too cold for me now lol :D
12 Nov, 2013
What about thermals then, Hywel ! Hahaa!
12 Nov, 2013
lol :o) ... I don't like being all muffled up Rose ... it's better for me to hibernate until the spring :o)
Today has been nice though ...
12 Nov, 2013
Hello Hywel
Lovely St Francis statue ... wonderful Bella ...
pretty garden .. stunning views ...
14 Nov, 2013
Thank you TT x
St Francis and Bella say thank you too :o)
14 Nov, 2013
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I agree about Mrs Popple, I was wondering where mine was until recently, and now lots of flowers, even my OH noticed, that is unusual!!
31 Oct, 2013