Advent Garden
By hywel
To me, Christmas time begins at Advent, which commences on the 4th Sunday before 25th December. That’s the real Christmas :o)
So to celebrate Advent, here are some photos I took this morning, in my garden …
The Holly …
And the Ivy :o)
Red berries of Cotoneaster cornubia …
And Cotoneaster horizontalis :-
More berries -
Solanum capsicastrum :o)
Festive colours of Sedum rubrotinctum :-
And Sedum spathulifolium …
Colourful winter Violas :o)
A new plant I bought last week to cheer myself up after being to the dentist :o))
Euonymus fortunei ‘Harlequin’ :-
I’m going to put it in a pot by the front door for Christmas :o)
There are little buds appearing on my white heather,
but Bella’s tail got in the way when I took the photo lol !
Viburnum tinus with plenty of flowers appearing …
Cyclamen :-
I must show you this plant which I bought for hanging up in the summer …
It’s Plectranthus ciliatus, and it’s coming into flower :o)
I was told when I bought it that it wouldn’t flower, and that it was only bought for it’s leaves … which I thought were rather dull all summer,
but now they are turning a lovely deep purple on their lower surfaces …
And it’s got these dainty little flowers appearing all over.
I think they are very pretty :o)
Well I hope these few photos of what’s in my garden at the start of Advent, will help cheer you on through the dark winter days,
and give hope of renewed life, to appear from dormant twigs, seeds, and bulbs, when spring comes around once more :o)
1 Dec, 2013
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Advent is a very special season, Hywel, and one of my favourites. Your plants look lovely - holly, ivy and berries. Just perfect!
1 Dec, 2013
Lovely pictures Hywel. I love to see all the shrubs with their winter berries on. I also love your new plant.
1 Dec, 2013
It is perfect Hywel. I love that your Plectranthus ciliatus is flowering for you. It does have lovely pea like flowering stems. Thank you for sharing your photos and your hopes of renewal as the seasons move on.
1 Dec, 2013
Thanks Hywel xxx
I like Bella's photo too. very artistic. :0)
1 Dec, 2013
Lovely Christmassy photos, and well done with the plant that doesn't flower! Rowan says to tell Bella she does very well at being a typical pussycat.
1 Dec, 2013
Perfect images to start the festive season Hywel. Quite nice that your Plectranthus has flowered for you. It must like that spot. I have that Euonymus - it's a very pretty one. There is also a green and cream one - I picked it up in B&Q last winter for 50p!
1 Dec, 2013
Hywel-I just love your plants with those gorgeous berries!! I will definately need to get some of those to brighten up my garden. Lovely, thank you for sharing them with us.
1 Dec, 2013
What a wonderful collection , Hwyel .
Lots happening in your neck of the woods !
Advent is a lovely season ; all about preparation .
1 Dec, 2013
Brilliant Hywel I like that Plectranthus Roy.
1 Dec, 2013
love the photos.... :-)
1 Dec, 2013
Thank you all for your comments :o)
TT & Pam - I'm pleased you like that particular photo. It took a lot of skill on Bella's part, to get her tail in exactly the right position ! ;o))) lol
TT - Yes thank you, my tooth is better now. I had a filling :o)
Steragram - Bella is happy to have that compliment from Rowan ... thank you :o)
Scottish - 50p ! That was a bargain :o)
Thank you all :o))
1 Dec, 2013
Lovely blog for Advent to cheer us Hywel super colour in your plants, well done Bella the Heather looks lovely through the mist of your tail fur! :o)
1 Dec, 2013
Lovely blog Hywel as usual. Love the Plectranthus, this is a new one on me, the leaves are a lovely colour :-))
2 Dec, 2013
Lovely Hywel... great pics....
2 Dec, 2013
Thank you all for reading my blog, and your comments :o)
2 Dec, 2013
Beautiful pictures Hywel and fancy proving the garden centre wrong and getting your Plectranthus to flower. They obviously dont know about your reputation and your green fingers :):)
2 Dec, 2013
Hi hywel I love the blue flower very nice :0)
2 Dec, 2013
Thank you both :o)
3 Dec, 2013
Some lovely winter colour in your garden Hywel, our Plectranthus flowered also, it was the hot summer apparently, they are right at the GC they hardly ever flower, and usually bought for their attractive leaves.....have you taken cuttings for next year?
4 Dec, 2013
Thank you Dottydaisy :o) I haven't taken cuttings yet. I will do soon ...
4 Dec, 2013
lovely festive colours Hywel. do you take the sedums inside for the winter?
5 Dec, 2013
I put the small ones in shelter but the one in the big stone pot stays where it is ...
5 Dec, 2013
Wonderful winter pictures Hywel, so much colour, I love to see the bright berries at this time of year and the colour on your sedums is beautiful.
5 Dec, 2013
Lovely to see so much colour at this time of the season! You did well to get your Plectranthus to flower! :-)) Do you know if it has a common name?
5 Dec, 2013
Thank you both :o)
I don't think it's got a common name Balcony. I do know however, that Plectranthus verticillatus is known as Sweedish Ivy.
I used to grow it and it flowered every year, although they were small and insignificant.
This species is different.
5 Dec, 2013
I really like your blog. To me, nothings says Christmas like red holly berries. They are wonderful in floral displays and centerpieces. Red berries in general are so beautiful.
Also, I'm looking for a low growing colorful ground cover and was very inspired by the Sedum spathulifolium. I wonder if that's my answer. Is it red like that all year? Does it flower?
6 Dec, 2013
Hi Bathgate ... thanks for your comment.
S. spathulifolium will grow in a rockery with well drained soil, or in a tub. Mine is in a tub, and it's quite hardy here. We sometimes get temperatures down to a few degrees below zero for a night or two in the winter, but it doesn't seem to be bothered by that.
If you get one, make sure it is Sedum spathulifolium 'purpureum'. It is a nice colour all year round, but will go paler in shade. The colour seems to intensify in cold weather too.
The other one - S. spathulifolium - is a silvery grey colour. Very pretty but it remains that colour all the time.
They do flower. They get little heads of starry yellow flowers in the summer, that contrast nicely with the foliage.
They are small plants, suitable for a tub or rockery really. I hope you can find one :o)
7 Dec, 2013
Thanks for your comment, very helpful. I thought the Sedum spathulifolium 'purpureum' would look nice around my Euonymus - Silver King, see pic,
It's in a hot dry sunny location, perfect for sedums. Aren't they relatively low maintenance plants? I want it to completely cover the ground around my three euonymus bushes which aren't very big at all.
7 Dec, 2013
It would look nice with that shrub :o)
Yes they are low maintenance.
7 Dec, 2013
7 Dec, 2013
How lovely to have so much colour still, I do like to see all the red berries glowing at this time of the year and you have some smashers there Hywel, do like your new Euonymus, might have to treat myself, lol.....
7 Dec, 2013
Thank you :o) I hope you can get the Euonymus. It is very pretty.
7 Dec, 2013
A lovely thought to put together a blog for Advent and what beautiful photos you found for it. I really like the 'dentist's plant' and the bright red berries with the ivy too.
8 Dec, 2013
Thank you :o)
8 Dec, 2013
Hello Hywel ... I'm playing 'catch-up' as usual ... nothing new there then! Fabulous red berries on your shrubs ... you brought back a childhood memory for me when I saw the Solanum capsicastrum plant ... my dear old Nan had one and when I visited once I decided to pull a berry off and roll it around my palm ... bad decision as my palm became very swollen and itchy! I blame it on being young and foolish at the time ... :o)
14 Dec, 2013
Thank you Shirley. I get behind with viewing too ... not enough time lol
I'm sorry to hear the berry didn't agree with you. Keep away from them ...
14 Dec, 2013
I shall Hywel ... :o)
14 Dec, 2013
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Hello Hywel ..
lovely photos ...
especially that heather photo ...
one of your best-ever pics ;o)
I hope your tooth ache has gone.
1 Dec, 2013