Winter companions ...
By hywel
I enjoy growing exotic plants in the house. They don’t die back in the winter, but keep me company all year round.
I couldn’t live in a house with no plants. It would be dull and boring :o)
Here’s a selection of my ‘house plants’ :o)
Firstly some with pretty and colourful leaves …
Calathea tricolor …
Calathea roseopicta …
Iresine herbstii and Iresine lindenii …
Tradescantia zebrina …
Cordyline fruticosa …
A variegated Aspidistra :o)
Ficus benjamina …
Ctinanthe burle-marxii amagris …
Maranta macoyana …
Pilea cadierei …
Polyscias balfouriana …
Dracaena deremensis …
Sansevieria trifasciata laurentii …
Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii …
Some cascading ones …
Asparagus sprengeri …
Aeschynanthus marmoratus …
Chlorophytum comosum …
Plectranthus ciliatus …
Some with interesting flowers …
Aeschynanthus marmoratus …
Anthurium …
Aspidistra elatior …
Billbergia nutans …
Clivia miniata …
Impatiens niamniamensis …
Jasminum polyanthum …
Spathiphyllum wallisii …
Plectranthus ciliatus …
And some with plain green leaves …
Aspidistra elatior …
Cyperus alternifolius …
Schefflera arboricola …
Soleirolia soleirolii :-
Billbergia nutans …
(the pink ones are flowering stems – shown above)
Ficus microcarpa …
And it also has interesting roots :o)
And one with winter berries :o)
Solanum crispum …
Well I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing some exotic plants. I have a few more than this, and maybe I’ll show them one day.
I know lots of people can’t be bothered with them,
but I think they make a nice change from the outdoor ones – especially in the winter – and I could never do without them :o)
2 Feb, 2014
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Wow Hywel what beautiful interesting house plants, I can see why you love them so
I nominated this for Goypedia house plants.......theres something for everyone :0)
2 Feb, 2014
What a wonderful variety you've got there Hywel! I particularly like the variegated Aspidistra :o)
Do you keep them all in the house in their respective "homes" all year round, or do they go into the greenhouse at various times of the year - For a holiday perhaps? ;o)
2 Feb, 2014
Gosh how do you fit them all in Hywel, they all look so healthy, tell me does Bella ever take a fancy to any of them, I often find Caspar has had a play with some of mine, he's the only one that does, how often do you give them plantfood, I'm always a bit neglectful of mine and never sure how often to feed them in the winter months..
Thankyou for adding the names, I've added to my favs and some to my wishlist, lol.......
2 Feb, 2014
Beautiful plants and all look so well cared for and happy to be placed where they are. I love 'greenery' in house too but tend to have more success with ferns and flowerless ones.
2 Feb, 2014
Your plants are beautiful, Hywel. I also like to have houseplants, though I'm not terribly good with them - they have to be robust to survive! I love foliage plants, indoors and out. Calathea tricolor is one of my favourites.
2 Feb, 2014
You've a wonderful selection Hywel - houseplants tremble at their roots at the mere sight of my front door! My father used to have a wonderful selection of houseplants - I was so scared I would kill them that I gave them away to a couple of his friends that I knew would take care of them.
2 Feb, 2014
Thank you all for your comments about my plants :o)
Pamg thanks for nominating :o)
Petaltracey most of them remain in the house all the time. Some of them can grow outside in the summer, so I put them in a covered shelter (sort of 'conservatory') outside the back door.
Lincslass Sue, Bella chews the Cyperus (Umbrella Grass) and the Chlorophytum ! She isn't interested in the others lol. I let her chew them. They are like grass, which cats need ... and I don't mind a few chewed leaves in the winter when there isn't much grass outside :o)
I'm glad I was able to provide you with some names for your wish list :o))
I only feed them in the summer, when I remember :o)
Thank you all :o))
2 Feb, 2014
Hello Hywel ... Super selection ...
Bella might chomp at the grassy plants ...
but are the cattle chewing your Asparagus sprengeri ?
… ;o)
2 Feb, 2014
they all look great. I never have much luck with indoor plants, but you;ve inspired me to try again.
2 Feb, 2014
look very nice all your plants!
2 Feb, 2014
Hywel, I am sooo with you. I would hate the idea of a home without plants, both inside and out. I love your wonderful, colourful collection. I'm surprised there's any room for you and your good lady!
2 Feb, 2014
wow these are all absolutely stunning! So many colours and shapes, you have an amazing collection!
I haven't too much room for indoor plants as it's my parents house and can't impose plants on them where they don't want them, but I'm overwintering my aeonium collection indoors and treasure them
2 Feb, 2014
I would love to have the room for even half of your lovely plants,Hywel...I'm very limited for space..they all look so healthy too.A beautiful collection ..:o)
2 Feb, 2014
Same here. I thought my African Violets were supposed to flower all winter - they didnt. The potted leaves are
now sending up sprouts so that must be right.
They must know Spring is round the corner !
I went without indoor plants for 8 years as Topsy eats them and then vomits. She even vomited when I grew
Cat Grass in a tray for her. Persians are a bit of a nuisance. Have strange stomachs.
She lives in my bedroom and bathroom area now, and is
quite warm and happy. The next 2 months are daily grooming months, as her fur thickens up and is very difficult to manage if not brushed with a wire dog brush.
I was wondering today what has happened to Sticky Toffee. Should have called Topsy Sticky Toffee.
2 Feb, 2014
Thank you all for your comments :o)
TT the cattle graze on the Aspasagus :o)
Lijemc I am glad to have inspired you :o)
Waddy there is plenty of room for us all :o) lol and a few more plants when I buy them ! :D
Diane, Bella chews the grassy ones. She has to be brushed also, because her fur is thick and long, and gets knotted easily. She hates it !
Thank you all :o)
2 Feb, 2014
Wow love them all Hywel, great selection :-)
2 Feb, 2014
Thank you :o)
3 Feb, 2014
You have a great collection of house plants there Hywel........ :)))))
3 Feb, 2014
what a lovely selection of house plants there Hywel. Love the variegated aspidistra. my all green one has flowered this year too. such incredible flowers.
3 Feb, 2014
Thank you both :o)
3 Feb, 2014
Wow Hywel, what a lovely collection ! Your house must be huge to accomodate all of these !
5 Feb, 2014
Thank you Rose ...
Yes, I live in a mansion ! lol ;o))
5 Feb, 2014
6 Feb, 2014
Diane, have you ever heard of the grooming aid called Furminator? We bought one a couple of weeks ago and its amazing - gets all the loose undercoat out without heavy brushing, and the cat absolutely loves it. Not cheap but better than fur all over everywhere.
Hywel your house plants are fantastic - a lovely collection and all looking so healthy. Can't imagine where you find room for them all! How interesting to see an aspidistra flower - yours is the only one I've ever seen, and i was always told as a child that they didn't flower!
8 Feb, 2014
Great amount of lovely plants there, Hywel! Like you I couldn't be without my indoor plants! I don't have nearly as many as you do nor is there that much room for them but the flat would really seem empty & devoid of life if I didn't have a few!
That is besides the 3 windowsills full of Amaryllis for 6 months of the year! Perhaps I should do a blog on my houseplants! It something that had never occurred to me before! Yet I've seen your other blogs with lots of house plants!
You do very well to keep them all looking so healthy! :-))
9 Feb, 2014
Thank you all for your comments :o)
Steragram, they are dotted all over the house ...
I would like to see your house plants Balcony.
9 Feb, 2014
I'll see about making up a blog sometime this week, Hywel.
10 Feb, 2014
Thank you. Take your time though. I won't be seeing much on here this week. I need a break.
10 Feb, 2014
:-)) Understandable, Hywel!
10 Feb, 2014
10 Feb, 2014
What an amazing collection! I have loads of s. soleirolii growing around the porch but have not thought to grow in a pot and will do so when we get some nice warm weather.
I only have a few plants on the kitchen windowsill.
12 Feb, 2014
Thanks for your comment :o)
15 Feb, 2014
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What a wonderful variety you have .
2 Feb, 2014