An August Fuchsia Blog :)
By hywel
On the last day of August, I thought I’d tell you about how my plants have been doing this month …
Here’s my new Fuchsia house, that I’ve been constructing over the past few years, and it still isn’t finished properly yet ! lol
I hope to get it done before the winter …
(Arthritis and Vertigo permitting !)
I’ll give you a peep inside it :-
Looking out, from the inside :-
… and the tall Fuchsia is Peter Pan.
It’s a hardy variety :o)
I’ve got some Pelargoniums in there as well as Fuchsias :-
Now here’s a peep into ‘Fuchsia Alley’ which is a narrow covered place, between the garage and next door’s boundary :-
I share the Fuchsias between the new Fuchsia House and Fuchsia Alley …
I’ve been lucky with cuttings this year, and been able to get several of them to root :)
I’ve got them down at the front of the garage,
and people walking up the little back road can see them.
I’ve had lots of compliments lol and actually given some away :D
Here’s my cutting of Mary Lockyer :-
I was lucky it rooted, because the big one has died :(
Now let me show you some of my August flowering Fuchsias …
I don’t grow them in displays, like tubs and hanging baskets etc.
I grow them as individual specimens in pots,
because they form a collection, and you can see them better like that :o)
Anabel :-
Anne Hoogendam :-
Army Nurse
(Hardy) :-
Autumnale, with its bronzy foliage :-
Bland’s New Striped :-
Blue Mirage :-
BorderQueen :-
Carmel Blue :-
Celia Smedley :-
Checkerboard :-
(Said to be hardy, but I’m not risking it !) :-
Cloverdale Pearl
(Hardy) :-
Crosby Soroptimist :-
Delta’s Sarah (and cats !!!)
Another hardy variety :-
Dorothy Hanley
(Also Hardy) :-
Foxgrove Wood (Hardy) :-
Fuchsia magellanica ‘Riccartonii’
(Hardy) :-
Hanna :-
Harry Grey :-
Hidcote Beauty :-
Jose Tamerus :-
Lady in Grey :-
Lady Thumb
(Hardy) :-
(Hardy) :-
Leon Pauwels :-
Leonora :-
Lilac Princess :-
Major Heaphy :-
Misty Haze :-
Ocean Beach :-
Peter Pan,
now over 7 feet tall, and laden with clusters of flowers
(And it is Hardy) :-
Quasar :-
Strawberry Delight
(Hardy) :-
Tuonela, whose flowers are HUGE :-
Tiny Venus Victrix :-
Walz Doedelzac :-
Waveney Sunrise, with golden foliage
(and a chunk taken out of one of the leaves lol) :-
Welsh Dragon :-
White King :-
Winifred :-
There are several others, but they haven’t flowered yet :( I wish they’d hurry up, otherwise it will be too late !
I love Fuchsias and can’t stop looking for new ones that are a bit different to the ordinary.
There are quite a few on my wish list for next year lol
but whether I’ll be able to get them is another thing :o)
31 Aug, 2014
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You have a fantastic selection.
What sort of feed do you use?
31 Aug, 2014
Thank you both for reading about my Fuchsias ...
Scotsgran - I'm not going to glaze the Fuchsia house, because it faces west, and would get too hot for them. The top is covered with Perspex sheets, and the front and sides have trellises, and one or two perspex sheets, to stop too much wind blowing them over :)
Marjorie - I use Tomorite Tomato feed liquid. It's rich in potassium and that's what makes plants flower :) I feed them often, because Fuchsias are such hungry plants.
31 Aug, 2014
They are all lovely. Do you have a favourite?
31 Aug, 2014
Another WOW from me too, what an amazing collection and all looking so gloriously healthy. I too like the white one, very different, but Lady in Grey has such lovely colouring. I like the idea of a 7ft Peter Pan too :) Brilliant blog, Hywel, congratulations on such a terrific display.
31 Aug, 2014
You have a great collection Hywel.
31 Aug, 2014
That is some collection, Hywel - really beautiful. What an achievement to have collected so many. Your fuchsia house is lovely. I can see the attraction of displaying them in pots like that.
31 Aug, 2014
Wow!!!! from me too what a fantastic collection,I love them all,must say Leon Pauwels is rather special isn't it :-)
I'm adding your blog to my favourites as I'd like a few more next year and this is better than any plant catalogue :-)
31 Aug, 2014
Thank you all for reading about my Fuchsias, and your comments.
Lijemc, I haven't got a favourite one, but I do like the paler and blue/mauve ones better than the bright red/pink ones :)
Simbad, I hope you can get some nice Fuchsias next year.
I've got more than I've shown here. Some are 'between flushes' and others haven't started yet :( I'll be doing another blog of the later flowering ones in a few weeks :)
31 Aug, 2014
Looking more closely I can see you have an good overhang as well. That is just what I need. OH has bought the posts but we have been deliberating over whether it should have sides or not. It will be against the house and is east facing. I was not keen when he suggested using corrugated sheet but I can see it will run the water off well.
31 Aug, 2014
Thank you for posting this's fantastic..and added to my faves ,so I can keep looking again and again..I see "Annabelle",the one I have asked about,is your first photo..I will be so happy if mine looks like that when it flowers..thank you :o)
I also like that you have stated which ones are hardy too..that is something else I am interested in,and a great help....especially the ones that grow tall..I am going to have a revamp next year,and taking some Roses out shortly,when they have finished flowering this year....I would like to plant a couple of those in place of them..All I have to do now,is decide which one!
31 Aug, 2014
Well Hywel, all I can say is WOW ! That blog must have took you absolutely ages to do ! No wonder you don't sleep! lol
31 Aug, 2014
What can I say...just amazing plants and photos. Added to my favorites. It shows your love and dedication to these beauties.
31 Aug, 2014
Well its all been said really. Just amazing and really beautiful, so hard to pick favourites but the double white one is gorgeous.
It must have taken you ages to photograph and post all these.
Putting them into alphabetical order is brilliant.
Will your fuchsia house be enough protection if there is a hard frost? Do you let them all dry off completely?
(The Army Nurse you sent me is full of flowers and looking good - thank you again!)
31 Aug, 2014
Thank you all for your comments about my plants :o)
Scotsgran, I used corrugated sheets because they are cheaper and easy to fix :)
I was going to saw the overhang off, but it will be difficult to cut the Perspex I think, so I'll be leaving it alone.
(Bloomer) Sandra, if you would like some cuttings, let me know. I've got a few rooted ones already, or I could root some for you.
Steragram, I won't be leaving them there all winter. They will go into the shed after they die back.
The very tender ones will come into the house.
I try to keep the soil a little on the dry side during the winter, incase it freezes.
I'm pleased to hear about Army Nurse :)
The blog took a long time to do, but I loaded the photos as and when I took them, throughout the month.
I didn't do it all in one go lol ... I wouldn't have had the patience ! :D
31 Aug, 2014
Sorry to repeat what others have said but WOW just a fabulous collection Hywel and such helpful information too, so many to admire thank you for sharing - love your airy Fuschia house too :o)
31 Aug, 2014
Thank you Neena :)
1 Sep, 2014
Thank you Hywel..that is so kind..I will send you a PM later..:o) x
1 Sep, 2014
Do you mean, Hywel that you can start the blog and then add photos at a later date ? I didn't know you could do this! I would be worried incase I lost my blog !
1 Sep, 2014
Love this blog Hywel, I like Lady in grey and Jose Tamerus, but you have such a varied collection it's hard to choose a favourite. Added this to my favourites. :o)
1 Sep, 2014
Hywel I have to let you know, you have rekindled my love of Fuchsias. Several years ago I had over 150 different ones when I got the dreaded vine weevil. Within a season the dratted thing had wiped out all but the most hardy of my collection. I was devastated as you can imagine and vowed I'd not grow any more from year to year, but buy plants for the summer then just throw them away when summer ended.
Then your Blog arrived and I found myself 'Owing and Ahring over your pics as well as occasionally saying out loud, 'I had that one.' Now I've decided to keep the Fuchsias I bought this year and try and build up a collection again. I love your Fuchsia Alley and it's given me an idea of how I could utilise a space behind the garage and it gives the OH something to do, can't have him idling his time away. Thank you for your blog, I'll be putting it in my faves too.
1 Sep, 2014
Thank you all for your comments :)
Yes Rose, it is possible to do that, and you won't loose the blog :o)
I'll send you a PM ...
Thank you Shirley :)
Waddy, Since I joined GoY, I've started people off collecting both Fuchsias and Cacti ! lol I have a lot to answer for :D
I'm sorry to hear about your Fuchsias being devastated by vine weevils :( I would have cried I think !
I always give them vine weevil killer every year. It can be a bit expensive, but it's part of the hobby.
Mind you, I always loose a few every year due to overwatering or fungus or something ... or keeping them too dry in the winter.
I do hope your husband can construct a place for them. You'll be able to enjoy growing them again.
I could send you a few cuttings if you like :o) just say which ones you want.
I will be doing another blog in a few weeks, showing the very late flowering ones - all different to the ones here :)
1 Sep, 2014
Crikey! You're not going for national collection status are you!!
1 Sep, 2014
Thanks Hywel, that's kind of you.
1 Sep, 2014
Lovely a to z with pics hywel, like Shirley tulip I liked Jose t and lady in grey. Will add to my faves so that I can plan for some hardy varieties next year!
1 Sep, 2014
WOW Hywel - What a fab collection...! They have all photographed perfectly too. I'd love to say which one I like best but really can't they all look equally as good, and are a credit to you! :o)
2 Sep, 2014
Your collection is a credit to you, Hywel. There are seem real showstoppers and others whose appeal is their simplicity. Mine have been a bit underwhelming this year, so am probably doing something wrong! Nice to see yours in all their glory; I wondered about National Collection, too.
2 Sep, 2014
WOW, WOW, WOW what beauties, and I admire how your getting on with the fuchsia house.
2 Sep, 2014
Hywel.... What a stunning collection you have.You have stirred up my interest in Fucshias and I thank you for that.There are so many lovely ones there and I Ooh and Ahhed many times.The last one Winifred I have been trying to get for a long time, because it was my Mums name, but haven't been successful.If you could spare me a cutting, I would be grateful, if not can you tell me where you got it.Thank you for the lovely blog, and have added it to my favs.:-)
3 Sep, 2014
Thank you all :) Sorry I've been so long replying ...
No I don't think I'm going to have a national collection lol ... and I haven't got a favourite - they all are :)
Some have done really well this year. Others are hopeless, so you are not doing anything wrong Tuesdaybear. I've only shown the best ones :D
Gralew I shall see if there are any cuttings on Winifred.
It's nice to have plants with names that mean something.
Winifred was my gran's name ... :)
I also have Hanna, which was my other gran's name :)
3 Sep, 2014
Thank you Hywel.If there aren't could let me know where I could get one.
4 Sep, 2014
There are two nice shoots on Winifred, that I can use as cuttings ... and I will try to root them for you :))
4 Sep, 2014
Your fuschias are so beautiful! I didn't used to like this plant because when I was a child my dad grew a gigantic fucshia bush in the back garden that was always covered in bees and I was warned not to go near it in case I got stung! Of course, I didn't do what I was told and the inevitable happened! But until I got a garden of my own I didn't realise how many different varieties are out there and the colours are wonderful. I've got 2 at the moment but can't remember their names! However, one is white with a pink middle (like the Lilac Princess) and I absolutely love it. Thanks for sharing your collection!
4 Sep, 2014
Amazing collection you have Hywel, I have never seen a fuschia as tall as your Peter Pan, it really is outstanding....
4 Sep, 2014
I think building the Fuchsia their own house is a great idea Hywel. Each on is very different. It's easy to see you take good care of them.
4 Sep, 2014
Thank you all for reading my blog, and your interesting comments :) :)
5 Sep, 2014
Wow Hywel, what a lot you have, they are all beautiful and will love there new home....:)))
5 Sep, 2014
Thank you :))
5 Sep, 2014
Hywel just seen your blog wow ! and wow ! again those Fuchsias are simply gorgeous and I have to say there is nothing like a Perspex roof to help plants grow and you have done such a neat job of the roofing oh and glad you added a photo of Bella .cant wait to show my daughter your wonderful collection of fuchsias as she raves over them I will tell her to be prepared to be amazed , thanks for showing them
5 Sep, 2014
Thank you :) I hope your daughter enjoys seeing my flowers. I'm glad to know she likes Fuchsias :)
6 Sep, 2014
A wonderful collection of Fuchsias I have quite a lot myself if there are any you are particularly looking for let me know and I will see if I can help.
8 Sep, 2014
Thank you :) Maybe we could swap some cuttings next year ...
8 Sep, 2014
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Cordifolia
£11.50 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Alba'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Variegata'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Procumbens
£9.50 at Burncoose
WOW!!! You have a splendid collection. Thank you for sharing with us. I do not have a favourite. I do like the white one very much not having seen one like that before. I do wish you success in finding the ones on your list for next year. I also like your new fuchsia house. Are you going to glaze it or is it just an overhead protection from the wet. I hope the weather does not affect your arthritis too much so that you can get on with it.
31 Aug, 2014