A short blog .(not a gardening one)Hope you don't mind.
By meadowland
Just wanted to say how very sad it was to hear of the Duke of Edinburgh’s death today.What a great support he has been for the Queen.Like him or loathe him( because he could be quite acerbic and non PC at times )his duty was steadfast.
This year has been such a sad one for many of us, some more than others.I’m sure it will be indelibly lodged for a very long time.
When you speak to other people, many say how many positives have arisen amidst their sadness which under normal circumstances wouldn’t have happened.
This forum is a great support for many members , we are so lucky to be part of it…..advice and friendship freely given.(so grateful)
I won’t go on and on,just wanted to take this opportunity to express how I feel and I’m sure many of you do too.
Thank you for reading this.Carry on with your gardens….what would we do without them.
9 Apr, 2021
Previous post: Our walk along the Wye valley Greenway today.
Next post: Tidying up a scruffy corner.
A very heartwarming message, Julia. It was very sad to hear of his passing..if only he’d managed to reach the amazing age of 100, which wasn’t so far off.
It is a great site, lots of lovely, helpful friends...thank goodness we have it!
Beautiful painting, it’s very picturesque and peaceful...xx
9 Apr, 2021
Thank you Julia.
I keep thinking about the poor queen too. Its a lonely position to be in. We are indeed lucky to have all our Goy friends, but she can't have informal chats to friends on line as we can.
9 Apr, 2021
I feel for the Queen, too. It must be such a loss to lose a partner of very long standing. I, for one, enjoyed his 'off -the-cuff' comments very much.
We are lucky with GoY acquaintances. The differing viewpoints are quite bracing and this difficult period has brought out the best in most people. It's great to realise what kindness there is about, and if it sometimes comes from others online, that can't be a bad thing. So thank you!
9 Apr, 2021
Hello Julia, yes I'm so sad too, I felt very choked when I first heard. I've always had a great fondness for him, he always said it as it was. He seemed a very strong and sensible man, perfect for the Queen to lean on.
And another fabulous painting Julia, it's lovely, so simple but beautiful, colours are fab.
Yes we are very lucky to have our gardening site with all our friends, I'm very thankful x
9 Apr, 2021
We both really liked him, Rick and I and was sad to learn of his death. But he had a good busy life and I think the Queen is going to be lost without him. I think he was her rock!
Thanks Julia for posting this.
9 Apr, 2021
He was such a terrific character, and I was glad that he was taken home for his last few days so that he and the queen were able to say their last goodbyes in private.
I wonder if this will be the time for her to step back?
Thanks Julia - that’s a lovely painting. Yes, I’m very grateful for this website where we can chat to each other 🙂.
9 Apr, 2021
Yes very sad but not unexpected I suppose. At least he got home.
He was a great conservationist long before it was fashionable and was patron of the WWF for many years.
This site is excellent for keeping up my moral and there have been some very tough times in the last 10 years.
9 Apr, 2021
I too felt very sad when I heard the news. He has always been there, at the Queen's side and it is going to be very hard for her from now on. Together for 73 years is something very special.
It was very thoughtful of you Julia to mention Prince Philip on here and to give us an opportunity to say how we feel.
9 Apr, 2021
I meant to add Julia, that I loved your painting!
10 Apr, 2021
I was so very sorry when I heard Prince Philip had passed away, I was willing him to make to his 100th birthday but sadly wasn't meant to be, its ironic in a sense because of the pandemic, he has got his wish for privacy as regards his funeral, Prince Philip had always said he didn't want all the pomp and grandeur that normally would take place, I personally think he has certainly earned the right and so deserved the whole state occasion.. At least they were together at the end, under normal circumstances that perhaps would not have happened because of official duties, since retiring he had been living mostly at Sandringham.
Somebody said yesterday, although a very sad time for the family, the Monarchy and the country as a whole, we should think of his passing in a good way, he lived a very long life unlike so many a lot younger that have sadly passed away in the last two years, I think that is right, although known as a grumpy person on many an occasion, downright rude also and very well known for putting his foot in it over the years, he lived an active, healthy life until recent years, our Queens support through thick and thin, he did so much good in many ways and from what one knows he had to fight The Establishment from the start, could not have been an easy task.....RIP Prince Philip, you deserve your place in our history...
10 Apr, 2021
Amen to all that. A pity he didn't quite make the 100yr milestone. Thank you for mentioning him on G o Y.
I like your painting too.
10 Apr, 2021
Sad news RIP a good man
10 Apr, 2021
My deepest sympathy to theQueen and her family at this sad time.
By the way I love your water colour painting.
10 Apr, 2021
Sorry, only just catching up with GOY. Well, written blog, thank you. Like many of you, I felt saddened to hear the news and worry for our Queen. He has been her rock for so many years.
Your painting is lovely. I envy you, I can just about do matchstick men.
15 Apr, 2021
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He was a great personage and I did like his Humour ,he did not take himself too seriously
My Friend used to escort him and his Familly at the end of his career and he say the same .
Very nice painting juliax!
9 Apr, 2021