Robin for Drbob.
By Bonkersbon

9 Nov, 2009
Requested to include this seperate from blog.
Comments on this photo
9 Nov, 2009
He's Beautifull BB.. Great Pic ..
9 Nov, 2009
Thank you very much Ray, gone to my favourites.
Must tell you why, when I was born my mother didn't know what to call me and as she was thinking a Robin came on the windowsill and that was what I became. Many thanks again.
9 Nov, 2009
OMG what a Fab Photo Jane/Ray :)
9 Nov, 2009
Lovely photo...:o)
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks for kind comments ..what a lovely story Drb aw you lying there as a little baby and a robin on the window sill glad you asked me now as obviously means a lot to you ..
Glad it wasnt my mum though .. she d have probably called me starch ( remember robin starch ? )
9 Nov, 2009
That is stunning , :o)
9 Nov, 2009
Lovely little face so cute lovely photo. Lol Bonkersbon I remember Robin Starch he he.
9 Nov, 2009
Or Batman BB :)))
9 Nov, 2009
Its beautiful Bonkers.....gone straight to my fav's
9 Nov, 2009
He he Dee ..already have an Uncle Batty ( Bartholemew ) .
9 Nov, 2009
A beautiful portrait BB :)
On my fav's too !
9 Nov, 2009
Thanks Milky and Aster .
9 Nov, 2009
Lovely photo, all the feathers are so clear - brilliant BB :)
9 Nov, 2009
fantastic photo
9 Nov, 2009
Oh my...,what a handsome little devil . This close-up is spectacular ! Gone to my favs....;-)
10 Nov, 2009
Beautiful .... just ... beautiful ! :~))
This is SO spoooky F/crazy. Sent you a PM just before I saw this pic.
10 Nov, 2009
This is just gorgeous Ray!
ALL robins are called 'Bob' in my garden, Doctorbob, that way I can convince myself that we've had the same one for the past 20 years! Even when there's 2 of them...
10 Nov, 2009
Something for me to apsire to.....the quality of your photo's, not the robin!!
Although, as these little things are so well loved, it's not a bad thing to aspire to be if you wanted to be a bird!!
Very nice BB!
10 Nov, 2009
This is the best robin pic ever shown on GOY....Its brilliant Bb....well done...:>)
10 Nov, 2009
Oh..BB.......that is fantastic! The best Robin pic yet!....gone on faves...:o)
10 Nov, 2009
10 Nov, 2009
what a fantastic photo BB...... love it.........
10 Nov, 2009
Wonderful on my favourites.
10 Nov, 2009
fantastic pic ray,, he`s wonderfull :o))
10 Nov, 2009
Gosh you turn your back for a minute ..where to start ? well thank you all - really Jane should take the credit as wildlife just seems to sense she loves them.They flock to her .
Most of spare time spent with them ..well wouldnt you if you had me indoors Every evening out with food along the wall and the voles and woodmice scurry around her lovely to see .
Shes the reason we able to get so close . Apologies for not answering individually ..and nice to see you back OB .
10 Nov, 2009
Magnificent shot BB..did you know that the robins dark eye is propotionally larger than our own..flown into my fav's
10 Nov, 2009
ray my robin was messing with me today , he was feeding and singing to me, but the minute i brought the camera up he went, 3 times he did this, not like him, i think he was playing games cheeky thing lol :o) so no pics for sandra today
10 Nov, 2009
Thanks for that info Deida...didnt know that No wonder they can spot things so well !
Aw San...maybe he just waiting to look his best for you !
10 Nov, 2009
lol, i bet :o)))
10 Nov, 2009
Wonderful Robin picture BB just perfect for a Christmas Card, gone on my favourites ;o))
10 Nov, 2009
gone on my favourites too ~beautiful!
10 Nov, 2009
lovely but i always think of them as she's. i have a female that regularly keeps me company. when she was booding she regularly came for worms from me. she did look a sorry sight with lots of ruffled feathers. she has a white feather in her 'eyebrow' and she has been with me for 3 yrs now. there are others but round the side of the house that is her territory.
smashing photo.
10 Nov, 2009
Awesome photo BB! A gorgeous little bird as well!
11 Nov, 2009
Forgot to say he's on my favs now and nice to be back, albeit it intermittently for a short while. Need to find some spare hours to catch up on here and add some bits meself!
11 Nov, 2009
Absolutely beautiful photo BB.....gone straight on my Favs.
12 Nov, 2009
Thanks for all your lovely comments.
12 Nov, 2009
Wow BB what a fabulous how I can see the sky's reflection in its eye, very nice...added to my favs as well!! I saw one of these at my work for the first time in this area...didn't think they lived around here. No camera though!!!
12 Nov, 2009
Thanks Tg .. really saw one near you ? I too never knew you had them in US wonder how they got there ..been introduced ? would never be able to fly across ..
13 Nov, 2009
A wonderful portrait of what is surely one of the gardeners favourite bird.
18 Nov, 2009
What a fantastic shot! My compliments to the "chef"! ;-)
19 Nov, 2009
~don't think it is the same bird in the US?~see below from Wiikipedia
The American Robin (Turdus migratorius, also called North American Robin[2]) is a migratory songbird of the thrush family. It is named after the European Robin[3] because of the male's bright red breast, though the two species are not closely related. The American Robin is widely distributed throughout North America, wintering south of Canada from Florida to central Mexico and along the Pacific Coast. It is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin.[4] It has seven subspecies, but only T. m. confinis in the southwest is particularly distinctive, with pale gray-brown underparts.
The American Robin is active mostly during the day and assembles in large flocks at night. Its diet consists of invertebrates (such as beetle grubs and caterpillars), fruits and berries. It is one of the first bird species to lay eggs, beginning to breed shortly after returning to its summer range from its winter range. Its nest consists of long coarse grass, twigs, paper, and feathers, and is smeared with mud and often cushioned with grass or other soft materials. It is among the first birds to sing at dawn, and its song consists of several discrete units that are repeated.
The adult robin is preyed upon by hawks, cats and larger snakes, but when feeding in flocks it is able to be vigilant and watch other birds for reactions to predators. Brown-headed cowbirds lay eggs in robin nests (see brood parasite), but robins usually reject the cowbird eggs.
23 Nov, 2009
Thanks Arlene didnt know American robin was a member of the thrush family but then if got to grips with latin names better I would .
The only one that ever stuck was Subbuteo for the Hobby falcon , due to the football game..oh and Troglodyte for Wren.
As such different birds assumed Tasteyg would know an American robin surprised to read she had seen one of ' ours ' .
I ll now have to look up cowbirds ..thanks for info.
24 Nov, 2009
Thanks for all that information Arlene, thatt's fascinating stuff. So glad I asked for this lovely photo again.
24 Nov, 2009
Wow dont know how i missed this photo, its brill put it on fav
25 Nov, 2009
Fantastic.....on my favourites!
25 Nov, 2009
On my favourites as well, an excellent shot of our all time favourite bird, thanks for putting this on.
25 Nov, 2009
Thanks for all your kind comments.
26 Nov, 2009
WOnderful picture!!!
30 Nov, 2009
Thankyou Lindak.
1 Dec, 2009
Fantastic picture, such detail - you can even see the individual feathers.
2 Dec, 2009
Thanks Tcg....he is very tame and seems to pose for his pic taken !
2 Dec, 2009
Christmas card perfect !!
5 Dec, 2009
ABSOLUTELY PERFECT~!!! what a sweet little creature.
9 Dec, 2009
Seasons greetigs Rr and you too Lori ! x
9 Dec, 2009
thanks! and the same to you, BB and Jane... we are having a horrible storm, at the moment...very high winds whipping the snow around...makes me thankful I'm indoors...pity the little creatures out in this!
11 Dec, 2009
Hope things calm down for you Lori. Our garden is always full of birds in cold,snowy weather,and they need all the help they can get to survive it all.
12 Dec, 2009
Yes...I making seed'n'suet balls to hang on my christmas tree...when I'm finished with it of course!! going to put it up outside and decorate it for the birds~!
17 Dec, 2009
Great must post a pic !
17 Dec, 2009
Fantastic pic Bonkers. Gone on favourites. The one I was feeding at work earlier in the year is now so tame that he is in danger of being trodden on. I take him mealworms which he takes from my hand.
20 Dec, 2009
Brilliant news Toto ! Wonderful feeling isnt it.....
20 Dec, 2009
Yes. I feel so priviledged that he trusts me.
20 Dec, 2009
I know.....
20 Dec, 2009
Cant really get better than this , everyones already said what there is to say. But as one Yorkshireman to another "It'll do"
27 Dec, 2009
Praise indeed ! Thank you.
27 Dec, 2009
So that's where that phrase came from! was a favourite of my dad's far as I know though we came from Sussex!
28 Dec, 2009
Aye Lori think it was that generation that were so quick to bestow praise wherever they lived lol
29 Dec, 2009
Sorry mate for not making a comment to this picture.
I am so involved with other forums that I only have a couple of minuits to scan through here. This bird is possibly my favourite in Britain because my sir-name is Robinson so there is a connection between us.
Thanks for all your comments, and like I once wrote in the Bird Forum, "It's addictive".
This picture will now be in my favourites.
3 Jan, 2010
What a lovely connection...thanks for this Tanny.
3 Jan, 2010
Oh what a beautiful photo gone straight onto my favourites .....
3 Apr, 2010
Hello again, Bb and Jane! I realized I missed the boat...forgot to get pics of the second duty Christmas Tree...anyway...the birds used it for shelter and enjoyed the is now partially pruned away... I mulch the small twigs and use it under my rhododendron to help acidify! Our lovely robins are back now!! they are busy collecting grass, strings and mud... soon we will have baby robins bathing in the pond like we did two summers ago!
3 Apr, 2010
Aww thanks Janette....
Hi Lori...glad your robins have returned...hope you can post pics of the babies bathing this year !!
4 Apr, 2010
For Sure!! keep your eyes glued to this site! LOL!!!! btw...don't think I commented on the perfection of this picture! Big Wow.... who was behind the camera...Ray or Jane???
6 Apr, 2010
Will do Lori...Jane took this one !
6 Apr, 2010
A smashing photo Bonkersbon. Well taken.
2 Aug, 2010
Hi Jane and Ray.... the robin youngsters have come many times to the bird bath but for some reason they are very shy. By the time I run for my camera they say: "oh oh....there's that peeping tom again!" and fly away in a flurry of beeps and splashes~...I"m still trying, but they are practically adult birds now...very large and healthy looking.
2 Aug, 2010
Thanks Brinjay taken a while ago and all future bird pics now on sister site
Thank you Lori there is now a new category for overseas birds on Ispyabird so if you ever do get those elusive shots would love to see them and you of course , there.
2 Aug, 2010
yes, I joined up when it first started but I've been away a while and my memory for passwords is troublesome....really must go back and check it out.
8 Aug, 2010
We recently had a computer virus stopped everything had to take everything back to original settings ..thought would make password an obscure bird , so obscure couldnt recall it either you re not alone .
8 Aug, 2010
i love the robin i used to have one come to my garden but i havent seen him for a while
28 Oct, 2010
Thank you Jackie .. a while since this was taken and since then a new web site for birdlovers also operated by Ajay and Peter called Ispyabird introduced.
We submit our bird photos through there now and leave GOY free to gardening.
28 Oct, 2010
WOW....stunning close up. Gone into my favourites too. I still like to see some birds on GoY from time to time, they add another dimension to the gardening stuff and they are a valuable part of our gardens after all. :o))
29 Oct, 2010
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Now then Ray, this is how to take a robin photo - absolutely perfect. Got to go on my favourite pics.
9 Nov, 2009