By Milky

21 Dec, 2010
This joker thought he was gonna get his lunch from our pond.....Hah! He didnt bank on Ray being home and very ready to chase the devil off.......Handsome bird though is'nt it..........
Comments on this photo
It's a good thing you were at home Milky , you might not have known he had been otherwise .. .. :o)
21 Dec, 2010
Great photo ... did Ray use 'the hat' to scare him off ......... lol!
21 Dec, 2010
What a fantastic photo, Milky, but glad he didn't make off with any of your fish. Our village pond is completely frozen over so no good sending him this way for his dinner :)
21 Dec, 2010
Well caught Milky, great picture, we had one visit at our old house, so crafty, I used to cover the pond with netting early evening then remove it in the morning, after it completely emptied our pond one year, but he soon got wise to this and I caught him bold as brass pearched on the garage roof waiting for me to uncover it, had to leave it covered all the time after that, never had any here,yet, think the large trees near the pond block the view when they're flying over, as our neighbours often have one visit.
21 Dec, 2010
Good photo Maureen and luckily Ray was awake at the crucial moment, lol. They are cheeky and must be starving at the moment. One flew up from our brook the other morning but Bonnie saw it off. Always on our pond normally so reluctant to spend alot on fish and impossible to cover it.
21 Dec, 2010
That is a brill photo Milky and you can't blame him for trying to get dinner in this weather :O))))
21 Dec, 2010
Thanks all...Shirley the hat never came into play as I lock it up in the suitcase ....but it was funny to watch Ray moving that fast....lol....He was a crafty Heron though, he moved tio a pond in a garden further down the street, and we watched him ....Stood there perfectly still for ages just watching.........
21 Dec, 2010
Fab photo Maureen! Poor Heron though, he must be so hungry....on the local news tonight it said the mouth of the Humber is beginning to ice over! All the sea birds will be coming in next....I wonder if they would like sardines with tomato sauce.....:o))
21 Dec, 2010
A cracking picture Maureen, he is quite a poser isnt he!
21 Dec, 2010
He's a stunner Milky!
But then I don't have a fish pond....
21 Dec, 2010
He does look a bit taken-a-back. I bet he looked even more surprised a few moments later!!!
21 Dec, 2010
Lovely photo, so pleased he never got your fish.
22 Dec, 2010
Thanks all and just to keep ypou up to date he came back this morning .....and a local crow started attacking him....what a sight that was...didnt have the camera handy though...tut...
22 Dec, 2010
Great pic.....
22 Dec, 2010
We often see herons flying over being mobbed by crows - never near enough for a photo though :( Strange thing is the herons just fly steadily on and don't seem too bothered.
22 Dec, 2010
He is very handsome. And they are such a stunning sight in flight.We often have one fly over here.He has been known to take a rest on our roof!
22 Dec, 2010
Great shot!
22 Dec, 2010
great shot and what a handsome bird he is to, i see one each day flying over my garden but dont think he can see the pond as its covered with a layer of snow :o)
22 Dec, 2010
Handsome bird maybe but very greedy when it comes to fish .. Send him to Morrison s ..LOL
22 Dec, 2010
LOL Mushy......
22 Dec, 2010
Great opportunity photo Maureen. Very well taken, have you put it on I Spy a Bird?
22 Dec, 2010
Great photo! It's a beautiful bird!
23 Dec, 2010
Good photo Milky. They are a stunning bird and so majestic in flight. We have the river down the road and so get them over here. WHen I had the pond down the road I had to cover it with a net.
23 Dec, 2010
Great photo, Milky! :-)) I've only ever seen one close & that was one night some years ago on my way to work, close to midnight, as that was when my shift began. He was just a few metres from the road very close to the confluence of the Brook & the river Ouse. He didn't move a all when I went past him.
23 Dec, 2010
Probably daring you Balcony..............
24 Dec, 2010
Beautiful shot Maureen I m laughing to think Ray moved so quick, I just could imagine the scene. Shame you missed the shot of it being chased off.
24 Dec, 2010
Brilliant picture :)
26 Dec, 2010
Wonderful birdie shot.
27 Dec, 2010
Oh he does deserve to be on I Spy a Bird, such a good looking chap. Lovely photo.
27 Dec, 2010
Hes been on Ispyabird......lol
27 Dec, 2010
great photo.
28 Dec, 2010
Wow. You did well to capture him!
3 Jan, 2011
4 Jan, 2011
Well captured.....cheeky blighter.......
9 Jan, 2011
wow what a handsome chap....glad he didnt get any of your fish....we had a crane visit our valley in november it was soo exciting....didnt manage a photo though...
11 Jan, 2011
Thanks Sandra...yes there are lots of times I havent got the camera to hand , and if you move the birds scare away anyway...Lol
12 Jan, 2011
A morning stroll............
17 Feb, 2011
Lol Jethro.....
18 Feb, 2011
That's where a good camera phone comes in handy! LOL!
18 Feb, 2011
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Very handsome bird, Milky ..
well-photographed :o)
21 Dec, 2010