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Clematis montana at its best.

Clematis montana at its best. (Clematis montana (Clematis))

There are three different C. montanas on the front of the house. I love it looking like this.

Comments on this photo


Lovely, your house is perfect for using clematis.

27 Apr, 2009


what a beautiful setting!

28 Apr, 2009


Wow it's huge. Mine is a tiny sprig compared to yours. How old is it?

28 Apr, 2009


very Picture'sque

28 Apr, 2009


Lovely photo

28 Apr, 2009


Thanks. Chris, I just don't know - our predecessors planted them, so they could be anything up to 20 - 25 years old! The bases are like trunks.

28 Apr, 2009


Another jigsaw puzzle picture. Beautiful, Spritz.

28 Apr, 2009


Such a beautiful home Spritz :-)

28 Apr, 2009


What a beautiful house / looks lovely......

28 Apr, 2009


Really looks wonderful...the rest of your vegetation has some wonderful colors too and add beautiful textures

28 Apr, 2009


Looks wonderful, it compliments your lovely home perfectly!

28 Apr, 2009


Spritz your house is brill, always fancied living in something like that,your clematis looks well aswell.

28 Apr, 2009


The clematis are spectacular, but I'm a sucker for beautiful houses too, and this is surely the prettiest I've seen in a long time. Really lovely.

28 Apr, 2009


The whole picture is one of beauty. What a lovely setting.

28 Apr, 2009


Oh this is stunning Spritz ! What a lovely sight to greet your visiters when they come to view the garden !

28 Apr, 2009


Looks like a "Chocolate Box" house - full of character!

28 Apr, 2009


Thanks, all. We know we are lucky to live here. :-)

28 Apr, 2009


Your home is beautiful Spritz...................

28 Apr, 2009


such a stunning house. it looks perfect.;-))

28 Apr, 2009


You have a beautiful home and garden it must make you smile every time you walk up the garden path. :0)

29 Apr, 2009


What a gorgeous sight Spritz. What a lovely position for the montana as well, crawling up the house! The whole front is looking just spectacular!

29 Apr, 2009



29 Apr, 2009



29 Apr, 2009


what a stunning front garden

29 Apr, 2009


Thank you - are you coming down to one of the open days, Dave? You could see all of it - not just the front!

29 Apr, 2009


your house is beautiful

29 Apr, 2009


Superb what a gorgeous home you have, it is beautiful.

29 Apr, 2009


"A thing of beauty is a joy forever..." such is your home and it's cladding. Clematis montana! I wish I lived closer ...I would love to see your whole garden! Congratulations, Spritz!

30 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Lori - I wish you did too!

I like your new 'avatar' by the way... :-)

30 Apr, 2009


your house looks so lovely spritz....

30 Apr, 2009


The Clematis has a perfect setting your beautiful home was made for it Spritz .......

30 Apr, 2009


Perfect chocolate box picture Spritz ,look.s stunning...

30 Apr, 2009


What a Site your Home & Garden Are Spritz so wonderful 2 see :)

30 Apr, 2009


Gets the thumbs up from me. Do you want to swap?? :o)

30 Apr, 2009


Ummm.... let me think...errr - No thanks!

30 Apr, 2009


Interesting that the house is getting more comments than the clematis, lol, you guys are on the wrong site!

30 Apr, 2009


I too think you have a lovely house ...but imagining it without the planting, it wouldn't have the same charm. I think that it's the garden (and the clematis !) that makes your house something special.

1 May, 2009


Thank you, Pasuki. You know I love my garden! Yes, the house is great as well...

1 May, 2009


Oh, Barbara....your cottage looks wonderful, the grey stone with pink Montana...stunning, and the beautiful stone wall...its truely a picture, all your visitors will love it!

2 May, 2009


I agree, it's lovely. we have the pink montana clematis running rampant in the back garden, it's gone way up in the trees :)

3 May, 2009


I have, too - it's amazing how far it gets! I love it all over the place :-)

3 May, 2009


Tastfully done.

3 May, 2009


Thanks. :-)

3 May, 2009


So beautiful more photos please a real chocolote box photo.:)

4 May, 2009


Maybe when the roses take over from the Clematis?

4 May, 2009


Oh yes, that's beautiful and love those old stone walls :)

4 May, 2009


What a charming looking house. How long has it taken for the clematis Montana to grow that big?

4 May, 2009


The Ideal!!

4 May, 2009


Could be as long as 20 years!

4 May, 2009


Montana Odorata??? as one I hope. gorgeous photo

4 May, 2009


Beautiful Spritz...........

4 May, 2009


I don't think any of the montanas on the house have a scent, Doon, but the roses do when the flower. :-)

5 May, 2009


Breathtaking! :-)

26 Mar, 2010


Thanks, Dorset Lady...:-))

26 Mar, 2010


yours is lovely spriz . am growing 2 in the garden, 1 up a tree . hope it looks like that soon

26 Aug, 2010


I love this photo, Spritz.

26 Aug, 2010


Thanks! :-))

27 Aug, 2010


Lovely, beautiful, stunning etc etc etc.....................

13 Oct, 2010


LOL......However did you come across this photo???

13 Oct, 2010


i was just browsing through the photos and came across this beautiful house and garden its straight out of a picture book so old world charm. love the clematis mine grew at the side of the front door, but, my husband who doesnt really like gardening said the roots were growing under the foundations and it had to go... it was a very sad day as it was a wow factor for the neighbors, still time for a change... ellise.

6 Nov, 2010


Thank you, Ellise. I know how lucky we are to live here. I'm sorry about your Clematis - this house is so old that it hasn't actually got any foundations - not as such, anyway - it sits on a 'raft' of stone.

6 Nov, 2010


Picture postcard perfect!

1 Jun, 2011


You can see why we fell in love with the house, Karen. I hope there will be people sitting on that seat tomorrow, enjoying the view. :-)

1 Jun, 2011


Oh yes! And I'm sure there will be lots of people! :)

2 Jun, 2011


Yes, about the same as last year I think. Remembering that we're so rural, a good turn out. Lovely weather, and nice comments. :-)

I spotted two ladies on that seat having their tea and looking very happy - I had to smile! :-))

2 Jun, 2011


Bliss! :)) Glad it all went well for you! :)

2 Jun, 2011


Thanks, K. :-)

5 Jun, 2011


Charming house & lovely clematis cladding those charming old walls. I went for a drive with my OH on Sunday & I saw lots of the beautiful pink montana, clambering over walls & up trees. I haven't really noticed that before, so our misty wet spring weather must be perfect for it this year. I really must get one started somewhere in my garden.

19 Oct, 2011


It seems strange that you're looking at C. montana flowers, Dwyllis, when we're coming into Autumn!

Thanks for the lovely comment. :-)

20 Oct, 2011


Just picture perfect, and for a plant that cost so little doesn`t it strut its stuff.

3 Apr, 2014


Hi Stroller - the first flowers on the montanas are just opening - very soon the house will be covered in blooms again! :-))

8 Apr, 2014


That must be so wonderful to look forward to each and every year! It's an inspiration! :-)

13 Apr, 2014


It is indeed, Lori. :-))

14 Apr, 2014

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This photo is of "Clematis montana" in Spritzhenry's garden

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