i have a large double white peoney which when in bud is covered in ants and many...
5 replies
24 May, 2010 Gardentrug1
where can you purchase these in the U
1 reply
24 May, 2010 Guest
how far apart should conifers be spaced when planting along fence
My sister wants to use Miracle Gro moisture control gel in pots but is anxious about...
4 replies
how do i propogate tropaeolum seeds?
when should I prune my slaix integra?
I have now deadheaded my Wallflowers
2 replies
24 May, 2010 Bloomer
how do I kill off tree stumps
hi bamboo approx 25yards long and 30 inches in width
24 May, 2010 Wmc
Thanks for that
have had climbing hydrangea for about 3 years and have had no flowers
Horsetail Weed
6 replies
24 May, 2010 Cecilia
Is it the END of this Bramley Apple Tree?
24 May, 2010 Gardenelf
how to treat peach leaf curl
My potted Hosta has become distorted
On the previous question about clematis
24 May, 2010 Cookygirl41
ive got a lovely clematis climbing up my pergola
My cucumber plant has yellowing leaves and is limp and lifeless
24 May, 2010 Myles
we have a 60 ft monkey puzzle tree
the flowers on my hyacinth are turning brown do i pull them off to allow new flowers...
My neighbour has a gorgeous dark pink clematis montana with dark green foliage gowing...
24 May, 2010 Chasecraft
what are the best plants for only part of the day sunshine?
24 May, 2010 Paulinegowl
just digging through soil to plant some spuds and foun d a load of maggots ewww
24 May, 2010 Oggiegardener
Had to move my climbing rose know it wasnt the right time but had no choice
I have a pieris veriegata which i have had for a number of years now
best position for a cherry tree
Hi, very new to growing my own
Can anybody identify this plant?
9 replies
24 May, 2010 Kjcav
I have two large ceramic pots and want to put tall plant in each but dont know what
24 May, 2010 Beetle
How can I stop a cat using my newly planted container as a toilet
24 May, 2010 Rosebud2
Hello again
3 replies
24 May, 2010 Rohima
I have cleared out a border and want to plant flowering shrubs
I have a ALOE VERA plant in my porch for the last 2 years
24 May, 2010 Johnjoe
what plants are good for a decking area
What is the best soil condition for growing ?
what is the best location for blueberrys
The snails in our pond are eating all the new growth - there are hundreds of them
24 May, 2010 Howee74
what does an arum lily leaf look like
24 May, 2010 Tracyskinner
how do I care for camanula?
Just laid turf and a few pieces have gone really dark
24 May, 2010 Cate15
Thank you all for your help
Can you suggest 10 different garden ideas for a 1m x 1m square garden competition...
Good morning everyone
7 replies
24 May, 2010 Sugarbevs
hi had this bottlebrush for 2 years this is the first time i have seen these buds...
24 May, 2010 Sunshines
does photinia make a good hedge
what shrubs can survive little sunshine?
Hello ,I dont see on this how you can reply
24 May, 2010 Rodalan
i have a grape vine but only small area of garden as i live in ground floor flat...
24 May, 2010 Gypsygirlsl..
is it true that the net bags that hold fat balls for birds are breaking birds claws...
8 replies
is it true that we should stop feeding birds peanuts this time of year and why