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sunshine day!!!!


By sandra


well after what seems like forever the sun finally shone today. i was up early and headed straight for my polytunnel. with march approaching its time to step up a gear here at the nursery.

my succulents are having a nice time in the tunnel in their frames. whilst the rest of the country has been covered in snow we have just had to put up with wind and rain. it was nice to be in there with them today and at one point i even had to take my coat off….

i’m playing a game of patience with these guys…i want to pot them all up into bigger pots NOW!!! but if i did i would run out of i just picked off a few that were desperate. i cleared out a few that didnt make it and that gave me room to put he newly re-potted ones back into the frames. i dont heat any of my succulents but they have a double glazing effect in their frames in the tunnel and if the temp drops below -2 i put tarpaulin and quilts on them in the night.

as it was such a lovely day i opened up the tunnel the green house and the conservatory to give them all a good bit of fresh air. its surprising how dry everything had got so they all had a good watering.

mums conservatory has some of my favorite plants in it. its south west facing and stays warm with the heat from the house wall..

after a busy day i was glad when the sun began to set.

hope the sun was shining on you guys to..x x

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Next post: tomato time at Corseside...:-)



Lovely blog, Sandra ...
super succulents, stunning sunsets ..
and gorgeous green scenery :o)

14 Feb, 2013


I agree ... wonderful pics :o)

14 Feb, 2013


So do I ....your succulents look very happy.

14 Feb, 2013


There are some lovely photos Sandra, particularly like the sunset! Lovely blog!

14 Feb, 2013


thank you guys...was just nice to see the sun for a change..:-)

14 Feb, 2013


Your succulents sure are doing well, most of ours are ok they also have to survive without any heat, I dont think the bananas liked it though or the Elephants ears!! had a good day today, no rain amazing!!

14 Feb, 2013


Beautiful sunsets Sandra. Your succulents look great. Perhaps you need another greenhouse?

14 Feb, 2013


Great photos Sandra. Your succulents are doing well :o)

14 Feb, 2013


glad yours yours are doing good Dd2. our banana is looking sad too...
Steragram it took my OH 4 years to build me the last
thanks Hywel..:-)

15 Feb, 2013


Lovely looking plants there Sandra. I'd love a polytunnel but dont have the space facing the right way.

It is good to get out in the sun isnt it. Off in the greenhouse once I've woken daughter up, fed the pet rabbits and finished reading these blogs.

15 Feb, 2013


Beautiful sunsets Sandra, the views not bad either, you are in for a very busy old time sorting and potting that lot on but they all look very healthy, is it all hands on when you reach this stage???????

15 Feb, 2013


It's been a super day here too Sandra. Your succulents look great! Like Seaburngirl, I also would love a polytunnel...but lack the space. Your sunset pics are fab, they'd make lovely calendar pics.
I'm hoping for another good day tomorrow...:)

15 Feb, 2013


nice one Sandra ! yep, getting busy busy now eh ? ;-)))

16 Feb, 2013


thanks guys...i could get used to this sunshine its been here for 3 day on the trot..cant remember when this last happened..:-)

16 Feb, 2013


What a sight for sore eyes Sandra, im envious of your succulents, inspected mine today in the unheated G/house and the more tender one's didn,t survive, im gutted.
Isn,t it great to get out there, Iv'e done loads today, even cut the Lawns (petrol mower) and what a difference it has made, Back to looking out the window to check everything is ok and making plans lol..

16 Feb, 2013


Poor you have it so much colder up grass all needs cutting already too. i have been checking the weather and its looking good for the next few days. we are going to plant our tomato seeds today....spring is just around the corner...:-)

17 Feb, 2013


Enjoyed your blog very much.
Love the grid pics, very good way to show your pics.

17 Feb, 2013


thanks Lulu i have been getting to grips with an on line photo editing its so easy to use...:-)

17 Feb, 2013


lovely valentine blog sandra, all your young plants are doing well and seem to have got through winter ok,
you will need another pollytunnel if you keep this up lol :o))

19 Feb, 2013


thanks Sandra...i'd love another fact as it was 80 degrees in there today id like to cover the whole garden with them..x

19 Feb, 2013


I had a go with Picasa today! Fairly simple too!

20 Feb, 2013

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