brambles 0 Sandra and Jack 1
By sandra
had a little help today from my younger son Jack. it was soo cold but with enough layers we braved the elements to take on a patch of brambles at the bottom of the garden,
the things you find under the brambles….
this is the bath that was in the house when we arrived here at Corseside 20 years ago. i am thinking of growing strawberries in it now i have found it..
well when i say i ,i mean we as i had Jack here to help. we also had the help of the strimmer but had to resort to the hedge trimmer for the brambles as they were soo thick..
the weather was mad while we worked.. it went from sunshine to snow flurries and back again…
this is probably the reason it got out of hand in the first place…its an old bed base that was here when we arrived…i always curse it when the strimmer finds it. didn’t manage to get jack to pull it out but he has promised to have a go on the weekend.
its so hard to tackle jobs like this on your own but with Jack on hand we had it done in no time at all..
best tool i own. cuts through brambles and small thorn saplings be warned though, its heavy an can cause injury when being wielded by a determined woman. i will be more careful in future…
after all that exertion i decided to take refuge in my favorite place…i have collected all my big pots of succulents from their winter hiding places and treating them to a spring drink. i decorate our camp site and nursery with them.
some of course make it into our
and finally we had this when we had finished…:-)
13 Mar, 2013
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the ones around the edge are aeonium cuneatum we grew from seed a few years ago. a friend gave me the pot and i knew just what i was going to plant it with straight away DaisyD. its so huge i dont know where i will store it next
13 Mar, 2013
Cold and sunny here, today, as well Sandra,until it snowed late afternoon!.You've more energy that me.Can't bring myself to do much in this dreary weather. I'm hoping to get out tomorrow though and do some of my customers' gardens.The ones I should've done last Thursday before we had 7 days of rain, snow ice, wind , the lot!!
13 Mar, 2013
i have to Paul..the clock is start again in 4 weeks and our yurts must be ready in 6. but i'mm loving it after being in side all winter.
13 Mar, 2013
You make me feel tire switch out me actually doing anything Sandra...Ha Ha!
13 Mar, 2013
Bed springs and an old bath - do I spot some bedding and a water feature next? :-)
13 Mar, 2013
I love those succulents, and well done you and Jack for taking on those brambles and winning!
13 Mar, 2013
Wow, what a fabulous sunset photo, Sandra!
They're a bit of an obssession of mine, especially when the sun's rays pierce dark, thunderous-looking clouds, like the ones in your pic.
I should get out more, shouldn't I. Lol.
13 Mar, 2013
great work !
14 Mar, 2013
A great job done !
Your Aeoniums are looking good :o)
14 Mar, 2013
i have a plan for the bath Andrew..not sure about the springs though...
thanks Louisa..
Mouldy i dont get out at all....that was taken from my living room..:-)
thanks Paul
Hywel i'm delighted with them this year....cant wait to get them out...x
14 Mar, 2013
Great work ... well done Jack and Sandra !
14 Mar, 2013
Well done you two lovely to get stuck in clearing up things after the winter we have had. Brambles are the bane of my life. They seed everywhere and anywhere, think the birds spread the seeds around. Bit like the holly trees and birch trees I keep find sprouting up in my borders. lol :O)
14 Mar, 2013
Now thats a task and a half, good job Jack was there to lend a hand, brute force, ignorance and determination to win needed there Sandra, I bet your back and arms were a bit achey after clearing that lot, must have been a relief to spend time amongst your babies, which are looking grand, lovely selection as well...
Smashing photo,s
14 Mar, 2013
thanks Terra...i always make the most of my boys when they are at home...
Olive i wish i found holly seedlings here...holly dosent seem to like my windy garden.
Lincs my boys both major in determination and brute force thank goodness. i feel very blessed as i couldnt manage here with out them...:-)
14 Mar, 2013
Horrible job, moving brambles - very well done, you deserve a meal out. Did you have a big bonfire?
14 Mar, 2013
oh yes Steragram....its always the reward after abit of hacking and chopping..;-)
14 Mar, 2013
Oh don't mention yurts.....terribly envious!
Well done with the clearing. Does it matter that brambles all grow back again?
14 Mar, 2013
i will strim in the this summer and it should be a lovely patch of grass by the autumn Lulu....i cant wait to see the new yurt finished...we have no overall design plan and are winging it....fingers crossed....:-}
15 Mar, 2013
great job both of you, lol at the bath but i knew you would recycle it some how sandra, the queen of recycling haha.
lovely photos of your plants to,
the sky photo looks like aliens landing, brilliant :o))
15 Mar, 2013
thanks Sandra...i will have to call on my boys again to move the bath as its an old iron one and sooo heavy..
15 Mar, 2013
Check with landscapers & reclaimers yards, Sandra.
You should get quite a few quid for a cast iron bath to put towards a treat or new project.
Worth looking into.
16 Mar, 2013
Sandra the first pond we ever had came out of mum and dads bathroom when my son was thirteen, years later we tried to get it back out of the ground as we'd bought the bigger fishpond we have now and couldn't shift the beggar, lol, it had to be broken up in situ using a very heavy sledgehammer, some bits are still buried under the pond ...
16 Mar, 2013
Well done to both of you, that would have been me a few years ago, loved a challenge......looks so much better for the clear up.
Succulents looking good too Sandra....
16 Mar, 2013
Mouldy its going to be the new raised bed for my mam to grow strawberrys in...
Lincs we have another one which is a little pond. i broke one up years ago with a slegde hammer the noise was incredable...
thanks Dd2 im off out there today to start the tomato pot on....:-)
17 Mar, 2013
Those succulents do look good Sandra - great job as well.
17 Mar, 2013
thanks's well worth the effort of putting them away in winter..cant wait till i can bring them all out again..:-)
17 Mar, 2013
Hope you've 'bagsied' your share of the crop, Sandra?!
18 Mar, 2013
oh yes Mouldy..its the perks of the
18 Mar, 2013
Glad you enjoyed your bonfire Sandra. I've a huge one waiting but can't light it for months as its just under a rookery and I don't want to frighten the birds with all that smoke. Same every spring - too wet to do it in the autumn and too birdy to do it in the Spring. Think I'd better buy a trailer...
18 Mar, 2013
I'm the same with my hedges Stera....have to cut them in the depths of winter so as not to disturb the birdies..x
19 Mar, 2013
You could always blame it on the birds, Sandra, lol.
My wee, fat mum had a cat that would suck the strawberries off the stalks, then end up with the squits for days.
It never learned, year after year, a real cat-scrumper!
19 Mar, 2013
Lol Mouldy!
19 Mar, 2013
He was a wily old rascal. Mum had him for nineteen yrs, then some new neighbours, who the old moocher recieved tidbits from, did a moonlight flit, owing debts left right & centre.
Ginger disappeared at the same time.
We figured they'd cat-napped him & drew comfort from the fact they obviously cared for him. :-D
21 Mar, 2013
perhaps they took him to a strawberry free zone and he lived a squit free exsistance..:-)
21 Mar, 2013
Ginger was a born moocher, Sandra.
Don't get me wrong, we were always presented with a small, dead creature on his return from his adventures. Let it not be said he let us risk starvation, but, like some dogs I've had, he felt it only fair you should share & share alike, particularly chocolate, cheese or toast.
With cheese ON toast he'd shred your legs, if his rightful portion was witheld!
Wherever he ended up would have had the words lap & luxury combined. Only the best for Ginger.
He might have been a squitter, but he weren't no quitter! Lol.
21 Mar, 2013
i have a ginger dog called Ruby who would sell her soul for spaghetti bolognese...:-)
21 Mar, 2013
My ex-wife's cat was partial to it as well, but you'll find it a rare dog, indeed, who can resist it.
Garlic, you see. They can't turn it down.
Having said that, I spent my boyhood slipping dogs the stuff I hated. Lol. ;-)
22 Mar, 2013
i will always be greatfull to our old dog Penny who love sprouts under the table...he he he
22 Mar, 2013
S'funny how I grew to love the food I once hated.
22 Mar, 2013
still only have a token sprout on my christmas dinner...but i have got used to the taste of larger especially
23 Mar, 2013
I'll drink to that. %-}
23 Mar, 2013
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What a fantastic job of clearing the brambles Sandra, you and Jack must of been really motivated to clear them in this weather brrrr.
I love your succulents, im going to look on ebay to see if i can find some, your first pic, the basket, which succulents are those? they are gorgeous.
13 Mar, 2013