The problem with gardening is.....
By seaburngirl
…… you have to buy plants to go in where you have weeded.
Heuchera ‘Jade Gloss’
Papaver orientalis ‘Checkers’
Euphorbia ‘Ascot Rainbow’
Eryismum linifolium variegata ‘Peach’
Pulmonaria ‘Majestee’
Pulmonaria ‘Opal’
Then last Thursday I went to my local HPS meeting and the speaker brought along some lovely shade plants.
Of course I had to buy some [no photos as yet]Cardamines. 3 different species all for semi to deep shade.
C. purpurescens with as the name suggests purple flowers.
C. bulbifera with lilac flowers.
C. waldesteinii with white flowers and lilac anthers.
I forgot I got this Clematis to go up the fence next to where the holly had been.
I also have my eye on some Eremurus but I am holding back a few pennies just in case I see something more appropriate.
Of course I could just stop gardening……
5 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Half term Holiday.
Next post: Some of my favourite plants.
I got a few other bits and bobs but nothing really choice just fillers/duplicates :o)
5 Mar, 2011
Nice plants there
5 Mar, 2011
Great plants :):):)
5 Mar, 2011
A wonderful selection there.
5 Mar, 2011
Good variety to fill those gaps....spring has sprung and everyone is getting into the "purchases" for all those bare patches in the garden.
5 Mar, 2011
That's a coincidence, Sbg - the mail oder company couldn't send me the Pulmonaria I wanted - so he rang and suggested another one which turned out to be Majeste! Now I know what the flowers look like. :-)
You got some lovely plants. Good for you!
6 Mar, 2011
Your pulmonarias look lovely as does the Heuchera, clematis etc etc.
Oh jealousy you nasty thing - get thee behind me! I have just done some weeding and promised myself to rely on seeds!
6 Mar, 2011
Nice choice of plants you have there....
6 Mar, 2011
lovely plants sea,, i have constance to, its lovely, keep buying and done stop gardening i say haha
6 Mar, 2011
And I planted a few today and noticed that what I thought was C. purpurescens is in fact Helleborus purpurescens. a senior moment. oops.
Got quite a few weeds out today and shifted 5 bags of top soil saved from the conservatory building.
6 Mar, 2011
lol sea,, well i wouldnt have known anyway, hopeless at remembering names. you have been busy, iv been out to and got quite alot tidy, bin full so will carry on after tuesday, moved a couple of plants and need to clean my decking and clear growhouse up this week, i thought there wasnt to much to do till i started haha, lots to do while im off this week.
6 Mar, 2011
I hope the weather is kind to you, Sandra. :-)
6 Mar, 2011
Look on them as a reward for a job well done - the weeding, I mean, lol. Love the euphorbia, think I'll start a new list for 'wants' this year.
6 Mar, 2011
thankyou barbara, had a few hours yesterday in the sun, surprising what gets done isnt it, art today and garden tomorrow after the bin is emptied again, hope your enjoying your garden to barbara :o)
7 Mar, 2011
hope you had a good day.
no cats digging up the plants planted yesterday ... yet!
I have to reward myself or I would loose interest. :o)
7 Mar, 2011
i do that to sea,, treat myself for doing a good job :o)
7 Mar, 2011
Lovely plants, SBG, so far I have only bought some violas and primulas from Aldis! They have turned out VERY WELL well actually. I recommend them. Oh and a few fuchsia cuttings from B &Q. I am off to a couple of GCs on Thursday.
I did spend 3 hours outside today and sowed lots of seeds in the greenhouse. Normally I wouldnt do these until it was almost too late. So thats a start!
7 Mar, 2011
I got my primulas a couple of weeks ago and grew violas froseed last year.
Enjoy the trip to the gc dont forget your purse :o)
7 Mar, 2011
Hi I notice you say you are shaded by neighbours. Hopeless eh ?? !!! I have Moved things got so bad. Now have a sunny walled garden so looking forward to a long hot summer starting......................Now !!!!!
Sorry for your pedicament. My shade just got too deep.
Do you have the RHS General certificate or better ???
Just joined this site. I am a plant nut too. I got the General certif. LOVE most plants. Just a very few I am not too keen on.
Will have to relearn sun lovers. Not a nasty task. Bye for now
27 Mar, 2011
its not neighbours as such, just mature trees with tpo's attached to them. A large beech hedge adds to the shade too. I do have some sun but as I say predominantly shade. Moved from a more open site for aore garden and space for the then growing family.
28 Mar, 2011
Never thought of that reason for pulling out weeds, the next time I buy some new plants thats what I will tell my husband. lol the plants are beautiful
14 Apr, 2011
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Great choices ! :o)))
5 Mar, 2011