My Garden today - oh, what weather!
By spritzhenry
I hope you are all OK as this storm rushes around creating mayhem!
I haven’t ’braved ’ it yet to take Henry out for his walk – but I dashed out just now to see how far the stream has risen (so far) and of course he had to come too!
The stream collects water from the hills – so it always continues to rise for hours after heavy rain in the area. Yes, the lower part of the garden has been flooded several times while we’ve been here – and the lanes flood so badly that the village gets cut off to all except the farmers with their tractors! Fingers crossed….
The next worry in the gales is the old ash tree. As you can see, it has lost several branches previously – and our tree surgeon has taken other rotting parts off, too. I just hope it survives this lot!
Several of my heavy pots have been blown over – this one was due to be taken up to the greenhouse for the winter, but not while it’s lashing down out there! The gate to the work area where the greenhouses has blown open and the hinges have been damaged. That’ll have to wait for repair!
I didn’t stay outside for long in the rain – just a quick trip to see what was going on out there.
Hey! I thought I’d cleared up all the leaves!
And I definitely swept this path yesterday before the wind rose!
I do hope that all of you out there in GOYland are safe and dry – and that your garden doesn’t suffer too much damage! What’s it like where you are?
14 Nov, 2009
Previous post: Those 'Wow' factor shrubs!
Next post: New for old - MAGIC!
i hope your garden keeps safe.....its been awful here on south coast.. the winds last night were so mad... on the weather on tv it said they were up to 90 miles an hour...........its still blowing and as 4 the rain ive never seen such heavy rain........ my lawn is flooded and my poor willow is bending right over.....i was going out but am leaving ti till tomorrow now......... hope your stream doesnt flood and your tree survies the wind.. take care......
14 Nov, 2009
Thanks, M. You're right! An umbrella would be inside-out before I got to the gate! The gales are supposed to die down this afternoon - and then pick back up on Monday. H. can wait until this afternoon to go out! I don't want to be blown over!!!!! :-(((
14 Nov, 2009
That sounds awful, Holly! You take care, too! xx
14 Nov, 2009
OMG Spritz - that is horrendous...I heard about the 90mph gales but couldn't figure out where everybody lives....a good idea to put on this blog -so we can all "check in" so to speak!
Your poor garden too....let's hope Monday's gales don't do any further damage and the stream stays put. Poor Henry will just have to cross his paws for a bit..LOL
You folks are obviously getting what we did last weekend...except our gales were nothing like that...a mere 50-60 I believe.
We are certainly being tossed about a bit this afternoon..but nothing spectacular and so far the rain has stayed off after a night of it and the threat of a lot more I hear.
14 Nov, 2009
4 of my fences have just come down in the wind......
14 Nov, 2009
I think the rain has eased off - the sky looks brighter now. But the branches are still tossing about madly!
I'd like to check on everybody and see where these gales are!
14 Nov, 2009
You really have got it badly, Holly!
14 Nov, 2009
I've just checked the local Met. office forcast and we currently have gusts upto 43 mph but dying down over the next 24 hours. The next lot of wind is forcast for Wednesday at about 47 mph.
14 Nov, 2009
I like that brick path Spritz...
Did you make it ?
Did you make a blog about making it ? Lol.
Are the bricks ordinary house bricks or engineering bricks ?
Are they set into sand ? many questions...
..answer, please, in less than 300 words. LOL.
14 Nov, 2009
a) Husband made it
b) Can't remember - but possibly!
c) Reclaimed house bricks from the Reclamation Yard
d) Yes!
LOL. Now - how's your weather?
14 Nov, 2009
I live just a few miles north east of Spritz and it's raging here too :-(((((((
The winds here are forecast to be up to 50mph too Ian, i HATE the winds.
Living on a hillside is just awful in this weather, to make matters worse, where the winds 'hit me' is at the back of the house and garden because there are no houses infront of me there to buffer them.
My Garrya has been badly affected and it's rocking around in its hole :-((((
So too the Freemontadendron :-(((((
Last year it was Cotinus that 'went'.
Ho hum :-(
The neighbours fences that divide us are bowing badly so i expect them to pop out any time too :-(
These south westerlies aren't cold winds, far from it but boy oh boy they are destructive :-(((((((
14 Nov, 2009
Isle of Wight just recorded gusts of 100mph!!!!!! EEEK!
Glad I don't live there and Dover has closed the port ...but it supposed to calm down later on..let's hope the Met Office have got THAT right.
14 Nov, 2009
Oh, Louise... I've lived in houses where the garden fencing groans in every gale, and then there's finally a storm which brings them all down like dominoes !
Thanks for the info. Spritz.... and wet and windy here... :o(
14 Nov, 2009
Well you all seem to be having a bad time of it and all the damage too feel really sorry for you all and hope the winds die down soon and the rain stops. We are very lucky here in Lancashire its been quite a nice day really, sunshine and a moderate wind but certainly nothing like you have. Fingers crossed that the weather will start to improve and not too much damage is done.
14 Nov, 2009
Hi everyone sorry to hear about all your bad weather , these winds are quite frightening,Here in derbyshire its lashing down with rain and the blustery winds take your breath away,I want to go in the greenhouse but i daren't in case i get blown away.
14 Nov, 2009
I was wakened up by a huge gust that rattled our canopy like an out of tune harp. I looked fearfully out to see if it was still was. I have gruesome memories of 1987 when we ended up holding it down with a rope while 100mph hour gusts pushed us around. We were younger then. I fled to the front bedroom and promptly went to sleep again!
14 Nov, 2009
~ not had panels blown out yet~ although pots are banging about ~but we had a heron from the valley sitting on the neighbours hedge!Not sure if he is seeking shelter or blown off course or both!
14 Nov, 2009
in sussex this morning we have had torrential rain, lightning, hailstones and gales...... with the occasional lull in between. managed to get out and feed the guinea pigs who are tucked up in the shed thank goodness. one large pot blown over and a young euphorbia snapped off at the base. hoping the fence panels hold out! at least its happening at the weekend...... dont fancy the 40 minute walk to work in this!
14 Nov, 2009
Couldn't resist this one Spritz! For once I can say it's a BEAUTIFUL day up here in Scotland. The sun is shining and there is a slight breeze. I'm going to go out in the garden and tidy up a bit, plant some bulbs and move 2 rhododendrons. Make hay while the sun shines! (which isn't very often here).
Hopefully the storm won't last long and your stream won't flood the garden. (I'm near Glasgow).
14 Nov, 2009
glad u survived Spritz...its been rough down here too. not too much damage thank goodness...nearly didnt make it home last night as the water was soo deep in places. seems to be stopping now...
14 Nov, 2009
I thought it was getting calmer - but it has picked up more, in the last few minutes! Really horrible outside.
Skillen - glad to hear it! :-))
14 Nov, 2009
`same here `had to cross this little bridge teatime yesterday across what should have been low water but totally flooded on all the approaches~heart in mouth time!
14 Nov, 2009
YOu probably deserve it, Skillen, I think Scotland was suffering a while back with similar stuff, wasn't it. Bad here - 70 mph gusts - not too much water though, the field opposite me isn't flooded - I was hoping it would, wanted to post a picture of it as a lake rather than field, though!
14 Nov, 2009
it was like that here Arlene...i have never driven through such deep car comming towards us, its headlights were under the water.....i folllowed a landrover through the water in his was sooo scary. we had to try several different ways to get home but got here in the end...
14 Nov, 2009
Its really scary Sandra to get in those narrow lanes and feel trapped and there's water,water everywhere! You were so glad to get out of it. It happened to us near Epping once, in the backlanes, about 2 years ago. So glad to get home. You imagine having to be rescued by helicopter from a submerged car!
14 Nov, 2009
Similar weather to yours Spritzhenry, have not had time to go down the garden yet, but what I can see are a lot of leaves everywhere, when the day before that, I raked and cleared all the flower beds. I also moved a few shrubs the other day, I am trying to appreciate the rain to keep them watered.
14 Nov, 2009
~ that sounds scary Sandra! glad you are safely home in one piece!
14 Nov, 2009
Must say we have been very fortunate in Northumberland...We were supposed to be getting very high winds but the forecast thismorning said not (hm...heard that before!!)...It was fine and sunny thismorning but it coulded over about an hour ago and we have had a few showers and just a bit of a breeze.
Hope you all stay safe and don't have too much damage to your lovely gardens and fences....
Take care:)
14 Nov, 2009
you to Arlene....
14 Nov, 2009
I think we probably do Bamboo! Though it has started to cloud over now.
14 Nov, 2009
We seem to have struck it lucky here too! A lousy day, but nothing compared to what you're getting down south!
Stay safe, GoYs!
14 Nov, 2009
Same here AA, Its raining now, you know that nice rain :) that makes the garden look all green..
Sorry to hear about your weather guys and i dont believe for a second we will escape it! Hope its calmed down for you..
14 Nov, 2009
That's 3 of us blogged about the wind down this way Spritz - & it's still howling out there.
14 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear of the bad weather most of you having.We had some heavy rain and wind during the night,but nothing like you.this morning was sunny and mild,bur a heavy shower thia afternoon.We have been so lucky here in West yorkshire,and have the Pennines to shelter us a bit.----sometimes.!
Take care all of you, Sandra.
14 Nov, 2009
Well, I took Henry for a VERY short walk - and almost got blown backwards! It rained, too, but not in torrents. It was meant to calm down here around 3 o'clock! It's after 4 - and it hasn't. :-(( Lots of bits of branches all over the lanes - but we are not flooded like you in Wales, Sandra! (Not yet, anyway!)
14 Nov, 2009
Oh goodness. It sounds like you are all having a rotten time of things over there. I hope you all stay safe and warm. Plants can be replaced but people can't.
I hate to say it but here it has dawned a brilliant day. The sun is shining on the skif of snow we had last night. I imagine that will all melt soon. It is cold....-9C when I got up this morning and the little birds are flying around madly trying to eat enough to keep warm. The only casualties over here would be my Agapanthus which got left outside and has now probably snuffed it due to the temperatures.
14 Nov, 2009
What horrid weather, lets hope it subsides very soon.
The first thing I check after heavy rain, is the brook level and its quite worrying when it continues to rise several hours after the rain has stopped. I'm pleased your new greenhouse survived.
14 Nov, 2009
Hi Gilli....I heard about the LOW temps you folk were having ....I was on the phone to Calgary and they too have had really hard frosts. With any luck your famous Chinook winds will thaw you out soon...LOL
If your agapanthus were in pots - get them under cover - but somewhere where they will thaw out is the quick thaw that kills!!!
Good luck! Cx
14 Nov, 2009
I'll try that Carol. Hopefully at least one of them will make it. Calgary is usually colder than here but we get the Chinooks too. It's hard to believe they are forecasting +10C tomorrow. The weather doesn't know if its coming or going.
14 Nov, 2009
Poor Gilli! Sounds c-c-c-c-c-old! I hope the Agapanthus does survive!
Dawn - we won't know about the stream (brook on the map!) levels until later tonight. Husband will no doubt be out with a torch, checking. I haven't been up to look at my greenhouses - don't frighten me! I'm not going back out now -it's too dark and wet and nasty still. :-(((
14 Nov, 2009
I dont blame you for staying in where its warm. Going out with a torch looking at the stream level reminds me of us here and the volume of water a small brook is expected to take can sometimes seem unfair.
14 Nov, 2009
Yes - and the waiting is so awful - I mean... to see how much water will come off the Quantock Hills! The level does go back down quite quickly, though, once the rain has stopped for a couple of days.
14 Nov, 2009
I know exactly what you mean, it is amazing how things get back to normal after a few days.
14 Nov, 2009
It isn't over yet, though. More of this is forecast for Monday. :-(((
14 Nov, 2009
well I hope every one is safe.
east yorkshire has had lovely sunshine until about 1.30 when it clouded over. It is chucking it down now and had been since 2.30. the wind is very breezy/gusty and the big beech tree is groaning.
14 Nov, 2009
Uh-oh! It's moved up north! Good luck, Sbg!
14 Nov, 2009
Yes heavy rain here now!
14 Nov, 2009
I think I will be sleeping in the living room tonight - having had three large chunks of tree land in my garden in previous gales I am wary of sleeping in my bedroom when its windy in case a really big tree comes my way! Seems strange to have no birds around in the garden - they must all be sheltering somewhere. Heavy rain, hailstones and two power cuts so far today so I have a torch and a little oil lamp at the ready. Keep safe everyone :)
14 Nov, 2009
Poor you Gee. You take care x
14 Nov, 2009
So sorry you seem to be having it very badly, we here in the Black Country are pretty lucky, lashing rain and wind but so far no damage to fences or plants.We chopped our Eucaliptus tree down to about 15ft this summer so glad we did as it is near the house and telegraph poles. It`s sprouting new growth already should eventually have the appearance of a willow with luck.
14 Nov, 2009
Stay safe, everyone!
14 Nov, 2009
I'm staying safe indoors, Madperth - but it might be the boredom that gets to me - am going stir crazy...
14 Nov, 2009
Just looked outside before it got dark - two fence panels down but they belong to my neighbour. I'll check the plants tomorrow
14 Nov, 2009
Hope it quietens down for you Spritz. Just been out to a friends house. Has a huge willow in his garden. All bits showering off it. He had a few dodgy bits cut off a few weeks ago. Very tall Eucalyptus belonging to a neighbour is leaning at an angle at the bottom of his garden. It would demolish a few fences if it came down. I love big trees and little streams, but they are such a worry once the weather turns vicious. Barometer just tapped up at 6.35pm, might be quieter for a while round Essex way.
14 Nov, 2009
Thank goodness that screaming wind has calmed down at last! That was 24 hours non-stop! No wonder there's been damage! More on Monday, so it'll be batten down the hatches again. :-((
At least the stream level might have a chance of falling, if there's no rain tomorrow!
I think we could do with a barometer here, Dorjac!
Poor Gee - not nice at all. You're being sensible! I saw birds on the bird feeders this morning, but none since. I suppose they're tucked away in the shrubs and ivy??
14 Nov, 2009
We live opposite the Isle of Wight and the weather here has been shocking, very heavy rain for hours on end gales well over 80, lots of damage already reported on Louises Blog, frightened to go out tomorrow, not sure what we will find.
14 Nov, 2009
I'm so sorry - and I wonder how Andrearichter's getting on, actually ON the Isle of Wight? Your piece of coast seems to have been badly hit, Dee. Good luck in the mornong - let us know how things are, won't you!
14 Nov, 2009
~ I have a rain guard over the niger seed and have had about 4 goldfinches on that and a robin about half a dozen starlings,blackbird and lots of bluetits etc on the bird table which is very solid and has a roof~ it's slightly more sheltered in the back garden and the winds have eased~possibly better outlook tomorrow?
14 Nov, 2009
Yes will do, was wondering about Andrea it has been awful .
14 Nov, 2009
How terrible. I hope your lovely tree withstands the battering. It hasn't been to bad here in south west Wales, some heavy showers but no damage. We actually had a sunny few minuits about lunchtime.
14 Nov, 2009
I've picked my bird table up three times today! When I went out for the fourth time I just left it on it's side in a safe place! :~((
14 Nov, 2009
I've sent a PM to Andrea - I do hope she's OK over there!
We're OK at the moment, thanks, Hywel. It's calm again at the moment, thank goodness.
Ian - no point, really, was there? Just remember to pick it up tomorrow!
14 Nov, 2009
Lol, I won't get the chance to forget, Holly insists on feeding the birds every morning. I have to take a tall stool out for her to stand on (the bird table is seven foot high!!!) and then lift her onto it and hold her up while she dishes out peanuts, fat balls and wild bird mix!
14 Nov, 2009
Well, that's good. Ours is fastened to the end post of a fence, so it's secure. All the feeders hanging on hooks were swinging backwards and forwards like crazy today - I think at least one fell off. I'll have to re-fill them all tomorrow, I suspect.
14 Nov, 2009
I wasn't sure what to go for (it's new) until I saw a cat jump from our fence on to next doors bird table so I made sure he wasn't getting any birds from off ours!
14 Nov, 2009
Very sensible. :-))
14 Nov, 2009
14 Nov, 2009
Bamboo, if you're going crazy, you're in good company!! Lol!
14 Nov, 2009
Hope you all manage to stay safe with the horrible weather you are having.Its dry and breezy here in Newcastle at the minute.
14 Nov, 2009
Blimey Spritz. Precarious ground you dwell upon I must say. Hope you're tied down safely else you'll be blown away yourself.
It's been pretty nasty here in Bridgend but 'touch wood', we've escaped any damage thus far. Ali is concerned about the mighty Oak next door but if it comes down, it will be cheaper than a tree surgeon cutting it for us......unless of course it falls on our house and then it might not be so cheap!!
It's quite nasty everywhere by the look of some of the comments so batten down the hatches peeps coz we're in for a bumpy ride!!
Keep safe AND warm everyone!
14 Nov, 2009
Just had yet another power failure here! Very frustrating because I lose internet connection too and I was just into something interesting in my family tree research!
The wind has risen slightly again but not as bad as earlier in the day. I think I will put myself to bed while I have some light to see by :)
Goodnight all.
15 Nov, 2009
Goodnight Gee! Stay safe! :~))))
☺ ❤ ❦ ✿ ☯ ❀
15 Nov, 2009
it was b....... awful here all day :((( this morning it's a lot quieter
15 Nov, 2009
Sunday morning, and hoping you're all safe, dry and out of harms''s been a real pig of an autumn, hasn't it? Any forecasts for what winter will bring?
15 Nov, 2009
Thanks - we've got a lovely calm respite day today! The sun's out and apart from a LOT of clearing up, we survived. We had yet more rain in the night, and the stream has crept ever upwards, but should retreat if no rain falls today. The forecast for tomorrow onwards is back to storms, I'm afraid, for the whole week, so it'll be 'batten' time again!
No idea of what the long-range forecast is - has anyone else? I am very sceptical about them anyway! I reckon it's a wait and see job.
Poor Gee - we had to install a generator here as we had a lot of power cuts - out line is up on poles!
Marie - love the little row of wing-dings! I'd forgotten about those! :-)))))
15 Nov, 2009
hope you all kept safe in the gales.... its much calmer here today and the sun is out.. had some fence damage and my curly willow tree if leaning a bit as it was wond blown from the sea.. its branches are all now leaning forward... hope it will be ok.....
15 Nov, 2009
Morning all....hope everybody managed to ride out the storms without any personal loss or damage? We got off lightly as you know ...but I hear tomorrow it is "stand by your arks and tie everything down again" time yet again. Just looked at the Jet Stream predictions and it doesn't make happy reading.
As for the long range forecast.....somewhat colder but slightly drier that normal ...according to the Metcheck website...if you believe any of it!!!!
15 Nov, 2009
Much calmer here this morning but lots of heavy showers with sunshine! Very odd. I dozed in my living room last night as my bedroom was too noisy (next doors dripping gutter, trees, toppling pots, etc etc). Like you, Spritz, our power lines are overhead so are easily damaged in storms. The whole of the village was effected by power failures yesterday but no tree or other damage that I could see when I went out a little earlier. Hope everyone else finds things not too bad when they investigate their area.
15 Nov, 2009
Pleased to hear you survived intact is very frightening isn't it - when these storms hit - especially in the dark - natural or otherwise. Let's hope you get a good night's sleep before the next round!
15 Nov, 2009
I think this counts as winter, BScott, not autumn - actually, the autumn was fabulous, right up to the end of October - warm, dryish (except Scotland), still flowers everywhere - which is probably why we're paying for it now!
15 Nov, 2009
Thought it was not very nice here yesterday, but we had no winds just kept raining.
15 Nov, 2009
Fingers crossed for next week, now! I've picked up several branches off the borders, and I'll be leaf-clearing in a minute - not worth doing too much, though, if all the rest still hanging on are going to be blown down in the next few days!
Husband took H. out while I was at church - two paths were blocked with fallen trees.
15 Nov, 2009
my barbara all that water, henry checking it out there, hope the tree keeps going poor old thing, its rain here but no winds, my grass is sodden and pools of water so have to be carefull walking on it or it will end up a mud bath :o(
15 Nov, 2009
That's the trouble, Sandra - the ground is so soggy that it can't take any more water! YUK!!
I picked up armfuls of smallish branches from the younger ash tree, but I didn't have time to do the same from the old one. I'm sure there must be lots there too. At least the main branches stayed on! :-)
15 Nov, 2009
You certainly had it rough ! Here not too bad for a change...seem to have missed the worst of it,but solid rain expected tomorrow !
15 Nov, 2009
I'm glad you didn't get the gales, Bb. They were scary - and damaging! Good luck with the rain - I think we're getting it, too.
15 Nov, 2009
Think its pretty widespread Spritz..a good excuse for me to do some housework since Jane working hard at school whatever the weather !
15 Nov, 2009
LOL. That's what I did on Friday and Saturday! At least the house benefitted from the weather....usually, the garden comes first! :-)))
15 Nov, 2009
Oh dont know if Jane will see it that way when she sees my idea of housework Spritz...but will give it a go ! Lol
15 Nov, 2009
Go on - give it a try...your way! LOL. She might just get a surprise - a nice one, I hope! :-)
15 Nov, 2009
\ long as she leaves me instructions,such as where she has hidden the hoover ! LOL
15 Nov, 2009
Now that I do not believe, Bb! Nobody hides hoovers - it must be you - is this the first time you've used it??
15 Nov, 2009
Shhhhh Spritz..okay you got me rumbled ! Senior moment brought on by potential domestic duties !
15 Nov, 2009
Hope the storms have gone for good by now, without further damage. Not even a breeze here, so felt quite guilty that I was able to complete my bulb-planting and get some tidying up done in the garden, then read on GOY about the awful weather elsewhere. :-((
16 Nov, 2009
Have fun today, Bb!! LOL.
David, the wind is picking up here - but there aren't any severe weather warnings out as far as I'm aware. We had rain in the night - and are expecting more every day this week. The sun's out at the moment! :-)))
16 Nov, 2009
It wasn't too bad here today - a bit of rain in the afternoon. Like you Spritz, I'd tidied the garden but now I'm going to have to have a final, final tidy up out there!
Love the brick path.
16 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Linda. It turned out quite a nice day yesterday and the sun is shining today, so another 'respite' before the next lot of bad weather, thank goodness. I still have loads of tidying to do!
17 Nov, 2009
Brilliant here in London today - windy, and cold now, with more rain forecast, but we had sun almost all day, just a bit of cloud about, and I went and did a really horrible digging job and got it done in the sunshine. Very satisfying and pleasurable, really.
17 Nov, 2009
I was leaf-clearing in the borders yet again - and I cut the Buddleja and floribunda roses half back, as well as perennial chopping (still!) Muddy and damp knees, but at least I felt I'd done something useful!
The forecast is pretty horrible for the end of the week, so it's get it done fast time before then!
17 Nov, 2009
Too right, that's why I went today - the forecast for the rest of the week is much more variable on the rain front.
17 Nov, 2009
How I envy you, Barbara, being able to KNEEL! Until my diagnosis ( arthritis, advanced, both knees ) I was a regular, 100% kneeling gardener, and had been for 30 years. Now I can't, at all, and what a huge difference it's made to both me and the garden! I still think that my (perhaps excessive ) kneeling - to weed, to plant, to feed, to - well, everything, really - contributed to my condition.
...I hope you do something to protect your knees from impact and damp...because, believe me, once arthritis sets in, you simply won't be able to do what you can now.....look after them, girl!
17 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Brenda - I'll try to! I got given a funny little low seat on a domed base - it's supposed to be instead of kneeling - I can't get on with it, though! Have you seen them? Maybe that would be of use to you?
17 Nov, 2009
Barbara, honestly, do everything you can, NOW to protect your knees! I was blithely kneeling, twisting, bending, turning, until 18 months ago, and not giving a care in the world, as ever...and then...BANG! - arthritis! I had NO idea, until it struck, because it has only affected my knees ( for which many thanks ).
According to the x-rays ( and, alas, they don't fib ) I have hardly any cartilege left, which is what causes the constant pain ( bone rubbing against bone ) and complete inability to do anything physical involving bending the knees ( and to me, that means gardening! )
I've got one of those reversible gardening stools, so that I can lower myself to ground level and do some stuff with legs stretched out, and hoist myself up afterwards, but it's just not the same!
Hopefully, you don't have a genetic history of arthritis, so you'll be fine! Thanks for the tip, though! I've not seen these seats...will look out for them!
17 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Brenda - I do normally use a kneeling mat, but I put one knee down on the grass today as I was raking be honest, I couldn't be bothered to walk all the way to the log shed to get my mat! I promise to use it all the time, now. I take codliver oil every day, and try to eat healthily too. My sister has arthritis, but I don't know of any other family history of it.
I wish I could just give you my 'wobbly seat' to try! lol.
17 Nov, 2009
Ah! Thanks, Barbara!
I can't take codliver or any of the other fish oils because it/they give/s me really severe indigestion! KEEP TAKING IT!
With arthritis, I think it's the luck of the draw....approx. 80% of people over the age of 50 will develop it, and that means only 1 in 5 will escape! I hope you're one of the lucky ones!
Despite healthy eating ( we were completely vegetarian for 10 years and still eat very well, limited amounts of meat and fish....loads of fresh fruit and veg ) and never doing anything which would compromise my immune system, the knees just - suddenly - packed in! I can only assume a genetic factor, about which I can do diddly-squat!
Fingers crossed for you!
17 Nov, 2009
Arthritis is the bane of my life - I've got it in the spine, and now, delightfully, in my feet and hands - I can only assume I'm riddled with it. and I can't take fish oil either, I wonder does it help. No painkillers for me, or arthritis drugs - like a lot of people, I'm on blood thinning drugs, which means you can't take any of them. I just keep moving as much as possible whenever possible.
17 Nov, 2009
Oh - I do feel for you both! And, of course, hope I don't get it! :-(((
17 Nov, 2009
Wow, Bamboo....that's far worse than me! The painkillers don't kill the pain at all, they just give you the odd day ( mybe once very 6 weeks or so ) where you almost forget the's a good day for me when I can get downstairs at 5.30 in the morning with out gripping onto the banister on one side, and the wall on the other!
Trust us, Barbara, you don't want it!
17 Nov, 2009
Oh, I know - from my sister, for a start! :-(((
17 Nov, 2009
I have to hobble up the hall like some old crone, bent over with feet that simply won't bend in the mornings - even I have to laugh - fortunately it passes within 5 minutes! Magnets, my dear BScott, wonderful for pain relief, look a right mess - I'm covered in them.
17 Nov, 2009
I have it in my neck & lower spine, & cant get the magnets to stick, lol!
No, seriously, I havent tried them, but I take glucosamine tablets , which help a fair bit. Good for the joints in general too. Might be worth a try!
Marie x
18 Nov, 2009
Can't take glucosomine either, Marie.....give me the same problem as cod liver oil, etc.,.....indigestion! in magnetic bracelets, Bamboo? The ones that turn your wrists green????
18 Nov, 2009
B, 'always' take the Cod Liver Oil with food, be it the CL oil itself or the capsules.
Always with a meal ....... and a fairly substantial one because taken without or very little, it's 'very' difficult to process and indigestion will usually occur.
18 Nov, 2009
~ I have very deformed fingers and as well as that have it in my knees neck spine etc~just take painkillers as and when but I am told it is worse when you miscarry as I have several times~I quite often wear a haemetite bracelet which is magnetic not so stronglyas magnets but is more decorative~
18 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Louise - yes, I have a capsule with my breakfast. My husband would suffer with his knees, but swears by glucosamine with chondroitin - he can tell if he misses taking it for even a short time, so it works for him!
I give Henry a codliver oil capsule twice a week - Labs can get arthritis in their joints, and the vet said it was a good idea. He, of course, loves it!
So do magnets give relief? Interesting. A bit like acupuncture, maybe?
18 Nov, 2009
Just been out bit earlier than usual this morning, catch the post and paper. There's a really gusty wing blowing. One tiny little mite on her way to school, with dad, lost her bag into the road, and was stopped in her tracks by a big gust of wind. Nice man stopped while I got it for her and dad held her hand. We were out on Sunday (lovely day) at North Weald airdrome. A lady had been blown over there, later they heard she has broken her hip. Scary. I checked over the garden when i got home. A few minor tweaks to make sure things don't move. I hope heavy rain keeps away and your garden stays in one piece.
18 Nov, 2009
No, BScott, not bracelet magnets - you have to put the magnet where it hurts, pointless putting some on your wrist (unless that's where it hurts!). I quite often have them stuck right the way up my spine, with several dotted about on the back of my neck - if anything hurts, I stick a magnet or three on it, if its possible! I buy them in Boots, well, I don't now, I get them direct from the manufacturer in bulk, much cheaper that way. They come on sticky plasters, but I cheat and keep the magnets for a while and stick them on again with zinc oxide plaster.
18 Nov, 2009
Lol! How do you reach? I live alone, & cant get my arm round!! :~}
18 Nov, 2009
With great difficulty, Marie, by the sound of it!
18 Nov, 2009
Exactly! I can see her getting stuck to fridges everywhere she goes, lol!
But if it eases the pain...................
18 Nov, 2009
Sorry, Bamboo - I can't help laughing at the thought of you being a fridge magnet! I do sympathise with your pain - honestly!
18 Nov, 2009
Ha ha, I always make that joke about not being able to walk past the fridge without getting stuck! You'd be surprised where you can reach if you're in enough pain - I know the blessed relief I'll get within a number of hours once they're applied, so I'll reach it, wherever it is, though I'll confess, its not easy at times - I live on my own too. I once had an xray of my shoulder and forgot there were 3 magnets - they thought I'd got shotgun pellets or something in it! And everywhere I go, I leave a trail of magnets, they're everywhere - in the car, the washing machine, on the walk to the garage, up the stairs, in the cafe, not to mention finding them lurking in quiet corners of people's gardens...
18 Nov, 2009
What happens at the airport? They'd think you were a terrrorist! LOL. Ooops!
18 Nov, 2009
I haven't been abroad for ages, so I don't know, specially now they've got that new scanner that sees through your clothes. I'd be stopped and taken off for examination for sure - might have to stay in Britain forever, don't fancy that rubber glove business much...
18 Nov, 2009
LOL!!!!! Naaasty!
18 Nov, 2009
Sorry that many of you are sufferring from the high winds and rain. I hope it soon improves for you.
19 Nov, 2009
~ will have to try them Bamboo!
19 Nov, 2009
It's back to gales this morning, Toto. Gales and rain tomorrow!
19 Nov, 2009
We have the gales as well Spritz! :~((
19 Nov, 2009
H. is early hassling me today - and I don't want to go out in this anyway!
I know I'll have to, though. :-((
19 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, the poor man must learn to cross his legs!
19 Nov, 2009
Oh, that's not the problem, Ian - he could just walk out into the garden for that! He was demanding a proper 'walk'. And, after all, that's part of the responsibility of being a dog owner, isn't it!
He did get one, by the way. :-))
19 Nov, 2009
Bamboo, have you tried sewing the magnets into a tshirt or top or something?
The river's pretty high here today, it been hammering down!
19 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, Marie - let's hope it stops soon, then. :-(((
19 Nov, 2009
I've racked my brains for ways to do it other than using sticky tape, Madperth, but the magnets are tiny, about the size of a small ladybird, and do need to be replaced over time as they lose their magnetic charge. As the years go by, I'm using more and more - I might have to pay someone to make me a magnetic body suit eventually...;-))
19 Nov, 2009
Gosh! How did you discover them, Bamboo?
19 Nov, 2009
Desperation, Spritz - I had a bad lower back (again, old back injury) about 10 years ago,taking much longer to get better than it used to do, and tried all kinds of things - found the magnets in Boots, thought it was worth a try and blow me down, they worked, killed the pain, able to move around normally. Used them ever since.
19 Nov, 2009
Couldn't the manufacturers make magnetic 'belts' or something....sort of attach the individual magnets to a strip of some stretchy fabric, so people could just pull them over a back, a knee, an elbow, an ankle, like they do with elastic support bandages and sports supports? Surely that would make applying them a whole lot easier - though it'd make them more expensive...
21 Nov, 2009
There are belts available, never tried them. Now if they made something that went from top to bottom of your spine, I'd be first in the queue! Before my Dad died, he had his leg ulcer treated with dressings containing magnets (on the NHS) - apparently, they draw blood into the area to aid healing. I remember him saying it improved, but he didn't live long enough to find out if they cured it.
21 Nov, 2009
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- Oh dear!
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- My yellow garden.
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20 Jan, 2009
What a terrible time you've had! Here was I bragging that we didn't have any wind and then it suddenly came up from nowhere! Our new bird table has been blown over and damaged, my poly tunnel has had it's cover lifted up and nearly blown away. (I tied it down during the last lot of winds!) and everything looks generally covered in leaves and very miserable!
14 Nov, 2009