Mega blog - Triple decker, Things to make n do level 8.5
Ello folks, howdeedodee
’’what’s Stevie been up to recently and hows his stuff getting on I wonder?’’,
OR mini blogs
1- Crack pot – Lets make a water feature
2- The golden (green) arch
2.5 – Mother clucker..
3- Trellis overload begins
4- For king n country or lunch n chutney
NB please note for all those WI members out there this blog will be interspersed with random cuddly animals to get you to click like ; )
so sit back (and shut up) and enjoy what going on over ear over the last few days
So come on crack pots, lets make a water feature : )
So what shall I do with this old pot with a piece missing, yes lets paint it for a laugh, that might cover up the crack a bit . ; )
I wanted a water tight pot to sit in it…hmmm expensive, but good ol asda had these- 3 for £10
however the top lip sits above the top of the pot, ok so lets cut it
not sure about the gap
so put the cut off collar back on..idea!
and here she is in fron of my new small trellis mark2…hmmm not sure though : /
actually on its own, dont look too bad. do you like my new honeysuckle? chucked an old one on there as well
This it will look nice with some acer leaves drifting whimsically over the water, in some kind of WI fantasy scene
Its the next day and fog drifts around the polycave
and all is quiet on the veg patch
hullo, hope you dont mind, can I be in your blog Stevie??..of course
………The golden arch…….
Ok so fancy making an arch?, I have had an arch in a box since last summer telling people I know. Ok so stop boring us with it and put it up!!
so here we are, lets clear the area.
Bosh, doesn’t she look fantastic. had to cut it down a bit and widen it in the middle,
Climbers!! lets get it on!!
Oh lovely arch Stevie, thanks frogger
I’m Stevie favorite ok!!!
umm ok back to noshing
everything organised, climbers potted up ready to go out
Clems and passion flowers, all my other stuff waiting for a place : )
bbaaaaa, hey Stevie we heard you were doin a blog, come on kids let get in it!!
bbaaa yep thats its, thanks for letting me use your baby lambs mum, those WI members will be hitting that like key ; ) But hey lets not lose focus here, back to the gardening….
oh…Ok so you now asking yourself why is there a picture of an omelette in this blog!!! well, loooook at it, what a fantastic looking omlette yes? who will this attract.
….Mother clucker………(more non relevant blog content ; )
BUT whats this??? OMG…bbbrrrrrrr
this is TOO much!!, what are you after I wonder?
bbbrrr wheres the fridge?
Ok ok, now what makes you think ‘I’ am the one that stole your eggs for me breakfast?
bbrrr I know its you…I followed you back
bbbrrr just ask next time kiddo ok
…back to the front lines ….
mornings light on the salix, new shoots
and there she is, the arch with her climbers, notice my painted and potted yuccas, defining the regal entrance
and the crack pot water feature in context (look i found the missing bit ; )
watch this space this will be mental in summer
and the back climbers are in for the main trellis
moved my plum tree to the left, and from the left for the trellis we have, passion flower, blackberry, winter jasmin, choco vine, a white passion flower, my prize clem ville de lyon, virginia creeper, another blackberry and on the right my bobby mac clem which hopefully will go mad and fill that gap : )
my master plan is going well (evil laugh)
tried to take a pic without my shadow but then i though sod it, i’ll just take a picture OF my shadow ; /
This pic is entitled ‘Shadow..with trellis’
window area, with bamboo, brooms , tray of wet irises
arch from the other way
watch this space
montanas budding nicely
nice shoots on the bobby mac
morning light on the passion flower
love the morning light as it catches stuff
love it a bit more…
ok i’ll just keep taking pics ; )
blackberrys budding, everythings budding!!
weeping willow shoes one catkin
…dig for victory…
very special day, and I hereby anounce the breaking in of my new fork n spade (that i got for xmas)
Kaia for some reason is afraid of wheelbarrows!!! so here i am teasing her with a biscuit (see gloves)…go on!!!
oh all right here you are…suppose you made it into my blog : ), wonder what horsey is up to
there he is..hello duck says horsey
haha lets rush over to Stevie…chaarrrggee…
is this my good side
ohh not you as well!!!
So Stevie whats that thing you keep using, ok well come here and lets see if we can take a pic of us both…ohhh
take one of me and my friends,…hows my hair???
ok lets do those potatoes!! thats it girls do that weeding : ) onions next
…..onion Alcatraz…..
….garlic Alcatraz… done earlier doing well
potatoes all in, and another patch of onion, I think 100 should be enough…CHUTNEY!!!!
and a blog including theveg patch wouldnt be complete would it without………….
you know who!!!!
yep thought so
enjoy spring folks : )
11 Mar, 2012
Previous post: Aberglasney - a winters trip out - mega blog warning !
Next post: Around n about in Usk n the castle
Excellent blog Stevie, keep up the good work!
11 Mar, 2012
fab blog, love your handiwork gonna look great when spring finally springs...
11 Mar, 2012
that's a phenomenal blog! were those arches the usual narrow-rounded ones? I've got a couple and was wondering about somehow combining them into one wider one; if so, interesting to see that being done.
Could you do a how-to on the water feature? couldn't quite make out details to work it out for meself.
love the pics of assorted animals, talk about mugging you get to get in your blog!
like the trellis covers to the onions etc; wonder if a smaller version would work on pots without restricting growth?
hope to see updates of the trellies and arch in time!
11 Mar, 2012
Like the idear of the arch,will look lovely in time.
great blog :-)
11 Mar, 2012
wow comments flooding in, they love it!!! hehe..thanks.
You know when you do a simple meal but you think,yes thats is just about close to perfect ; )
Ok Fran, standard arch off the shelf ,
I made it to size by cutting about a foot off the legs (that length would be about the same as that that would normally be in the ground). I knew I had to widen it so I had a couple of other poles from something else (not included) and I cut them so the arch door would be perfectly framed. thats it. Just put the brases in sensible places to give it some rigidity. Also used string to make sure it stays near the wall and in position (it was leaning to one side). For this project i also tied some sticks to the side for the climbers and that gives it also a bit of extra rigidity.
The thing to remember with these pole things, is these come supplied with rubber skirts that go over the pole joins so water doesn't get in, as if it did then it would rust. so pretty much this is just a standard arch with a couple of extra poles cut to fit this task.
In the range I did see an extra wide version but that still would not have been wide enough so went with my idea
11 Mar, 2012
Tremendous blog, Stevie! Great fun as well as some seriously good ideas. No pallets, though!
11 Mar, 2012
Yeah Stevie, you run out of pallets? lol
11 Mar, 2012
Brilliant! Just brilliant! Love your blogs Stevie :))))
11 Mar, 2012
You want ALL this!! AND pallets??? tempted to take a pic of the kitchen sink and put that on the end!!!
dont worry plenty of pallets stored ; ) they'll be pallet action for sure, gotta pace meself!!
11 Mar, 2012
lol@ kitchen sink!
11 Mar, 2012
Is the chicken in the sink doing the washing up, now she has finished the weeding?
11 Mar, 2012
11 Mar, 2012
Your blogs = great fun
11 Mar, 2012
thanks Stevie: I was worried about stability as I've no ground to sink it into; did think of making it shorter and using as an arch over a seat; it's how to do safely with what I've got, where I've got. I've not had them out of the box yet, so it's high time I did!
11 Mar, 2012
Oh Stevie you are funny ! Great blog, really enjoyed it. You have certainly been busy and its all taking shape isnt it. I'm sure the Queen will be impressed when she visits.
11 Mar, 2012
Just a fab blog Stevie, phew! bet you are lying down now after posting this lot!! Love the baa lambs and your arch and everything too numerous to mention. Keep em. coming they are great entertainment! Lol
11 Mar, 2012
excellent blog stevie.. great pics and entertainment...
11 Mar, 2012
Gratuitous, Disney-esque usage of animals an omelette and throw in a couple of rashers of bacon...Surefire Sunday hit.
11 Mar, 2012
Steve, :). This time I liked, how you engaged all those hens in planting :) Otherwise, funny as usual. Thank you.
11 Mar, 2012
That poor chicken......looking for its eggs and you had had them for lunch! What next ...lamb cutlets?
Once all that planting is done it will be onion soup all the way. I think this blog is having a funny effect on me :o/
Your plants in pots will be fabulous next to your excellent arch Stevie. :o))
11 Mar, 2012
Ah Pimper, should have added a Sunday lunch and a paper, maybe a bit of football ; )
(err maybe not lamb err or chicken Linda : /)
Fran sounds like the bench idea might be a good thing to tie it too, wont move then : )
Katarina, well just dug around the edge and then raked the bits of grass n weeds off the top. The great thing about the chickens is they love to claw over the earth which will keep the weeds down for a bit
11 Mar, 2012
A XXX link for you
Link doesn't work..just as well !
11 Mar, 2012
...sounds like elaborated technology.When will the patent expire?
11 Mar, 2012
It does work pimpernel!!
X rated I think you mean!?
11 Mar, 2012
Does it ?
What did you see?
11 Mar, 2012
Two friendly animals?
11 Mar, 2012
Ahh, it works then. I posted it yet can't see it !
11 Mar, 2012
good thought, Stevie, I hadn't thought of making a bench to tie it to. *s* do you have a pallet how-to on that theme???
11 Mar, 2012
Well Stevie, what can I say that hasn't already? Outstanding blog mate, I only wish I could click like more than once.....hold on a minute...... ;)
11 Mar, 2012
Everything looking great Stevie....really enjoyed the blog...:>)
11 Mar, 2012
Hello Mrs STT...You've been quiet, Making soup and using that fab pallet bench that you got for Christmas no doubt.
11 Mar, 2012
erm, filling gaps on that gotta be joking..... gaps, once all that grows!!
So much in blog have forgotten what comments I was going to make!!
ps I got a polytunnel/greenhouse thingy. It's my new den! I got it cheap at the GC as it was the last one. It's not very big though. Will post pic when I recover from my w/end mega pooped.
11 Mar, 2012
Great and funny blog! I clicked like - that doesn't mean I'm a member of the WI (No offense to those who are :)) but I do like animals.
That hen looking for her eggs is brill!! You have a lot going on there and it looks like a great place to live :)
11 Mar, 2012
er/thanks folks,
was going to ask your advice on the clems Lulu, but I think it will get some coverage ; ) and kinda nice to see how the odds and ends do, glad to hear you are up, out n about, look forward to the greenhouse.
11 Mar, 2012
Lovely blog Stevie! Especially as it finished with a giggle at Twisted Sister! :oD
12 Mar, 2012
I WONDERED where you'd been hiding, STT. I don't know how you find the time to do any gardening, what with all this lot and photographing it, talking to horses, making omelettes and laughing evilly (I particularly liked that bit), then putting it all on a blog. Nice to catch up with you, though.
12 Mar, 2012
There's so much in this blog ! I can't remember the beginning lol. But I saw some good ideas ... so good luck with them, and I hope the results will please you :o)
Great animal pics too Stevie :o)
12 Mar, 2012
Brilliant Stevie and before you check yes I clicked like :P
Am suitably impressed at just how much you crammed into one blog. Must admit to being slightly dissapointed at the lack of pallets though, you really must do better lol :P (only joking).
Great pics Stevie, looking forward to seeing the trelis and arch when the plants have grown up a bit.
12 Mar, 2012
Steve, one word is unknown to me. What is mother clucker?
12 Mar, 2012
Leave that explanation to you Stevie!
13 Mar, 2012
come on Katarina!!
Cluck : ''The characteristic sound made by a hen when brooding or calling its chicks''.
but not to be confused with the mother clucking sandwich on this menu ; ) see sandwich list
13 Mar, 2012
how on earth did you find that?? sounds rather nice!! will you be serving those at your open day???
13 Mar, 2012
Very polite Stevie! LOL
13 Mar, 2012
13 Mar, 2012
Great blog Stevie, very entertaining, it has a bit of everything, love to see the chuck making itself at home in your abode, guess it thinks it has as much right in there as you do in hers, lol,..
Smashing pics...
13 Mar, 2012
lol the things we google ; )
13 Mar, 2012
what would we do without google??? oh i know probably a lot more!!! [i cleared out the greenhouse and sorted out my fuchsias while the electric was off this morning!!!
13 Mar, 2012
LOL sticki! By the way............I must be better.....drinking wine again and smoking and coffee..........WATER! Cluck!
13 Mar, 2012
Steve, I did not understand your explanation of mother clucker. So I started to read the menu you enclosed and come to conclusion, that for me was cheaper lunch in Rome then.
I had perfect lunch with a cold glass of fine red vine on opened air in Rome - for seven euros. I did not finf in the menu nothing so cheap. Could not believe how expensive there are few beans on plate! Yes, your hen is laying golden eggs then :)
13 Mar, 2012
Crikey epic blog very funny:) but not clicking the like button in case you think I am in the WI lol:)
13 Mar, 2012
Lol tut tut Nana, its open to non WI members as well!! Ohh I see I have the top blog spot at the mo, thats good enough for me ; ) click the 'epic' button instead : )
(psst, but we are know you are a member really!! ; )
14 Mar, 2012
I did think twice about the WI cos Im not doing one of those calendars! But I did like those lambs, and the arch of course and it did make me laugh!
14 Mar, 2012
Brilliant blog STT ... Just the job to make us giggle and smile , it made me wish that I still had our chicks they use to come to the back door ,if the door was shut they would Tap Tap with their beaks until I opened it and gave them a grape they loved them ...
14 Mar, 2012
First time I've seen your blog and was smiling all the way , awesome stuff youve made cant wait to see the arch in all its glory...
Will be coming back for my fix of fun soon
thanks :D
16 Mar, 2012
Amy, its been a while since my vines have produced a usable grape but now they are in the polycave so this year!!
Square, dont forget to check out the previous blogs, if you want to make a potting bench for a quid them I'm your man : )
17 Mar, 2012
Hi Stevie, do you still have the water lily? How is it doing in a pot? I'm thinking of doing the same as you, growing a water lily in a pot of water, but I've never grown any aquatic plants before and I would be grateful for your advice. Any problems you've encountered? What do you do with it in the winter? Many thanks in advance! :)
P.S. I love your pot garden (as seen in other blog posts). At first I thought it was a border in the ground, it looked so well established and full!
14 Feb, 2017
Recent posts by stevietheterrible
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- End of August days
31 Aug, 2014
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How can you top that? How can you not like it?
This is an 'everything you ever wanted in a blog' blog!
That arch is seriously impressive! Most stately!
Love the lambs and that omelette!
And how did you manage to organise those chickens to do all the work - after you took their eggs?!
It's a great blog.
11 Mar, 2012