Mini mouse mini blog
Just a mini blog on a mini topic.
Saw Kaia looking at something, whats that you’ve seen??
Oh hello you!
Hello Stevie, I’m only small, I think I’ve lost my way, can you help me pls?
Ok there you go, how about this nice bit of stuff round the back, plenty of nooks to hide in n shelter,…thanks Stevie
Just as i moved my foot someone else came out to say hi…‘croak, what you doing on my heap Stevie’?
Wow must be plenty to eat here you big ol toad you
Ok how about a bit of passion to finish
Luvly evening light
on the polycave
mop top ; )
eve…ning : )
28 Sep, 2012
Previous post: My Wheelbarrow runneth over with food and animals : )
Next post: Septemper n October skys
I named your mouse Kaika. It means "small Kaia" :)
Was she ill?
Once a small mouse moved in my rabbit´s cage. They both probably enjoyed each other, because when I was cleaning the cage, the rabbit protected the mouse with body. That was very funny.
Say hello to Kaika.:)
28 Sep, 2012
Thanks Sticki : )
Well Kat yes, i think small Kaika was maybe a bit ill or just a bit slow as she stayed rooted to the spot, maybe a bit dazed or something might have had a go at her before I saw her. She did move off into the undergrowth so she has a chance at least. Fingers crossed
28 Sep, 2012
That passion flower shot is rather nice with the three in a row, bud to flower to flower, like a lovely sequence.
28 Sep, 2012
Do you like my repair sewing in the background? ; )
28 Sep, 2012
Oooooh zig zag stitch! Must be very tricky using a machine at that angle! Most impressed!
28 Sep, 2012
Its called Sticki Stitch
28 Sep, 2012
You mean you glued it in a zig zag pattern?!
28 Sep, 2012
like to see mice outdoors, it's indoors I object to!
29 Sep, 2012
Nice wee mousie...had to hide blog from 'the girls'!
This evening light is just the best....saw some gorjus white jap anenomies (sp?) against a wall yesterday, made me think of yours...didn't stop to take photo though.
29 Sep, 2012
Love the little mouse and the toad, we`ve got plenty of frogs but no toad.
Your passion flowers look so much better in your poly tunnel than mine do outdoors ~ still you can`t have everything.
29 Sep, 2012
Ah should have Lulu, they'll be gone soon...
Thanks Stroller, the outdoor ones do take ages dont they
29 Sep, 2012
Lots of Japanese anemones here, tried taking photos but don't compare with yours, it needs that special light.
29 Sep, 2012
For the moment no photos of said anemones...won't be driving anywhere!!! Back in July took my car for MOT and service...was so shocked by the service bill I forgot to mention 'where's my MOT then!' So, went to buy new tax find I've had no MOT!
30 Sep, 2012
The problem with my car Lulu is that it wont stop getting its MOT!! Give them a earful
30 Sep, 2012
Can't really prove who was in the wrong! Hey ho!
How's your mouse today?
30 Sep, 2012
Well you could tell them, include the MOT or I'll go somewhere else....forever.
I left mouse to her own devises, should be ok, lots of cover round the back so fingers crossed
30 Sep, 2012
Nah, I like 'em too much, they pull out all the stops for us at last minuit etc etc! And they are only a mile away etc etc!
Pru killed a mouse last week...eek! She didn't really mean to i'm not
30 Sep, 2012
Hmm I had wondered if kaia had given mousy a bash with her paw..possibly.
Yes my local garage trys to do a good job but you can always do bits n pieces yourself ; )
30 Sep, 2012
Sweet Kaika:)
bit jelous of your polytunnel and surroundings Stevie. I like my place - but too busy road (I know it is a dead end road in the tiny village - still too much for me, lol)
ouch Lulu - that would be a bit of a shock for me as well.
30 Sep, 2012
We have a couple of little field mice who live in our woodland garden. One ran up the tree to the bird feeder and terrified our big male squirrel. He ran off in a panic. We see our mouse as a real hero. :0)
1 Oct, 2012
What a cutie that mouse is, outside only I agree and ceratinly not inside!! Lovely 'evening' photos too.
4 Oct, 2012
Thanks folks : )
4 Oct, 2012
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Love that little pip squeak! Lovely blog stevie!
Evening light is beautiful
28 Sep, 2012