EXOCHORDA ... I love the blossom :o)
By terratoonie
At the end of my back garden, past the archway.
Exochorda macrantha ’The Bride".
In springtime, she puts on a great show.
A profusion of white, cascading down.
Her blossom improves every year.
She’s very welcome to rest on my bench. :o)
.. and … the latest news after the storms ..
… she survived well …
… here she is, relaxing and drying out … :o)
29 Apr, 2012
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What lovely blossoms. I hope these winds won't spoil them. Nice to see them, and nice to know they get better every year. It means there's something more to look forward to :o))
That looks a lovely little seating area aswell.
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Gee and Hywel ..
This does get better every year.
However, Dottydaisy said hers has not done too well, so I'm very lucky. It is against a fence, but other than that it gets no special treatment... except the bench to rest on.. Lol.
29 Apr, 2012
What a lovely shrub. Does it have perfume Terra ?
29 Apr, 2012
I love to see all the blossom on the trees at this time of year, but seems when it comes into bloom the rain and winds blow it all over the place.
29 Apr, 2012
Great pictures TT stunning plant very nice :))))
29 Apr, 2012
I didn't know you had a little courtyard area Terra, it looks lovely with all the blossom, do you get the sunshine in that spot and is it away from the n-f-h, so you can relax, on good days that is...
The blossom on both my amelanchier and the bridal wreath were gorgeous but very short lived this year, think it was lack of sunshine and warmth, the flowers however are doing well, you win some and lose some....
29 Apr, 2012
That does look a lovely relaxing spot TT.
29 Apr, 2012
I love this shrub TT
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Cinders ... no fragrance, as far as I recall .. but she blooms for quite a while ..
I will double-check for scent ... with a sniff or two ...when the wild weather eases ;o)
Hello Carol ... 'The Bride' is taking a battering out there at the moment from the winds and rain. She's holding up quite well ... maybe resting a little more heavily on my bench !
Thanks, Mark. I'm not very good at photographing white ... I need more practice !
Hi Sue... This area is at the very end of my garden, so reasonably secluded ... and from the bench, I get to view my raised bed and garden from opposite direction ... But I'm usually working, so I use the bench as a place to put my garden tools, rather than for relaxing. Lol.
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Pim and Denise ...
This area gets the morning sun, making it especially nice in the early part of the day.
29 Apr, 2012
great shrub, stunning garden, beautiful blog/photos, thanks for sharing Terra
29 Apr, 2012
i love these shrubs Terra so pretty and the name suits its down to the ground, your garden looks fab at the moment :o))) x
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Yorks and Sandra ..
The wind and rain have been relentless overnight and today, but The Bride is holding on !!! :o) x
29 Apr, 2012
I know what you mean Terra, I do exactly that, I do sit when visitors arrive but to be honest I still fidget even then, there is usually a plant that needs a bit of deadheading within armsreach...
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Terra, that looks wonderful there, must be great to sit on that bench and rest with admiration at her,,, :-)
29 Apr, 2012
She is gorgeous TT!!
29 Apr, 2012
hi TT ,I don,t think I have ever seen this part of your garden. It is gorgeous and so is the plant [another one to add to my list LOL ]
29 Apr, 2012
Yes, Lincs and Surreylad ...
I do try to stop and sit on the bench .. when work and weather allow. Lol.
Thanks Sheila and Helen.
This is the far part of my garden, beyond the raised bed.
29 Apr, 2012
Hi TT, its nice to see a mature one in all its glory. I bought one last year, still only small but covered in blossom. Can't wait for it get get big like yours.
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Dawn ..
Nice to hear from you. I planted this Exochorda 'The Bride' several years ago ..
She grows bigger, and blossoms reliably every springtime.
Good luck with yours ... she has pretty blossom, doesn't she !
29 Apr, 2012
Hi TT, hope you're well. She is stunning, I have mine on an island bed so not up against a wall or fence like yours - hope that's OK?
29 Apr, 2012
Tt, once again your pictures make me drool, especially three and five down. I have a 'bride' in a pot which I bought last year, probably your fault lol, and it's flowering, though the pot is too small. The problem is I'm afraid to plant it out as it may grow too big. Can they be kept smaller by pruning or would if ruin it? :-)
29 Apr, 2012
Hi again Dawn.
Some would advise not to plant her where the soil has too much lime ... she prefers a slightly more acidic soil and protection from frost... but mine thrives, despite not being in acidic. She gets no frost damage, so maybe the fence gives some protection. I hope this helps. :o) x
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Bornagain ..
my comment above to Dawn explains the soil and environment which she prefers. Maybe, after flowering, put yours in a slightly larger pot with acidic compost included, and place near a fence for some protection ... Glad you like the photos :o)
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks TT. My soil is acidic and I did fleece it this Winter, which I'll continue to do as so cold here in my frost pocket. Hope you and the little guys are snug indoors .... Terrible conditions here.
29 Apr, 2012
Yes, all snug thanks. New squeaky toy is keeping everyone happy ;o)
29 Apr, 2012
Lol x
29 Apr, 2012
TT, I've never seen that part of your garden before...what a perfect spot! I love this shrub too. I planted one last year and it is flowering now, but it hasn't really grown an awful lot. Do you know if it takes a while to get it's roots down, or could it be in the wrong spot (dry and sunny)?
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Karen ...
I guess, previously, I've not taken many photos of this end corner of my back garden !
Exochorda doesn't grow very quickly.
I presume you've it planted in acidic soil ... sun or part-shade are the requirements ... maybe extra rainwater thrown near the roots during dry spells would help...
29 Apr, 2012
Everyone's said it all, TT - she surely is magnificent! :)
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Karen ...
She gets more time to relax on that bench than I do ;o)
29 Apr, 2012
A beautiful spot TT! It's given me an idea... !
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Tracey ... glad Exochorda has helped :o)
29 Apr, 2012
She's lovely TT...I have a smaller version called 'Niagara' - just planted last year and she is doing well. Not fully loaded with blooms but doing well I think for it's size.
Gorgeous :))
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Scottish. Thanks.
... glad to know that Niagara is doing well... :o)))
29 Apr, 2012
Lovely TT no drying out for my plants it has rained almost continiously today, your garden is delightful:)
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks Debbie ..
We have sunshine here at last. I hope your garden gets a chance to dry out soon ! :o)
29 Apr, 2012
wow! thats cool!!! lovely plant!! :O)
29 Apr, 2012
Hi Horselover ..
Thanks .. Glad you like it :o)
29 Apr, 2012
Oh my gosh you have a beautiful garden, and another plant to add to my shopping list :O
29 Apr, 2012
Thanks TT. It seems mine is doing ok then :)
29 Apr, 2012
Yes, Karen ...
you seem to be doing well with yours ..
Thank you Suzy ..
I'm pleased you like my garden :o)
29 Apr, 2012
My garden is several years behind yours but I'm working on it :)
29 Apr, 2012
Love your blog and pictures and like a few have said i had not seen that part of your garden before, an absolute delight, love your Exochorda Bride shrub...on my wish list too.....Superb TT :o)
29 Apr, 2012
Terra I just love your garden you must work so hard to keep it going.I am trying to be patient but can't wait for mine to look more mature every thing looks so small and there are so many gaps and so little money!!!!
29 Apr, 2012
Just beautiful! SO love your garden :))
30 Apr, 2012
Thank you, Suzy, Neena, G s, Pixi ...
You're right, I haven't previously photographed the garden from this angle. Takes a while to get a garden established, but it's fun. I'm pleased I planted the Exochorda :o)
30 Apr, 2012
SO are we! Beautiful!
30 Apr, 2012
A nice spot for your first morning cuppa TT. Lovely.
30 Apr, 2012
Hi Grandmage .. Thanks ..
That area gets the early morning sunshine :o)
30 Apr, 2012
I love my toast in the garden, when it finally warms up Lol, not at mo. though!!
30 Apr, 2012
She,s beautiful Terra xxx
1 May, 2012
Lol. Grandmage !
Thanks Pam ..
Rain and winds again today... I'm amazed she's still holding on to her blossom ! :o) xxx
1 May, 2012
As you've seen on my blog, I have this as well and its absolutely beautiful. Loved your blog Terra.
1 May, 2012
Hi Rose ... thanks.
Yes I saw your blog and I think your Exochorda looks wonderful. I've put a single photo of this on GoY as well, showing my Exochorda seen across the raised bed.
1 May, 2012
i bought a tiny Exochorda this year and have it in a small pot,it is in the open garden by greenhouse and survived the gales over the weekend.Hope it doesn't take too many years to put on some growth.Probably won't have flowers this year though?Look forward to having a big plant like yours!!!!
1 May, 2012
your garden is so lovely. I believe that one of my clients has a young one of these but it is tiny . It is great to see what a beauty it will become x
2 May, 2012
Good luck, Ellie, with your tiny Exochorda ... it will become more beautiful every year :o)
Hi Jewells ...
I'm very pleased I planted the Exochorda. I hope your client's shrub does equally well. x
3 May, 2012
Absolutely lovely ..planted one too and cant wait to get that effect !
4 May, 2012
Hi Andrea...
I hope your exochorda gives you lots of lovely blossom.
The flowers are still holding on, despite days of storms !
5 May, 2012
Wonderful plant and such a relaxing garden. I can imagine sitting here reading or enjoying a cuppa.
5 May, 2012
Hi Scotsgran.
Thanks for the nice comments :o)
5 May, 2012
I think all your plants love you because they do their best for you! This is just gorgeous and every picture is really lovely.
5 May, 2012
I love this TT. So beautiful shrub and so much love to it in your blog. Just wonderful Sunday afternoon reading :)) Thank you!
6 May, 2012
...by the way - you have beautful garden corners :)))
6 May, 2012
Hi Katarina and Wildrose.
Exochorda is a wonderful shrub.
It's a cosy corner down there.
I'm pleased you both like this :o)
6 May, 2012
Hi,I only joined today mainly to ask a question about one of my plants,then I discover,d this blog section.Looks good and I cant believe your picture of the bride plant.I only saw a pic of this plant advertised in a gardening mag yesterday and though it looked nice but on seeing your pic of yours I will def be buying one.Yours looks lovely.
7 May, 2012
Hi Sylvie.
Welcome to GoY. Thanks for looking at my blog.
Glad these photos have inspired you to buy The Bride.
There's another picture of this Exochorda on my recent photos, where you can see it viewed from across my back garden... might give you more ideas about the best aspect for planting.
Here's the link ..
7 May, 2012
Does this plant like a lot of sun? I have an awkward spot under some Leylandi and I need something to cover the wire mesh fence that is showing all my neighbours weeds through it. I also have sandy soil.
22 Sep, 2012
Hi Monty ... Welcome to GoY :o)
Terratoonie won't be on here for a week or so, so I hope you don't mind if I answer you .
Exochorda likes sun or partial shade, and it likes moist but well drained soil .... I hope that helps you.
Maybe TT will be able to tell you more after she returns ...
22 Sep, 2012
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That is such a lovely shrub, TT. I have one in my garden but last year a bit of it died, and this year it seems completely dead. I have cut it right back but I don't think it is going to do anything. It was about 12 years old but I thought they lasted for ever. Perhaps I should have supplied a bench for mine to rest on :)
29 Apr, 2012