By terratoonie
After my September blog [ ‘Federer the Toad’ ] I’d hoped to be able to visit GoY more reguarly …
… but my internet had other ideas …
… major problems getting on line !
Thanks everyone for your messages, emails, snail-mail postcards and letters.
Very kind of you ..
… I’m trying to catch up with replies.
Meanwhile, my gardens have been content, unaware of the ‘Net Nightmares’ going on indoors :o)))
These are my back garden roses inherited from my mother …
They bloom for many months … getting better every year …
Campanulas … second spate of flowering …
… pretty and cheerful …
Pyracanthas producing lots of berries for the birds …
Ajuga on my front path …
Pileostegia viburnoides .. looks fluffy and happy … starting to blossom :o)
This year, the larger Penstemons have done well …
My favourite sedum …
… ‘Frosty Morn’ …
Garden companions … enthusiastic helpers :o)
I’m feeling more optimistic for October, and hoping to be back with GoY more frequently …
… I’ve missed my friends …
… I’ll do my best to catch up with your blogs, photos and news :o)
29 Sep, 2012
Previous post: FEDERER THE TOAD
Next post: TEAMWORK
You'll be relieved when it's all back to normal TT!!
Isn't it frustrating when these kind of things happen. It's strange thinking back to a time when we had no internet. What ever did we do then :)))
I bet the 'Team' have missed us all too.
That rose is gorgeous and I'm pleased you are very optimistic, I hope some rubs of on me.
Thanks for keeping us up to date - you have been missed x
29 Sep, 2012
Thanks Sandra and Angie ..
My Broadband still keeps failing, so I'm writing short messages, in the hope they arrive... Lol.
Conker and Truffle say it's nice to see you again ...
... and Crocus is tweeting away ... it's not been easy for him, being a budgie without an internet connection .. pigeon post is rather slow ... ;o) x
29 Sep, 2012
Our broadband is sometimes slow but we are due to be updated to the new very fast bb soon. I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up. Truffle and Conker will have enjoyed all the extra time spent helping in the garden.
29 Sep, 2012
We'll be glad to have you back too Terra...:>)
29 Sep, 2012
Thanks Moti ... x for Remi :o)
29 Sep, 2012
Very nice blog and pics Terra, lovely to see you again and the boys there.. :-) hope they have been looking after you :-)
29 Sep, 2012
Thank you, Surreylad ..
Conker, Truffle and Crocus have been a great help :o)
29 Sep, 2012
Heard that you were having a few internet glitches Terra..Glad to see that it is getting resolved. Gorgeous photos of that garden of yours as always , and Conker and Truffle looking so handsome too..\0/x
29 Sep, 2012
Hi Flori ...
Hoping to have internet problems resolved this coming week ... fingers crossed ...
Thanks for your kind comments :o) xxx
29 Sep, 2012
Werlcome back Terra:-)) I like the look of that sedum, going to google:-)
29 Sep, 2012
Hope you get your internet sorted soon Terra, it's so frustrating how much time you have to spend trying to get it fixed isn't it?! Last year it took 6 weeks and 4 engineers before they finally found the problem was at the telephone exhange and not my flat! :o)
29 Sep, 2012
Hi Terra, hope you internet problems are soon resolved, its so frustrating isnt it! I have problems some days it takes upto four attempts to get my internet connections , they start up then freeze in between uploading ;0( But it will be nice to see you around again , you have been missed along with your little family ;0))
29 Sep, 2012
I hope your computer trouble will be sorted out soon.
Your plants are very pretty, and giving some great autumn colour in your garden. It's nice to see Conker and Truffle again :o)
29 Sep, 2012
Lovely to see your boys and your lovely garden again TT :o) sorry you are having such a frustrating experience with your connections, fingers crossed for a speedy solution for you.
29 Sep, 2012
Thanks everyone for your kind comments.
It seems the internet is making life difficult for many of us !
My Broadband/computer won't be sorted out completely for some days yet, but I'll get onto GoY whenever the technology allows me to do so !
30 Sep, 2012
I have had these troubles too TT. soooo frustrating when you cannot log on!
Hope it all gets sorted soon. The boys are looking good there. x (and the garden too!)
30 Sep, 2012
Hi Grandmage ...
You too with internet troubles ...
yes, very annoying isn't it !
Thank you.
Garden and dogs getting ready for autumn ! x
30 Sep, 2012
Nice to see you back TT. Some lovely plants there, and the boys ... just gorgeous!!
30 Sep, 2012
hope you have spent all that goy time in your lovely garden TT. :-)
30 Sep, 2012
looking very lush for you Terra - do like the berries this time of year. Our Ajugas not flowering but do look great. Your dogs always look so well groomed - sweet :-)))
1 Oct, 2012
Thanks Sheila, Sandra and Paul ...
Conker, Truffle and Crocus all send hugs.
The ajuga gets only early morning sunshine, so maybe that's why it is flowering late.
1 Oct, 2012
Lovely pics TT \o/ xx
1 Oct, 2012
Nice to see you here again too Terra !!!
1 Oct, 2012
PM sent TT.
1 Oct, 2012
Your garden as always, TT, is looking really good! That rose is wonderful!
We also had problems a couple of months ago & were without internet for 4 days - with a weekend in between as well! Our modem stopped working one Friday morning but an engineer couldn't come till Monday. He changed the modem for a more modern one that included wireless router as well. Now we get faster speed - up from 2mb to nearer 10mb we are paying for. We have cable & have had cable for 12 years now. Rarely any problems with Sir Richard's company & soon fixed if they do come up.
Hope you get your internet connection fixed soon TT.
1 Oct, 2012
Thanks Annie, Paul, and Balcony.
Fingers crossed internet connection seems okay now :o)
Balcony .. I'll reply to your message this evening because I need a bit more computer advice please .. thanks.
1 Oct, 2012
wow, you have some lovely colourful plants there Terra. What is your mother's rose called? Look forward to seeing you back on line.
1 Oct, 2012
TT ... enjoyed looking at your plants, and the two handsome fellows in the last pic.
Sending you some good vibes, hope everything gets sorted soon.
1 Oct, 2012
Hi Rose and Stroller ...
Thanks ..
... internet behaving itself ;o)
Sadly I don't know the variety of the roses inherited from my mother. They flower for months and grow very high !
1 Oct, 2012
Lovely TT. It's always lovely to see your garden, it's a for-all-seasons place, which I love. Hope your ET gets sorted out soon! ;)x
1 Oct, 2012
Hi Karen ..
Surprising to find lots in flower in October.
Good news ..
... This evening ET is reliable and rapid ;o) x
1 Oct, 2012
:) Thank goodness! :)....for late flowers and functioning ET!
1 Oct, 2012
"ET phone home" ... what would we do without English Telecom.... ;o)
1 Oct, 2012
:) x
2 Oct, 2012
all looking good in the garden. glad to see the healthy paws too.
I'm also having tinternet probs, keeps freezing up. hope that is not a sign of the weather to come!
2 Oct, 2012
Hi Seaburngirl ..
Thank you for kind comments about my gardens and pets.
I hope your internet access improves ...
Sorting it out can be frustrating, time-consuming and expensive !
3 Oct, 2012
Hi Terra! I'm sorry I missed this. I'm just beginning to catch up after my busy summer. How lucky you are to have so much colour. I wish I could post some photos of blossoms in my garden...but, apart from my fruit, it's a parched and sorry sight.
Your mother's rose is especially beautiful...
...as are the boys, comme d'habitude! :)
If you ever feel like coming to tame my garden, or more to the point, my Labrit (Pyrenean Shepherd - please look it up, it's worth it, if only to chuckle at what we got ourselves into!), you'd be more than welcome.
I hope that you've got your internet problems sorted out now and that we'll see more of you from now on! x
5 Oct, 2012
Hi Karen ... Thanks ...
It's difficult catching up with GoY. I'm finding the same problems !
I'm aware of the Pyrenean Shepherds because the breed has been recognised by the Kennel Club in the UK for some years now... They are judged in the Pastoral Group over here. They are lovely-looking dogs... :o)
This summer, my gardens have behaved somewhat differently to usual because of the many weeks of rainfall. My mother's roses have grown taller than ever and are still sending out new blooms ! x
5 Oct, 2012
Heehee, Terra,
When you say, "Pastoral", it makes me chuckle...
...because, it sounds so calm...
...grazing herds and trees...with the shepherd dog watching over...
...except, she's a Labrit...
No bigger than a rat on stilts...but so bloody dangerous to anyone who's not in the flock!
5 Oct, 2012
I had to look the breed up, I know the mountain dogs which are gorgeous........they describe the shepherd.......amongst other things........as energetic and bossy. :0)))
6 Oct, 2012
I,ve enjoyed reading your blog Terra, you have so much colour and Mums roses are lovely
And seeing the boys again. :0))
6 Oct, 2012
Thanks, Pam ... Nice to see you here :o) x
In the USA, the Pyrenean Shepherd is classified in the "Herding" Group.
6 Oct, 2012
Poor you, TT, being without a computer can be such a nuisance. Glad it is all sorted now. Your garden is still looking lovely and I love that photo of the boys - they look so attentive, bless them.
8 Oct, 2012
Its so wonderful Terra!!! very nice blog esp. you two marvelous buddies:-))))))))))))
11 Oct, 2012
Thank you Gee and Junna ...
I'm gradually getting used to the new computer !
Pleasing to see so many shrubs in flower this autumn ... and my dogs are enjoying the garden too :o)))
12 Oct, 2012
Still so much colour in your very pretty garden, hope you have sorted out your it problems, sometimes it takes me ages to load pica on here.......lovely to see "The boys" looking so well.....
14 Oct, 2012
Thanks Dotty ...
Gradually getting to grips with the different technology ...
Conker and Truffle send hugs :o)
16 Oct, 2012
Hello Terra! Hows your day ??
16 Oct, 2012
Hi Junna ... How are you ?
Sunny here... VERY VERY windy ..
... but I mowed all my lawns !
16 Oct, 2012
Glad you have your Internet connection sorted out now Terra. Lovely pics of your garden plants and of the two garden helpers...lying down on the job and leaving all the work for you. What a pair ;-)
16 Oct, 2012
Thanks, Richard ...
I'm lucky to have my canine helpers ;o)
17 Oct, 2012
HI! Terra ,I'm very fine today:-))) Well, we have a very, very, very hot climate, terrible heat, I always stay at home, But the weather there was very good for you that's very relaxed while mowering your lawns:-)))
17 Oct, 2012
Hi Junna...
I finished the lawns just in time before heavy rains !
17 Oct, 2012
Good to see you have been on since Sept 29... :o) I will soon be back in North Wales..it has been a long summer away...
23 Oct, 2012
Hi Cat ...
Nice to see you on GoY again...
I hope all your travels went well :o) x
23 Oct, 2012
Yes I have discovered that I love the cool climates of the UK and the Pacific Northwest coast of the USA the best! lol.. all is well... :o) xx
23 Oct, 2012
sorry late here Terra, playing catch up again as iv not been around alot myself, nice to see you here and hope your well, garden helpers looking well to :o))) xx
2 Nov, 2012
Hi Sandra .. Thanks.
Nice to see you. I've been catching up on GoY myself this week. :o) xxx
2 Nov, 2012
not easy as some blogs etc dont even come up on my page, so find i have to trawler through all the blogs lol
but as i dont get on here every day or for long i will never catch up lol :o)) xx
2 Nov, 2012
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- A few of my favourite things
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So glad you are up and running,..in the internet sense anyway ! :o) ..and hope you get sorted soon..what a nightmare..I would be tearing my hair out without my daily dose of GoY....but onwards and upwards eh? :o)
At least you will have lots of nice pics and blogs to read..
your boys look surprised to see us again ! Lol..and your garden is still looking lovely,Terra..My 'orange glow ' Pyracantha has no berries on at all this year!..only the red berried,and yellow ones have them..very strange ..your's is beautiful..:o) x
29 Sep, 2012