Shenanigans in slightly neglected gardens
By terratoonie
This year I’ve had all sorts of demands on my life, so that meant, reluctantly, horticulture took a back seat.
My garden helpers did their best to assist …
Truffle mowed anything and everything …
… and Neptune was ready to dig up all the shrubs …
… whether or not they needed relocating …
The butterflies celebrated in the sunshine …
… with little disturbance from outsiders …
… and although I’ve no garden pond …
… the frogs and toads had a field day …
… emerging from behind pots and plants …
Fluffy pandas appeared, in search of bamboo …
Brave Gromit stood guard over a bathing blue-tit …
Then, one day, the whole sky was filled with red dust …
… Sapphire sought atmospheric advice from a visiting astronaut …
… thankfully, Buzz brought back blue skies …
… appreciated by a family of noisy Magpies.
Sapphire has discovered she can imitate their chattering sounds.
Now, November is here, and, hidden under leaves behind heathers, I’ve spotted a hibernating hedgehog …
… but, the arrival of winter is news to the clematis, so it’s still flowering happily alongside the firethorn berries …
… and I’m hopeful for the coming gardening seasons …
… with my youngest garden helper very eager to learn.
7 Nov, 2017
Previous post: A good year for Roses ... Escallonias ... Dianthus.
Next post: Heathers ... their hair styles in my winter gardens
Thanks Vjd ... yes, rather grey and chilly today !
7 Nov, 2017
Lovely to see you again, Terra, and good to hear you sounding your cheerful self :))
7 Nov, 2017
Hi Sheila.. thank you ... and I hope you are settling happily into your new home. x
7 Nov, 2017
Oh welcome back Terra! Its great to hear from you and the team again. Neptune is maturing beautifully - well done Neptune for your new tricks! I hope that by next summer you'll have learned to tell which things do not need digging up - this is important!
Its good to see that Truffle has been keeping the lawns in order while you've been busy elsewhere
Well I don't know how you manage to have frogs with no pond, when we have a pond and no frogs! They are very handsome ones.
Very best wishes to all four of you (and your robin) for the coming winter.
7 Nov, 2017
Hi Tt, nice to hear from you again, I must say your garden is looking very nice for a 'neglected' garden, and a very enjoyable blog, Derek.
7 Nov, 2017
Hello Stera ... thank you ... yes, Neptune is fitting well into Team Terra, which, this year, does seem to include unexpected amphibians !
Hi Derek... thanks.. my gardens are neglected in parts ... nothing new planted this year ... but thankfully I've managed to keep the main areas tidy.
7 Nov, 2017
Oh its great to see the new Team Terra on duty, all doing very well at the various tasks, nice to see Gromit is still around and taking his duties very seriously, lol..
Always a treat to see a new blog from you Terra, I wish Neptune and Tuffle were here to teach Harriet a few rules that she needs to observe in the garden, all frogs and the hedgehogs are fair game to her and Toffee's fluffy friends get chased out of the garden, the joys of having a little Westie, keeps me on my toes and thats a fact..
Lovely blog and photo's Terra....
7 Nov, 2017
Lovely to see your return Terratoonie Neptune Truffles and Saphire lovely photos has nt Neptune learned quick and grown up your garden is looking neat and tidy I hope the Hedgehog has a peaceful sleep it reminded me of Rag Tag and Bobtail lol.
7 Nov, 2017
Thanks Sue .. yes, Team Terra is doing its best to get back into action ... I'm sure Harriet is becoming an accomplished gardener !
Hi 3d ... I noticed the hedgehog the other day... surprised me ... under a huge pile of leaves ... I've sprinkled a few extra leaves on top for good luck !
7 Nov, 2017
Lovely blog and photos Terra,glad to see you back,I have so missed your blogs and photos,and your garden is looking lovely.
7 Nov, 2017
Thank you Callie for your kind words ...
... nice to hear from you.
7 Nov, 2017
well hello you, lovely blog and don't your wonderful dogs look the picture of health. Hope you will get into the garden and get your mojo back.
7 Nov, 2017
Hi Seaburngirl ... hello to you too ...
thanks .. .I'm hoping next year will allow me more gardening time.
7 Nov, 2017
Great Blog as always xx
7 Nov, 2017
As always your blog is one that is filled with joy and hope and happiness.
Thanks for coming back to us, this was lovely.
7 Nov, 2017
Great Blog Terra! Lucky you having a hibernating hedgehog. I hope your garden helpers don't get too curious about it. And lucky you having frogs too...and not a pond in sight. I must be doing something really wrong as I just can't seem to attract them. Still, maybe next spring there might be some evidence to the contrary. Time will tell x
7 Nov, 2017
? I am sure it will appreciate those extra leaves with the forecast of snow.
8 Nov, 2017
I can see a book coming on ... very enjoyable read and wonderful illustrations.
Great to see you back ....
8 Nov, 2017
So pleased to hear from you Terra, your blogs are so lovely to read - can't help but smile at Team Terra's antics.
Neptune isn't a fluffy ball anymore, he's grown-up into a very handsome chappie, he looks so keen to learn too.
8 Nov, 2017
Hello TT, nice to read one of your lovely blogs again. I've missed them.
Your helpers are very keen to do their work. They all look well.
I hope the hedgehog will be all right.
8 Nov, 2017
Good to see you back TT.
8 Nov, 2017
Hello from me and your little helpers have been missed you see from the many comments!! great blog as always, you haven't lost your touch.
it has been a trying year, let's hope for a better 2018 for you and me and anyone else who has struggled.....
Welcome back........Dotty x
8 Nov, 2017
I want that Panda !
8 Nov, 2017
Thanks Brian, Wildrose, Karen, 3d, Gnarly Gnome, Green finger, Hywel, Drc, and Dotty... x x x
Yes, Neptune is growing up fast ... I'm very pleased with him... Truffle has accepted him very well.
Karen... the hibernating hedgehog is in my front garden, but in my back garden, there's a frog under a similar heap of leaves, and the frog also seems to be hibernating. Both leaf heaps are quite small and sited in quiet parts of my gardens, where the early morning sun shines down... so maybe, Karen, you could try some secluded leaf heaps for hibernation, located for early sunshine .. might be tempting for frogs and hedgehogs...
3d... I sprinkled extra leaves on the frog too !
8 Nov, 2017
Oh dear thats a shame Karen but it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong, perhaps you don't have anyone with a pond close to you, if you do be patient and they will find a way into yours, I don't think Royal Mail would allow me to send some frogspawn Karen, if I post a couple of frogs the poor things would get lost trying to come back here to spawn next year, lol....
8 Nov, 2017
Hi Terra, nice to see you back again. Neptune grew into a gorgeous looker. I hope better days are ahead for you.
9 Nov, 2017
Jason are you offering assistance or asking for it? Either way this is the wrong site, sorry.
9 Nov, 2017
Lovely blog and photo's of your garden,and your boys,.so glad they both work well together as part of Team Terra..along with Sapphire of course :o) your garden doesn't look neglected to me..I'm sure the frogs will enjoy living in such a lovely environment,and their babies :o) x
9 Nov, 2017
Hi TT , really enjoyed that . All's well with the world when you and your boys go agardening . Looking good .
9 Nov, 2017
Karen dare I say it........perhaps around your pond is too tidy, they do need plenty of cover that is the only thing I can come up with ....sorry!......although we only have a barrel, they seem to live mostly under our surrounding plants, and the scruffy flower borders.....
9 Nov, 2017
Glad you are back posting your wonderful blogs, Terra . Your helpers look pretty keen and ready for work.
They will have the garden perfect in no time. Looks really good to me tho'.
10 Nov, 2017
Thanks everyone for your comments ...
... we're hoping next year to have much more time and energy, together with good health .. for lots of gardening fun.
11 Nov, 2017
It was lovely to read one of your Team Terra blogs ... I have missed them this year and wish you all the very best for next year! :o))x
11 Nov, 2017
Thanks Shirley ...
Team Terra wishes best of health for all in 2018
... x x x
11 Nov, 2017
Great photos Terra & what a beautiful dog Neptune has become. Love the photo of him with the panda, both so cuddly.
12 Nov, 2017
Lovely to see you back again TT! Like many other Goyers, I'd also missed your blogs so I'm very pleased to see you posting again!
How Neptune has grown seen we last saw a picture of him! I'm glad to hear he has integrated well in Team Terra! ??
Your garden is looking fabulous - you don't need to put in new plants every year to make it look good - it's fantastic as it is!
Hoping to see more of Team Terra in the coming months& especially during the the next growing season!
13 Nov, 2017
Thanks, Feverfew ...
I'm very pleased with Neptune ...
and very lucky to have him ... and the panda too !
Hi Balcony ...
Thanks for my welcome back .. yes, Neptune has definitely become a significant part of Team Terra !
You are right ... spending out on new plants doesn't need to happen every year.. I've tried to propagate several plants, so will see how those look in the springtime.
14 Nov, 2017
Hello TT,
Lovely to see you again.
Adorable blog. I would love to have the gift of writing like you.Unfortunately my English is still very poor.
I see that your helpers are still doing a good job.
14 Nov, 2017
Aleyna your English is fine and nobody would know you aren't a native English speaker. And if you did ever make a mistake it wouldn't matter at all. Practice makes perfect!
14 Nov, 2017
Hi Aleyna ... your use of the English language is excellent... lovely to hear from you ! Thank you ... my helpers are wonderful companions.
14 Nov, 2017
Thank you for your kindness.
17 Nov, 2017
Wow! The babies look good along with the plants. You always put so much work into your blogs, they're so amazing! :>))
Here in San Diego the weather is finally transitioning to cooler. Yay! It's been so extremely hot here, the last several weeks. Last week for Thanksgiving it was almost 100ºF (38ºC) here. A pretty long heatwave for this time of year.
29 Nov, 2017
Hello Delonix ... thanks for appreciating the work I put into my blogs ... I enjoy writing about my pets and gardens.
You've had some very hot weather in California ... I hope your plants can cope with such extreme weather !
29 Nov, 2017
Yes, I definitely appreciate you putting all that effort into your blogs...especially when you're so busy. :>))
The heat and extremely low humidity here this late fall has been very brutal. It's burned a lot of my plants. Some plants and trees are flushing a lot of new growth and flowering like crazy throughout San Diego, though.
29 Nov, 2017
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great post! cheered me up on a cold wet day!
7 Nov, 2017