Birthday Surprise
By waddy
I thought I’d let you in on the surprise my better half gave me for my birthday last month so better late than never, here it is. All he would tell me was to pack a bag for an overnight stay and that in the evening I might like to ‘dress up a bit posh’ During the two days we would be away (my birthday and the day after), I could be ‘casual’ which for me usually means jeans or trousers. Other than that he wouldn’t tell me a thing!
Luckily the day dawned bright and sunny as we set off. So that I had no idea where we were heading, he took the scenic route…and I have to admit my geography if lousy. I was thrilled when we pulled into the driveway to Burton Agnes Hall. we’ve been before and I love the woodland walk and the gardens…will you join me?
This must be the last of the Blue Bells I think.
Can you see Miss Tiggy Winkle?
And here a friendly Stoat pops out to say ‘Hello’
I thought these Owl carvings were wonderful…so life like.
If my memory serves me right, these are called ‘Monks Heads’…but then I did say this was a birthday ,so maybe I’m getting old and my memory is failing lol!
I wonder how many little pairs of eyes are watching us right now?
Now let’s go into the gardens.
This guy was in the same position the last time we came. I think he needs to get a move on!
Right where to now?
Unfortunately my camera battery ran out so no more pics. We had lunch in the cafe at Burton Agnes Hall, which I can recommend if you’re ever that way. Then more driving around the scenery, before we pulled in to the hotel OH had booked us in for the night. Manor Court at Carnaby. They had upgraded us to an executive suite at no extra cost (Thank you Dominic) which was gorgeous! We had a meal in the Italian restaurant within the hotel and I admit to consuming rather a lot of red wine.
The next day, after a super full English, we set off again. This time heading towards Lincolnshire. My better-half knows the way to my heart. We called at Brigg Garden Centre where I was ‘forced’ to buy yet more plants for the garden. It’s a good job we’d recently taken down two large conifers and had a ‘new’ bed to fill lol! We enjoyed lunch in their superb cafe/restaurant before making our way home…the long way. What a super two days. Thank you Richard and I hope I haven’t bored you too much. Thanks for looking and reading. :-))
11 Jun, 2016
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wow you lucky lady,congratulations
11 Jun, 2016
I know what you mean Gee, the getting down isn't so bad, it's the getting back up that's the problem!
Thank you Callie. :-)
11 Jun, 2016
that poor mans back!! lol what a brilliant birthday treat what a star hubby you have. Think I might make mine read this blog he would need a nudge or two to do something like that. lol. he has other good points though. lol. just at the minute I cannot think what they are lol :O) still would not swap him.
11 Jun, 2016
You were taken to a really lovely place, what a very special surprise.
I too love the owls and the sculpture of the gardener.
Lovely to read about your two memorable days away.
11 Jun, 2016
What a wonderful surprise birthday gift, it looks a magical place to visit, so pleased you had such a special birthday surprise;0)
11 Jun, 2016
Barbara, he's been doing a lot of 'thoughtful' things just lately...I'm beginning to wonder what he's been up-to lol!
11 Jun, 2016
Chris, I love it there, and he knows it. I think Bloomer would like the Owls too as I know she also likes them.
11 Jun, 2016
Carol, it seems to have something to see whenever we go. I love it.
11 Jun, 2016
What a super thoughtful surprise,with a chance to get plants foryour new bed as well! Happy birthday belated!
11 Jun, 2016
Thanks Stera.
11 Jun, 2016
What a lovely birthday treat.
A happy belated birthday Waddy ? ?
11 Jun, 2016
Think the 'Monks Head' is called 'Cuckoo Pint' in some areas. It used to grow under hedges around here.
11 Jun, 2016
What a wonderful place to visit, and a super birthday surprise treat, shame you couldn't go again this weekend due to the bad weather, great pics too, the owls are lovely, as to that gardener stuck in the same position I know how he feels - slowly does it when straightening up! :o)
11 Jun, 2016
What a lovely birthday surprise, it certainly sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Happy belated birthday.
11 Jun, 2016
So glad you had a lovely birthday treat ,Julia,and well deserved...A lovely blog and photo's,and I can see why you love it so much there..Glad you enjoyed Brigg garden centre too..the perfect end to your days away..coming home with more than you went with..always a winner :o) x
12 Jun, 2016
Thank you Marjories.
12 Jun, 2016
Diane, you are absolutely right. When I Googled it, Monk's Hood or Head is a completely different flower...I said my memory was failing lol!
12 Jun, 2016
Neellan: Definitely slowly does it lol! It is a shame about this weekend, but I know we'll end up there again in the not too distant future. There's also another garden not too far away with the wonderful name of 'Breezy Knees'...we'll just have to give that a try I think...
12 Jun, 2016
Samjp; Thank you and yes I did. I've just read your blog 'Changes' goodness, you're a hard working girl aren't you?
12 Jun, 2016
Bloomer; Well, you know me, I can't resist a GC and I was hardly going to come away empty handed now was I...especially with so many 'bargains' to be had... well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it lol!
12 Jun, 2016
Belated Birthday Greetings Waddy, xx.
Isn't your hubby a topman sorting such a lovely weekend out for your surprise , the gardens look lovely, so pleased that gardener doesn't work for me though if he takes that long to work in one place, lol..Calling in at a GC on the way home for a few more treats as well, sounds a good way to end a perfect two day treat, pleased you had a good time, now enjoy the planting session.....
12 Jun, 2016
Lincslass; Thank you. Yes he's a bit special, but don't tell him, he'll only get big headed lol!
12 Jun, 2016
A very nice birthday treat.
The gardens seem very full and colourful. I love the old wall. I think they add so much to a garden.
12 Jun, 2016
Paul; Yes it was. I also like the old wall, they put it to good use too.
12 Jun, 2016
Super surprise and a beautiful spot to visit, thank you for the inspiring photo's. The plant was always called lords-and-ladies - and I am not going to tell you why!
12 Jun, 2016
loved the blog. just to make you jealous it was Burton Agnes garden fair this weekend. I manned the HPS stall for some of the time yesterday and today. you should see the wall garden now. it is stunning.
What a lovely trip. have you been the Elizabethan house? it is still lived in by the Cunliffe -Lister family. Lady Susan is an excellent host.
Belated happy birthday too.
12 Jun, 2016
Thanks Julia, it was definately worth the effort - now to deal with the front garden.
12 Jun, 2016
Lords and Ladies...and another less rude name was Jack in the Pulpit
12 Jun, 2016
Thank you for sharing your Birthday Surprise. What a special place.
13 Jun, 2016
Honeysuckle : Thank you...and I think I guess why lol!
13 Jun, 2016
Seaburngirl: Oh, grrrr!! I was so up for going to the 'fair' but then the forecast was so dire, we decided not too. Now I'm cross with myself that we didn't risk it. Not only would we no doubt have enjoy the day, as I love Burton Agnes Gardens, but I might have had the chance to meet you!
We have been inside the hall, and found it both beautiful and facinating, but never had the opportunity to meet Lady Susan.
We will be returning to B.A in the future, who know we might bump into each other yet.
13 Jun, 2016
Samjp: I shall look forward to the blog all about it.
13 Jun, 2016
Bathgate: I think it is.
13 Jun, 2016
Homebird; Thank you for your belated wishes and I do hope you make it to Burton Agnes, I'm sure you'll not regret it.
13 Jun, 2016
That's the best sort of present to have ! :) I'm glad you had a lovely birthday.
Sorry I'm late catching up lol...
17 Jun, 2016
I am too Hywel ?
I love all the wildlife artwork amongst the beautiful gardens
18 Jun, 2016
Hywel; No problem, I'm often way behind with catching up on people's blogs. Thanks for your kind comment. ;-)
18 Jun, 2016
Pamg; They are very clever aren't they? :-))
18 Jun, 2016
I've a few tucked away here, I do prefer the neutral colours rather than the painted ones
18 Jun, 2016
I quite agree.
18 Jun, 2016
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What a lovely birthday surprise (and belated happy birthday from me). Your OH must be a real gem to sort all that out, bless him. Beautiful photos, love all the little creatures but as for that gardener, I suspect he is like me, once in a position it's difficult to straighten up again :)
11 Jun, 2016