Garden developments
By whistonlass
It’s been quite a few days since I have written a blog. In previous blogs regarding our Garden re-vamp everyone has been so encouraging with comments….I’ve received surprise boxes in the post from kind members, been to the local GC to get in things we needed (or I wanted…lol), had a bit of a sore body with all the bending and stretching as I planted and arranged to my heart’s content! If you haven’t guessed already…I absolutely am loving this garden and all the challenges it presents to me as a “newbie” gardener.
My project over the last two days has been to get the cut-out area at the back of the house that is incorporated in the patio, sorted out.
It’s still a work in progress but I am happy with the result so far. We got the large rocks via freecycle (I blogged about those a few months back), purchased pebbles from our local GC, added some slate chippings and plants to that area….ta, da….so presenting….my small rockery~~~
The Spanish decorative container is one of two that our daughter brought back from their holidays. I plan to hang them on the fencing eventually but for now have tried them on their side. This one has a Sempervivum in it but it doesn’t really show up to good effect~~~
At the local Home Bargain I found these boxes of seeds @ £1.49 each so hubby suggested getting one box of each variety :) I may not use them this year but they are dated 2012 so could be kept for next year (but then, have I the patience to wait that long I ask
I’ve also purchased 3 plants yesterday when we went to the GC to get the pebbles for our rockery~~~
Sagina subulata for the rock garden (no close up photo but you may have spotted it in the first rockery photo above. (It puts me in mind of a type of moss-like plant and it has tiny white flowers.)
A grouping of previous planted pots with my new Hebe and Salvia~~~
Hebe (Little Red Rum) in the newly purchased terracotta pot ~
Salvia “Caradonna” (yet to be planted in the border but visible in the grouping of pots against the painted concrete fencing~~~
The (mostly) herb garden (cut out against the newly painted concrete fencing) and just at the back of the area there are sweet peas, planted but awaiting netting~~~
And some random views of the borders…things are starting to perk up and show signs of growth :) ~
The turf is greening up nicely…a few paler bits where the pieces join together and we have tiny white flowers (barely visible) in some parts of the turf. I can’t decide if it is something that has been introduced to the turf prior to laying it or if it might be fallen bits of flowers from the elderberry tree (so it’s a wait and see job)~~~
This little pixie girl with her apron of red apples has been waiting patiently under this toadstool for around 5 yrs. to be placed in the garden…she is situated under the elderberry tree, adjacent to the as yet undeveloped shade/woodland area of the garden~~~
View down the other side of the garden with timber fencing. The patio slabs are in situ awaiting the small summer house and the council land beyond the wire fencing which has just been weeded, rototilled, had topsoil put down and is now turfed…looks so much nicer too~~~
Looking down the garden to the area yet to be developed (shade/woodland garden)~~~
Our 4-year-old grandson, Nathaniel, looking through his “Fireman Sam” camera, pretending to take a piccie of nana :) ~
And…the little lady herself. Lucy loves being outside now and is great company for me in the garden~~~
That’s it for today….I hope you enjoy seeing another blog about this wonderful space I call my little bit of heaven.
9 Jun, 2011
Previous post: So this is what gardens are for.....
Next post: Recycling plastic bottles
Hehe....GDad....I had lots of help from my garden lady and her team of 2 men. Some of the revamp was just too much for hubby and I to tackle. I'm having the fun now of tweeking to my heart's content :) That's the best part!
Your block paving will be great when it's done as the standard of workmanship so far has been excellent. I hope you can soon report it has been completed and tell us all about it...with photos too, of course!
9 Jun, 2011
ooh whistonlass its looking great im glad its come together for you at last, and lucy looks great
9 Jun, 2011
Wow W.lass your plants are coming on great aren't they? Its amazing how quickly they spread and grow in this lovely warm sunshine that we are having, I have noticed that my new border has really filled out but I do not have much colour at the mo. so I am adding that bit by bit. We are still waiting for 'my man' to come and hopefully finish the last bit of the garden and thats the 'dump' at the bottom, not long now I hope, we have had to be patient haven't we? I am so glad you are enjoying your little bit of 'heaven', take care and dont overdo things just enjoy.
9 Jun, 2011
Its really looking good. So pleased for you and OH. Its going to look even better as everything gets established and makes new growth.
9 Jun, 2011
Looking good - it will look even better when everything starts spreading and filling in the gaps. Well done.
9 Jun, 2011
It's looking sound as excited as I am about my new plants. Most of mine are newly planted this year. You must post again, too let us see the difference. Well done W'Lass!
9 Jun, 2011
It's so lovely to read of your obvious joy in creating your garden J. Its looking great. I particularly like your rockery!
9 Jun, 2011
I am glad you are enjoying the good bit.....planting!!
The grass looks great. You can sit back and enjoy the next bit.....watering can in hand.
9 Jun, 2011
I am looking forward to everything growing bigger and filling out more of the's so easy to be discouraged when there are big blanks of soil....but I'm not finished yet....more plants to get :)
Thanks Linda, Karen, Scottish, Sheila, Cinders, Ann and GMage...we're all enjoying the fun of creating our gardens and as I've often heard others never are finished, there is always something to tweek.
I am really pleased with the rockery as it is totally my creation...made necessary because there is concrete under the patio so no depth of soil and it was impossible to get all but the first layer of concrete removed (the garden team did that bit for me). I used the grit sand that was leftover so that made a layer to build the area up...then we chose the pebbles and put them down. The rocks were via our daughter...a freecycle find, as were the slate chippings. I've just put pockets of topsoil in spots and planted up...I will get more succulents to add as time goes on. It doesn't get much sun on that area so I can't think of any colourful plants I could place there, especially with no depth of soil available. Anyone any suggestions for plants???
9 Jun, 2011
Hello! You're obviously having a fantastic time there in your piece of paradise. You've got a lovely new selection of plants there too, I'm sure it's lots of fun deciding where to put them! The grass is looking lovely and lush, and I think those little white flowers are the elderflower blowing on to the grass, ours is covered in white spirea flowers! Take care now and don't wreck yourself, don't forget to have a wee sit down with Lucy... relax and enjoy just being still for a while!
9 Jun, 2011
Lucy had 2 friends in the garden this evening....and they were all getting along really well :) Yes, Libet I am having a happy time in the garden...I think you are right to say it must be elderflower blowing onto the grass...I'll take a closer look tomorrow.
We've been told not walk on the turf for 3 weeks but my borders are getting compacted quickly so I think we may misbehave and chance walking on the grass as it's looking so good after a week anyhow. Rebels, aren't we? lol
We've got lawn chairs to rest and relax in...and we're doing our share of that most days too, worries!
9 Jun, 2011
Its really looking like someone's waved a magic wand..sooo different!! I can well understand you going for grass..its easy on the eye and soft on the feet too.
If you are anything like me you will fill it to bursting and then next year it will all spring up and you wont see a bare patch anywhere!
Just in case you are thinking about it J, NO! it wouldnt been wise to sleep out on the lawn every will get the pip! lol! Tho I bet you hate to leave it every night
9 Jun, 2011
Ohhh! Whist, you wee divil!! Don't you go prancing across your lovely new lawn in your stilettos! Lol! ;0)
That's so great you're getting the weather to relax in! We had hailstones today, and a wee tornado yesterday! Bizarre weather! 3-4 degrees tonight! Bbbbrrrr! Have fun pet! (hug!)
9 Jun, 2011
What a lovely makeover! And how you are enjoying it all! I can see loads of fun for you in your new garden! :o)
10 Jun, 2011
O! how exciting for you WL the garden is coming along just great. I love the new rockery and plants, you must be in heaven now with your lovely garden. The summer house is going to be a another great part of the garden, looking forward to the pic of that too! I love your enthusiasm it is really shining through, and I'm so happy for you.
10 Jun, 2011
Well,what a transformation, looks lovely..It's such good feeling,choosing plants..and with a blank canvas,to have just what you want..Well done,you are doing a great job... :o)
10 Jun, 2011
With the comments on my happy disposition I'm reminded of Ken Dodd and his happy stick song "Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess." lol I could be accused of resembling the Cheshire Cat with my wide grins these days :)
Ok M and Libet....I promise to behave myself...stilettos and sleep-outs are on my NOT TO DO list :) I will do my best to be patient with regards stepping onto the lawn before it's "allowed"....not an easy option. The borders are so compacted I will have to re-work the soil bit by bit...not an easy job for me...little and often will do the trick!
Teds, it will be a few weeks yet before we have the little summer house in situ. It sounds so pretty and I think will be a real eye-catcher once in place. It has little window boxes too which sounds delightful. Pleased you like the rockery...a work in progress and so satisfying to put my mark on it all.
M...what does "get the pip" mean? I've asked hubby and he hasn't heard that expression before, nor have I. You've got us are kind with your comments...and yes you see rightly...lots of fun in our garden these days! :)
Bloomer...thank you for sharing in my delight :) I have to pinch myself to believe it really is our garden, at last! I will have lots of fun expanding my collection of plants and hopefully what I have planted up already will thrive with my inexperience.
10 Jun, 2011
Well done, put me to shame! You've worked tirelessly over the last few weeks...I have followed your other blogs as well! I wish I had your energy! LOL.
It's all coming together for you lovely! A job well done indeed!
10 Jun, 2011
I can't take all the credit, Izzy....we had a lady gardener and two men to do the heavy stuff. I get the fun part now in creating a space with my mark on it :)
Energy is severely lacking here but lovin' what I can accomplish. Thanks for your kind comments, Izzy.
10 Jun, 2011
It is looking great Whistonlass - really good work you have put in there. Enjoy the rest of your work. Keep taking pictures and posting. Best wishes - Oliveoil
10 Jun, 2011
Its all looking great... youve got the best bit to do now, choosing all the plants and finding where to put them... your rockery is coming along well.....
10 Jun, 2011
I feel almost as excited as you to see how you have transformed yoUr garden Jacquie its looking great, I can understand it if you decide to sleep out I wouldnt want to come indoors either! Will look forward to seeing all the plants start to fill out and blossom, so keep the pictures coming;0)))
10 Jun, 2011
Thanks to you ladies (Olive, Hollyeves, PP). I am having a great time and promise I will continue to take photos and share what's happening in our garden.
I have been to Morrison's today...bought a potted geranium that has two-toned leaves (not very blousy blooms but veined leaves), two Rudebekia and a winter flowering clematis (can't remember the name akm...but it does have white flowers in the description). I'll be out in the garden after dinner tonight doing a bit of planting and tidying. We've been out all afternoon doing the dreaded shopping (except I got to buy plants...that was the good part) lol
After a showery start to the morning it has turned lovely and sunny....I guess the hose will be coming out tonight!
10 Jun, 2011
Hiya,wow you have been a busy bee,really like the rockery where you have also use some slate great textures,seeing your rockery area is making me want one ! wonder if i can get one in out in my front garden,youv picked up some lovely plants as well good luck also with your seeds i put some out my front they can be a bit hit and miss but about half of mine have come up,look forwards to seeing more of your ever changing garden :)
10 Jun, 2011
thats looking great now w.l .................. just put in seach engine shade woodland plants ........... and pics shud come up , you will have fun doing that bit , and most allpines/ rockery plants will be ok 4 your new gravel /rockery ....................... enjoy . ps wot bt little tiny weeny water feature , nothing more relaxing ............ than sound of water
you can get solar ones x
10 Jun, 2011 you've had these seeds too. Your reports are similar to what my friend found...some seeds "took"; others did not. I'll have fun experimenting in any case. I hope you can develop a rockery one day too...I still have to keep an eye out for plants for that area so it'll be an ongoing project (like the rest of the garden)
I'll do the search for woodland plants, Cristina. I do want a water feature at some point although I don't yet have electricity in the garden (a future addition). I have heard some not-so-good reports on solar water features so have been reluctant to use one of those...the same with solar lights (I'd like to add some lighting too so it sparkles at night out there!). I too love the sound (tinkling, not rushing) of water...very soothing. Also want to add a windchime (the wooden type that give a gentle sound and remind me of Buddhist monks for some reason). All in good time :)
11 Jun, 2011
If you want electric lights J, you really should do it now before planting, as the wires will probly need to be put underground...
11 Jun, 2011
You have a lot of features planned for you lovely garden,Jacquie..and I don't want to spoil your dreams,but if you get a windchime..lovely as they are..don't have it too near the house..its a definite,for keeping you awake ,when its windy !..we did,and had to take it down,..ringing in the ears in the middle of the night,is not good ..Felt a bit like being in a 'Heidi' book.Lol.
11 Jun, 2011
We have discussed the electricity supply and are hoping it can be sited on the perimeter of the borders and eventually into the small summer house once it is in situ. It's one of those "wants" but don't "need"....M, I guess you would know about those kind of dilemmas too :) lol
We could do with outside electricity for the electric lawnmower...we do have an extension cord which can be used from inside the garage along with one of those safety cut-out things. Must look into this very soon and get some costings if nothing else.
11 Jun, 2011
My plan with the windchime is to site it under the elderberry tree at the back end of the garden. I'm not sure how loud it would be...but thanks for the gentle warning, Bloomer! I didn't consider that it might disturb us (or possibly the neighbours as well!).
11 Jun, 2011
W.lass, we hang our wind chime out just in the summer and bring it in for the winter, not sure why, I suppose its due to the inclement weather! Although that can happen in summer too! Lol.
11 Jun, 2011
That makes perfect sense, GMage...the winter would soon wreck a lovely windchime. Good suggestion, if and when I have
11 Jun, 2011
Lol. put it on the to do list!!
11 Jun, 2011
Aye, aye,
11 Jun, 2011
My goodness, W'lass. Read all your blogs about your garden revamp...impressive. You've done a great job of planting... everything looks wonderful! Isn't it a joy? the space you've made here is so welcoming...Lucy feels right at home...and the grandkids will have a place to play. You will have a lovely summer's enjoyment and you still have the summerhouse plans to accomplish come winter! Wow!
12 Jun, 2011
What a busy and interesting time you're having! Good luck with the iris. I have had NO success with them. Can I recommend hardy geranium? A huge variety of flowers. Survive more or less anywhere.
12 Jun, 2011
Wow it's really looking lovely now, I especially love the borders. Your turf really look's fab I'm jealous.
By the way my seed has finally started to grow, I may have a lawn too soon, lol!
12 Jun, 2011
Thank you's been a long time in getting underway but I am very much enjoying the challenge and excitement of developing our much so that I couldn't get to sleep last night and ended up getting up for a couple of mind just doesn't shut off! lol
I hope I can grow the Iris with success, Kowhai. I will be taking some of the soil away from the ones that haven't bloomed this year as they need the corms exposed to the sun in order to "feed" (I think that's what it is!) so once the rain has eased off I'll be out there doing just that. Yes, hardy geranium has been suggested to me...I will have to locate some. I have some geraniums in the garden but I don't think they are the ones you mention (I am new to all of this so easily confused on what is what!) good is that? :) Your seed is starting to grow...I hope you are getting some of the rain we've been having; it sure does green up the turf and helps with the old water metre too so we don't have to water so often. Hope you soon have a lovely lawn after all your hard work!
12 Jun, 2011
Oohhh, I am loving the hardy geraniums too Kowhai... my first two flowered this year and I am totally sold on them.
Lovely progress Jacquie, so glad you're enjoying it so much :)
+ Give Lucy a cuddle from me!
12 Jun, 2011
Consider it done, Jenny (Lucy has had a cuddle...she's right beside me...well at my feet...sitting on the footstool of my lazyboy chair having a wash).
Another vote from you, Jenny, for hardy geranium :)
12 Jun, 2011
oh, and Spritzhenry did a blog on the differences between hardy geraniums and pelargoniums (the other ones). Might be worth a read :)
12 Jun, 2011
Whiston I`m really happy for you, I can feel your enjoyment in your blog, is the dust collecting now,lol, I`m not being rude about your housekeeping, its just something that happens here when the garden beckons, I always say it will get done at night or when its raining and I`m not busy in the greenhouse.
I have a wonderful tool for my borders, a fork the size of a handfork but it has a long handle, its brilliant for loosening the earth, one can reach without having to kneel or keep bending over, a lot easier on ones back, also I don`t have to keep standing on the beds....
12 Jun, 2011
nice to see it all coming together jacquie, well done, glad your enjoying it all so much :o))
12 Jun, 2011
Jennyfer, I've just had a good read of Barbara's two blogs on the hardy geraniums (loads of good info/photos/comments there)....and then came back to this blog and here you are, having posted a link for me :)
Lincs....yes the house is suffering due to my enjoyment of being in the garden and even today when it's been rainy and I've not been gardening I've been totally lazy and not done much (even had a nap!). The tool you mention does sound good with its long handle. I don't recall seeing anything like that in the shops but will keep my eyes open for it and see what I think.
I think I have some of the hardy geraniums in the garden but I will have to check and see if any are labelled. They look very similar to the ones mentioned in Barbara's blogs. Too wet out there to go and check tonight!
12 Jun, 2011
I too have a long handled very small fork on the end, this is the most used tool in my garden, you can purchase them at garden centres etc. I would be lost without mine, it saves you bending, it also saves the soil from being walked on you can weed with it all the way across to the middle of a big border and take out a weed without having to get into the plants. Well worth its money and it was not that expensive either, go look in the tools section Whistonlass it will be there I am sure. You will be so pleased of it soon.
13 Jun, 2011
Actually, they do a separate handle with a selection of small heads you can fit to it. Had one for years.
13 Jun, 2011
Do you have a link to the tool, M? I saw a set of tools with long handles and I've seen just the fork long-handled tool when I looked for details on GoY.
I have yet to get to a GC to see if they stock them. There seems to be quite a variety of them available and at varying prices too.
13 Jun, 2011
Some great ideas for you there,Jacquie..I had to smile about the fork Handles....I thought of Ronnie Barker,in 'open all hours '.Lol.
13 Jun, 2011
that was a brilliant sketch Bloomer, we still laugh everytime we think of it.
13 Jun, 2011
This will show you what they look like J. You may be able to get cheaper versions.
13 Jun, 2011
Thanks, M....have looked on Amazon as well....I'll see if I can locate these at a local I can 'handle' (lol) it and see if it seems practical for my use. Ta very much.
Yes, that sketch was the best :)
14 Jun, 2011
WLass you are doing so well, the garden looks a treat no wonder you cant stop grinning. I love your mushroom and the little girl sitting with an apron full of apples its so original.
Your rockery is lovely and I like the little painted pot lying on its side.
You`ll have plenty to blog about now as all those plants mature.
14 Jun, 2011
You are kind, Stroller. The little painted pot is one of two that our daughter brought home from Spain for us. I plan to hang at least one of them on the concrete fencing but for now it sits nicely in the rockery.
I very much like my little girl with her apron of apples too, thank you for your lovely comments.
14 Jun, 2011
You can get Wolf tools that clip onto a handle Wlass. I use one that is triangle one side and 2 pronged fork the other. The very light handles come in different lengths. It is at the expensive end of tools, but you only need to buy if a need arises. It really is interesting to see a small garden transformed so wonderfully well, supported by a good communicator too. Your little rockery is really well done. Is that a bit of Poole pottery I see decorating the Rockery? The dots round the rim and colourings rather suggest that it is. Been collecting that for yonks. Most of my cachepots on the kitchen window ledge are Poole. Not valuable but is a low end collectable.
15 Jun, 2011
Dorjac...the pot you mention in my rockery is one of two that our daughter recently brought back for us from Spain. I am very pleased with the rockery as it is now, although I'm certain to be tweeking it for some days to
I will look at the tools as and when I visit GC and see what seems best. At the moment I've been using a very old (and rusty!) hoe (well I think it's called a hoe...not too "up" on these gardening terms!). That seems to be working ok for now but won't be a lot of use once the borders are filled in more fully....
15 Jun, 2011
Everthing is looking so nice, you have put a lot of hard work into it. but its so nice to watch it grow will be waiting for more pictures as things grow
15 Jun, 2011
Oh Whistonlass this is such a transformation. I am still catching up and it is a delight to see your brand new garden looking so mature with a lawn, tree and patio and lots of very interesting plants. It is hard to believe this is the same garden as nine months ago. Enjoy it. Lucy is looking very sleek.The grandchildren must be so grateful to be able to share this new space when they visit.
16 Jun, 2011
Scotsgran.....yes, it is taking reality and not just a dream of a garden :)
The grandkids have yet to play on the lawn but it is growing so vigorously now that I think it would be ok to let them on the grass as long as we haven't had a lot of rain. They've liked being on the patio but are quite sly at trying to get on the Kids!
Lucy loves the space....I'm not so keen on her batting about the little mouse I saw her with night before last! :(
Not sure if the poor critter survived to see another day as Lucy was determined not to come in the house until it was very dark!
Your kind comments, Pondlady, are much appreciated...thank you so much.
16 Jun, 2011
We have a sizeable family of mice in our cement compost heap. Lift up the lid to put in stuff and a little mouse either leaps down the back or freezes and stares with big beady eyes. Crafty Black Cat would love to play with them I'm sure! They tunnel through the rotting mess but look so sleek and groomed! CBC was lurking earlier, before the rain, and lots of new minted sparrows in the border. He leapt out and tried to get one in the such CBC is getting a bit plump. I shushed him out and he strolled off. He will not flee like most cats. Our last cat Henry was black and white.
16 Jun, 2011
Sure is coming along nicely..what a supprise you'll get next year when everything bursts into colour...well done you...
16 Jun, 2011
Well, it's been a long time in the making, but it is now finally almost there. I have been watching the development and I am sure that you are thrilled with what you now have. Now comes the best part, watching all the plants growing and maturing and the flower bed filling up Next year will be even better.
Have you had a glass of sparkly wine to celebrate?...
Well done and wishing you all the best.
16 Jun, 2011
Thank you again folks for your encouraging comments. I am impatient for the borders to fill out...I suppose that is normal for anyone with a new garden!
Dorjac....we have to be on guard with our kitties...but it is natural behaviour for them and I think there will be a few more episodes with our Lucy :(
Crissue...I am so looking forward to next year when the borders will be fuller :) I got a surprise today to discover in our front border next to where we park our car, have suddenly erupted some "volunteer" poppies....I thought they were weeds and there were loads of them in the back garden before the turf was laid and we took them all out prior to the gardener coming :( I will try and take a photo of the ones in the front....that patch isn't paid much attention as it is on a busy main road and is hidden beside our car when it's parked up there. I wanted poppies so much...and I got them! lol
Thank you Fabrice for your good garden is quite sparce just now but it will soon fill sparkly wine yet but I've had lots of cups of coffee out there and some of my bottled That has to suffice I'm sorry to say...meds and alcohol is a no-no. Did you get some slate when you were away in N. Wales? Hope you managed to find some in the riverbeds.....any new developments in your garden? :)
16 Jun, 2011
Ooooohhhh what a lovely new garden you have Whistonlass :)) And thank you for sharing it with us...I love to see a new garden develop, it's so exciting :)
Enjoy every moment of it...xx
29 Jun, 2011
Thank you, PDuck....definitely the garden is my most enjoyable project for a very long's a dream come true.
Drop by and see our garden in person, PD :)
29 Jun, 2011
W.lass, I posted a photo of my border especially for you just to show you how mine have grown after me starting from scratch this year, take a look.!
29 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by whistonlass
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11 Mar, 2012
- Wishes for a Merry Christmas (NEW PHOTO ADDED ON BOXING DAY)
24 Dec, 2011
- Resting up....b-r-e-a-k t-i-m-e
19 Aug, 2011
- New-to-us....SUMMER HOUSE
21 Jul, 2011
17 Jul, 2011
17 Jul, 2011
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3 Jul, 2011
Good grief, you have been busy!! Its a wonder you haven't done yourself an injury with all that re-vamping.
What a fab job you have done. My block paving is still waiting to be done, so if you are in the area.........
9 Jun, 2011