The Lavender Fields of Provence in June this year.
By wildrose
I had wanted to see the lavender in Provence for a long time………..
It was a truly wonderful experience! Rows and rows of purple flowers growing on the dry, stony limestone soil with such a delicate scent on the air.
I hope that you too will enjoy the ‘vision in purple’ that captivated me for just a few days!
The next photograph is of the Abbey at Senanque which appears on a large number of postcards showing lavender in bloom.
There was even lavender around the pool at our gite!
We saw many pretty sights as well as the lovely lavender, so I shall now include a few of my favourite photos, all taken in the Luberon area of Provence!
I wanted to bring the little cherub in the middle of this picture home with me but he would have been too heavy in my suitcase so he had to stay! He also looked so nice and comfy just where he was!
I hope to return to see it all again, as it was all so lovely and so sunny! Seems like a long time ago already!!
Aurevoir et merci!
2 Jul, 2012
Previous post: A lesson learnt.
Next post: Three hours of sunshine and time to myself!
How I missed the squelching of soggy grass beneath my feet and the discovery of what tasty treat the slugs and snails had helped themselves to in my absence......oh yes, I really missed it!!!!!!
2 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous, can just imagine the smell....... I've never been to France, it looks tres bien!
2 Jul, 2012
oh that looks beautiful, thanks rose, how fabulous to see the blue sky, smell the lavender and feel the warm sun!!
2 Jul, 2012
It is all a distant memory! 34 degrees in Marseille when we left and 13 degrees when we landed in Bristol!!
I might have to move!
2 Jul, 2012
i know that feeling rose!!
did you know there are lavender fields near broadway in the cotswolds ~ may not have the same sun though??
2 Jul, 2012
Simply stunning!! Will have to add this to my bucket list :)
2 Jul, 2012
That's lovely! I could almost smell the Lavender! :o)
3 Jul, 2012
So beautiful an amazing site and the smell was everlasting.
3 Jul, 2012
What a lovely blog. I enjoy the scent of Lavender. It must have been wonderful to see it and smell it. The other photos are nice too. It looks a very enjoyable place to visit.
3 Jul, 2012
Oh my.....oh groan....I am sooooooo jealous wildrose! Just look at it! As soon as I saw the first photo I could smell lavender....and look at your pool and the views...WOW! No wonder some of us on here are needing medication....outside my window this morning....FOG!
3 Jul, 2012
Wow, so beautiful. thanks so much for sharing and bringing back lovely memories of France. The place is growing on me after a couple of visits too. Lovely blog.
3 Jul, 2012
Wow what a lovely blog , gave us all a much needed reminder that there is still a sun out there somewhere !!!!!! :-)
3 Jul, 2012
C'est absolument parfait . . . et tes photos sont fantastique! Wonderful blog Chris - thank you - glad you had such a perfect holiday. :))
3 Jul, 2012
i love those pictures by the stone windows and the old doors, its all so beautiful!
3 Jul, 2012
Looks so stunning, I would love to see it too.
3 Jul, 2012
Oh, this brings back memories of driving, not through Provence, but the Grasse area of southern France where they grow it for the perfume industry. Happy days!
Thankyou for this on a day like this! Good to see the sun, even in photos.
3 Jul, 2012
Beautiful photos definitely wish I was there kinda place, like others you can smell the lavender.
3 Jul, 2012
Wonderful ...
3 Jul, 2012
Those comments were so lovely to read - they were ALMOST worth coming home for, I emphasise the 'ALMOST!'
3 Jul, 2012
Just simply wow!
3 Jul, 2012
Well, I'm not surprised you didn't want to come home, Chris. Those photos were absolutely stunning, merci.
Also to actually see the sunshine! I've forgotten what its like! My cousin lives in France , not far from Paris and we spent some time with him and his wife there and then we all went to a gite in the Loire Valley. That year there was a heat wave there and it stayed at 35 degrees the whole 2 weeks. I'd love to visit more places in France, but its just too easy to get on a plane to go to Turkey and you,re there! Perhaps we should make more of an effort to go somewhere like this.
4 Jul, 2012
Rose, it did mean quite a long drive in France on busy roads but when we got there it was well worth it and the local roads were much easier to negotiate - just avoid the big towns!!
5 Jul, 2012
a beautifull place and i can almost smell the lavender, what a wonderfull site :o))
5 Jul, 2012
We can all grow some Lavender on our gardens here.
I have a row for the Bees. Am still waiting for them to arrive !
6 Jul, 2012
You can SEE the heat coming off the screen! Beautiful pictures, Chris, and a fabulous part of the world. Very "Jean de Florette." Any sign of Gerard Depardieu by any chance?
9 Jul, 2012
No, I'm afraid not and he wouldn't easily be missed would he?!!!
9 Jul, 2012
Nope, that's very true. Shame!
9 Jul, 2012
Oh I love it... especially love the pic of that cerise hollyhock against the fantastic stone and shuttered arched window. I'd love that on my wall. That Abbey looks almost as though it is part of the lavender field. I want to be there (longing sigh) ..... Oh well it's sunny here at the moment:-)
15 Jul, 2012
I did love that holiday and it has 'stayed with me' if you know what I mean.
15 Jul, 2012
Yes...lovely, I even looked at property for sale in the Luberon after seeing your blog lol. Very expensive, just a harmless dream:-)
16 Jul, 2012
I already knew you were going to Provence,Chris..and still missed this ! How wonderful,it just says France,doesn't it?
All those lovely stone buildings and pretty displays of pots etc..we haven't been to this part,so thank you so much for sharing ....just lovely,and sorry I'm a bit late ..x
16 Jul, 2012
Hello bloomer\0/ :-)
16 Jul, 2012
Hello Ba,\0/...will you be letting your property out to good friends,when you win the lottery ? wink wink ! :o)
16 Jul, 2012
Glad that you have seen it Bloomer, let's hope that Ba goes ahead with her very good idea to move out there - then we can BOTH go!!!
16 Jul, 2012
We will have to use a little gentle persuasion,Chris :o)
16 Jul, 2012
Never mind gentle persuasion you two, a hundred thousand or so each and we're off. Don't fancy a swimming pool though, too much looking after and guilt at using all their water. Now, I don't drive, so one of you will have to be my chauffeur.... and I'm not much cop at housework either, so the other one can be housemaid....oooooh I'm really so looking forward to it now..... :-)))
17 Jul, 2012
I thought I could just come along and enjoy myself and put my feet up! I am sure that Bloomer feels much the same!!
I'd be quite nervous driving over there because I get my left and right muddled up and I HATE housework but do like it all to be neat and tidy.....and, before you ask I'm not too keen on cooking either!!!
17 Jul, 2012
Looks like we need enough to pay a chauffeur..I don't drive either...well ,I did for a short time,but we won't go into that's a driver,an aupair..(male, ,wearing a little white Apron ) and James Martin for the food..are we agreed?
17 Jul, 2012
Oh yes, getting better all the time. Looking forward to it already!!
17 Jul, 2012
Just renewed my passport this year,so ready when you are ! Lol.
17 Jul, 2012
And Alan Titchmarsh or Monty Don to keep the roses tied in and the lavender clipped? Maybe Gerard Dippydo to keep the wine topped up? I think maybe we're straying into the realms of fantasy now, ladies. Lovely, isn't it? Have you thought of somewhere with a guest room, just in case a passing Gattina feels like making a social call?
17 Jul, 2012
You would be welcome anytime Gattina as long as you bring some of your lemon drizzle cake!!
18 Jul, 2012
Funny you should mention that - I am just about to make one! They don't travel well, though, SUCH a shame!
18 Jul, 2012
Now look here, who's house is this? Anyone who comes to live here has to contribute to all that needs doing, otherwise it just won't work. Obviously I came up with the idea and it's my house ..... so that's my contribution:-) What we need mes amis is a driver and a cook and a cleaner. Don't go getting all these fancy celebrity ideas... it just isn't feasible. We need to recruit other Goyers who've a few quid spare and sell .... time share... ta da! With all that extra dosh, we can employ some handsome local lads to do our bidding:-))
19 Jul, 2012
Mon Amie......I am in full agreement with the last bit of what you had to say but not too keen on the fact that I won't be living my celebrity dreams and might just have to butter my own croissants and flick a feather duster now and then!
Somebody on here could surely 'sponsor' us and would be delighted to do so!!!
19 Jul, 2012
Wildrose, you're a woman after my own heart.... genius idea!!! Now who could we approach? We need someone to do the sponsor forms ....someone to pitch the idea ... Bloomer's very eloquent and charming ...and very good at organising .... likes a challenge ....Bloomer yoohoo ....we've a little job for you to do.... France here we come .... wheeeeeeeeeeee ... :-)
20 Jul, 2012
yoohoo,Ba..does that mean you want me to stand on a street corner with a sandwich board..touting for business ?
mmm,I will have to give that some thought..not sure if that would be an attractive or positive business plan..but if it's in France.....:o)
20 Jul, 2012
On a positive note about the UK, I think summer may have arrived down here and the old country doesn't seem so bad after all......that is until it starts to rain again of course!!!
20 Jul, 2012
It has arrived here this morning Chris..its 5.30 am! the sun is shining,the sky is blue..but only 5 degrees outside!! ..and this is July ????
21 Jul, 2012
Sun here too...put that little sponsor idea on hold for a while I think, although the vision of Sandra standing on a street corner with a sandwich board is enticing:-)))
21 Jul, 2012
I think so too,Ba..somehow I don't think the sandwich board would be a flattering look..and is much less appealing,on I might just hand out flyers instead :o)
21 Jul, 2012
Latest worry - hubby is keen to go camping in our trailer tent!!
Any excuses I can use, to remain at home girls!!! Must be plausible!!!
21 Jul, 2012
That would be my worst nightmare,Chris..I only went once,and we got flooded out..even the dog wouldn't sleep in it..he and mum slept in the car ! ..mind you,things have much improved since the 50's ! I am racking my brains for a plausible excuse ! :o)
21 Jul, 2012
We used to do the whole camping in the rain malarky - deflating airbeds, long muddy trek to the wash block, freezing temperatures and snails sliding up the tent walls inside, and cows pushing the tent walls from the outside. I am very happy to say we have grown out of this mad pastime completely.
22 Jul, 2012
I would start complaining about my back as soon as possible....there's no arguing with that:-)
24 Jul, 2012
Too late BA we are going!!! Thursday pm to Monday am (or Friday am if weather goes off!!)
Your very good excuse came just a little too late!!
24 Jul, 2012
Hi Rose, just found this blog, dont know where I have been !! What gorgeous photos and such a lovely place to be too. Bet the scent of the lavender was really heavy and delicious. Glad you enjoyed your break.
29 Jul, 2012
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Superb blog looks spectacular. Good weather and a pool, bet you're glad to be home....NOT !
2 Jul, 2012