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Diohio's Garden

Diohio has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Cypress Vine

Added on 14 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

I grew this vine from a packet of seeds from WalMart ($1.07 US dollars) and the hummingbirds loved it. One fema...

Jasmine Night-blooming

Added on 9 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Bought 3 small potted trees for $1.00 each from Carolyn Wilson's greenhouse 8-28-01. I gave one tree to Che...

Palm Unknown could be Japanese

Added on 8 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Bought in 1998 or thereabouts from Walmart for about $8.00. It was very small then and is SO big now that I can...

Bear's Breeches

Added on 16 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Acanthus.
Species: Acanthus spinosus.

Won't flower. I have 2 plants and both have been struggling since I bought them years ago.

Baneberry, White

Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Actaea.
Species: Actaea pachypoda.

White Baneberry is a perennial native of Ohio, is in the Buttercup family and is also called "Doll's Ey...

Fern, Maidenhair, Northern Maidenhair

Added on 25 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Adiantum.
Species: Adiantum pedatum.

My favorite fern ! Native fern found in our back woods in little colonies. I transplanted a few to the front y...

Bromelaid "Silver Vase" I think

Added on 24 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Aechmea.
Species: Aechmea fasciata.

Free from a plant trade 8-21-06. I just found out the name from Greenthumb on GOY (Alaska). She has a similar o...

Ajuga "Arctic Frost"

Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Ajuga.
Species: Ajuga reptans.

Spreads very nicely under hostas.
Blooms in April

Mimosa, Silk Tree

Added on 29 Aug, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Albizia.
Species: Albizia julibrissin.

Free sapling from Linda in 2001. The bucks rub on it and have killed parts of this tree several winters. In su...

Allium Hair

Added on 28 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium.

Free from Linda.

Allium Globemaster

Added on 21 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium Globemaster.

Bought 10-16-04 from Park Seed for $5.00. Didn't bloom 2007 because of the drought? Produces a large laven...


Added on 16 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Allium.
Species: Allium unnamed.

I planted garlic in 2003 and 2004 and left one in my mistake. The bloom is lovely, so I'm glad I forgot it.

Elephant Ear "Polly"

Added on 13 Mar, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Alocasia.
Species: Alocasia amazonica "Polly".

I bought this fancy Elephant Ear May 19, 2000 from Glasshouse Works here in Ohio for $20. In spring 2007 I divi...

Ginger, Tropical

Added on 9 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Alpinia.
Species: Alpinia zerumbet.

Not sure if I bought this from Carolyn Wilson's greenhouse or Glasshouse Works back in 2000. I think I paid...

Amaryllis, Unknown Red

Added on 13 Jun, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Amaryllis.
Species: Amaryllis.

Given to me by my mother in 2000. There were only 2 bulbs in 2 little pots. I didn't know that Amaryllis w...

Amsonia, Bluestar, Blue Milkweed

Added on 17 Feb, 2009 | 2 photos

Genus: Amsonia.
Species: Amsonia ciliata.

Free from Hilliard OH Plant Trade 5-20-06. Not really a milkweed. Collect seeds when pods are dry. Zone 5-9

Anemone, Rue

Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Anemonella.
Species: Anemonella thalictroides.

An early spring wildflower, dainty and cute. It's in the Buttercup family and is native to Ohio. It is not...

Anemone, Rue DOUBLE

Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Anemonella.
Species: Anemonella thalictroides.

Same as Rue Anemone only this plant has double petals. It's the only double I've ever found, and this o...

Columbine Winky Rose-Rose

Added on 23 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Aquilegie "Winky Rose-Rose".

Bought 4-11-08 from Lowe's for $3.00. Pink color. Family is Ranunculaceae. Zone 4-9 I think.

Grass, Variegated Giant Reed

Added on 29 Aug, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Arundo.
Species: Arundo donax.

Bought 8-04-03 from The Good Earth for $10.00. Mulch it well for winter........Zone 6-10.

Milkweed, Swamp

Added on 16 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Asclepias.
Species: Asclepias incarnata.

I planted one in the front and one in the back. I'm getting a nice little patch in the front now. Too earl...

Milkweed, Common

Added on 19 Mar, 2008 | 18 photos

Genus: Asclepias.
Species: Asclepias syriaca.

About 10 years ago I started caring for a stand of Common Milkweed in small overgrown field next door. From the...

Butterfly Weed

Added on 14 Mar, 2008 | 7 photos

Genus: Asclepias.
Species: Asclepias tuberosa.

There are several Butterfly Weed plants growing wild in the overgrown field next to us. I've been sowing se...


Added on 19 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Asimina.
Species: Asimina triloba.

HOST plant for Zebra Swallowtails. We're lucky to have a large Pawpaw patch in the back yard and also sever...

Aster, New England

Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Aster.
Species: Aster novae-angliae.

A perennial native of Ohio, New England Aster is a beautiful wildflower, especially when it grows with goldenrod...

Blackberry Lily

Added on 19 Mar, 2008 | 4 photos

Genus: Balemcanda.
Species: Balemcanda chinesis.

Bought 8-19-02 from Companion Plants. Zone 4-10. The cluster of black seeds is very ornamental.

English Daisy Rominette Mix

Added on 23 Apr, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Bellis.
Species: Bellis perennis.

Bought 4-11-08 at Lowe's for $3.00. Family Asteraceae.
Supposed to be perennial Zone 4-8.

Barberry, Golden Japanese

Added on 15 Sep, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Berberis.
Species: Berberis thunbergii.

4-28-04 a friend gave me 3 little sticks (cuttings) from her medium-sized Golden Barberry and I brought them hom...

Angel Trumpet "Frosty Pink"

Added on 6 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Brugmansia.
Species: Brugmansia "Frosty Pink".

Two cuttings were given to me back in 2002 I believe. I was lucky that the cuttings were beyond the "Y&quo...

Angel Trumpet

Added on 5 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Brugmansia.
Species: Brugmansia "Shredded White".

Bought 4-01-08 from internet Katz Kountry Kuttins for $7.00. It was a nice cutting. Brugmansias are iin the S...

Brunnera, Siberian Bugloss, Variegata

Added on 19 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Brunnera.
Species: Brunnera macrophylla.

Bought 4-23-03 from Seely's in Columbus for $2.99. Moved it in 2005 where it's doing better now. Beaut...

Campanula Cherry Bells

Added on 25 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Campanula.
Species: Campanula Cherry Bells.

Bought from Plant Delights I believe, 2002? Spread nicely in 2 areas for first 2 years and then one area died o...

Canna "Wyoming"

Added on 8 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Canna.
Species: Canna indica.

Bought May 7, 2002 for $7.50 from Dorothy Sidwell's greenhouse. Beautiful orange flooms. One of my favorit...

Canna unknown Red

Added on 6 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Canna.
Species: Canna indica.

These red Canna were given to me by my boss. I have to dig them after the first killing frost in late fall. Th...

Hosta Captain Kirk

Added on 18 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Captain Kirk.

Bought 7-25-02 for $15.00 from Cory's Wildflowers. Sport of H. Gold Standard. 36" x 18" tall..

Cohosh, Giant Blue

Added on 13 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Caulophyllum giganteum.

I've had Blue Cohosh and Giant Blue Cohosh growing in my back woods and just now realized that they were dif...

Cohosh, Blue

Added on 13 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Caulophyllum thalictroides.

Blue Cohosh is a native perennial that grows in my back woods and in my yard. It likes wet shade, deciduous woo...

Mountain Bluet

Added on 16 May, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Centaurea.
Species: Centaurea montana.

Free from plant trade. It has really spread in 1 year !

Daisy, Painted unnamed Hot Pink

Added on 17 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Chrysanthemum.
Species: Chrysanthemum carinatum unnamed Hot Pink.

Bought for .75 cents at Faber's It was slow gettinig established.

Daisy, Ox-eye, Common Daisy

Added on 27 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Chrysanthemum.
Species: Chrysanthemum leucanthemum.

Wildflower, European import. Ox-eye Daisy contains pyrethrum, a chemical that repels insects and is used in org...


Added on 29 Aug, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Cichorium.
Species: Cichorium intybus.

A non-native perennial wildflower that appeared in my yard one year. We have lots of this plant along our highw...

Clematis Jackmanii

Added on 10 Jun, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis "Jackmanii".

Bought 2 in 1997 from Michigan Bulb for $15.00. It several years before it would bloom and I was about to dig i...

Virgin's Bower

Added on 27 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis virginiana.

Virgin's Bower is a native perennial found in shade along edges of woods. It is also called "Old Man&#...

Dayflower, Asiatic

Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Commelina.
Species: Commelina communis.

Many people consider this a weed but not in my yard. I love any blue flower, and this one looks like a mouse fa...

Campanula unknown

Added on 25 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Companula unknown.

Creamy white Campanula with dark maroon freckles. This was given to me by a friend, Carrie. I started with a s...

Lily of the Valley

Added on 21 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Convallaria.
Species: Convallaria majalis.

Bought 6 for $3.00 3-07-97 from Michigan Bulb. All parts are poisonous if eaten. Zone 4-8 however my one book ...

Umbrella Palm

Added on 5 Sep, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Cyperus.
Species: Cyperus alternifolius.

Purchased 2000, can't remember price. It was variegated but has reverted back to solid green. From Africa....

Dahlia "McKnight's Memory"

Added on 14 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia Pinnata.

One of my favorite Dahlias

Dahlia "Lavender Perfection"

Added on 9 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia Pinnata.

I got this plant free from Linda on 4-18-02. It is the only Dahlia that I still have. All of the others have d...

Daisy Kelway's Golden Marguerite

Added on 16 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Daisy.

Given to me at a plant trade.

Delphinium "Butterfly Blue"

Added on 16 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Delphinium.
Species: Delphinium grandiflorum "Butterfly Blue.

Bought at the College Garden Sale 5-04-07 for $7.00. Remove faded flower stalks for rebloom. Attracts hummers....

Larkspur, Spring

Added on 21 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Delphinium.
Species: Delphinium tricorne.

A perennial native, this spring wildflower is also called Dwarf Larkspur because of its small size compared with...

Illinois Bundleflower, Prairie Mimosa, Spider Bean

Added on 29 Aug, 2008 | 1 photo

Species: Desmanthus illinoensis.

Bought 8-19-02 from Companion Plants for ??. Zone 5-9. **Very difficult to transplant. I moved the origional ...

Sweet William, Double Dwarf Mix

Added on 13 Jun, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Dianthus.
Species: Dianthus barbatus.

These came up from a packet of seeds sowed in 2007. I'm shocked at how nice they are. They are BIENNIAL. ...


Added on 21 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Dicentra.
Species: Dicentra canadensis.

This native spring wildflower is often confused with Dutchman's Breeches which grows in a similar habitat an...

Dutchman's Breeches

Added on 21 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Dicentra.
Species: Dicentra cucullaria.

This perennial native is an early wildflower. It grows in deciduous woods. The two long inflated flower spurs ...

Coneflower "Sunset"

Added on 16 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Echinacea.
Species: Echinacea purpurea.

Boughtin 2005. Over winter 2006-07, the raccoons dug it up and the roots froze. I plan on replacing it.


Added on 12 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Species: Epifagus virginiana.

Native perennial root-parasite commonly found beneath or in the vicinity of Beech trees. This plant is also cal...

Lily, White Trout

Added on 14 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Erythronium.
Species: Erythronium albidum.

White Trout Lily is a native perennial of Ohio. It is almost identical to Yellow Trout Lily except for the colo...

Lily, Yellow Trout

Added on 13 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Erythronium.
Species: Erythronium americanum.

Trout lily is a native perennial found in dry deciduous woods. Also called Dogtooth Violet, Adder's Tongue, ...


Added on 30 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Eupatorium.
Species: Eupatorium coelestinum.

Mistflower is another native wildflower that just showed up one year and since then I've transplanted it to ...


Added on 20 Mar, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Eupatorium.
Species: Eupatorium perfoliatum.

Native wildflower that likes wet conditions. One just appeared in one of my flowerbeds about 5 years ago and it...


Added on 30 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: Euphorbia marginata.

This beautiful wildflower just showed up in my yard one year and reseeds itself every year now. It's a nati...


Added on 14 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Forsythia.
Species: Forsythia.

Saved from the abandoned farm next door. It now forms a nice hedge in my side yard.

Gaillardia Blanket Flower "Goblin"

Added on 5 Sep, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Gaillardia.
Species: Gaillardia aristata.

Bought this perennial for $1.00 from Faber's in their fall clearance in 2004. It lasted for 2 years (short-...


Added on 21 Mar, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Galanthus.
Species: Galanthus nivalis.

Purchased mail-order from Park Seed on 10-16-04, 5 bulbs for $2.00. They havn't been doing very well until ...

Geranium, Wild

Added on 19 May, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Geranium.
Species: Geranium maculatum.

Perennial native of Ohio that likes dry shade mostly in deciduous woods, or meadows. I transplanted a few from ...

Downy Rattlesnake Plantain (Orchid)

Added on 20 Mar, 2008 | 3 photos

Genus: Goodyera.
Species: Goodyera pubescens Downy Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid.

Native perennial orchid. The tiny flowers are better viewed through a hand lens. The common name comes from th...

Helleborus "Sun Marble"

Added on 26 Mar, 2009 | 3 photos

Genus: Helleborus.
Species: Helleborus "Sun Marble".

Purchased 5-04-04 from Cory's Wildflowers for $15.00. I was told that this is a rather finicky Helleborus a...

Daylily Lemon Lily

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Species: Hemerocalidaceae.

Free from Helen Desko, internet friend 6-01-03

Daylily Palace Pagoda

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$6.00 from Cory's Wildflowers, fresh dug. 7-16-03

Daylily Wild Mustang

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from spring plant trade 5-20-06

Daylily Vera Biaglow

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$8.00 from Dick & Pat. I split this huge clump with Nancy.

Daylily Untamed Glory

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from plant trade 9-17-05 Rebloomer. Semi-evergreen. Tetraploid

Daylily Swirling Water

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from plant trade 5-20-06

Daylily Strutter's Ball

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from plant trade 5-21-05

Daylily Strawberry Candy

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$10.00 from Dick and Pat Henley. Rebloomer. Dwarf. This is a favorite !

Daylily Stoplight

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from spring plant trade 5-20-06

Daylily Spell Fire

Added on 1 Apr, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Bought 7-16-03 From Cory's Wildflowers for $6.00 dug up.

Daylily Lullaby Baby

Added on 31 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$2.00 from Lowe's Clearance Sept. 2005.

Daylily Stella de'Ore

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Don't remember where or how much, 6-17-03.

Daylily Startle

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$6.50 from Van Bourgondien 4-12-07. Goes dormant

Daylily Alabama Jubilee

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 2 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Bought 6-29-04 from Dick and Pat Henley for $10 dug.

Daylily Always Afternoon

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from fall plant trade 9-17-05. Semi evergreen, Rebloomer.

Daylily Artist Etching

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from spring plant trade 5-19-07.. Did not bloom in 2007.

Daylily Big Kiss

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from plant trade 9-17-05. Double. REbloomer. Slightly fragrant.

Daylily Spiratual Corridor

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$7.50 from Dick & Pat Henley 6-29-04.

Daylily South Seas

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from spring plant trade 5-21-05

Daylily Siloam Tea Tiny

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from fall plant trade 9-13-04. Dwarf

Daylily Siloam June Bug

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from Linda 9-13-04. Little one (dwarf?)

Daylily Rocket City

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from Nancy Fulecki 4-29-06. Tetraploid. BRIGHT orange !!

Daylily Penny'sworth

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from plant trade 5-19-07 Dwarf.

Daylily Black-eyed Stella

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Gree from plant trade 9-17-05. Rebloomer

Daylily Blueberry Sundae

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

This is the second try for this daylily. I ordered it before and got a completely different color so they gave ...

Daylily Pandora's Box

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from spring plant trade 5-21-05. NO BLOOMS as of 2007. This is a tiny one.

Daylily Catherine Hawn

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$6.50 from Van Bourgondine 3-13-07 catalog order. I origionally ordered "Lacey Doily" but they replac...

Daylily Madison County

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 1 photo

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from fall plant trade 9-17-05

Daylily Little Business

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$8.00 Glurney's 2004.

Daylily Little Bee

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

$2.00 from Lowe's 9-28-05. It's a small one (dwarf?)

Daylily Many Happy Returns

Added on 26 Mar, 2008 | 0 photos

Genus: Hemerocallis.
Species: Hemerocallis.

Free from plant trade. Rebloomer. Diploid.