Oh dear!
By Gee19
OK, I know I shouldn’t store so much under the bed but sometimes it’s the only place! I very carefully checked how to give the amarylis the best chance of reflowering and then promptly forgot all about it! The bulb is very dehydrated (papery) but now it’s back in the pot with fresh compost, water, it seems to be doing remarkably well. I must admit it gave me a nasty shock, grabbing hold of something cold and long when I was groping for my sewing box :)
22 Apr, 2014
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think we've all done somthing similar! and I've only got a single bed - a bigger one would have a lot more space to lose things.
how did it end up under the bed in the first place? somewhere "dark"?
22 Apr, 2014
Lol off with her head !! I must say you have doctored it very well, it's looking positively healthy well done it will reward you with a stunning flower ,I'm not surprised you had a shock it's not often you find something cold & long under the bed :o)
22 Apr, 2014
Guilty as charged! but it seems you have been rewarded by a very faithful Amarylis lol
22 Apr, 2014
Fran, mine is a single bed too but its surprising what can be tucked under it! Yes, I put it there because it was the only dark and airy place I could think of.
Thanks, Daylily. Amy and PP - it did give me a scare when I touched it - very dead snake like! I am hoping for a lovely flower, PP - I won this in a raffle at my grandson's school and it's the first time I've tried repeat flowering :)
22 Apr, 2014
I have a cabin bed, wtih two levels of shelving (I need it more for the height than the storage, though that comes in very handy!( I've been looking for a new bed, but they're all too low, with the cabin bed I can get in and out without having to bend or stoop, haning on to something all the while!
hmm, maybe I could use my "window-side" shelves for unobtrusive plant shelves ...
22 Apr, 2014
Tsk, tsk!! Maybe you've discovered a far better way of storing them, you'd best put a patent on that bed of yours - it could be worth a fortune!
22 Apr, 2014
thanks for cheering me up no end! I've been looking for the box of geraniums i was trying to overwinter..I was SO sure I had put them in a box ..but what box?..and where is it?...my home is not that big......couldn't find them anywhere...I could picture me putting them away, following some new directions...hopeful and excited about success...nope!...finally when I was able to check my garden this spring, I found them...soggy, dreary, and very, very dead....I'm going to have to be more careful about what I do, and what I only think I do!...tricky, that....pat...
22 Apr, 2014
Lol Gee In 2 days you have revived your forgotten bulb wonderfully - so all is forgiven, You have a get out of jail card from me! the flower will be your reward for trying to do the right thing, we can't remember everything can we!! I think I would have had a shock too to find something like that under my bed, just boring storage boxes under mine!
22 Apr, 2014
A great blog,Gee,it really made me laugh at your captions:o) I think you should only get a warning,at least..now that your Amarylis survived the trauma..good job it didn't grow up through your mattress..now there's a thought,wondering what it was ! Lol..I have drawers under my bed too,(storage)..what else would someone called Bloomer have? :o)
22 Apr, 2014
I am surprised how well it has done, Neellan, although the bulb feels very small inside the papery bit!
Glad it made you laugh, Bloomer. I'm glad I didn't have a nasty surprise through the mattress :) I should get some drawers, shouldn't I?
22 Apr, 2014
Definitely ,Gee..with strong elastic :o) thanks for a fun blog..:o))
22 Apr, 2014
lol :o)
22 Apr, 2014
Next time somebody asks how to care for one after flowering we will be expecting you to tell them the answer...
22 Apr, 2014
Now that has really made me laugh, thanks Gee, I have my white ones just dying down, as I've never been able to get any repeat flowering ones I guess I've been keeping my bulbs in the wrong place, all I have to do now is find a place in my bedroom and see if it works for me...
Very entertaining, I love the way you have set it out......
22 Apr, 2014
Hi Gee ..
I knew all along that Millie wasn't to blame ;o)
23 Apr, 2014
Millie is very used to my odd habits, TT, and takes no notice at all so she didn't even sniff around to alert me to the forgotten plant. The only thing that makes her at all animated is the sound of the fridge door opening :)
23 Apr, 2014
Gee, I'm so glad you put this blog on GoY, it was sooo funny. Seriously, I think we're all guilty of 'storing' bulbs etc and then 'forgetting' about them.I'm sure with lots of TLC your Amaryllis will recover and reward you with beautiful blooms. :)
23 Apr, 2014
Thanks, Waddy, I am amazed that it has survived its ordeal and seems really determined to flower. If it does I will put a photo on GoY :)
23 Apr, 2014
This is a hilarious blog Gee - wonderfully presented as ever! Thanks for the smile it gave me I'm really glad I have a divan bed with storage drawers now - no surprises under my bed! :o)
25 Apr, 2014
Thanks, Shirley, glad it made you smile. Just shows how resilient nature is - the stem is now straight and about 15 inches tall, all in just a few days :)
25 Apr, 2014
That's great news Gee, but I bet if it could talk you would be in for a telling off! :o)
25 Apr, 2014
Oh this did make me laugh, you have a wonderful sense of humour Gee... I am sure the judge will be lenient, if not I promise to visit with cake...nudge, nudge wink, wink!!
2 May, 2014
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Oh dear that made me laugh but I'm sure we are all guilty of this at some stage or other :))
22 Apr, 2014