Calm ..ish..after the storm...:o)
By bloomer
After the horrendous gales and rain last night,I was happy to see everything still intact this morning..nothing damaged or broken,..still quite breezy,but at least I could get out to take a look,and some pics..
Primula Denticulata
I don’t know the name of this one,and don’t even remember planting it..but I love it :o)!
Nice and cheery..
What a day to decide to put up my spare mini Growhouse,yesterday..! for all my overwintering plants from the Conservatory,plus lots of salad bowl lettuces,potted on..Glad to say it was still upright :o)
so glad OH fixed it to the fence..
Also tied up the Niger seed feeder,as it lodged horizontally last week,between the other annoyed it had lost all the seed,as they are so expensive ! The goldfinches appreciated it,anyway..
Winter growhouse still has its fleece and waterproof on..but I open it up most days..
Eric sheltering with the Violas …daft name for him ,I know..but there are lots of Olly’s ..:o)
Let’s hope for a good weekend,and less wild weather :o)
Just had some bad news from my daughter..their fence has blown into next doors garden,along with Thomas’s outdoor playhouse..both smashed up ! :o(
As the latter is still under warranty,and supposed to very’s a big un !…She is going to check with the supplier,and it.looks like Russell is going to have a fence building project soon …darned wind !
18 Apr, 2013
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And here, we couldn't light the log stove, it was howling in the chimney
As its a south/westerly the garden is protected mor than from the north/easterlys but still rough out there
The local market was bare, only a few vans selling from inside and the refrigerated meat and fish trailers ( really nice bye the way)
what a year we are having already........
18 Apr, 2013
Hi Sandra
You garden looks pretty despite having experienced the strong winds ...
The viola pot is lovely :o)
18 Apr, 2013
Lovely blog pretty plants love Eric .. Your OH is like mine always finds an ingenious way to keep things in their place :-)
18 Apr, 2013
Very pretty Sandra, so pleased your g'houses are secure, its heartbreaking to get things through the winter and then lose them at his stage, everything is taking a battering here, although very rough it was sunny this morning but all dark, stormy clouds now and when it rains its really hard, Mad March winds and April showers all at the same time...
18 Apr, 2013
Hi Sandra so sorry to hear you have had such gale force winds, it was windy here but the Pennines must have sheltered us from the worse, Alison must be devastated at the damgage, hope they manage to get compensation for Thomas's playhouse.
You have been working very hard in your garden, I bet you are glad that you secured yor M greenhouse! The Primula Denticula are so pretty, the ones you gave me are also flowering so thanks for sharing;0) Are you referring to picture three with the Green/Cream plant? if so I think its Euonymus Silver Queen, I have it too very bright and healthy plant. I love the pale lilac primula too;0)
18 Apr, 2013
Looks lovely Bloomer, loads of colour there the weathers been wild hasn't it, today been mad here high winds lightning hail rain now sun :-)
18 Apr, 2013
Same here Bloomer, everything still where it should be,didn't think it would be. What a shame about Thomas's playhouse,good job it's still under warranty!
Gales and Hale here as well, but it seems a bit calmer now, thank goodness.
18 Apr, 2013
Hi Sandra, glad all is ok after the wild night, was the same here to, just had to pick my bins up first thing, didnt sleep all night far to loud and had work this morning to lol, still windy here but sunny, just hope its not to loud tonight, take care :o)) x
18 Apr, 2013
Pretty wild innit!
Great use of bunji! You must be really glad of your hubby's good thinking!
18 Apr, 2013
Yes, a bit blowy up here too Bloomer! Those bungies do a multitude of jobs around my garden too!
Your primula (both) are looking great, things really are moving in the right direction now!
18 Apr, 2013
Love the primula dentriculata - think I'm going to have to get myself one of those for next year! This wind has been awful hasn't it, I was awake half the night with the noise of it :( I was very lucky though - just yesterday someone came round to help tie my broken fence to a buddleia and it managed to stay up this time.
18 Apr, 2013
it was awful Sandra - I was nervosly checking the delicate conifer which was swirling around - no damage thankfully - and your plants are looking grand too!! Lovely big owl - ours sits in the planter
18 Apr, 2013
It looks like most of you have had similar was sunny for most of the day,but the winds got up again at lunchtime..and turned cold with it tonight..
Thank you,everyone,for your lovely comments..
Annella..thanks for the name of the is more of a lilac pink..will it be the same variety?
Pam.,hope you have managed to light your stove tonight..our heating went back on at teatime..and definitely no gardening today !
Thank you Terra..glad you like the Viola pot,and the other flowers..just nice to see colour :o)
Thanks Kidsgran..Eric is a sweetie,isn't he? He was a gift at Christmas.My OH has a shed full of stuff that always mostly to come in at some point..I daren't tell him to have a clear out ! Lol.
Thank you Linclass..I agree,it must be awful to have all you have worked hard to achieve,to be wiped out in an instant...cold,wet and snow is bad enough..but this wind is much worse :o(
Thanks seem to have fared a bit better than the rest of us,as regards the gales..It was a good job I was prepared for it,or else the plants would have disappeared,I'm sure..although if I hadn't been so impatient,they would still have been inside..and the M.growhouse still in the loft ! Lol
Re picture three..I was meaning the Primula..sorry it was confusing,with posting another pic of it after..the Euonymous is one of the Emerald and Gold ones,I grew from a cutting,in my front border....maybe you thought it was the Silver Queen I have in the back garden ?
Thank you have had it worse than us by the sound of it! Lightening and Hail ? now that IS bad !
Glad your plants are all ok too,Val..I hope they get sorted with the playhouse too..but I have a feeling they might say to claim on their own insurance....I wouldn't bother,if it was me..higher premiums,and the excess to think about ...
Hi San,it's awful when it keeps you awake,isn't it..especially when you have to go to work too..hope you manage to have a good night tonight..I was so busy yesterday,I never heard anything... out like a light Lol..x
I agree,Lulu..they are so good..and thanks for the name,I didn't know what they called them..just knew it as that elasticated thingy ! Lol.
Thank you Scottish..unbelievable how these plants are so reliable,after the winter we have all had..onwards and upwards now,we hope..:o)
It is a lovely plant ,Gg..and thank you..very hardy,and the white ones are my favourites..some other nice shades too..go on,treat yourself ,:o)..sorry your fence was broken too,but good you could manage to secure it..
Thanks Paul..I remember you saying you had one of these Owls too..I love my Eric ! Lol..glad you like the plants,and pleased your conifer is is worrying,isn't it? I hope they appreciate how much we care about them :o)
18 Apr, 2013
Eric lol nice :D sure some do Bloomer been moving them to better positions, all in good places now. I think the olws are so cute :D
18 Apr, 2013
It's worse than looking after load of children Paul..we spoil them rotten :o)
18 Apr, 2013
certainly do :))))))
18 Apr, 2013
Sandra seems I spoke to soon, been dreadful here this afternoon and evening, winds, rain , lightening and huge Hailstones, hope it all calms down for next week;0)
18 Apr, 2013
We call 'em 'Stretchy hooks' ! A brilliant invention, especially good for keeping stuff on the wheelbarrow when we go to the plot! Sorry you had such awful weather, it didn't make it down to us through the night but was very blustery first thing. Hope Thomas isn't too upset over his missing playhouse ... :o(
18 Apr, 2013
Awful gales here too B...Calmer today but poured rain...
18 Apr, 2013
We had a decent afternoon here Carole,it must have been your turn ! :o)..At least we will be prepared for next week..we couldn't get wetter than we were in way of drying out as quick though ! Lol...
We will still enjoy it,whatever is thrown at us :o)
19 Apr, 2013
Good idea to use them on the wheelbarrow,Shirley..great aren't they? I have had one on my winter Growhouse for a number of years,but it has just been replaced,as it had lost it's stretch,and gone all saggy..a bit like me really :o))
19 Apr, 2013
Awful wasn't it,Moti? We have the same as you today..but thank goodness those gales have gone...
19 Apr, 2013
Bloomer mine are a faded lilac pink, apparently they occur naturally in the wild. I think the birds donated the ones in my garden :O))
19 Apr, 2013
They must have donated mine too,Annie..but they are very welcome:o)
19 Apr, 2013
Eh up, trying to play catch up, but impossible. Your garden's looking lovely and your foresight has paid off you clever girl. We had terrible gales too, flattened a few plants and made a mess, but nothing too drastic. i couldn't sleep through the noise of the wind though and imagined fences blown down and rooves damaged. All peaceful now and today was lovely:-)
20 Apr, 2013
Thanks Ba..we had a lovely day lots done outside..sunny this morning so far,but it said it might change later..never mind,as long as those awful gales don't come back eh?
21 Apr, 2013
Too flippin' true:-) It's sunny here at the moment too if a little breezy. I got my front beds weeded and tidied up yesterday, starting to feel like spring is really here \0/:-)))
21 Apr, 2013
I'm a bit behind with everyones blogs, Sandra ! I'm pleased you didn't get any damage , but that was a shame about the little summer house. I hope everything gets sorted out for them.
22 Apr, 2013
A bit late as usual, pleased you did not suffer any lasting damage, we live in a windy area unfortunately, so you get used to it, though I cannot say I enjoy it, garden looks very pretty Bloomer.
22 Apr, 2013
Spring has come to your garden Bloomer and in spite of the elements being against it, it is looking pretty and colourful.
We have been away and our garden has hardly altered at all whilst we haven't been here. I think we are at least a month behind, but everything is just beginning to wake up now.
Here's to more colour and growth and more spring in the air!
25 Apr, 2013
Sorry,Rose,Dd2 and Chris..I'm on catch up too..thank you for your nice least we are on the right side,weatherwise..hopefully :o)
30 Apr, 2013
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It was awful here too last night. I hate the wind more than anything else weather wise. I think your mystery flower is a pink form of Primula Vulgaris, they often pop up in my garden and are very pretty :o)
18 Apr, 2013