No Arm Wrestling for a while ...
By bloomer
Just to let you know,I broke my wrist in two places,yesterday,so I am finding it hard to type with my right hand,as I am left handed,and sod’s law,that is the broken one..
All my own fault,for having my mule type slippers on,whilst lifting my Jade plant back inside,after it’s daily airing,and catching my toe on the outdoor mat
so be warned,all you slipper wearing guys..
It is taking so long to write this,so all comments will be brief for the next few weeks,and I will mainly add likes till the pot comes off..
It hasn’t dampened my spirits too much,as yet,,but I’m sure I will be very frustrated at times..luckily,most of the pots etc are planted up,and we are stlll having a day out to a Garden centre,and lunch tomorrow,with Carole and long as someone cuts my food up for me,I will be fine :o)
I shall still be looking in each day,so I can see what you are all up to .lol
PS..The Jade plant is fine,no visible injuries..It’s.only me!..
21 May, 2014
Previous post: Long border..part 2..
Next post: Trendy selfie..:o)
I'm so pleased the Jade plant is all right ;D
(LOL ... just joking Sandra ...!)
I'm sorry to hear of your injury. I'm sure it will get on your nerves in time, but it won't be for ever ... so just go with the flow for now (easier said than done ...)
And of being a painful injury and nuisance, I'm glad it wasn't any worse, and I hope it will mend quickly for you ...
21 May, 2014
Bit extreme that Sandra, I thought hubby already did your washing up for you.
Seriously you poor thing, I am sorry really, that sounds nasty and I hope you aren't in too much pain, it is going to drive you mad so you'll just have to treat yourselves to lots of outings and that will help distract you, hoping it heals quickly, you take care, XX....
BTW, pleased the plant is ok, lol...
21 May, 2014
Phew, so long as the plants OK. Just joking, wishing you a speedy recovery Bloomer. I hope you'll be getting pampered by that lovely husband of yours.
21 May, 2014
Oh no Sandra - hope it isn't too painful for you. How long do you think the pot will be on for? Michael says fancy wearing your mules outside, you silly ass! He does feel really sorry for you though ... and suggests you have soup tomorrow!:o)
21 May, 2014
Poor you fall are horrid, hope life is not to difficult for you.
21 May, 2014
Oh B. you poor lass, so sorry you are in the wars. Now you know the old joke '' I broke my wrist in two places........then don't go to those two places again''!! LOL. Take care now and we know that you are looking in, it will make a change for you not to talk ! LOL. xxx
21 May, 2014
Aw Sandra! Sorry to hear you're in the wars, hope the pains bearable, and that you're not in plaster too long.Good job you're out and about with your friends today, I'm sure one of them will cut your food up for you!!Try not to get too frustrated!!x
22 May, 2014
LOL,everyone,,all your comments made me smile this morning..:o)..I'm not in any pain,just a bit bruised here and you would be,ending up sitting in the outside drain..:o)..glad to say the swelling of my fingers looks to have gone down a bit this morning,which of course,is secondary to the well being of my have to go back for a check up next week,but doubt if I'll get to see the same very very nice Doctor...almost worth going back for :o)..
Thanks for all your good wishes....I'm getting a bit better at this ambidextrous lark..not as much back spacing and corrections today..
22 May, 2014
Sorry to hear about this Sandra. Hope you are getting by ok. Lots of help at home I hope :o)
22 May, 2014
Oh Sandra, only just seen this Blog. You poor old thing. How long do you have to keep the cast on for? Gardening accidents are so common, we all should take more care, but we never think it will happen to us do we?
Glad the Jade plant is ok!
I'd no idea you were left handed (why would I?) but all the best artistic people are, don't you know lol!
Hope you go on alright. xx
22 May, 2014
Get well soon Bloomer, what a nuisance for you to be in pot when all you want to do is get out into the garden and play. Take your time it will get there in the end when the swelling has gone down you will be able to play with a little less hassle. How many weeks before you can have the pot off? hope it is not too long, sometimes they only leave them on for a few weeks but suppose if it is broken in more than one place it could be six weeks. Oh dear lesson learned I suppose, just take your time and get well soon. :O)
22 May, 2014
So sorry to hear that sandra.... its easily done.. isnt it ive nearly tripped out of patio door before... take it easy and enjoy your day out. Do hope its not to long to mend.... take care xx
22 May, 2014
Well, Sandra...I shouldn't have "liked" this blog should I ! I have just replied to your letter, but don't worry about writing back. I'll be in touch after my hols. I'm really sorry this happened. Its so maddening as well as most of us, including myself do silly things in the garden just wearing flip flops. We should all take note ! Are you in plaster ? ...No...don't answer that ! Hahaa! I hope you recover soon. If the weather there is the same as here , then as its absolutely pouring down , you will be in the best place resting up !
Enjoy your day out and I hope the sun shines ! xxx
22 May, 2014
Sandra and Russell Thanks for your company today we really enjoyed ourselves[as always] Lots of laughs, great company, great food and a Trolley full of plants, what more could we wish for, it was good to seeing you coping so well Sandra despite your injury and good to see Russell taking good care of you ;0))
22 May, 2014
Bloomer babes !
Quell horreur , no swimming for you for a while , but you will find other skills .
I broke my left wrist a few years ago , and yes I am left-handed too ; but I could soon wield a hoover and manage to open a bottle of wine , ( held between the legs , and the corkscrew applied ), but there are screw caps these days , it should be easier .
Two places for the break , I hope that it only stays on for six weeks for you . Extra vitamin D for you , my girl !
Waddy is quite right , left-handed people are artistic (and clever too ).
22 May, 2014
Hi lovely people..Thanks for all your kind messages,and support.They are very much appreciated..No idea till Tuesday,how long the plaster cast will be on,but I'm expecting it to be about 6 weeks..judging by past experiences..yes,I've been there before..I have been finding new ways to cope is easier to fasten the zips on my handbag with my teeth,grip the tube of toothpaste and hairspray,in the crook of my gammy arm,and take the tops off with my good one ..clever stuff,eh? will find more ingenious things to try tomorrow,no doubt..
I have heard that about left handed people,Waddy and Driad,but you forgot to add..can be plonkers at times :o)
Thanks for a great day out too,Carole..just what I needed..and your lovely fruit cake finished our day off
Russell is looking after me very well..he is just making me a cuppa and a toasted hot cross bun for complaints so far,with the service..:o)..
thank you all once
22 May, 2014
Sad to hear that Sandra, very hopeful of your speedy recovery, and take care a lot, my thoughts are with you now, sorry for my late messages, Gone for a days.
I always love you and your wonderful Family :-O)
Give my hugs to Amazing Thomas...who is very Dear to me :-)))
Thanks a lot for the Tips and Precaution
, will help us in our daily works...
Hugs and Kisses,
24 May, 2014
Flippin' eck, I go away for a few days and look what happens! You are now an honourary member of the Clumsy Club, welcome aboard;-)) So sorry to hear about your accident Sandra, it must have hurt horribly at the time. What a time to do it, you'll have poor Russell working overtime in the garden too. Has Thomas offered any help?
I like to think you did do it arm wrestling and your 'tripping over in your mules' is a cover story fact I've heard about Granny Wrestling (ancient Yorkshire sport) and many parts of Britain, especially the North and cornwall have their own regional wrestling specialities. I have a picture in my head of you in tights and a leotard squaring up to a mountainous woman, dressed similarly, giving your all for the honour of GOY grannies everywhere ....poor brave Bloomer ... you deserve a medal:-)x
24 May, 2014
Thank you for your good wishes,Junna..I feel fine,apart from being very limited in what I can do..and I'm getting so bored !.I have a good family to help me,if I can't manage..:o).Thomas is good company.although I have to be careful if he gets a bit too boisterous,as he forgets to keep a safe distance..bless him ..x
24 May, 2014
Flipping eck indeed,Ba..I wouldn't have minded so much,if I hadn't just changed from my gardening shoes into my slippers,as I had just finished for the day,or so I thought..till I remembered I'd left the Jade plant outside..:o(..
That is a picture to conjure in a Leotard and tights....Think Max Wall versus the Mighty Atom...gruesome !!
I'm glad you had a lovely time in Paris,a well deserved break for you..I will add a comment later to your blog later,as it's taking a long time to type just now..seen your lovely pictures though..:o) thanks for your good wishes..xx
24 May, 2014
Oh Bloomer, poor you. Sounds painful. Hope the breaks heal quickly.
Glad to hear Russell is looking after you, enjoy the pampering while it lasts eh.
24 May, 2014
Thanks Sam..luckily,no pain,only the few bruises feel a bit tender in places :o) It's very nice being pampered..but I would rather be more active..and that is only after 5 days..I'm not good at being
25 May, 2014
Just read this Sandra!!.....ouch!!....that's the sort of thing I would do....I have been known to garden in my slippers (blush). Glad you are coping well......I expect little Dr Thomas will have been to see you are behaving
26 May, 2014
Thanks Lou..I knew I wouldn't be the only one ! to hear from you x..I managed to plant out a box of Cosmos yesterday...proper shoes on,of course,and a sock over my hand,as I can't get a glove on..always a way,isn't there? :o)..Dr Thomas brought me flowers and Humbugs..such a good bedside manner,bless him..helped to eat some
26 May, 2014
You are coping well Sandra. I thought of you yesterday, when, in my slipper clad feet outdoors, I threw bread out for the birds, then stepped back into the shallow dish of water on the patio! Soaked slippers and cold feet :o(
26 May, 2014
LOL Shirley,you silly ass :o)..could have been much worse though...I'm coping quite well thanks,and managed to plant out most of the bedding Begonias this took me about 2 hours to do 4 x 6 packs..!..stubborn is my middle name,as if you didn't know..;o).The bandage over the plaster is looking very bedraggled,as my 'gardening sock' has rubbed it all up,with keep taking it off and on..goodness knows what they will think at the Hospital
26 May, 2014
Oh dear Sandra, only just seen this, so sorry to hear of your mishap. As you say, it happens so quickly, but with the weather continuing to be bad there is not much you can do outside anyway. Hope you will soon be chipper again. Take care.
26 May, 2014
Aw bless you,Cinders,and thank you for your good wishes..
I think we all do daft things,trouble is,we never learn,do we? I definitely don't get wiser with age ! mind you,I wasn't much better when I was of the plants are in now,so if it rains,at least they are mainly done..just some trailing ones to get,but no hurry..oh and some more clingfilm,to wrap round my arm in the shower :o)..that's a performance as well..ha ha..
26 May, 2014
You are so funny Sandra. All the best.
26 May, 2014
No point being pessimistic, won't make the darned thing get better any quicker :o)x
26 May, 2014
So that's what you did! I thought those Jade plants were meant to be lucky! Hope it's not too painful and that you recover quickly. X
26 May, 2014
OOOOOOOh Bloomer what an occurrance still you are coping very well it seems, you have your happy hat on too which is great and Russell is building up brownie points by the score :o) hope it is the lovely Dr you see tomorrow and he is not cross about the bedraggled state of his bandaging, although I've had no computer for a week I've been thinking about you wondering how you were coping, take care - ditch the mules :o)
26 May, 2014
Lucky for some then,T.bear?.lol..ah well,you can't win em all :o) I'm not in any pain at all,so that's a bonus...thank you.x
27 May, 2014
Welcome back to the land of the living,Neena lol.
you have been missed.Glad your computer is up and running again..:o) Good news today.I had my old manky pot taken off,and a much lighter synthetic one put on instead..I was asked what colour I would like,so naturally,I chose matches my glasses,and bruises ! lol..I didn't see the original he was from A&E,but this one was equally as no problem there..
I have to keep this on one for 4 weeks,so now my fingers are released a bit more,I have to exercise them.and keep making a OK sign with index finger and thumb..:o)
Thanks for thinking about me,I appreciate that,and I will reply to your welcome PM soon..take care,my friend ..xx
PS,I haven't ditched the Mules,but strictly for indoor use only...famous last words ..Lol..
27 May, 2014
I'm so sorry to hear this bad news Sandra I'm trying to catch up but I'm afraid it's going to take some time , I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humour and that you have a lighter pot to replace your old one how lovely that it matches your glasses and bruises ... talk about showing off , LoL .. I have a feeling you will be using the OK sign not only for exercise but for when it suits you More tea and bickies please :o)) take care get better soon and be careful Love x
27 May, 2014
Great news Sandra - fancy having a colour choice for your new pot! When Russell has brought your tea & biccies just give him a thumbs-up sign - another exercise for you! Take care :o)
27 May, 2014
Fabulous a purple pot, colour cordination or what! ok signs phew good job, victory ones might not go down so well! glad you had another nice Dr. it helps with the healing process! Mules indoors only alright :o) great to be back in my world lol :o)
27 May, 2014
Just caught up Sandra....I read the second blog first....
So relieved you are improving xxx
28 May, 2014
Thank you Amy,no worries about catching up,I know how busy you have been lately,but nice to see you again..I hope your back is feeling easier now..I shall be making good use of the ok exercise..which so far ,has been in keeping with the pampering..:o
I am very impressed with the choice of colours we have,Shirley..better than boring white,which rapidly turns to mucky grey,within a week in my case :o) even with a sock on it,instead of a gardening glove .Lol..thanks for the extra exercise tip ..another good one..xx
28 May, 2014
Lol,Neena..Victory sign will be fine,as long as I get it right ! :o)..Thomas approved of my purple pot,and had drawn me a picture at Nursery in same colour..he knows it's mine and his mums favourite :o)
28 May, 2014
Good to see you Pam..and thank you..I often read a second blog first..:o)..x
28 May, 2014
28 May, 2014
I too wear my slippers when I shouldn't! By now I am hoping that your wrist is healing and you are not suffering too much.
I bet you have said some naughty little words to the plant and to the slippers!!
I am really sorry that it happened. Poor you.
9 Jun, 2014
All up to date now. Love some of the comments on here, so funny!!
29 Jun, 2014
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Dear Sandra I am so sorry to here this news.
I won't add like to this
You were so lucky it was only your wrist but also it will take a wee while to repair.
21 May, 2014