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Foxhollow, Garden in late Summer
By Bluespruce

17 Mar, 2007
Garden view in September showing the blue spruce Picea pungens 'Rovellis Monument' in the foreground, and Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Gold Rush' to the rear.
Comments on this photo
Yes, all photos are taken from my garden, but no, we are not open for the NGS. Although this year we are open for members of the British Conifer Society on Sep 1st and by appointment only for anyone on Sep 2nd. Details on BCS website.
25 Mar, 2007
Hi Bluespruce, great photos. I've never really appreciated conifers, I've really only seen them used as a substitute for fencing.
The mixture of colours and shapes here is fantastic.
27 Apr, 2007
wow what a beautiful garden you have so much colour and texture, really stunning - my mum would love it she has lots of conifers and evergreen plants in her garden,- but being a florist i only have two small ones in pots, i save the space in my garden for flowering plants - but even not being a fan of conifers myself i can really appreciate what you have done with them. absolutely beautiful!
18 Nov, 2007
Bluespruce, this photo simply blows me away! I'm sure you'll win some conifer converts with this one. Dan
6 Mar, 2008
The colours in this picture are truly amazing.
17 Sep, 2008
I came back to this picture to add it to my favourites.
Such a great mix of coloured foliage.
Congratulations on this garden design and the photo itself.
Could you please give some details of the low-growing plants ~ including the creamy ones and purples. Thanks.
18 Sep, 2008
Terratoonie, the low growing plants are all heathers, the golden/yellow heathers are a variety of the winter heath Erica carnea, the purple ones are summer flowering Calluna vulgaris varieties.
23 Sep, 2008
Thanks. Bluespruce.
I hadn't realised the heathers came in so many shades.
You planned the plot well to get such a good colour scheme.
23 Sep, 2008
That blue spruce is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. All of these colors are splendid!
3 Oct, 2008
Beautiful, I do envy you being able to grow conifers, sadly where we are it is impossible, fantastic colours.
21 Oct, 2008
Dottydaisy2, I'm interested as to why you can't grow conifers ?
23 Oct, 2008
We live near the sea, and the salt wind does not help, we grow three a juniper and pinus species, we used to live in the midlands where we grew lots of different varieties of heather and conifer, and I do miss their beautiful colours I just liked the shape as well, still you cant have everything can you?
23 Oct, 2008 own the show................
22 Nov, 2008
What a stunning garden,let's have a snowy pic soon...if poss lol
5 Dec, 2008
it is absolutely awesome and the colours are so striking.I am glad i joined GOY
12 Feb, 2009
beautiful well done it is truly stunning
14 Feb, 2009
Beautiful colours. Lovely garden.
24 Feb, 2009
This must be one of the best conifer gardens I have seen, and I am not a lover of conifers at all, beautifully planted.I notice you have a nice grass in the photo, which one is it?
25 May, 2009
thank you for the beautiful pictures, just like being there
27 May, 2009
Wyeboy - the grass is Miscanthus sinensis 'Yakushima Dwarf'
31 May, 2009
Wonderful.. Wish it was mine.
31 May, 2009
great colours...
12 Jul, 2009
Fabulous photo - Please can you tell me how old and how tall is the Gold Rush? Have you fed it at all?
11 Sep, 2009
The Gold Rush is about 6-7 meters high this year and is only about eight year old, and no it doesn't get fed. seems to grow as fast as the species.
12 Sep, 2009
Bluespruce, have you visited the Giant Redwood Sequoia's In the USA on the northern Coast of California...if you put in Sequoia National Park, California on google..there are some magical giants shown there over 2000 years old...I grew up knowing these trees, as we traveled south every summer to visit my Grand Parents in the Mojave Desert in Southern California...we used the Highway 101 coastal route. We have camped under there great limbs as awesome... ~Cat
15 Sep, 2009
catfinch, no, not been to see the Redwoods in California, the closest I've been is LA Airport on route to Portland in Oregon...perhaps one day?
16 Sep, 2009
I suggest that you Google it for will enjoy it..what were you in in Portland for? I lived not far from there..for many years?
16 Sep, 2009
I was there for an American Conifer Society national meeting a few years ago.
16 Sep, 2009
Good place for that!
16 Sep, 2009
If anyone needs winning over to the beauties of conifers & heathers Bluespruce they need only look at that photo...lovely.
2 Oct, 2009
Hi Fluff, many thanks for your kind comments, I do my best to try and promote the use of conifers in gardens but they are still not regarded as fashionable, and unfortunately many gardeners still seem to follow fashion when it comes to choosing plants.
3 Oct, 2009
I think the thing is Bluespruce that many folk have only seen conifers as tall, colourless trees that go brown in the centre & stop other plants from growing under them...they grow too tall & wide & smell too strong! And yes...they are often found in old, long-established gardens so are seen as old-fashioned...a bit like quince trees!
I've just had a look at your photos tho' & some of them...most of them... are stunning! The different shades ...the shapes... & the way you can plant them in such lovely formations with a bit of imagination is great.
You'll have to make it your mission in life to promote the wonders of conifers!!
3 Oct, 2009
oh, wow, the range of foliage colours ... stunning. Thanks for sharing!
31 May, 2011
I tried to find out more about the plant, Blue, but the four plant-finder sites I have on my faves all turned up zero, and Google only gave me you on GoY, plus one other - are you on another site? because that also had "Gold Rush to the rear"!
20 Feb, 2012
Wow your garden is so colourful it looks fantastic, I wish mine was more like yours! :-)
7 Mar, 2012
Sorry Fran, been away for a while, what info are you looking for on the 'Gold Rush' ?
7 Mar, 2012
just general info, I think,lol can't remember that far back now! It looks too big for my space, I think i was just looking for general details as I likjed the colour and shape and it was a new plant to me, so was itnereested in finding out more.
Hope nothing serious kept you away and welcome back *s*
8 Mar, 2012
What a great garden!!
6 Apr, 2012
Simply gorgeous! Wonderful!
8 Apr, 2014
still gobsmacked by this, no matter how many times I come back to it
8 Apr, 2014
Photo 2 of 487
What else?
Featured on: beautiful garden pictures autumn colour design ideas conifers
This photo was taken at Foxhollow.
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Is this your garden? and if so - are you open for the NGS?
24 Mar, 2007