All Gone to Seed ...
By hywel
There’s a narrow little road that goes past the back of my garden … it doesn’t lead anywhere, but if you walk along it, you can see some nice views of the surrounding meadows and hillsides, … and wild flowers growing in the hedgerows :o)
I went along there this afternoon (It’s such a lovely day) to see what wild flowers I could find …
Most of them had gone to seed, and here are a few photos that I took along the way :-
Seed heads of Hemp Agrimony –
Eupatorium cannabinum :-
Common Agrimony – Agrimonia eupatoria …
full of fluffy seeds :o) :-
Hogweed seed heads :-
Bryony berries, scrambling through the hedgerows :-
This Rowan tree was laden with berries, but they don’t show up well in the photo :-
Here are some blackberries … and I remember always picking them years ago :o)
One tree along the way had many crab apples, and some had fallen on the road.
They had got squashed by the traffic, and the air in that part smelled very ‘appley’ :-
Some Wild Rose hips :-
I found the spore capsules (sporangia) of a Hearts Tongue Fern … and I thought they were quite attractive :o)
There were still some flowers around …
like this little Sheeps Bit Scabious – Jasione montana :-
Lesser Knapweed – Centaurea nigra :-
Common Agrimony – Agrimonia eupatoria :-
Hogweed – Heracleum sphondylium :-
If you watched Gardener’s World last Saturday
(or whenever you get it in England)
you would have seen Carol Klein talking about Sanguisorbas …
and she showed this little wild one – Sanguisorba officinalis :-
Lots of it grows in the damp meadows around here :o)
An old mossy fence :-
Some views :o)
Last of all, a hazy view of Tricarn :-
There is said to be a spectral dog living on the road that goes across the side of Tricarn. It is huge and black with red eyes and foul breath, and it attacks lone travellers at night :O
… so I never go that way after dark !
lol ;o))
27 Sep, 2013
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Hallo hywell. A lovely blog as usual. I love seeing photos of the countryside where you live. I have some of that Hemp Agrimony in my garden...damm stuff is all over the place....nice when it attracts all the insects...but when it goes to seed that is when the trouble starts..hihi.
Greetings from a lovely sunny but fresh evening in Wuppervalley.
27 Sep, 2013
I love going fow walks with you Hywel. Such glorious views. and such pretty plants.
27 Sep, 2013
Lovely autumn walk Hywel you have such wonderful countryside and views truly stunning..............
27 Sep, 2013
What a lovely walk. I'd never looked really closely at a sheeps bit scabious - aren't they beautiful? Never even heard of sanguisorba,are those the flowers or the seed heads? You have such an eye for a great picture and its so nice to go for a walk with you!
27 Sep, 2013
Lovely walk (during the day anyway! ;-{), so much gorgeous scenery and fantastic wildflowers.
27 Sep, 2013
Lots of interesting plants and fatastic views Hywell I like the Hogweed and the Knapweed and I have the Sanguisorba, Amy sent it me early in the year and it looks lovely near my pond ;0)
27 Sep, 2013
wonderful views, great blog as always Hywel!
27 Sep, 2013
It does look lovely Hywel. I have the Sanguisorba too. This is the first year it has made any impact.
27 Sep, 2013
Thanks Hywel, for a lovely rural walk . . . and you certainly know your wild flower names!
27 Sep, 2013
Very nice...enjoyed your walk very much.
27 Sep, 2013
Lovely walk Hywel, so nice to see all the wild flowers and beautiful views. Wish I had somewhere similar at the end of my garden.
27 Sep, 2013
Such a lovely blog, Hywel. What beautiful seedheads! And lovely views! Thank you for sharing your observations with us. :-)
27 Sep, 2013
I went to a small country school and in the autumn we used to be taken on foraging walks to collect brambles, rowans, crab apples and rose hips. No gym halls for us we got all the exercise we needed running around in the countryside. This brings back very happy memories. I wonder if Karensusans daughter is doing the same thing with her class up north.
27 Sep, 2013
Views are fantastic Hywel!
27 Sep, 2013
Truly lovely blog of the countryside Hywel a most enjoyable walk thank you for sharing - I'm glad you don't walk there at night! :o)
27 Sep, 2013
Thank you all for reading my blog ... and for all your comments :o)
I am pleased to have been able to take you on an interesting walk !
Steragram those are the flowers but the seed heads don't look much different.
Hi Steve, I had a wonderful botany teacher in school when I did my A levels. She was so enthusiastic about wild flowers. I got the bug from her I think ...
However, I must tell you, I don't remember all the names these days, so I have to look some of them up lol I hope that isn't cheating !
Scotsgran when I did my A levels our teacher used to take us on field trips to look for wild flowers in all sorts of environments from marshes to the sea shore ... and I became very enthusiastic about it.
It's nice that you have happy memories of your school days. Mine are mostly unhappy ones :o(
Pansypotter, & Linda ... I also have that Sanguisorba in my garden, I didn't take it from the wild. I bought it in a garden centre this year :o) I haven't planted it in the ground yet lol ...
Neena, & Lijemc ... I have often been along that road at night, looking for Blodyn when she stayed out too late ! It is rather eery, but I was quite safe - the dog lives on the mountain :o) lol
28 Sep, 2013
You obviously live in a beautiful part of the world, Hywel, and you go around with your eyes wide open :)
I'd love to be able to come on one of your walks with you for real, I'm sure I'd learn an awful lot!
28 Sep, 2013
Thank you :o) I'm pleased you enjoyed my blog.
28 Sep, 2013
lol. That's alright then Hywel. I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes out looking for my cats if they're not in by a certain time! :-)
28 Sep, 2013
Thanks , Hywel , lovely blog .
You should be able to do herbal medicine , with the help of Culpepper's Complete Herbal !
Your botany teacher did her job well , didn't she ?
28 Sep, 2013
Lijemc ... Blodyn used to not come in until gone midnight sometimes. She got me so worried, but Bella is usually in and fast asleep by 9.30.
The thing is that she wants to go out at 4 or 5 a.m. lol so I still worry ! ;o)
Driad yes my botany teacher was very good. She was very knowledgeable too :o) and I enjoyed all her lessons ...
Thank you both :o)
28 Sep, 2013
I always love to walk with you Hywel, so interesting, very beautiful & informative. :)
28 Sep, 2013
Thank you :o)
28 Sep, 2013
Superb blog,Hywel.
28 Sep, 2013
I got my Sanguisorba at a National Trust Garden a couple of years ago. It seems quite popular this year. It was on Gardener's World.
28 Sep, 2013
Glad you survived the night walks Hywel, just walked the lane again still lovely ;o)
28 Sep, 2013
Thank you all for your comments :o)
29 Sep, 2013
Most beautiful countryside Hywel .
29 Sep, 2013
Thank you. I'm pleased you think so :o)
29 Sep, 2013
Every season has it's star players Hywel, fantastic photos!
29 Sep, 2013
:o) Thank you Paul
30 Sep, 2013
Lovely blog Hywel, its nice to see all the autumn seeds and berries...lovely countryside where you live... I wouldnt go out after dark either Lol...
30 Sep, 2013
Thank you :o)
30 Sep, 2013
Another lovely walk with you Hywel.:-)
1 Oct, 2013
Thank you :o)
1 Oct, 2013
A very enjoyable walk Hywel, the photo's are lovely, I do find that when out and about theses days I seem to take more notice of all things when I am armed wih my camera and have to admit that you often come to mind when I am taking shots of the flowers and seedheads, the reason for that is because without a little book I also cannot remember half of their names and then see my answers amongst many of your blogs..
I don't like being out in the dark, my imagination goes into overdrive, I don't give Caspar his buscuits until all the doors and windows are locked up for the night, a little bit of bribery usually works here although it was difficult during our warm nights as the little beggar had me looking for him in the small hours many a time, Tipsy refuses to stay in at night at the moment but that will change as the nights get colder.........
1 Oct, 2013
Thank you Sue :o) I'm pleased to be able to help you identify some wild flowers ... although I have to look many up now. My memory isn't what it used to be !
2 Oct, 2013
When I walk down little lanes like this I take my not needed seeds with me [Poppy/cornflower/love-in-a-mist]
and sprinkle them as I go.sometimes they take sometimes not,but it's nice to see them flowering in the wilds.
4 Oct, 2013
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Glorious countryside Hywel, so much still going on if someone like you really looks thanks x
27 Sep, 2013