By hywel
Just a few miles from here there’s a bridge over a little mountain stream, and a few years ago the old dilapidated one was replaced by a nice new one, which had stone walls built on each side, using local sandstone.
I think it looks nice and fits well into the surrounding environment :o)
Lately though, I’ve noticed some of the stones have been stolen, and on closer inspection they seem to have been selected in a way which suggests someone has given it much thought !
You can see that certain ones are missing – probably the ones the thieves fancied would do the job they wanted best … maybe a gardener wanting some nice stones for a wall in their garden.
It’s disgraceful I think ! :o(
Here’s the stream which the bridge spans :-
Some views of the wind farm on the mountain near the vandalized bridge …
Some views of the surrounding hills :-
Looking down towards Ammanford …
Tricarn in the distance …
Garth Eithin …
Carmarthenshire hills …
I don’t know if they’ll ever catch the vandals, but I hope they do.
5 Dec, 2013
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It probably is windy up on the tops Sandra ... It was bitterly cold up there yesterday !
5 Dec, 2013
Nothings safe these days are they, even in the middle of the countryside....
lovely views Hywel...
5 Dec, 2013
Thank you Holly. I think because it's so remote, they thought they wouldn't get caught :o(
5 Dec, 2013
It really annoys me when I see somethings vandalised....hope they catch who took them...
5 Dec, 2013
Yes, me too :o(
5 Dec, 2013
It makes me feel very cross when this sort of thing happens & it's nothing to do with being a remote area as they take things right in the middle of towns too. People have woken up to find only a hole in their garden where their pond was, the whole lot gone complete with fish!
It's a nice bridge & thank you for the nice photos of your area too.
5 Dec, 2013
The stones taken are, according to my OH, Copping Stones and are difficult to get and are expensive. Some councils and private individuals have taken to 'Post Coding' such as these, as well as flagstones etc.
Loved the pictures of the views, beautiful.
5 Dec, 2013
Terrible such a cheek cant believe some people would stoop so low beautiful views
5 Dec, 2013
I can't BEAR it when people take things, especially when they spoil a beautiful landmark for everyone else! It is/was a lovely bridge and stream Hywel . . . thanks for the views.
5 Dec, 2013
Hi Hywel, it's a damning indictment on the culture of the present day, they seem to think that as it was put there by the council it belongs to them, and they can just take whatever they want, it doesn't seem to matter that they're spoiling it for other peoplewho probably pay their council tax, unlike the people who have taken the stones, it's a case of you've got , I want so I'm having it, it really annoys me, Derek.
5 Dec, 2013
It's terrible when some people take other people's property even when it's in the middle of the countryside. They obviously didn't expect to be caught so felt the risk was well worth the while taking! Shame they have no spoilt this bridge for other people.
5 Dec, 2013
Mindless destruction - never mind vandalism! Is it wrong to hope that the person who did this dropped one of those large stones on their foot!
Gorgeous views and country side Hywel.
5 Dec, 2013
Such a shame :-( like Scottish hope they get their comeuppence one way or another.
Great views yet again Hywel :-)
Just reminded me of another act of sheer mindlessness at a house not far from us, the owners had a fabulous peacock carved out of wood and put at the entrance to their drive it must have taken hours of work truly amazing the detail in it, within days someone had been and chopped its head off!!! why???
5 Dec, 2013
Its just incredible and so selfish. Reminiscent of when NoseyP had his toadstools stolen. Great idea Scottish, it would serve them right.
The last photo before the windfarm ones is really beautiful - just my sort of place.
5 Dec, 2013
Thank you all for reading my blog. It's nice to know most people abhor this sort of behaviour.
I think finding the vandals is like looking for a needle in a haystack. You have no way of knowing where they've come from. People can travel long distances in a short time these days.
Scottish I laughed at the idea of them dropping the stones on their foot lol I hope they did so too ! :D
Waddy I haven't heard of councils doing that. I think it's a good idea.
5 Dec, 2013
Hywel - I take it no-one has stolen one of those wind turbines for their garden?
5 Dec, 2013
What a terrible shame Hywel, lets hope they are caught the next time they add to their haul, a secret camera might catch the culprit - they use them for catching fly tippers sometimes, Your mountain views are as super as ever :o)
5 Dec, 2013
On the other hand, they may have come loose and been removed by the council before they did damage to a passing sheep!
Love the windmills.
6 Dec, 2013
Lovely blog and photo's Hywel..and it's the same everywhere with the vandalism..lot's of our coping stones have been stolen too,in places of beauty and historical interest..It's a thriving Industry for some,and are often stolen to order..even ordinary concrete ones get taken off the tops of walls around here.for garden paths and suchlike,no doubt..
We have lots of Windmills across our countryside as well,but I don't mind them..much easier on the eye than Electricity Pylons !
6 Dec, 2013
Thank you for those lovely views. I am speechless when it comes to theft in the country. I do not think the council will have taken them away. It would have been much easier to just send someone along to fix the stones back in place. We all need to be on the lookout for anything suspicious going on around us. Report suspected problems to the police. Take number plate numbers if possible. It does not just happen in the countryside either. If it is not too heavy its fair game. The tip about post coding is a good idea.
6 Dec, 2013
It is so disappointing to hear of such things happening and makes me wonder about folk. How could they even think of it ?
6 Dec, 2013
I think it is disgraceful that some people have no scruples about stealing. "That's a nice coping stone (or whatever) - I'll have that!" And as for vandalism ...! There was a new, modern bridge put over the Marine Lake at the Millennium. Within a month, a great number of the lights along the edge of it had been smashed in the course of one night. I would feel sorry for the people who do that sort of thing if I didn't feel so sickened by it.
6 Dec, 2013
They must have brought the correct tools with them too, what a disgrace Hywel, so sad. I love your photos live in such a beautiful place. :)
6 Dec, 2013
one of the most beautiful view, a terrific place !
6 Dec, 2013
It's terrible. the person/s ought to be ashamed of themselves. Lovely photos Hywel.
6 Dec, 2013
Thank you all for your comments. Some people are scum, and I do believe they need psychiatric help.
I realise this sort of thing happens everywhere, and thanks for your stories about it.
Urbanite, I don't think any of the stones were loose, I would have noticed them. I go past there a lot, and quite often I stop and go out for a walk.
Andrewr would you like one of the windmills for your garden. I wouldn't mind if someone stole those !
6 Dec, 2013
We don't get enough wind down here Hywel. There's one beside the M4 at Reading, a few miles away. It's very rare to see it turning
6 Dec, 2013
I also think its despicable, WHY o WHY do people do it, spoil every one's pleasure I just cant understand :0(
6 Dec, 2013
Thank you all for your comments :o)
Andrew, these are very often stationary too. It's surprising really, being they are on top of a mountain. Sometimes they don't move even when the wind blows ... or some of them will turn while the others stay still. It's very rare to see them all going together.
I often think they don't generate enough electricity to burn a light bulb :(
7 Dec, 2013
Interesting. There are two near us, one is usually turning merrily while the other is much more sluggish and often still. I thought it was due to the make, but if the same thing happens on a wind farm the mystery deepens as they will all be the same.
7 Dec, 2013
I think it has something to do with the capacity at the site to store or collect and send on the electricity that has been generated. I'm sorry i'm not a techie so can't explain it properly.
8 Dec, 2013
I believe they are very costly to repair if they break maybe that's another reason some are not where that is a saving,I don't know..!
8 Dec, 2013
They face in different directions, so I think they only catch the wind that blows directly at them.
Very often none of them turn at all.
8 Dec, 2013
They have a smallish windmill at Woodgreen Animal Centre and it provides lots of the power they need as well as giving some extra to sell back to the energy company.
8 Dec, 2013
There's a dairy farm near here that makes cheese. Their milking parlour is fully automatic and all run by alternative energy. The cows wander in when they feel they want milking. They are identified by tags and the whole process can take place without any supervision from the farmer. amazing.
8 Dec, 2013
Thats such a shame, Hywel ! Whats happened to this world we live in now ! Its so disheartening !
I love all the views though.
8 Dec, 2013
Thank you Rose :o)
Scotsgran and Steragram - that's interesting ...
8 Dec, 2013
Hello Hywel ..
Stunning hills ... pity about the bridge damage ..
10 Dec, 2013
What a shame . Such a nice bridge and the countryside is stunning. Except the wind mills. I do not like them.
10 Dec, 2013
Thank you both for your comments :o)
10 Dec, 2013
Beautiful landscape Hywel and the bridge was well thought out to fit with surrounding county side.
16 Dec, 2013
Thanks for reading my blog Jane :o)
16 Dec, 2013
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so sad when people do this.....thankfully most of us wouldn't. love the views of the rolling hills. bet its windy up there today..
5 Dec, 2013