Our days in Paris ..Part One.... You have a choice of weather condition...
By lincslass
My daughter and I treated ourselves to a holiday in Paris, we had to ignore the rain, it came down in torrents every single day at some point and everywhere we went there were people trying to sell us a brolly, as soon as they hear you speak in english they pounce immediately…
So as you do on your holidays in these circumstances we went to get ourselves educated,lol..
No explainations needed for those and as you can see we did get a little bit of blue sky and even when raining it was still very warm….
Built upon the orders of Loius XIV it was a refuge for old and invalid soldiers who were sadly then. often forced out onto the streets to beg, today its used as museums, the first of which is the Museum of the Army which is said to have the richest military collection in the world…

Dome des Invalides, built between 1679-1706..
Described in the guide books as being of simple design both inside and out, I s’pose from an architects point of view that might be correct, to me it was far too grand to be classed as simple…
Bit grim like the weather….
Time to brave the elements and move on to somewhere else, we didn’t bother with a brolly but they were on show yet again….
Arch of Triumph at the Carrousel.
The Lourve and even more water, this time comng up as well as down, one has to keep a sense of humour….
I did battle to get this famous lady..
Elbowed, jostled, trodden on and even had a camera on my head at one point, she is not very clear but at least its my very own photo, lol….I have to admit that I’m not keen on the paintings especially the ones with the eyes that follow you, I find them creepy…
Don’t I know you ????
Yes Mum, its stifling in here, can we go back out it might have stopped raining!!!!!!!!!!
It did brighten up that day and we had a walk in the gardens but I’ll show you those another day….
3 Oct, 2013
Previous post: YIPPEE!!!!!!!!..... I' ve had my op. on my knee.......
Next post: Unruly but still colourful....
Paris is wonderful even when it's raining! I loved all of your pictures and have learned something from your posts. Thank You.
4 Oct, 2013
What a great blog and photo's Sue..and lovely to see a different slant on Paris..I really enjoyed it,especially the wonderful Architecture..like you,I love History too..It's somewhere we have never been..but maybe one day..
I hope 'Mona' didn't follow you all the way round..maybe she was admiring your nice top ! Lol...How's the knee? and is this a before or after your op? So glad you and your daughter had a lovely time..wet but warm..could have been worse :o)
4 Oct, 2013
fantastic blog ,well enjoyed reading it, very interesting:))))
4 Oct, 2013
I've not been to Paris and I must admit your photos even in the rain look tempting, how did you travel was it eurostar?
And was it an organised trip or did you 'do it yourself'
thanks for making it look so fascinating xxx
4 Oct, 2013
It's many years since I was last in Paris, your photos helped to rekindle happy memories...perhaps we should go again...So glad you had a good time, even in the rain :)
4 Oct, 2013
What fantastic achitecture. Well done on getting a picture of that smile! lol :O)
4 Oct, 2013
Thanks for sharing all that 'culture' Sue! Glad you had a good break. Did you go on the BateauBus? It circles the Seine, and you can hop-on and hop-off (8 different stops). It was recommended to me and a friend when we were there a year or two ago, and it was a nice breezy way to see the sights :)
4 Oct, 2013
Pleased you enjoyed it, we were there the week before my op, our trip was booked last winter, long time before bad eyes and injured knee, not an organised one, we like to choose our own days out, my girl sorts out all the details and we go armed with a map, very exciting and yes we've been lost many a time but that happens on a regular basis with us and is known as our " scenic routes."..
We went on the Eurostar this time, 4.50am departure, they like you to check in an hour before so had the previous day in London and spent the night in a hotel only 5mins walk from Kingscross,( didn't fancy travelling overnight to London) I admit I was worried about losing my daughter in a crowd but we worked it out, she was very good and kept an eye out for me wherever we went and we prearranged to check in with each other every 15mins in the places we visited, kept our mobiles charged at all times, she has no-one else to go with and although she suggested cancelling, I'm not a taurus for nothing, stubborn as they come and determiuned to not have our holiday spoilt, lol. I do admit that I had to scan through my camera lense a few times to find her but it worked, quite funny really as a couple of times I discovered her watching me and laughing her head off as she knew what I was dong....
4 Oct, 2013
Oh dear Steve, I guess its also gone via our scenic route, lol...
Sheila we did see the bus going around and considered it but the weather put us off that idea, No 42 bus is also a very good one to use as it goes lots of places, we buy the passes that cover buses and the metro's and flit about all over the place, lol...
4 Oct, 2013
I loved your blog, Sue and as we go to my cousins every now and then, who lives just outside Paris, it was nice to see this part of it . My hubby as I may have mentioned before can't walk very far or stand for long periods of time , so the nearest we got into the centre was Mont Martre, (probably spelt this wrong !) We've been to The Gardens of Versaille and the Monet gardens. I hope you managed to get to at least one of these !
4 Oct, 2013
Thank you for these pics - I have only ever spent one evening in Paris in the early 60s, on the way to the south so have only see the outside of Notre Dame and just managed to avoid being picked up by a young man who followed me saying "Toute seule, ma cherie?" And as i was, I hurried away , not being very adventurous! That was a very long time ago... Your photos have really made me want to go and see all the things I missed, so I said as much to OH - who replied - "Oh, I've been"... Thanks a lot!
4 Oct, 2013
Did Versailles gardens and the palace six years ago Rose and it was absolutely fabulous..
Stera my hubby flatly refuses to go, which actually helps as we leave him to care for the pets and my g'houses.....
5 Oct, 2013
Beautiful photos
8 Oct, 2013
Breathtaking and super pictures thanks for the tour very enjoyable;0))
9 Oct, 2013
I'm trying to catch up Sue :o)
Well you saw a lot of interesting places. Some of those buildings are fantastic. I don't mind paintings, but I find those marble statues very creepy.
I'm sorry it rained so much for you but I hope you enjoyed your little break.
12 Oct, 2013
Hywel it was brilliant in spite of the weather, having the british dogged determination and attitude does help, lol, I love all the buildings, churches, bridges even the streetlamps are decorative around these areas.....
12 Oct, 2013
Fantastic blog Lincs, really enjoyed all the history, art and architecture, nearly as good as going myself:-))
12 Oct, 2013
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A nice treat and fabulous architecture....
look forward to your walk in the gardens...
thank you for showing your beautiful captures...
from jane!!!!!!!
3 Oct, 2013