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Winter's Coming...

Winter's Coming... (Hebe andersonii variegata)

Truffle loves wearing hats :o)

Hebe in front is andersonii variegata.

Comments on this photo


He he love that hat the colour too suit s him too a dog with sense keeping his ears warm. Wonderful picture

13 Nov, 2009


AAawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Truffle u should have your Pics Published In Vogue your such a Trend Setter :) lol

13 Nov, 2009


What a lovely boy!
Harv will sit and let you put hats and specs on too!

13 Nov, 2009


Thanks ladies....
Red is the colour all the stylish terriers are wearing this season..Lol. :o)

13 Nov, 2009


Thats a great fashion statement did he knit it to?

13 Nov, 2009


Lol. No Truffle didn't knit the hat, but I reckon he would be good at making those furry bobbles, don't you. ?..:o)

13 Nov, 2009


great photo,it really suits him.

13 Nov, 2009


Ah Truffle looks so cute...... perhaps he is getting ready to help santa.......

13 Nov, 2009


looks if Truffle is getting ready for the Vancouver (GOY) Winter Wellie Olympics great pic TT

13 Nov, 2009


Thanks, Suey, Holly, Deida....
All through December, Truffle is going to help Santa, and then after New Year celebrations, he'll step up training for the GoY Winter Wellie Olympics.... he has LOTS of plans for this winter. :o)

13 Nov, 2009


good luck with all your training Truffle..........

13 Nov, 2009


Truffle says thankssssssssssss :o)

13 Nov, 2009


Truffle, what a great hat, I may need to get one, do they make them with a plastic covering as it is absolutely bucketing down here today, even I am rained off.

13 Nov, 2009


bucketing down here on south coast to... Doctorbob1

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Doctorbob.... I reckon Truffle might be wearing a rain hat UNDER his red woolly fashion statement... ;o)
Gosh, it must be a heavy rainstorm if both you and Holly are sheltering from the showers. ! :o)

13 Nov, 2009


OMG...he does suit red doesn't he!!!
It would be absolutely the right gear for up here today - chilly but SUNNY - yippee!

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Alz...
Scotland certainly deserves some sunshine.
Your Golden Girls would look good fancy head gear...Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


He looks bewildered lol :o)

13 Nov, 2009


lol. Hywel...
Truffle has that same stunned expression, with or without a hat...
I think he is bewildered because we aren't sure the variety of the hebe.
Do you know please ?

13 Nov, 2009


Well look at that, now the sun is trying to shine, hope it is for you too Holly, time to rally the troops again.

13 Nov, 2009


I know that expression with Truffle. He always has it like you say. :o)
He enjoys playing.

I don't know the variety of Hebe. - Now I have the same expression as Truffle lol :o)

13 Nov, 2009


Lol. Hywel... as long as you aren't wearing a knitted red hat...Lol.
.....Send some sunshine my way please Doctorbob. :o)

13 Nov, 2009


Before I go, I think it is Glaucophylia Variegata.

13 Nov, 2009


Oh yes , I AM wearing a knitted red hat aswell lol - with a tossel on the top :o)

13 Nov, 2009


Thanks, Doctorbob... I'll tell Truffle then he won't look so bemused..:o)
Hywel....I bet you look VERY handsome. Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


lol :o)

13 Nov, 2009


I looked up Glaucophylla variegata, and the leaves on that one look slimmer than on Truffle's plant... not absolutely certain...
Truffle looks a bit puzzled again..Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


Truffles looks great in his hat:o)

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Truffle love your new hat!

13 Nov, 2009


Thanks Clarice and Pansypotter...
Truffle has to take turns with Conker, for wearing it. Lol. :o)

13 Nov, 2009


He reminds me of somone.

13 Nov, 2009


He's saying "Do I have to wear this ?" :))

13 Nov, 2009


Aster... Truffle says...
I want to wear this FIRST...
...Conker must wait his turn...

Oh, Toto... Truffle thinks he looks handsome in this hat, so I hope he reminds you of someone who is good looking..Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


TT I have just put on a photo of my hebe,unfortunately it didn't flower this year due to sawfly but the colour of the flower is the same as yours on my label .

13 Nov, 2009


Thanks Aster...
..actually I found the hebe photo before I read your comment above.Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


Ha ha ha ha ha, love it.

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Dawn...
your Houseleek babies have been very well-behaved today...
.. I can't say quite the same about Truffle..Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


That's good TT, how would they dare misbehave in your care ..... however, what has Truffle been up to besides wearing his Vivienne Westwood collection.

13 Nov, 2009


lol. Dawn...
Truffle is into a phase of "stealing" my possessions... pencils, pens, nail-file etc....
...trouble is, he then tries to eat them....
... I'm having to be very vigilant !

13 Nov, 2009


Aw Truffle...he reminds me of Andy Capp TT...Lol!

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Janey.... Truffle thinks he looks FAB. in this hat. :o) Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


Oh TT, this picture made me laugh !
I'm not convinced Truffle likes that hat though ;-)

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Louise... Thanks.
Truffle makes me laugh when he wears anything...
...he takes it SO seriously !
The only way to convince you how much Truffle likes the hat, would be to make a blog showing his excitement when I first produce the hat... waggy tail....
his pushing forward to make sure HE wears it - NOT Conker.. and his look of disappointment when I take the hat off again.... Lol.

13 Nov, 2009


You should do as N2 does TT, make a video of it :-)))))

13 Nov, 2009


Hi Louise... it is probably Conker's trick routines which I should video, but I don't have a camera.... but I will make a blog of those soon.... :o)

13 Nov, 2009


I bet he's hiding some malt crunchies under his hat - trying to keep one step ahead of Conker :)

13 Nov, 2009


Lol. Gee.... you've rumbled the truth....
a week's supply of Malt Crunchies accessible via the woollen bobble...:o)

13 Nov, 2009


LOL. Great picture

13 Nov, 2009


Oh thats fantastic, cheered me up no end!! Suits you Truffle!!

13 Nov, 2009


Thanks Jean and Skilla...
Truffle will be pleased to know he's made you smile. :o)

13 Nov, 2009


Yep, red is definitely Truffle`s colour, so chic and this! ;o)

Sandra xx

13 Nov, 2009


Truffle likes to be a trendy boy :o) xx

13 Nov, 2009


That is so funny Terra, lmso (Iknow what that means now) His expression is priceless I'll favourite for when I need a laugh:-))))))

13 Nov, 2009


awwwww truffle you look addorable in your very trendy hat, the colour is soo you ;o))

13 Nov, 2009


Haha I love it that has gone straight to my favourites.

14 Nov, 2009


I love it TT!!

14 Nov, 2009


Great pic Terra, bet his ears are really toasty under that hat - perhaps a matching one for Conker? But what about Crocus...........
I 'killed' a hebe like the one in your picture :-( I was so busy keeping it 'moist' I drowned it !
Nice to see you can get into the garden with your boys. looks like you have a lot of rain around right now.
Chris xx
I just had a thought - if you get any snow you can start your own 'ski wear' range :-)

14 Nov, 2009


Love it....doggie range of skis and tobbogans coming up, with doggie ski jackets as well.

14 Nov, 2009


Don't forget - goggles, boots etc, quite an extensive range. Better check with TT the hourly rates of both Truffle and Conker and book a photo shoot!!!
Chris xx

14 Nov, 2009


Is it in America that they dress their doggies up in fashionable gear?

14 Nov, 2009


Lots, of comments to catch up with...
sorry, been chasing the right medication from the vet to make Conker feel a bit better, achieved... :o)

Thanks, Bornagain, Sandra, Bob, Skillen, Chris and Linda...
Truth is, my dogs absolutely ADORE entering fancy dress the summertime charity dog shows....we all enjoy ourselves while raising money for good causes... so both dogs have a whole wardrobe of outfits...Lol. xxx

14 Nov, 2009


Oh now that's just dandy Truffle! What a poser!

Glad Conker feeling better.xx

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Fluff....
Yes thanks...Conker has started the new medication today...
Truffle is a very fashionable Fox Terrier isn't he...Lol...
Needs that hat in today's wet, windy weather. ! :o)

14 Nov, 2009


LOL..oh Truffle you are so good at this! have such a good face to show us how much you love being a model..LOL..!!!

14 Nov, 2009


Hello Cat...
Truffle hopes you are being VERY sincere....
...he takes his modelling extremely seriously. ;o)

14 Nov, 2009 look divine. Britain's Next Top Model winner. :oD

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Gilli.
Truffle says he hopes that you, too, are genuine in your admiration for his winter fashion statement. ;o)

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Terra ...Jane here THIS is the hat he offered !! is fantastic ! Really made me smile ! BB had seen it and not told me !

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Jane...
Truffle thinks this is very much your colour...
All the best lads and lassies are wearing these this autumn...
By the way, for emergency rations, Truffle keeps spare Malt Crunchies under his hat... you won't mind storing some cereal under there when it's your turn to wear it ? ;o)

14 Nov, 2009


No problem there Terra ! Will even replace them when they run out !! x

14 Nov, 2009


Well done Truffle.; As my old dad used to say'If you want to get a-head, get a hat!'

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Paul...
This hat would look good on Paddy, too. :o)

14 Nov, 2009


I'm afraid he wouldn't be as patient a model as Truffle. He'd soon get that off, I think! He doesn't like wearing anything!

14 Nov, 2009


Have you seen the ad for Ugg boots on the right of this page ? Do you think they might have Truffles size lol ? Would be quite expensive as he needs four !!! :))

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Aster...good idea !
Four Uggs for Truffle...
Maybe he could get commission for modelling them..Lol. :o)

14 Nov, 2009


HI TT love truffles hat does his owner have a hat to match to keep her cosy:)

14 Nov, 2009


Hi Scotkat ~
Trouble is, both Truffle and Conker love this hat...
...and they have to share it...!
I hope you are well. xxx

14 Nov, 2009


Looking at all the comments that pooch could start up a fan club . just too cuteIwould like to give a big hug to your cute pet.

15 Nov, 2009


He's probably thinking : all the mutts at the park are never gunna let me forget this....

15 Nov, 2009


I should start knitting if I were you Terra, 1 more hat each for you and Conker and perhaps a scarf for Crocus.
You can't fit a hat on his little feathered head after all :-)
How would you keep a scarf on him - I haven't a clue !!!!!
Chris xx

15 Nov, 2009


Hello Pitta...
Thanks. I've passed your hug on to Truffle. Lol.
Hi Pip...
I bet Frances is VERY jealous of this hat... :o)
Chris ...
I don't think I have the energy to knit even the tiniest hat for Crocus the budgie right now....Lol.. xxx

15 Nov, 2009


OOOOOoh my Gosh, he looks GREAT!!!!!
lolol.... Alzheimer... I think Truffles has some scotish "heritage"... he just looks like a perfect sctosman!!!!
TT... you need to sew Truffle a kilt :o)))))

15 Nov, 2009


Hi Aleyna...
Truffle is willing to wear anything...
... he loves dressing up..:o)

15 Nov, 2009


I couldn't help smiling, he looks so sweet and what a trend-setter. I suppose any fashion-wise dog would want to be seen in a hat like that this winter!
He looks so good and patient.

15 Nov, 2009


Hello Mad...
Truffle really does enjoy wearing anything....
In fact he is very impatient...Lol...
... wants to wear the hat as soon as he sees it....
Truffle is VERY serious about his modelling career....:o)

15 Nov, 2009


Yes Tt, I can see Littlewoods offering Conker a modelling contract for their catalogue. New section: Canine Head Aparell !

15 Nov, 2009


Truffle's modelling charges are VERY EXPENSIVE per hour...
...almost as pricey as your gardening rates, Paul. Lol. ;o)

15 Nov, 2009


Yes, but at least he can still earn throughout the winter unlike us poor gardeners!

15 Nov, 2009


Lol... I knew you'd have a good answer...:o)

15 Nov, 2009


Maybe you could patent these as ear-muffs for next year's Fireworks capers TT
....we are in the midst of the Big Bang Bonfire tonight.....eeeek! Happily I had left the DAP diffuser switched on and hopefully the next hour should see the worst past. Why bother I say after all this time..<<<(((

15 Nov, 2009


Hi Alz...
We had just a couple of fireworks exploding in the neighbourhood this evening.
...not sure if your Big Bang Bonfire is late for this year or early for next year...

.he he he ... I typed Big Bong Bonfire and had to alter it...Lol.

15 Nov, 2009


BING BANG BONG...they are all happening here because our original bonfire was under four feet of water two weekends ago and nobody felt like celebrating anything last weekend I suppose either! Now they seem to be making up for it my imagination or are fireworks LOUDER these days.....:<<<((((

15 Nov, 2009


Not your imagination. They now have big display fireworks in little gardens, so I suppose the displays have to use even bigger/louder ones!

15 Nov, 2009


Thank heaven they are not allowed bonfires in little gardens any more here - this is the Municipal one...and hopefully the last - until New Year that is!

15 Nov, 2009


Yes, nowadays the fireworks are much louder...
what a good thing Truffle has lots of Malt Crunchies stuffed under his hat to muffle the noise of explosions....:o)

15 Nov, 2009


Nice idea TT.....happily the party's over ....I think!!!

15 Nov, 2009


That's good because Truffle has eaten all the Malt Crunchies. :o)

15 Nov, 2009


EEK! How about Conker....any left for him?

15 Nov, 2009


Conker has his own secret stock of Malt Crunchies....
.... sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :o)

15 Nov, 2009


Truffle, I envy you, I would like a hat just like yours. Did you knit it yourself? Alas, I don't know how to knit.

16 Nov, 2009


Yes, Alzheimer, our Paddy hopes there's no more till new year as well.
Malt Crunchies for insulation Tt??? You could be onto something there! I can see ity on the news now........... All schools and public buildings are to have malt crunchie insulation as a safer (although a bit soiggier when it rains) alternative to asbestos!!!!!!! Make sure you get a patent on it!!

16 Nov, 2009


Hi Paul...
Now I'm even more convinced I should ask for commission on sales of Co-op Malt Crunchies.... or at least receive quantity discount... :o)

16 Nov, 2009


What about your Divi ???!!!! No I'm not calling you a rude name, I mean your Co op Dividend card!

16 Nov, 2009


I do have a Co-op card....
I think those are supposed provide money vouchers in December....
so I'll be able to buy yet more Malt Crunchies. :o)

16 Nov, 2009


Malt crunchies to stuff the Turkey with!!! Now that would be different! Just about to put a Flowerpot person pic up for you. I've been searching for ages but couldn't find one until recently. A bit bigger than most!!

16 Nov, 2009


Oooh, I must check out the FPP....thanks :o)
Vegetarian here... just Malt Crunchies for Christmas Lunch...
... no Turkey :o)

16 Nov, 2009


Yum Yum!!!

16 Nov, 2009


Don't know how I missed this Terra. What a poser !! Love it :~))

17 Nov, 2009


Hi Sue... Thank you...
Truffle is busy with his giant size chew bone....
... he'll get back to you later ;o)

17 Nov, 2009


Terra - Truffle is absolutely gorgeous! A man after my own heart in his hat! Don't think my jack's would sit still long enough for that.

17 Nov, 2009


Hello Hmhb...
Truffle says thanks :o)
No, I can't imagine your Jacks wearing hats for long. Lol.

17 Nov, 2009


I know its the second time I`ve commented on this photo Terra but I just had to look at it again. Truffle just has the most amazing expression on his face. :o))

Sandra xx

18 Nov, 2009


Lol. Sandra...
Truffle takes his fashion statements VERY seriously...:o)

18 Nov, 2009


TT Truffles new hat nearly finished :) will send you a photo first to see if its ok.

18 Nov, 2009


Thanks. Scotkat...
I'll keep a look-out on my email.
Truffle is VERY excited about a new hat.....Lol. xxx

18 Nov, 2009


Truffle is very talented at looking CUTE!!!!! :o`

19 Nov, 2009


Of course I was being sincere with my comment Truffle. How could you possibly think otherwise? ;o)

19 Nov, 2009


is this what they call a red sitter dog ha ha great photo

19 Nov, 2009


or another Sporting breed.....
......Red-and-White Sitter...:o) Lol.

19 Nov, 2009


I keep forgetting that 'Winter's coming ' is this pic of Truffle, so when I click on it, it's always a surprize. Instead of info on what we should be doing in our gardens or pics of de-nuded trees I see Truffle peering over the hebe trying to look dignified in his red hat. I fall about laughing each time, it's priceless! Thankyou Truffle:-)))))))

20 Nov, 2009


Lol.. Truffle's advice for your winter garden is to admire your hebe which is still flowering well, but wear your warmest hat and eat lots of Malt

20 Nov, 2009


gosh Tt, I was just 'editing' my comment when yours popped up, another surprise:-)

20 Nov, 2009


Aw TT .. LOL .. Twiggy dosn't stand a chance .. ..... just the thing for this horrible wet weather ........

20 Nov, 2009


Hi Amy ~
Truffle says he'll do a deal with M & S to star in their TV commercials...
provided he's paid by the hour with Malt Crunchies :o)

20 Nov, 2009


Ha! I share your sympathy Bornagain... gets me every time too :o)))

22 Nov, 2009


Oooooh - I've only just seen this photo (have been ko'd and out of action with the dready lurgy ....) and need to object to the fact that you haven't made a couple of holes for his ears - fancy squashing them like that - it's no wonder he has that irrestibile expression on his face!!!!! There again, I suppose they are nice and warm tho', all tucked up under the bobble ....

23 Nov, 2009


Hi Terry60 ~
Just how huge do you imagine are the size of Truffle's ears ? Lol.
He has lots of room under that woolly hat for his ears to be folded forward naturally and comfortably.... plus plenty of spare space for his secret store of Malt Crunchies. ;o) xxx

23 Nov, 2009


Ah - a secret hiding place for his Malt Crunchies - NOW I see why he has that chuffed expression !!!!

23 Nov, 2009


Only Truffle and Giorgio know where to find the Malt Crunchies....ssshhhhhh :o)

23 Nov, 2009


Hi TT Conkers new hat in post you should get it tomorow.

25 Nov, 2009


Oh this is so brilliant.....bless

26 Nov, 2009


Hi Scotkat...
Thank you...Conker is looking out for the postman.

Thanks DD2 ...
Cold winds this week... we all need our hats.
Lol. :o)

26 Nov, 2009


OMG so sweet!!! : D

27 Nov, 2009


Thanks, Charlie...
Scotkat's hat for Conker arrived yesterday... very exciting !
On Conker's latest blog, there's a pic of him wearing the cute hat and yellow...:o)

27 Nov, 2009


Another the hat too xxx

2 Dec, 2009


Truffle says : thanks, Panther. xxx

2 Dec, 2009


Just what I expected to see upon my arrival , more doggie staging , brilliant . love it , hello all

17 Dec, 2009


Hi Smalljaw... we've missed you. :o)

17 Dec, 2009



18 May, 2011


Hi Kimberly....
Truffle likes his hats ;o)

19 May, 2011


i made truffle my computer wallpaper so i could laugh every time i sit down...

28 Oct, 2011


Lol. Noah...
Truffle thinks he looks very handsome in his hat ;o)

28 Oct, 2011

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