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My front garden in springtime.

My front garden in springtime.

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That looks absolutely beautiful :o))

9 Mar, 2010


Absolutely gorgeous Tt :0)

9 Mar, 2010


Breath Taking TT :)

9 Mar, 2010


Oh my god, its absolutely stunning.

9 Mar, 2010


Terra its beautifull, is this now? love all the colour, what a nice welcome to come home to :o))

9 Mar, 2010


Wow TT so much colour there Its really lovely.....

9 Mar, 2010


wonderful TT....... it looks so pretty.............

9 Mar, 2010


That's lovely TT :-)
I like the colour scheme :-))

9 Mar, 2010


Beautiful TT :o))

9 Mar, 2010


Absolutely stunning! bring on Spring!

9 Mar, 2010


That is colour therapy par excellence! Stunning! just what I need to see at this time of year!

9 Mar, 2010


Ooooooooooooh :-)

9 Mar, 2010


Stunning Terra! :o)

9 Mar, 2010


I can never see enough of this and I STILL want to be your postman! I love those little tulips making such a statement.

9 Mar, 2010


That really is early.

9 Mar, 2010


Absolutely stunning TT ... :o))

9 Mar, 2010


WOW......thats fab !!!!

9 Mar, 2010


Absolutely beautiful!

9 Mar, 2010


I havent got any buds on my Iberis yet but mine wont be in flower til aoril/may. Was this last spring or have you got magic sunshine where you are? :o))

9 Mar, 2010


Is that this spring!!??

9 Mar, 2010


So much colour, beautiful.

9 Mar, 2010


Just beautiful this last year? You've all this to look forward looks gorgeous!

9 Mar, 2010


This must be last year...everything is so much later this year ! Something to look forward to..........

9 Mar, 2010


What lovely colours - very impressive!!!

That is a really pretty garden TT!

9 Mar, 2010


Beautiful TT, lovely colours - it won't be long now 'till you see this again. What are the tall flowers in the middle?

9 Mar, 2010


Your Spring colour never fails to make me gasp! :-)) x

9 Mar, 2010


beautful!love the purples~

9 Mar, 2010


Won`t be long now Terra and it will be the same again,Absolutely lovely..........

9 Mar, 2010


Stunning! Something to look forward to.

10 Mar, 2010


Thanks Clarice, Sueb, Jacque, Yorks, Sandra, Milky, Holly, Louise, Hywel, Pansyp, KarenSusan, Bornagain, Labdancer, Wagger, Toto, Amy, Alice, Uma, Seagirl, Meanie, Tog, Janey, Jane and BB, Rachelsmum, Skillen, David, Arlene, Lincslass, and Lindak ...

Hi Skillen ...
the tall flowers in the middle are tulips... can't recall the variety, but if I remember, I'll add it to these comments..

This is my garden last spring, and I'm looking forward to all these flowers bursting into bloom again.. bring on the warmth and sunshine ! :o)

Wagger... my gorgeous young postman wears shorts, even in the winter..... is it any wonder I welcome him with all these flowers ? LOL.

10 Mar, 2010


Sooo ... beautiful!

10 Mar, 2010


May be elders will wounder and shout gorgeous,beautiful and impressive which of course it is,my grand child Huzzi (6 years plus) a ukg kid cried beautiful when he saw the photograph
The hardwork done to produce such a beautiful arrangement is commendable
I would love to know the species composition

10 Mar, 2010


Thanks Bernieh, Arwadoo and Huzzi :o)
Hello Huzzi !

I'm pleased you appreciate the hard work...
... worth the effort to enjoy the flowers..
The composition is mostly various colours of aubrieta, and also Iberis sempervirens and grape hyacinths.

10 Mar, 2010


I love this TT, after seeing an earlier pic of your front garden i've been out an bought lots more Aubrieta. I had loads in my old garden and had forgotten how pretty it is. In my favorites now :-)))

10 Mar, 2010


Hi Annella.. Thank you.
Looking forward to seeing your Aubrieta...
Past 18 months I haven't had much opportunity to make additions or alterations to my garden, but I'm hoping this year I might have more time, energy and resources to add/move plants and work outside... :o)

10 Mar, 2010


wow thats beautiful TT

10 Mar, 2010


Hi Eileen... Thanks :o)

10 Mar, 2010


What is it with postmen and shorts in winter - your postie is number three! Aren't we lucky?

10 Mar, 2010


We need a new GoYpedia page...

already we have Plants to Attract Birds ...
... and Plants to Attract Bees...

now we need Plants to Attract Postmen-in-Shorts :o)

10 Mar, 2010


We have a young women with long blonde hair as our postie and she's really nice. Always cheerful and takes the time to speak to you too.

10 Mar, 2010


Wow!!!!!! Please tell me how?!?!

These are the colours I have just got plugs of bedding plants in but I bet mine does not look like that!!

10 Mar, 2010


Hi Roxy...
I'm sure your planting will look very pretty.:o)
We just need some warmer weather to encourage everything to start flowering...

10 Mar, 2010


TT, this is absolutely gorgeous, thank you for sharing! :o))

10 Mar, 2010


This is beautiful TT. I knew this pic must be yours when I saw all this gorgeous aubretia in the thumbnail! What a sight for sore eyes. Can't wait for the warmth to wake up this wonder again. :-) Wonderful.

10 Mar, 2010


Thanks Floribunda and GT...
Is the sun getting higher in the Alaskan skies ?
Yes, still much too cold.....
....need warmer days, don't we !
Must admit I bought a couple more little aubrieta plants today.
My friend with me said "You've already got aubrieta."
I replied......."Now I have even more aubrieta" .....LOL.

10 Mar, 2010


beautiful .. I wish spring would hurry up !!

10 Mar, 2010


just read your reply Terra,, you man eater lol, poor postman hahah :o)) send him here plez

10 Mar, 2010


Thanks, Elsiemay...
I guess you had cold, heavy cloud over Norfolk today !
Hurry up springtime !

Hi Sandra... I'll send you any spare postmen I find....
Look out for a large package marked First Class LOL.

10 Mar, 2010


lol Terra i`ll be waiting haha

10 Mar, 2010


Gorgeous! The flowers not the postman...You will have to post photos of him here for me to be able to comment on him.
My mailman is nice man but I doubt that shorts would improve his appearance. :-) He has just retired and I will miss him.

10 Mar, 2010


Hi Weeds11.... Thanks.
I'll try to take a photo of my mailman before I package him up for Sandra ;o) x

10 Mar, 2010


Well behind this year..still nothing showing in my garden...1 Crocus only.

10 Mar, 2010


Most gardens are late flowering this year, aren't they, Deida......
I hope you have lots of flowers soon. :o) x

10 Mar, 2010


This must be the most beautiful front garden I have ever seen.......amazing a work of art TT.

10 Mar, 2010


Thank you, Dotty...
... I'm lucky that aubrieta grows well in my garden soil :o)

10 Mar, 2010


ok Terra lol, i do have a nice mailman, known him years, use to be my mail man in my house then when i met baz couldnt believe it when i saw him, always happy and puts himself out to make sure you get parcels and dont have to chase after them :o)

10 Mar, 2010


Hi Tt - it's a beautiful sight - I hope you enjoy the real thing as much as the photo. :-))

One of our postmen wears shorts all year round, as well. His knees must get blue on some days - at least he has a van!

10 Mar, 2010


Thankfully our postie rarely wears shorst. he has the skinniest legs and nobbliest knees I hae ever seen :o) But he has a lovely face so it doesnt matter.

10 Mar, 2010


Oh boy.... I wouldn't move anywhere and stay there entire day.... such beautiful!!!

11 Mar, 2010


A stunning display TT, such an underestimated little plant is Aubrieta yet it flowers its little socks off for weeks on end.

11 Mar, 2010


Thanks all.
Yes, Stroller I agree...
Aubrieta is sometimes under-estimated ...
In the garden where I was a child, aubrieta always gave a pretty display every springtime , and I've loved it ever since.
I even have some clumps of the aubrieta taken from that original garden.... :o)

11 Mar, 2010


How beautiful! I had aubretia in my last garden too. Now I am sure I must have more for my new garden.......

13 Mar, 2010


Aubrieta is beautiful isn't it, Ione...
... and flowers for a long time. :o)

13 Mar, 2010


what can I say that the others havnt already said! ..............astounding!

13 Mar, 2010


Thanks, Mageth...
I added another little aubrieta plant to my front garden today...
... just to be sure I have plenty... Lol. :o)

13 Mar, 2010


OK. I am inspired to action. Going to go get aubretia right now and hit a few garage sales on the way....

13 Mar, 2010


Good action plan, Ione... Happy bargain hunting :o)

13 Mar, 2010


Yes, I agree (with DD2) that takes first prize.
The differing shades of purple/blue remind me of my mother's cinerarias, but somehow I prefer these shades.
Does one pronounce it Aubrey-Etta, I wonder. The way Ione writes it, aubretia, does seem to follow the usual flower ending more closely. That would then be pronounced Aubreesha, presumably.

13 Mar, 2010


Hi Gurthbruins, you are right, it is your Aubreesha:-)

13 Mar, 2010


Beautiful ! So much color.

14 Mar, 2010


Thanks Gurth...
The pronunciation of Aubrieta...
...It is usually as Bornagain has it..Aubreesha...
The genus is named after Claude Aubriet, a French flower-painter. That might explain the spelling..... Glad you like these purple shades. Thanks for visiting my photo. :o)

Thank you Mike...
Aubrieta does provide lots of colour... Happy little flower :o)

14 Mar, 2010


Lol Terra, just shows...for some reason I thought it was spelt aubretia! Somehow we don't look properly at words (ok I don't), I thought for a long time that papillon was papillion until a friend pointed it out to me (never did French at school) That was very interesting about Claude Aubriet, I'll google him:-) It really is amazing what you can learn on this site:-))

14 Mar, 2010


Thanks, I am glad to learn on this site - the teachers are so kind - and I never studied French, either - only Latin and Spanish. Nevertheless, it does seem to me that Aubrietia might have been a better idea. More in line with Fuchsia, Escoltia (actually spelt eschscholtzia, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ?) etc.
I'm also going to google this Claude, right now.

14 Mar, 2010


Gb, I have seen it as a plural 'Aubrietias' in one of my gardening books, but I'm not sure if that's correct:-)

14 Mar, 2010


hi Terra

So there is a method in your madness, "your postman"!! lol

mmmm, I must make a list of all those plants in your front border, what's his name , wagger?

Very interesting!

regards, Mick

14 Mar, 2010


Although I do need to find out our postman's favourite plant, he has quite nice legs too, and tattoo's!

14 Mar, 2010


Your very naughty Sandra, I'm getting terra to send VIA Somerset before he comes up to yours!

14 Mar, 2010


Hi Mick...
The last resort is posting mail to yourself... Lol.
The aubrieta seems to be performing well. :o)
I'm pleased you like the photo.

14 Mar, 2010


Oh my gosh! The spelling - aubrieta! I always thought I saw it aubretia. Hmmm...I learned something too!

15 Mar, 2010


Hello Ione...
The plant is often mis-spelled as Aubretia... even in books etc.

Very pretty flower, however we spell it... !!! Lol.

I'm pleased you like it. :o)

15 Mar, 2010


I've never seen so many beautiful flowers in one yard - absolutely breathtaking! Bring on the Spring.

15 Mar, 2010


Hello Hmhb...
Glad you like this :o)

15 Mar, 2010


Yes, Aubretia is a lovely sight and according to dr Hessyan of expert books fame is one of the heralds of spring, I noticed the blue starting to come into it on the walls as I drove to my allotment yesterday, stunning, I hope your display is just as nice as previous years Terra!

P/S, has the postman been yet? lol.

16 Mar, 2010


Hi Micky... Yes he has..LOL.

Maybe you can stop one day en route to your allotment,
and photograph the aubrieta on the walls please ?

16 Mar, 2010


Hi Im a new member and I must say ur garden is breathtaking. The flowers look excellent. Congratulations!! I would love to have a garden like yours.

17 Mar, 2010


Hello Geeta2311... Welcome to GoY. !
Thank you. I'm pleased you like my garden.
I'm sure you have some lovely plants in pots.
Good luck with your petunias, delphiniums and salvias.
Enjoy GoY. :o)

17 Mar, 2010


Sorry I'm late in commenting

This is stunning TT - your obvious hard work has repaid you back with high interest!

It would be great if you could climb up a tree or hop into a helicopter (!) and take a photo from up above (you know google earth style, or whatever it's called!!). I bet someone could make some postcards/greeting cards of the wonderful image for charity ......

18 Mar, 2010


Thanks Terry 60 ...
Aubrieta season is a great time of year :o)

19 Mar, 2010


Its all been said Tt....Fabulous!!...:>)).I remember this pic from last spring and i bought a few aubrieta...gave them good drainage....but they never picked up at all.....dont know what the problem is...:<((

19 Mar, 2010


Thank you, Motinot...
This is a different area of my front garden to last year's photo, including the tulips, but the aubrieta grows equally well here. Is the soil in your garden alkaline or acid ?

20 Mar, 2010


This is just stunning Terratoonie... hope you're keeping well...
not been online for a while.

20 Mar, 2010


Hi Sal...
All okay here thanks...
How are the motorbikes ?
Very nice to hear from you. :o)

20 Mar, 2010


TT - can you advise what soil do aubreita like? I guess they like a sunny well drained slope? (as always - dont they all.....)

but are they acid loving?

24 Mar, 2010


Hi Rachelsmum...
Aubrieta likes normal to alkaline soil.... good drainage... it can help to place gravel around the plants....
yes, sunny-well drained slopes are very popular aren't they ! ;o)

I would suggest, rather than putting aubrieta in acid soil, you plant it in a container with normal to alkaline, with grit and gravel .....

25 Mar, 2010


beautiful :)))

28 Mar, 2010


Thanks Grindle :o)))

28 Mar, 2010


So vibrant,absolutely beautiful :o)

30 Mar, 2010


Thanks, Columbine...
Spring flowers are inspirational, aren't they. :o)

30 Mar, 2010


The Postman must love coming to your house. Happy Easter

3 Apr, 2010


Happy Easter Scotsgran... thank you :o)

3 Apr, 2010


Thanks TT,
I will try some in pots

4 Apr, 2010


This is absolutely beautiful and has given me some ideas on how I can use my spare ground rather. Love the colours :-)

13 Apr, 2010


Good luck with those, Rachelsmum ...

Hi Cazzalyn...
I hope you're able include some of these plants in your spare ground...
gives good springtime colour ... :o)

2 Jun, 2010


I am pleased to tell you that you have taste and consideration of Art.

7 Jul, 2010


Hello Drfadi...
Thank you. I'm glad you like this planting design.

8 Jul, 2010


just breathtaking t.t wud love this in my garden.

26 Jul, 2010


Thanks Cristina ...
Springtime brings lots of lovely colours doesn't it :o)

26 Jul, 2010


cud look 4 ever gurrrrrrrgus

26 Jul, 2010



26 Jul, 2010


terratoonie,you are what gardenings about,wish i had colour like this,i have a small gravel garden and won an award with it,but can imagine yours must have won many!.ground force inspired eh?

5 Aug, 2010


Hi Keithbob...

Ground Force inspired ? Lol.
Did you see my blog of 29th April 10. ?

... Terra Dimmock ? Lol.

Thanks for your kind words. Springtime is a good season for colour, isn't it. :o)

5 Aug, 2010


I think your Garden is just amazing

6 Aug, 2010


Thank you Pottydottie :o)

6 Aug, 2010


Wow, those purples are so gorgeous!! I love it. 'Bornagain's flowerpot' award for you, Terra, well deserved :o))

10 Aug, 2010


Thanks, Pip...
The shelf is groaning from the weight of the awards..Lol. ;o)

10 Aug, 2010


I bet it is!!! I also bet there are lots more to come ;o)))

11 Aug, 2010


Oh my look at those colours. This is just stunning.

17 Aug, 2010


O M G Absolutely stunning TT,you are the manLOL

1 Oct, 2010


Thanks, Nannymargaret. :o)

1 Oct, 2010


incredible! wish you lived near here ~ i would walk down your street everyday just to see that!
you are a garden genius!

2 Nov, 2010


Hi Stickitoffee...
Thanks ...
You would be welcome in my front garden any time. :o)))

2 Nov, 2010


many thanks ~ one day???

2 Nov, 2010


Hello again Terra, I think she is too Sticki:-)

3 Nov, 2010


your garden is so beautiful, would you like to come and do mine

29 Dec, 2010


Hello Pondlady ..
Thank you...
I'd be happy to help you with your garden ...
... but only during the warm weather ! ;o)

29 Dec, 2010


can you do mine too please TT? i would pay you in hobnobs??

29 Dec, 2010


... Chocolate hobnobs ... ???
I'm on my way to Worcs. right now ... ;o)

29 Dec, 2010


i shall be buying them in bulk tomorrow!

29 Dec, 2010


Lovely to look at this again and a big thank you for sharing it with us. I look forward to seeing the 2011 version. Hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Year everybody.

30 Dec, 2010


Happy Gardening to you, Scotsgran for 2011 ...

Yes, I'm looking forward to springtime flowers.
I'm pleased you like this pic... :o)

30 Dec, 2010


One word 'Stunning'

10 Mar, 2011


Hello Heidi ...
Welcome to GoY, and thank you :o)

10 Mar, 2011


Thank you Terratoonie :-)

10 Mar, 2011


I have just spotted 2 heucheras in there, one lime green the other a dark colour. It is not just a spring flowering garden then. It is stunning.

10 Mar, 2011


Thanks Scotsgran ...
Yes... the front garden has colour all year round with heucheras, lavenders, sedums etc...

31 Mar, 2011


Saw this photo from you TT....this is so beautiful ..I love purple and lilac and this looks like the colours blend into each other like a must be so proud I lnow I would be

23 Aug, 2014


This is fab what plant is it it looks to me like a ground cover just what I need please let me know as this is fabulous.

28 Oct, 2015


Hi Follyann.. thanks.
The purple flowers are aubrieta.
I hope this helps :o)

28 Oct, 2015

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