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Mother nature is so clever ..

From a tiny bulb, she produces these pretty petal shapes and lovely colours ...

"all things bright and beautiful" !

Comments on this photo


They are so addictive!

4 Mar, 2012


is that up allready TT its a gorgeous colour

4 Mar, 2012



4 Mar, 2012


Its poking its yellow tongue out at you TT LOL.

4 Mar, 2012


Thanks folks ...
as Meanie says .. addictive .. Lol.
I photographed this yesterday ...
The crocuses and irises are all doing well :o)

4 Mar, 2012


very stunning TT. looks like it could eat you if you got to close :)) BBFB

4 Mar, 2012


Wow, that is a gorgeous blue!!!

4 Mar, 2012


Thank you, Mark ...
I don't think they look scary... Lol.

Thanks Alex ..
The colours of these little irises really stand out :o)

4 Mar, 2012


Lovely colour,'s a plant I have never grown..but very pretty..:o)

4 Mar, 2012


Hi Sandra...
Thanks. I do better growing these dwarf ones than the taller types... These are cute... Maybe you could try some next year ? :o)

4 Mar, 2012


]I might just try them,Terra..I see you have them in gravel? ..I have plenty of that..:o)

4 Mar, 2012


Yes... try them in gravel :o)))

4 Mar, 2012


Lovely colour:)

4 Mar, 2012


Thanks Kasy... and the camera has caught the correct colours, which helps ! Lol.

4 Mar, 2012


Stunning pic! :))))))

4 Mar, 2012


great photo TT. How's your back today?

4 Mar, 2012


Thank you Pix :o)

Hi Karen .. Thanks for asking. Back is still very sore, but at least I can move about today !
... so I'm optimistic it won't be too many days before I'm gardening again :o))

4 Mar, 2012


Mother nature is indeed truly wonderful!

4 Mar, 2012


Mother nature is healing my back as fast as possible ... with the help of yet more chocolate liqueurs ...Lol.

4 Mar, 2012


how "dwarf" is it, TT? Looks like another one to put on my must-have list!

4 Mar, 2012


Hi Fran..
These are only about 3 or 4 inches high.
Would be good for your list :o)

4 Mar, 2012


Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, need to have a double can never have too much of a good thing ..Lol.

4 Mar, 2012


Hi Sandra ... Thanks.
Is it okay to "mix my drinks" ?
... in other words, a whisky liqueur chocolate, followed by a brandy one. Lol.

4 Mar, 2012


Definitely Terra..the chocolate bit can be the chaser ! Lol.

4 Mar, 2012


Lovely colour Tt, pretty markings too. I must say the white gravel really shows the colour off...... :-)

4 Mar, 2012


Thanks Lin.
I reckon the gravel does a double-duty ... protecting the bulbs and also looking pretty ... :o)

Cheers, Bloomer ;o)

4 Mar, 2012



4 Mar, 2012


Thanks Lil..
This one sort of sprouted up as if asking to have its photo taken ;o)

4 Mar, 2012


Yes, it's funny what we hear when partaking in the liqueurs ;)

4 Mar, 2012


That is so beautiful TT , such a fabulous colour blue !

4 Mar, 2012


As you say Terra All Things Bright and Beautiful, and that one certainly is ;0)))

4 Mar, 2012


Lol. Lil ... :o)

Thank you Amy and Carole ...
Colours very vivid on these ..
All things wonderful :o))

4 Mar, 2012


thanks, TT! going straight on

4 Mar, 2012


Gorgeous colour, TT. Glad your back is feeling a bit better. Take care of it.

4 Mar, 2012


Thanks Gee...
My dogs have missed training for 3 consecutive days now, so I must get better quickly !

4 Mar, 2012


get OH to make you an updated soapbox and harness 'em to it!

4 Mar, 2012


... or Conker could push me around in his toy pram ? ... ;o)

4 Mar, 2012


ooh, can we have pics????

4 Mar, 2012


Chocolate Liqueur......whooooooooooo yuuuummmmmyyyy! :)) Great painkiller too!

4 Mar, 2012


that's lovely Terra, almost kaleidoscopic :-))

4 Mar, 2012


Fran ... pics as requested ...

Hi Karen ...
I've eaten 3 liqueur chocs today. I know my limit ! ;o)

4 Mar, 2012


Hello Surreylad ..
What a great word ... kaleidoscopic .... :o)))
yes, I see exactly what you mean. Thanks !

4 Mar, 2012


checked the blog, lovely pics and well done Conker, but didn't see YOU in the pram, lolol

4 Mar, 2012


Hi Fran .. that's because my back felt good at that charity dog show ;o)

4 Mar, 2012


where did you find it. amazing !!! ciao davi

4 Mar, 2012


Hi David. Thanks !

This little Iris was in a bag marked "Iris Dwarf Mixed" so I don't even know the name of this lovely iris !

4 Mar, 2012


Hi Terra what a smashing picture lovely and clear and i love the colour :)

4 Mar, 2012


Terra if you are out of sorts always follow with a brandy !!

4 Mar, 2012


I searched for "dwrf iris" and the only one I cuold find was on Shoot - Iris 'Violet Beauty' (Dwarf iris 'Violet Beauty') - of course I don't know that this is it, but it certainly lives up to the name!

4 Mar, 2012


It is beautiful TT so vibrant, glad to hear the liquers are working :o)

4 Mar, 2012


What a wonderful surprise from a mixed bag. Well done and lucky you! :o)
Hope the back is completely better very soon too!

5 Mar, 2012


Thanks Sue ... yes, these are lovely colours ...

Hi Carole, Neena and Tracey ... Thank you ...
... I'm still taking the choc. liqueurs ...
... hoping for a cure ... Lol.

Fran .. I think my Iris may be Dwarf Iris Reticulata Harmony ...

5 Mar, 2012


Very pretty and taken at an unsual clever angle - it seems to make the bright colours stand out even more.

What's been wrong with your back TT - did you fall or have been overdoing it in the garden ?? As a back sufferer myself, I do hope you are on the mend and not wincing in pain anymore. XX

5 Mar, 2012


Shoot has that too

I'll have to bring up the two side by side and compare them!

BBC has Iris Harmony:

RHS had nothing for Iris Retiucated Harmony, Iris Harmony, Iris Reticulted - and I didn't facny wading through 10+ pages of just Iris!

5 Mar, 2012


Hi Terry60 ..
Thanks. I love these dwarf irises.
Still wincing, unfortunately ...
Last week, I merely reached forward to trim a little shrub, and pulled my back. Gradually improving now. xxx

5 Mar, 2012


Lovely pic such a vibrant colour:)

5 Mar, 2012


Thanks Debbie :o)

5 Mar, 2012


Just lovely , Tt , I thought that the back might have been hurt by taking the pic . It does't take much to start it off , I know . Have you tried Volterol ?
Feel better very soon , the chocs must be helping some !

5 Mar, 2012


Hi Driad .. Glad you like this.
Thanks for the advice.
Yes, the chocs help a lot ;o)

5 Mar, 2012


Very nice indeed TT :-)

6 Mar, 2012


How beautiful and a great photo Terra. Looks like Mother Nature had her paint palette out. :o))))

6 Mar, 2012


For a bad back. I find that if you can put something freezing ie small bag frozen peas if you have nothing else (don't use again for food but can refreeze for back!!!) or a special gel filled pouch (which is frozen but not solid) onto the place where it hurts it helps to take the inflamation away. You see the tennis players with those ice pack on the bits that hurt. I keep a small pouch in the freezer ready!!! I also find arnica cream is good.

7 Mar, 2012


Thanks Louis and N3tyy :o)

Useful information Jen ... Thank you.
Yes, the tennis players do use ice, don't they .. good idea !

7 Mar, 2012


A really lovely dwarf Iris, TT! I love these little flowers but haven't grown them in donkey's years!

Hope your back is improving as the weather is forecast to get a little warmer again over the weekend & you'll be raring to get out there &do some gardening!

7 Mar, 2012


Hi Balcony.. Thanks.
I'm very keen to get outside gardening again. So much to do out there.
Can't wait for the weather to warm up, which I hope will ease my back pains. Today's rain will be welcome for your allotment. :o)

7 Mar, 2012


Terra, I looked at the photo, thought abit,. And realised that mother nature can paint much better than I,ll ever be able to.....:0)

7 Mar, 2012


Hi Pam..
Mother nature gives us inspiration ;o)

7 Mar, 2012


Thats very true Terra, I find that the subjects I,m drawn to are usually natural and not a 'still life'....

8 Mar, 2012


I just found a pack of Iris Reticulata hanging in the shed. Not planted 'cos I broke my ankle. I await with bated breath to see what happens after I planted them on Tuesday! Some tulips I planted 2 weeks ago, shot up and budded, one has colour in the bud already. Hope your back soon gets better TT and the choc liqueurs do the trick......better than paracetomol;;;LOL)

8 Mar, 2012


Ohhh.. What a lovely flower... :)

9 Mar, 2012


Ohhh.. What a lovely flower... :)

9 Mar, 2012


Ohhh.. What a lovely flower... :)

9 Mar, 2012


beautiful picture, hope the chocolate cure is working on the back pain...i find it cures most ailments if you eat enough!

9 Mar, 2012


Loving that flower..beautiful :0)

9 Mar, 2012


Amazing picture,love It

11 Mar, 2012


bad back sufferers try this it really does help me , when it starts to twinge (hurt) i get a freezer block out of the freezer(obviously ) put it in a towel & place on the area of pain for 5 mins then off again for 5 mins continue to do so as long as you feel you need to ,i have real trouble with my back & this works wonders ,the idea is ,the ice cools the imflamation & the vessels close in a bit then reopen as the ice is removed thus getting blood flowing again ,my osteopath taught me about it lol after relieveing me of £100s through the years ha ha cheers pete

12 Mar, 2012


Thats really interesting and shows me how everyones pain is different even though it hurts the same......
When I first started to have pain in muscles etc. It was suggested cold may help well I shot to the roof! such deep bone aching nagging toothache.....heat works for me sometimes.....fascinating isn't it.

13 Mar, 2012


Heat works for me on my back and cold for swollen feet and legs. I put a flat board type pack which is for putting in cold boxes in the freezer. Put a towel over it on a raised stool and rest my legs for about 1/2 hour covered up to concentrate the coldness. Works a treat, especially in a heatwave!.

13 Mar, 2012


Thank you, Gardzin, Maezy, Diamond and Tantita.
I like the dwarf type of Iris.

My hip/back pain is easing now thanks Pete, Pam and Dorjac.
I'm trying to move around, though ... not spending too long at the computer at one time !

13 Mar, 2012


Pleased to hear that you're improing Terra.....:0)

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks Pam :o)))

13 Mar, 2012


you have to move about TT honest the more you move about the quicker it heals ,im usually off work 2 or 3 weeks when my back goes ,its better now ive discovered the ice pack remedy ,like said its not for everybody .get well soon TT x

13 Mar, 2012


Thanks, Pete ...
The ice pack advice is useful to know ... :o) x

13 Mar, 2012


So sorry your back is playing up at this time of the year TT. I hope your garden can be kept in order. Every time I do something this year I ache. I don't remember it being so persistent before but it goes away after a rest with a hot water bottle.. Sometimes it's such a small movement that sets off the discomfort.

14 Mar, 2012


Hi Dorjac ..
That's a pity you have aches and pains. I was surprised yesterday when my back/hip pain eased after persisting only a week or so. I was expecting the pain to last a lot longer.

I realise I am not helping my aches and pains by spending too many hours at my desk ! My lawns will need mowing within the next few days... that will reveal whether my hip really is feeling better ! I hope your aches and pains disappear as the weather warms up :o)

14 Mar, 2012


so pretty :o))

23 Mar, 2012


Thanks, Sandra :o)))

23 Mar, 2012


that's a lovely shot!

24 Mar, 2012


Thank you, Nbhatt :o)

24 Mar, 2012


stupendous colour, gorgeous looking think..excellent

11 Apr, 2012


Thanks Homebird and Guy.
I'm pleased with these :o)

11 Apr, 2012


Ooh that is perfect isnt it! like art! :)

17 May, 2012


Thank you Leighleigh ..
A very photogenic little iris :o)

18 May, 2012

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