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Muntjac outside my gate


By Amy

Muntjac outside my gate

there were two ... this one didn't appear to be frightened in any way , we just stared at each other ...

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wow look at that!! great photo!! he is quite big isnt he/she!?

31 May, 2012


that photo is just fantastic

31 May, 2012


Good heavens! Not quite what you expect to see outside your garden! I suppose they eat everything in sight, like the deer here?

31 May, 2012


They are beautiful, but eat everything in sight :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( they ate a lot of my roses especially, be warned!

31 May, 2012


What a fantastic photo.

31 May, 2012


Wow what a shot he/she is magnificent, do you often get visits Amy?

31 May, 2012


Thanks everyone , they are regulars there are several in the area , we have a double metal gate at the front and have to have rabbit wire covering it also all round the garden if not between the Deer and the rabbits we wouldn't have anything in the garden , we saw a fox catch a rabbit up the drive last week it dropped it when we stopped in the car ,I dashed indoors to get my camera thinking I would snap it when it came back for the rabbit but I was to late it had taken it ..

31 May, 2012


I hope your gates are tall they jump a 1.5m fence to eat my garden :o(

31 May, 2012


wow great shot Amy. lovely creatures to see :-) but not if they eat your plants like poor Ph....

31 May, 2012


The gate is appro 4ft high Ph we have had to chase them out on occasions it's like Colditz here with wire fencing all round also dug into the ground , I love to see all the wild life but not eating the plants , we have an elderly neighbour the other side of the ditch he isn't fenced in and they have eaten almost everything in his garden .. Thank Slad ,I worried about them in the winter they couldn't have had much in the way of food , you could see where they had taken the bark off the trees in the area ..

31 May, 2012


wonderful pic. Are they any trouble?

reminds me, I saw a BBC newsclip where a woman had a wallaby in her garden!

31 May, 2012


Lovely photo, Amy. Amazing creatures but I have heard how devastating they can be in a garden. Fingers cross they don't cross your boundaries.

3 Jun, 2012


Gorgeous looking animal...Amy....

6 Jun, 2012


Tree bark and twigs are part of the winter forage for the whitetails over here, Amy. A wallaby in the maybe it is revenge for the rabbits taken to Australia...haaaa. muntjacs are small, as deer go. rightÉ. ..agh...there goes the typeface again...Canadian English my foot!..Canadian English is English accents required! grhhh. have to select American English to get the question mark back!! ÉÉ...

6 Jun, 2012


What a beautiful pic of a lovely animal,Amy..such a shame when you know they need food as well..but a shame they damage all your wonderful distinction for them,is there ? ..your poor neighbour must be so disenchanted with them..

7 Jun, 2012


Thanks Fran I will take a look at that ! I love to see them Gee / Sue , I have on occasions put carrots outside the gate in very cold freezing weather , i'm not sure who eats them the Muntjac or the Rabbits ! Lori LOL.. you are having fun !! Sandra my neighbour lives the other side of our ditch which as you can guess is a difficult area to fence off from rabbits and Deer , we have put the wire deep into the ground but he hasn't they can jump or burrow under ,it's such a shame because he ( Jim ) has always grown special Sweet Peas for showing at shows , he hasn't bothered to grow any this year :o(

7 Jun, 2012


Oh dear,Amy..that is will have spoiled a lot of pleasure for him...but pointless if he isn't more protected..not only that,the cost as well, of erecting fencing..a real shame...

7 Jun, 2012


A beautiful visitor :)

7 Jun, 2012


He's in his 80's Sandra and hasn't been very well ,it would cost a small fortune to fence round his garden we do what we can for him we also keep an eye on him each day ,pick him up when he falls etc. he has daughters nearby but they don't do alot to help him!
Thanks Lulu he is a beauty :o)

7 Jun, 2012


Doesn't it just make you mad,when family don't help much? ..I know it isn't always possible,but if they live seems awful..

7 Jun, 2012


He has 3 daughters Sandra ,he had his own building co. when he was working .. they were always very quick to get him to do their building work and heavy jobs including eating all the veg he grew , they don't even help him to clean the house !

7 Jun, 2012


Don't they have small heads? Beautiful though. I'm glad they don't live near my garden! :)

7 Jun, 2012


Lovely to see them, but I would buy a bale of hay for them to eat in the winter. They have a tough time of it then. Pity they do so much damage in the gardens. Lovely to hear you are helping your elderly neighbour. I expect he appreciates it very much. Shame about his family not helping him though.

7 Jun, 2012


I agree Karen the head looks to small for the body . Linda It's tempting to do that but we have been reading that they are becoming a menace so are not sure whether we should encourage them , Jim does appreciate us Linda , Tony looks for him each morning on one occasion we had to pick him up from his bedroom floor naked he had been laying there cold for hours ,good job he had given us a key !

7 Jun, 2012


He sounds as though he could do with a care phone system,Amy..and a pendant scary,isn't it ? poor man..we have a key for next door too,and she has one of ours..peace of mind really..

7 Jun, 2012


We have suggested it to him Sandra but he wont hear of it ,he is terrified that they will put him into a home which is what happened to his sister .. :o(

7 Jun, 2012


There are so many in the same position,Amy..and we think and hope it will never happen to us,don't we? ..At least we have caring family members, very lucky..and we wouldn't be left in his position,I'm sure..

7 Jun, 2012


Lovely to view from afar, the damage they can do is frightening.

7 Jun, 2012


What a beautiful creature to meet :)) Lovely photo, Amy.

9 Jun, 2012


They would munch their way through our garden in no time if they managed to get in Angela / thanks Kat , I know they can be a nuisance but I feel privileged to be able to observe them so closely :o)

9 Jun, 2012


We have lot of positive legends about deers and how they influenced lives of some famous families here :)

9 Jun, 2012


I would love to listen to all your many stories Kat :o))

9 Jun, 2012


:))) I seem talkative, don´t I? Lol.

9 Jun, 2012


beautifull Amy :o))

9 Jun, 2012


Aw don't know how I missed this Amy...what a little beauty she is, it would be a treat to see one of these as long as they had eaten

10 Jun, 2012


Kat :o)) thanks San / Janey they are beautiful but it is hard making sure that every visitor shuts the gate not only to prevent the Deer getting in but the trillions of Rabbits waiting for a tasty snack :o(

11 Jun, 2012


could you get a self-closing thingy for the gate, so that it''' shut itself unless held open to let people through? of course, don't know what that might cost

12 Jun, 2012


We aren't prepared to spend a lot of money on that kind of thing Fran the land around us is derelict /overgrown with brambles etc they have been trying to get building permission on it for a long time if they did and then built hundreds of houses we are not sure as to whether we could stay here unless we had a very high wall built all round us LOL

12 Jun, 2012


ah, gotcha!

12 Jun, 2012


Wow, what a capture.

The muntjacs around our way all scarper the moment they sense your presence - even if your miles away.

16 Jul, 2012


This one didn't stay long Rose , we had a good look at each other and then on our ways :o)

17 Jul, 2012

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