THROUGH THE GARDEN ARCH ... Exochorda Macrantha the Bride ...
By Terratoonie

13 May, 2013
Comments on this photo
Pretty place to sit and so colourful :-)
13 May, 2013
Beautiful! Colour at every level!
13 May, 2013
Thanks everyone ..
... I see this view from indoors :o)
13 May, 2013
Looks a fab view Terra, great pic :-)
13 May, 2013
Thanks Warwick :o)))
13 May, 2013
Wow! Just shows you what a difference a couple of good helpers can make. :0)
13 May, 2013
Thanks Linda ..
three helpers ..
... the budgie advises me on colour schemes ;o)
13 May, 2013
That's so pretty TT , it could have come straight out of a garden design book :o)) x
13 May, 2013
so pretty Terra, love the bride, i could just walk along that pathway :o)) x
13 May, 2013
Absolutely beautiful TT what a lovely view you have created :o)
13 May, 2013
I think you have bench there! That is a beautiful corner to sit and read Or chat:-))
14 May, 2013
Such a pretty colourful area and lovely to see from the window when this cold wet weather keeps us inside
14 May, 2013
Terra it's all been said ,it is a lovely picture to look out on .
14 May, 2013
Thanks Amy, Sandra, Neena, Katarina, Pam and Brian :o) x
Kat .. yes .. there is a bench, but currently The Bride is resting her long wedding dress there... she does that every springtime with her white blossom :o)
14 May, 2013
It all looks beautiful TT :o))
14 May, 2013
Hi Annie ... thanks ...
blossom holding on, despite the storms ! :o))
14 May, 2013
We need calm and pleasant weather now to sit and enjoy :o)
14 May, 2013
sorry I missed this Terra - stunning as always
14 May, 2013
Thanks Paul...
Blossom has thankfully survived the rains ! :o)
14 May, 2013
That is so beautiful Terra :-)
14 May, 2013
so pretty & looks so peaceful :)
15 May, 2013
Thank you Nancy and Floral ...
That's a cosy corner down there ;o)
15 May, 2013
just gets better and better.... O:)
15 May, 2013
Hi Holly ... thankssssss ;o)
15 May, 2013
Just stunning:-))
15 May, 2013
A sight to behold on this damp cold dingy evening, I shall just have to imagine sitting out on your bench.
15 May, 2013
Hi Ba and Stroller ..
I've just had a walk down the garden ...
miniature lilac coming into bloom now ...
looks lovely especially seen from the bench ..
.. glad you like it ... :o)
15 May, 2013
beautiful garden your so lucky!
18 May, 2013
Hi Anci... thank you :o)))
18 May, 2013
wow have been looking at your pictures and I love your garden and all of its areas, how did you manage to get so much growth so early on with all this bad weather?
18 May, 2013
It is a dream of a garden which ever way you look at it.
19 May, 2013
My thoughts also Wildrose.....
19 May, 2013
pretty garden!
20 May, 2013
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments :o)
20 May, 2013 much colour.Crocus is doing a great job advising your colour schemes. Hope the dogs appreciate it too.
20 May, 2013
Thanks Homebird and Feverfew ..
Crocus tweets thanks for his gold medal ;o)
21 May, 2013
The Bride is Beautiful and her surroundings show her off to perfection;0)
21 May, 2013
Thanks Carole...
a lovely comment :o)
22 May, 2013
yes you can really see the special areas you have designed look very intresting and peaceful to sit and ponder on things. lovely indeed.
21 Jun, 2013
Thank you Jane ...
This pic. is the view I have when at my computer. :o)))
21 Jun, 2013
Like a jeweled tapestry. Beautiful as always!
2 Sep, 2013
lovely garden peaceful area's
9 Sep, 2013
Thank you .. :o)))
9 Sep, 2013
Your garden looks really mature and full of interest Terra.
It's been a good growing year and the flowers have just kept on blooming.
24 Sep, 2013
Terra, it would be interesting to see this same view as it looks now. It was so pretty back in May, and looking at what is planted, I bet you still have lots going on there.....? I particularly like the way you use light gravel to brighten up and draw the eye to the low level planting. That is something I shall try to imitate at the front of my new home, where there is a crazy paving patio area. I might even remove one or two stones and plant creeping thymes etc in the paving. Can't wait to get started...the waiting is soooooooo sloooooow!!
25 Sep, 2013
27 Sep, 2013
Thanks everyone ...
Karen ... during the summer months, the roses give colour ... please see
and there are plenty of evergreens in that area for winter time, such as euonymus and aubrieta :o)
29 Sep, 2013
Absolutely beautiful.
4 Oct, 2013
Thank you :o)))
4 Oct, 2013
Beautiful Garden Very Tidy.And Lovely planting.
6 Oct, 2013
Hi Lynda .. thanks :o)
6 Oct, 2013
WOW!!! amazing garden, love this very much!!!!
15 Nov, 2013
Hi Junna
Thank you :o)))
16 Nov, 2013
It seems to grow about standing height. That's nice and convenient. It also looks to have rather loose growth. That's nice too :o)
Your garden looks very sheltered. It obviously likes growing there.
I thought I'd buy one if I could find it, but my garden is rather exposed, so I'm not sure if it would like it here.
11 Jan, 2014
yes ... sheltered location seems best ...
11 Jan, 2014
Yes, it does :o)
11 Jan, 2014
Hi Terratoonie, I realise this is a couple of years old now but I'm new here and just found this photo and had to comment, it's absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing it with us :)
17 Apr, 2017
Hi Anthony ....
Thanks for your kind comments ... yes, my arch photo was 4 years ago, but most of the shrubs have survived, so it looks quite similar to back then. The miniature lilac is just coming into flower. It has the most amazing scent.
17 Apr, 2017
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Lovely ! Your garden is very pretty, and interesting :o)
13 May, 2013