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The most comfy place in the garden...

The most comfy place in the garden...

Truffle the Smooth Fox Terrier puppy using Conker the Sheltie as a convenient bean bag bed...

Comments on this photo


Lovely photo TT. Conker is very patient. I bet you're having lots of fun with Truffle. He seems quite a character :o)
I love crocuses. They look nice by your fence.

17 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Hywel.
This area of the garden is part of the long dog run.
The dogs can be safe in here if I'm using paint etc.
Truffle nearly got out the other day onto the grass where I'd placed a huge open pot of fencing paint. I grabbed the puppy just in time... Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


He wanted to help TT. lol

17 Apr, 2009


He has enough brown patches on his coat already. Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


Brilliant photo TT of them both together.My cat Willow has a tendency to do that to me when I am asleep in my bed lol..

17 Apr, 2009


Hello Tina2 ~
Will GoY be lucky enough to see a photo of Willow asleep on you ? Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


Ahhhhh - this is one the best photos I've seen in a long long time ....

17 Apr, 2009


Hi Terry 60 ~
Wouldn't it be nice if we could enjoy puppy sleep like this, without a care in the world ....

17 Apr, 2009


Too true TT !!!

17 Apr, 2009


conker is mum and dad and bed all in one!lovely photo shows how close they are!

17 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Arlene.
Today, Truffle is teething and being a real fidget ~
I don't know how Conker finds the patience ~
He's played tug games with him all morning....

17 Apr, 2009


I smiled for ages at this photo!! thanks for brightening my day.
Truffle looks completely out of it, its wonderful to see such innocent affection between two lovely pets.

17 Apr, 2009


Hi Olblueyes ~
Thanks :o)
I'm lucky these two get along so well.
It's fascinating observing the contrasts between Conker with his instincts to herd, and Truffle with a more outgoing nature.

17 Apr, 2009


Hi TT,
They say opposites attract.
I have always believed the most inteligent dogs on the planet are either Border Collies or Labradors but these two seem to be up there in the doggie IQ stakes.
You are lucky to have them both.

17 Apr, 2009


Hello again Olblueyes ~
I guess to some extent it is horses for courses ~
wrong analogy for dogs, I know, Lol,
but various breeds of dog are clever at different things....
I feel very privileged to have my two dogs, and that's a good point you make about opposites attract. The combination of a terrier and a Sheltie works well.

17 Apr, 2009


Ah thats so cute..............

17 Apr, 2009


I think Conker is truly amazing with little Truffle , they look so at home with each other , Truffle obviously adores Conker , this will have to go on my favourites it,s so sweet .. :o)

17 Apr, 2009


Lovely picture Terra! what good friends Conker and Truffle have become , they both look so snug and comfy, Conker must be very patient and loving to put up with all Truffles antics, must be true love, Fantastic! another for my favourites.

17 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Holly, Amy and Pansypotter ~
Conker is so very good indeed.
I admire his patience....
Truffle is teething right now and pulling out even more of poor Conker's coat. Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


Conker must be a very sweet natured dog - lucky little Truffle. I don't think Sophie would be quite that obliging.

17 Apr, 2009


Hi Ginellie ~
Yes, Truffle is very lucky.
I don't think many dogs would be so kind....
Conker brings him toys, plays with him all day, and then lets him sleep on top of him....
and, with Truffle getting bigger, Conker gets quite squashed. Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


What would you and Truffle do without Conker, a perfect nanny, great gardener,fantastic dog trainer,,endless..super photo TT

17 Apr, 2009


Hi Deida ~
You've summed it up so well.
Conker has been a great support, both when I was nursing my old Welsh Terrier last autumn, and now again, in helping rear the new puppy...
Also, currently, in my latest fencing blog, Conker is doing DIY with a hammer. Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


truffle really does love being with conker,, its so sweet TT, and my angelina uses me to tina2... i do miss cuddles with my lab i use to have though,

17 Apr, 2009


Hi Sanbaz ~
Have you put a photo on GoY of your old Lab ?
I can't remember seeing one ?

17 Apr, 2009


no i havent TT, had her before i got comp or digital cam, will see if i can take picture of old photo,,

17 Apr, 2009


The pic. on my GoY photos of the butterflies on sedum was one I scanned from an old print of my photo, and it came out quite well, so why not give it a try.... :o)

17 Apr, 2009


They are such a treasure TT...a lovely pic indeed:-)

17 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Panther.
They keep me cheerful :o).

17 Apr, 2009


There's nothing left to add. Brilliant.

17 Apr, 2009


Hi, Toto ~
The puppy curls up on Conker indoors, too... Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


He obviously finds Conker very comfortable.

17 Apr, 2009


If Truffle stopped pulling out Conker's hair, it would be more comfortable for both of them. Lol.

17 Apr, 2009


Bless the pair of them, they look so comfortable together. The dogs I had before Chloe and Mungo used to sleep the same way but only when sitting on my lap! Great photo, TT.

17 Apr, 2009


Maybe Truffle has his dights set on being a hairdresser.

18 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Gee. That must have looked funny with all the dogs piled on your lap. Lol.

Hi Toto ~
Truffle definitely doesn't want to be a dentist.
Teeth are not his favourite thing right now...
gums really suffering with the new choppers coming through....

18 Apr, 2009


Poor little Truffle. Must be awful for him. I hope his discomfort is short lived.

18 Apr, 2009


I hope so too, Toto.
Truffle doesn't know what to do with himself today.... trying to chew anything and everything, and preferring to chomp on my cushions rather than his own toys. Lol.
but, ssssshhhhhh, he's finally asleep... for a little while :o)

18 Apr, 2009


Ah, my fav photo from the blog.. Too sweet!
Speaking of dogs and paint, Chummy was going around with a blue ear for about a month when she was a pup! It was too cute to take off her. lol.

18 Apr, 2009


Lol. NN.
Do you have a photo of the blue-eared Chummy pup ?
They grow up so fast.....

18 Apr, 2009


This is a lovely photo. Conker must really love Truffle to let him snuggle up like this. Truffle obviously loves Conker to use him as a bed. Puppies always chew everything don't they....including your fingers. A long time ago when Gerry's dad was alive we bought him a smooth coated black and white collie puppy for his birthday but kept it at home for a weeks beforehand. He loved anything that moved especially when I swept the garden. He hung on to the broom then went round barking at it. Puppies are lovely and so full of fun. Dad named him SKipper and he lived for 14 years.

19 Apr, 2009


Hi Linda ~
Wonderful story of Skipper ~ long-lived !
I can well imagine the pup chasing the brush as you swept. LOL.

Truffle is chewing away at a chew toy even as I make this comment.....
He is very keen to get those adult teeth through ! And, yes, Conker loves Truffle and looks after him so well. He finds toys for him to play with and is so gentle with the lively puppy....

19 Apr, 2009



19 Apr, 2009


Lovely photo TT .they look so sweet together Conker seem to love his little playmate and will let happily let himself be used as a pillow ...

19 Apr, 2009


Hi Janette ~
Sometimes when I've worked really hard in the garden, such as today, I would like to use Conker as a pillow myself. Lol.

19 Apr, 2009


Very cute picture....Truffle looks quite comfy and seems to love Conker...I am so glad they get along so well.

20 Apr, 2009


I love theplanter upfront, too.

20 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Skippy ~
Working in my private garden in the sunshine with my dogs is my idea of bliss....

20 Apr, 2009


Oh my goodness I've never seen that before, best of friends! It does look comfy.

21 Apr, 2009


Hi Janie ~
Truffle sleeps on top of Conker indoors, too.....
... but Truffle is growing larger, and Conker gets rather squashed ! Lol.

21 Apr, 2009


Fantastic photo of your kids TT :) and great planter.

21 Apr, 2009


Hello Scotkat.
My kids say thanks :o)
I love your planters, too.
You have a wonderful knack of putting the right colours and flowers together...

21 Apr, 2009


What a pal you are so kind:) say hi to the kids:)

21 Apr, 2009


aww thats lovely!!!
by the way i have a picture of hubby sleeping with Dora ... Caro'ls kitten..
she loves grandpa... LOL!!!!

21 Apr, 2009


Hi Aleyna ~
Do you have the pic. of hubby and Dora on GoY, or is it in your private collection ? Lol.

21 Apr, 2009


Aw....I couldn't find him at first! They look adorable together, and such good friends..........that's lovely!

21 Apr, 2009


Thanks Janey ~
I've another photo taken indoors, where Truffle is so snuggled up into Conker's coat that you can only see his paws... Lol.

21 Apr, 2009


What a sweet pair..Conker is so special to be so loving to your little Truffle...and your pot of flowers is so sweet and springy too...Love the shot...sure wish I had a soft bed like truffle does.....must make your heart sing to see the two of them getting on so precious...made me smile!..

21 Apr, 2009


nope, in my private collection, but i can share with you... lol
he is not a "flower"... although he is my "gardener"

22 Apr, 2009


Lol. :o)

22 Apr, 2009


What a soppy puppy! How lovely that they get on so well. Must make you feel good, TT.

22 Apr, 2009


Hello Pottygardener ~
These two are good pals.
It's fun having both of them in the garden :o)

22 Apr, 2009


Our favourite photo on your fencing blog ! The sleep of the innocent !: )

22 Apr, 2009


I've just weighed Truffle ~
now thirteen and a half pounds !
Truffle still sleeps on top sometimes ~
but Conker is finding him a bit heavy. Lol.

22 Apr, 2009


Not surprised ! Lol !

22 Apr, 2009


Gr8 pic, tt, and, I see, you have Crocus in it, too. :-)

23 Apr, 2009


Gr8 pic, Tt. I also note your inclusion of Crocus, too. :-)

23 Apr, 2009


Hi David ~
Crocus the budgie likes you a lot for mentioning him twice. Lol.

23 Apr, 2009


Tweet, Tweet!! What a bird-brain I am! I realised what I'd done (a first for me, lol), but couldn't rectify - Of course, Crocus is worth writing about twice! :-)

23 Apr, 2009


Everything has been so hectic here, that poor Crocus was a day late having his cage cleaned... so, David, your comment cheered him up. Lol.

24 Apr, 2009


How cute is this photo!

24 Apr, 2009


Hi Sue ~
Truffle looks comfortable sleeping on all that fur, doesn't he ! Lol.

24 Apr, 2009


Ooohh, how precious ! They seem to get along famously.

5 May, 2009


Hi Flcrazy ~
Truffle is getting bigger, but he still tries to sleep on Conker. Lol.

5 May, 2009


awww...I really like this photo...very lovely and peaceful

20 May, 2009


These are my special boys... :o).
Truffle isn't always this relaxed... Lol.

20 May, 2009


Our |Lucky, who now looks like a real Border Terrier, still has to be banished to the garden when vacuuming or dusting, as he runs around madly barking and trying to eat the cleaning utensils, lol! It's the reverse when I am cutting grass or sweeping the garden path, he gets locked indoors - for his own safety, of course (as well as mine, haha!).

21 May, 2009


Hi David ~
It would be lovely to see an up-to-date photo of Lucky.... being chocolate-coloured he perhaps doesn't show up well in your Chocolate Garden. Lol.
Truffle has taught himself to open the gate-latch halfway along the dog run.....
first of my dogs to do that....

22 May, 2009


OMG how did i miss this Pic TT ? Its such a Lovely Catch & made me smile no end :) XXX

2 Oct, 2009


Hi Jac ~
Glad you like this photo....
...sometimes I come across a GoY pic months after it has been uploaded, and wonder how I missed it at the time. Lol. xxx

2 Oct, 2009

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