end of summer blog.
By sandra
Hello peeps.:-)
summer it seems is over for us in the Northern hemisphere…time to put it all away again. Now we have shorter days, we will all be able to catch up with whats be happening on GOY. Having spent a few evenings on here lately i see everybodys been busy with their gardens, pets, children and grandchildren, i am enjoying catching up.:-)
Here at Corseside its been a busy year of plants
gardens, children going away, comming home and going away again,,,,,,and if that wasent enough we opened a small ‘glamping’ site, which was a great success.( I’m relieved to say)….
our aeoniums have at last recovered from the last two severe winters and are now being tucked up again…
this was the leeks in about june….they are now sourrounded by weeds but i think it helps them deal with the wind…he he he
on the right is the early stages of our experiment into tobacco growning….golden virgina…its been interesting but we still have to cure it. any more advice would be welcome.
watching our 4 tweeniy children enjoy the best summer ever was exciting, and busy but i was sooo jealous of their adventures……they all traveled around working at the music festivals from wales to scotland agian…. popping home every few weeks for a bath…my poor washing machine is now enjoying a rest as only one is still here….but it lives in fear of their return….:-)
it was a slow but steady summer for the nursey. our stocks are increasing and we have gained a few small wholesales contracts for our griselinia hedging, which has helped us to just about keep the finances juggling..
the veg in the garden did well and seemed to enjoy the rain, of which we had plenty..
we were amazed by the tomatoes this year. as we spent a fortune on organic tomato food last year, we decided to use the organic chicken pellets that we feed everything else on..still few more to pick.
this is my broter John with his youngest Izzy on one of their weekly raids on our produce…
each time i passed through the cactus shed in June and july i was confronted by another cacti showing off its flowers….
we opened our new glamping venture in june, a few weeks later than planned. better late than never…
these smell amazing…
there is bad weather forcast this weekend so we have spent the last week taking it all down and trying to find space to store it all for the winter…i now have a yurt and a tipi cover under my bed..
and now i have time to get back to my garden….i love this time of year when i get to tidy up and feel like im in control again..
I have so enjoyed sharing my summer with you hope u all had a good summer too..
28 Sep, 2010
More blog posts by sandra
Previous post: Pembrokeshire flowers and coast.
Next post: Picton castle lit up at night..
I was able to decipher your first paragraph despite the lines, Sandra....no worries. You have had quite an eventful summer with your new venture. I don't suppose the rain has been good for business though. The yurts look like fun...I remember watching a family on holiday being filmed as they stayed in a yurt on a beach in Wales. It was fascinating.
Your cacti are beauties. Their flowers are such beautiful colours although I did read on GOY that the blooms die off pretty quickly. Have you seen Karensusan's clever use of her redundant strawberry pot? Filled with similar to what you grow at your nursery...aeoniums you referred to them as in your blog.
Now as you say....time to take control and maybe get some rest in after your busy summer.
28 Sep, 2010
A lovely blog Sandra. Glad you had a good summer.
29 Sep, 2010
thanks Whistonlass glad u were able to decipher the first bit....some cacti flowers last a few hours others a few days. others ive had for ten years and they have never flowered.....i'll check out Karens pot now.
thanks Hywel..:-)
29 Sep, 2010
You've been busy Sandra..
nice set of interesting photos... :o)
29 Sep, 2010
Enjoyed your blog Sandra loved the cacti and the last photo,you have been busy this summer.
29 Sep, 2010
Lovely blog Sandra. Enjoyed the pics. Where exactly are you in pembroke, and did you say you had a nursery?.
29 Sep, 2010
Enjoyed reading your blog, you do lead a very busy life and exciting with all these new ventures, I hope you do well, you deserve to, I know how hard it is to make a living these days, so good luck.
29 Sep, 2010
Lovely pictures Sandra. You certainly achieved high standards. Let us hope we all be well and do better next summer. The growing season may be over for us here, but in some part of our hemisphere will only begin now. I have today received a call from a friend on holidays in Cyprus saying that it is still very hot down there. Many plants will grow and flower again as soon as the weather gets a little cooler.
When I was their one December there were flowers everywhere.
29 Sep, 2010
hi sandra so enjoyed your blog and i love your place, so much going on, glad all has been a success for you after all your hard work as a family. doesnt seem two seconds since you were putting your plants to bed last year, veggies look yummy by the way ;o)))
29 Sep, 2010
thanks for your kind comments.
Linda we are in Angle pembrokeshire. corseside nursery. we grow succulents cacto and coastal hardy hedging plus a few favorites
Costakis my garden is far from over but im loving rounding up all my babies into the greenhouse. autumn is the best as its the only time i get to sort MY garden out..having said that i've been sorting a customers garden today. lol
29 Sep, 2010
Welcome back Sandra, I`ve enjoyed the tour around your place but then I always do, pleased you`ve had a good summer and that everything went well for you. I agree with Sanbaz ,the time has gone so quickly since we watched you preparing everything and now as you said they are all going back again...
Looking forward to see what you get up to in the next few months......
Smashing photo`s......
29 Sep, 2010
You work so hard and you're so enthusiastic Sandra. Was thinking of you today actually as we bought the Robin Hood dvd. Not watched it yet but I'll be looking out for your beach etc. I'm pleased you enjoyed your Summer and that all is going well.
29 Sep, 2010
You have had a busy year ... I watched Robin Hood just the other night too and thought of you and also wondered which extras were your family members and friends. Great photos ... your garden looks lovely, your vegies look tasty and I loved the sunset! Your Aeoniums look fantastic ... how wonderful they recovered so well.
So glad to hear the 'glamping' (love that word!) idea worked out so well for you ... how lovely to be able to share this place with others. As for children coming and going ... my two sons came and went more times than I can remember!!! So many times that I can remember thinking 'I wish they would just leave!' Now they live quite a way away ... and I wish they were here annoying me!
29 Sep, 2010
thanks for your lovely comments and encouragement..:-)
we all loved the robin hood film. we couldnt spot who was who in the battle scenes, it was great seeing our beach though and they must have airbrushed our house out a couple f times for the long shots...as freshwater west was supposed to be calais and dover they had to super-impose the white cliffs onto our beach, it look very odd....
it has brought many more people here this summer but many are disapointed not to find shell cottage from the harry potter movie and confused by the lack of white cliffs....lol
Bernieh i dread the day they go for good....but it is nice to miss them for a while and here all about their adventures when they return.
as for the 'glamping' it was hardwork setting it all up, but my customers were lovely.. looking forward to next year already...:-)
30 Sep, 2010
Shame your home was air brushed out Sandra and you must have lots of disappointed tourists, lol.
3 Oct, 2010
i dont thik our slalite dish ect would havr gne down well with ribin hood..he he he
3 Oct, 2010
Ha ha Sandra, no, might have been a bit out of keeping.
3 Oct, 2010
Great blog, Sandra, the toms, as always, look soooo gooooood!!! Thought of you, too, LOL!, when we went to a medieval re-enactment. All the "soldiers" had acted the fighting scenes for Robin Hood, gladiator, and many other films.
Glad you had such a good summer, the cactus flkowers are gorgeous, as are your aeoniums. :-))
4 Oct, 2010
thanks David...
4 Oct, 2010
Hi Sandra, just catching up with my blogs, having been on a few little trips. Loved the blog, you have had a busy summer. High points for me were the aeoniums, the cacti flowers and that gorgeous bucket of herbs!
Still hoping to visit you one summer as I am spending a bit more time in Pembs these days, staying at Littlehaven.
I hope we all have a reasonable winter :)
21 Nov, 2010
thanks Rachelsmum..the bucket of herbs was planted by my daughter Lilly summer before last..it looks after itself and just keeps getting better....Little haven is a lovely spot..you will deffinately have to pop in next summer..;-)
22 Nov, 2010
Recent posts by sandra
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- January 9th Corseside
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- December at Corseside Pembrokeshire
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why there are lines through the first paragraph i have no idea.....sorry :-(
28 Sep, 2010