March of the mini Frogs n Passion, Pond Bits (& no brake pads)
Well the march of cute little mini frogs is upon us (surely a precursor to the 2012 apocalypse ; )
yes saw quite a few under my feet, hope they all make it to the pond and safety
Ok lets start the blog with a few feelgood pics of passion flowers over in the polycave ok?
This just by the door
And yes if I wear yellow you cant see me can you?
what god alone sees (and some small flies)
I was thinking of untangling it and have one or two branches going along the polytunnel it but to be honest I might have to wait !!
Ok and here’s what you came for, even the act of putting the watering can down, little fogger here makes a break for the water
and another!
Ok back to the passion flowers
just cant stop
and look even one of the flies has a pose
step back a bit mate
how you two getting on? come on make a break for it, while that stupid fella in the hat is busy taking numerous pics
yeah you
get out the picture ok
but just moving plants outside, how many are there now
ello, this tray is better, where do ya think your goin?
thats it keep your ed down
Ok you guys, how abut coming over the the front of mine and help out. Yes all four are in this picture, can you see them?
Ok Bjs, this is my nibbled leaf (but these are the other snails)
Look Sticki hes going along that stem like an algea eating ninja, lovin it munch munch
and in the rain, (dont look at the brake pad box thats fallen off…I said….)
quick shot of some more clem buds
Do like the way the Bill Mackenzie Clem fills in this gap
will add a couple more shots if you’re good ; )
22 Jun, 2012
Previous post: Olly n the Boys, Gnuts, Passions, Polycave, Arch, and everyone else this week
Next post: Birds, Animals & Benches
Aren't those little froggies great. The passion flowers are lovely too, they have really made themselves at home.
22 Jun, 2012
Loved it! Have to watch out cutting the grass with those little chappies around. Those passion flowers are wonderful.
22 Jun, 2012
Fun blog, Stevie. Great to see the baby frogs and the passion flowers looking so healthy, but ........ we can still see the brake pads, you know...... :o)
22 Jun, 2012
perhaps the frogs like the box to shelter in??
22 Jun, 2012
Soo cute ...The Froggies I mean ............and those passion flowers are something else ..have you tried counting the buds?????????? :o))
22 Jun, 2012
Can still see the watering cans too!!!!! Wonderful pics Stevie.
22 Jun, 2012
Great pics love the frogs..i can only see 3 in last pic :)
22 Jun, 2012
'...and we'll all stand together'! Great pictures. The pasion flower is amazing and can you send a few of those froglets my way to my 'pond'? Last Summer, I got a frog in the 'pond' that was even less of a 'pond' than this one - just an old tin dustbin lid, which I intended to plant up appropriately, but before I got chance OB mowed the grass and the'pond' filled up with grass clippings and turned all sludgy. Oh dear, thought I, will have to clean that out, only to discover that Froggy had already moved in. So then I had to leave well alone, having no wish to disturb him and send him packing. This year then, I bought a deeper trug-type thing, duly planted it up with aquatics and added marginals for shelter and a couple of stepping stones to facilitate entry and exit, oh and most importantly, a garden full of delicious slugs of every size, shape and hue and... nothing! No frogs, singular or plural. So, if they fancy a change of scene, even just a weekend break, they would be more than welcome.
22 Jun, 2012
Gorgeous passionflower Stevie! and those froggies are Sooooo cute!
22 Jun, 2012
Steve leave look like yours.
22 Jun, 2012
Those little froggies are amazing, great blog Stevie ;O)
22 Jun, 2012
Love this blog so much Stevie, How did you that? Flowers and buds are numerous , are you using some fertilizer? And the frogs , love them so much it gives me a luck!
23 Jun, 2012
Maybe you should change a name from Polycave to Passioncave, lol.
Wouldn't mind a frog or two in my garden. Got an idea - will stop tidying behind the pots next to the fence - and see what will happenes, lol
23 Jun, 2012
Love the hat!
And the frogs.
The snails....
and the passionflower aint bad too!
23 Jun, 2012
oops, forgot to click like!
23 Jun, 2012
Stickitoffeetastic comments folks, thanks : )
Lulu I forgot to add the reminder ; )
Junna, I did add my own compost in there when planting but aprt from that just water. The very mild start to the year and warm end to the year let them root in alot so good timing.
TB, well I guess nows the time of year to see if you can get some, if there a big pond around, all over round here so they will come over from the big pond and veg patch. They definately have kept the slugs down so far really well.
GM they are staying hehe!!
ND too many!!! and getting a new flower everyday (so you can imagine how many pics i'll be boring you with)
23 Jun, 2012
Brlliant love your blogs and your frogs ...and the passion flower:)
23 Jun, 2012
thanks Nana
24 Jun, 2012
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frogs and passionflowers ~ never thought of those together before!!!
love them both!!!
was it really sunny there stevie ~ sunny enough for a sun hat?
i cant belieeeeeeeeeeve how many buds and flowers are on that passionflower
really like those little froggies
22 Jun, 2012