New PEBBLE GARDEN ... with help from my friends ;o)
By terratoonie
The weather has been HOT, HOT, HOT !
We’ve been busy, designing our new pebble garden …
The robin was ready to join in …
… supervising from a cool place up in the conifer …
We split plants growing in other areas of our gardens
… and placed them between the new cobbles …
The robin flew down to check on our progress …
… and was helpful, finding worms among the stones …
Truffle was keen to assist with the watering …
… he brought along his bucket-with-a-hole …
From a high perch, the magpie chattered loudly …
… told Truffle to find a better container for water !!!
So Truffle found his little red can …
… just right for watering rockery plants …
Conker completed some of the design work …
… using his small shovel …
… but eventually, it was a task for the large tools …
… this was a big job requiring his heavy spade …
Time for a final cut of the lawn …
… with Conker’s John Deere mower …
… imported all the way from the USA …
The mower makes “real sounds” …
… and has “rotating grass clippings” ;o)
An extra sweep around the pebble garden …
… a final check of the erodium and cobbles …
… and we’re all finished !
We hope you enjoyed the sunshine too :o)
5 Oct, 2011
Previous post: ✿♣❀ Fungus, foliage and flowers ✿♣❀
Next post: All from ONE October day ... twelve months of plants ?
those boys certainly worked hard on your garden, wonderful blog, brilliant photo's.
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks Meadowland ... This area gets full sun all day, and the ground is very dry from thirsty roots of a huge Silver Birch tree the other side of the fence ... you can see how dry the lawn looks ..
... so I've used sedums etc. It is a work-in-progress, and I'll put in more plants as time goes on ...
Hi Tony ... I was lucky to have so many helpers ;o)
Thank you Yorks ... glad you like the pics :o) x
5 Oct, 2011
Great blog TT... You always take such lovely, crisp, clear photos... :0)
5 Oct, 2011
I love your new pebble bed TT. and of course your little helpers there, wonderful TT. Great blog as usual. :~)
5 Oct, 2011
Your blogs are so entertaining TT and with your little helpers, you should start a production company! The new pebble bed looks awesome!
5 Oct, 2011
Thank you Franny ...
Glad you like the pics...
I'm still learning with my camera ..
Hi Grandmage ...
Thanks ... I like pebbles, rocks etc... :o) x
5 Oct, 2011
What a team !
5 Oct, 2011
aww that's lovely Terra, good to see conker and truffles helping you... a great job done..
5 Oct, 2011
Well done Team Terra!!! It looks lovely - pat on the back all round me thinks :)
5 Oct, 2011
Thank you Driad, Surreylad and Scottish ...
I couldn't have designed this new pebble garden without my worthy team of helpers ;o) Lol.
5 Oct, 2011
just absolutely beautiful as always, lovely garden so neat and immaculate helpers...
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks Cazcat ... the weather has changed now !
5 Oct, 2011
Lovely pictures and what a great idea - a pebble garden.
5 Oct, 2011
Great design team you have there Terra, hope they were well rewarded for doing such a fantastic job;0)
5 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog, lovely garden TT, good job you had help from 'the boys' eh? lol
5 Oct, 2011
Thank you Caron, Pansypotter and Sheilar ..
Yes... there were Bonio rewards and bird food ...
... but who had which ??? ;o) Lol.
5 Oct, 2011
I`m sending my boys to you for lessons Terra, they haven`t perfected the art of helping out yet, except with the pruning as you already know.
Conker and Truffle make the perfect apprentices and always look happy doing their bits in the garden, they also stay very clean as well.
The planting is really going to stand out against that lovely pebble bed and it looks so neat and tidy, I guess it will also help retain some moisture, thats if we ever get any, my bottom lawn is dry like yours, saves cutting it though..
Lovely blog Terra and the photo`s are smashing...
5 Oct, 2011
Love those cobbles !!!!! Great work Terra - and that robin's sweet, They wait for us to dig for them for easy worms :)))) Sweet dog :))))))))))))))))
5 Oct, 2011
Thanks, Lincslass for such a lovely comment...
Seems like your boys could feature often in GoYpedia "pruning" ;o)
Yes, I'm hoping the pebbles will help retain the moisture ...
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Paul ... Thanks ..
Yes, I'm pleased with the cobbles ...
and the robin seems to approve also ..Lol.
5 Oct, 2011
well done to you all, fab job on the pebble garden, love it, i do like your lawn mower conker, very swish indeed, and well done truffle on trying so hard to get the right bucket lol, great blog and photos Terra :o)) x
5 Oct, 2011
always amazed at the help you receive from Conker and truffel,there must have been a lot of hard work training them when they were young.
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Sandra... Thank you ...
Glad you like the lawn mower...
... of course, coming from America, it is left hand drive. ;o)
Thanks Bjs ...
Conker teaches himself how to do things... Truffle is where all the hard work is needed !
5 Oct, 2011
lol Terra haha
5 Oct, 2011
I LOVE your new pebble bed with rocks, Terra! It looks great, and brilliant photos too. :)))
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Sheila ...
Thank you... The area has turned out even better than I had hoped... I shall add a few more plants next year ... :o)
5 Oct, 2011
I love that new pebble garden...but hey, those two dogs...they make me laugh sO much!! that lawnmower is the biz. I would pay money to see your neighbour's faces when you're doing these blogs TT!! BRILLIANT!!
5 Oct, 2011
Hi Karen .. glad you enjoyed this ...
Conker and Truffle had fun making the film footage :o)
5 Oct, 2011
Another hilarious blog Terra. Are Conker and Truffle demanding equity rates? They are stars.
5 Oct, 2011
great blog!!!!!!!!!!
5 Oct, 2011
Terratoonie, what a lovely blog, i really enjoyed it,i hope
your little helper's got lot's of treat's for all their hard work. ollie send's his love to them too. Thank's for makeing me laugh,smurf xxx.
5 Oct, 2011
Gorgeous blog, TT, it's a lovely addition to your garden, just perfect! I love those cobbles! Good idea to put them somewhere that doesn't get so wet either, they should stay lovely and bright...and clean!! Terra, just how do you get Conker to smile? It's just remarkable the expression he has on his adorable face! Or are he and Truffle just the happiest wee pair of pups in the world?....!
5 Oct, 2011
What a great blog Terra and what a good team of helpers you have. I love to see pebbles round a garden,its so clean looking.
6 Oct, 2011
Oh! I did enjoy this Blog, you and your dogies have done a good job there with the pebble garden, gets the old grey matter going in my brain for my next make over LOL
Keep up the good work :o)) and give your lovely doggies a pat on the head for me, Good Doggies xx
6 Oct, 2011
Thanks Rose and Ladyessex ...
I've wanted cobbles and pebbles for many years, and I'm glad I've finally got them in place ! I shall enjoy adding little plants here and there over time ...
It is still a work in progress, so a good thing I have my team of eager helpers ;o) xxx
6 Oct, 2011
Thank you, Bilbo, Frybo, Pixi, Smurf, Ollie and Libet ...
Both of my dogs know when the camera is out and they start "posing" Lol. Conker is especially good at smiling for the camera ...;o)
6 Oct, 2011
You can always rely on your boys to help you out TT and what a super job they made of it ,it looks very nice , well done boys :o))
6 Oct, 2011
Thanks Amy :o)
6 Oct, 2011
I really love your pebble garden it looks really good and you are sooo lucky to have all that help!
6 Oct, 2011
Hi Nana d ...
Thanks so much ... it would have been difficult to do all that work without my helpers ;o)
6 Oct, 2011
Truffles and Conker with a little help from you of course have done a wonderful design job. Lots of shape and texture and once the plants get going some colour too.
All in all a really good job.
6 Oct, 2011
Absolutely love that, TT. Great blog as usual and you have the cutest, cleverest helpers; seem to have got a lot more done than some workmen we've had to do things over the years. I bet they weren't stopping every ten minutes asking, 'Is that the kettle I can hear going on love?' either! That little green bucket was one of a set that my kids had when they were little - remember those from happy bathtimes.
6 Oct, 2011
Hi Stroller ...
Glad you like the design.. I'll add small plants now and then .. I mostly make up the layout as I go along ... no specific plan ...
Thanks Tuesdaybear ...
We did stop for tea and drinks quite often ... it was very hot ... that's my excuse .. Lol...
I buy most of my dogs' equipment, such as the little bucket, from charity shops ...
...the mower was an exception, because only from the USA could I find one of the right height for Conker .... he loves it :o)
6 Oct, 2011
What a lovely blog TT :o)
I'm glad you had plenty of help from two very good gardeners. Nice to see the robbin too :o)
Your gardens are a pleasure to see ....
6 Oct, 2011
Thank you Hywel ...
I was very lucky to have such enthusiastic helpers ..
... they were obviously eating the right energy foods ...
.. when I was getting exhausted lifting the cobbles, I was tempted to eat a few Bonios myself ;o)
6 Oct, 2011
LOL :o)) I think I could have done with a few of those myself today aswell !
6 Oct, 2011
Hi Terratoonie, Just wonderful you are so lucky to have so much help , and the helpers . well what can i say. Brilliant :))))
6 Oct, 2011
What a wonderful blog, Terra, and haven't your lads done you proud? Great photos that made me smile from start to finish my
7 Oct, 2011
Great blog Terra, really made me laugh, what a team! The pebble garden is rather lovely too :-)
7 Oct, 2011
Thanks Sue and Flori ...
Maybe my dogs now have more garden tools than I do .. Lol... xxx
Thanks Troddles ...
.... glad you like the cobbles and pebbles ;o)
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Terra, wonderful blog. I just love the shape of that border, and what a great idea, but then you have got a great advantage with your gorgeous team and what a pair of lookers they are. Smashing photos as well.
Thank you...
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Breda .. Thanks ..
We're pleased you like this blog ...
... my team worked very hard :o)
7 Oct, 2011
Thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog Tt, your garden always looks lovely anyway, and your pebble garden adds to it. Truffles and Conker seem to be enjoying themselves too. What a lovely bit of weather we have had, but we are now getting the chilly strong winds, and with the temperature dropping so much and so quickly we feel it even more don't we? Hope your'e preparing all your quizzes ready for our winter homework!!!!!
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Lin ... thanks...
Yes.. the hot weather was lovely .... but gone away now ...
We've continued to work outside in a mix of sunshine, showers and strong cold winds... There are still a few more plants to put in ...
November seems a good month to start thinking about quizzes and puzzles ... unless we have another heatwave ;o) Lol...
7 Oct, 2011
Lovely Blog again TT...The border looks very good indeed and a nice selection of plants you have used. I have shown the pictures of Truffle and Conker to Bruce in the futile hope that they will inspire him....
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Pimpernel... Thanks...
I've used some sedums from other parts of the garden, and also some thyme ...I love the scent of the foliage ...
May I suggest that over the winter, you just give Bruce a quick bit of training, and, come the springtime, he will be planting, pruning, and placing pebbles perfectly in all of your borders :o) LOL..
7 Oct, 2011
Another great blog TT.... your pebbles look nice. Love conker mowing the lawn... will have to get Kayleigh to do that to lol.....
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Holly...Thanks.
Maybe you could buy a very teeny tiny mower from the USA... especially for Kayleigh .. ;o) Lol..
7 Oct, 2011
TT...Bruce is 15 in human years, he has seen it all and endured every attempt at training. Sit! used to happen, now he stands and waits. Heel, means I am not walking fast enough. Fetch is that french ?
7 Oct, 2011
TT...I have not been on in a long was so good to see how lovely Conker and Truffle are looking..and your pebble garden is delightful...I have just gotten back to Wales..a week ago...Have been traveling a bit. Lots to do here!
7 Oct, 2011
Lol. Pimpernel ...
<hugs> for handsome Bruce :o)
7 Oct, 2011
Hi Catfinch... :o)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks ..
... so lovely to hear from you ...
Conker and Truffle and Crocus all send <hugs> xxx
7 Oct, 2011
Just caught up with this and I saw Bilbo's 'hard dogs night' and thought of the other one which is not only apt for 'the boys' but Goy too....' I'll get by with a little help from my friends.....'
hits the spot doesn't it xxx
8 Oct, 2011
Thanks Pam... yes, I had that title in mind .. but I took out the "little" because the friends helped me a lot... Lol.. xxx
8 Oct, 2011
Another lovely blog super pics as usual, great to see the boys looking so good, what a great team you have there TT.
8 Oct, 2011
Hi Dotty..
Many thanks from me, and from the team. ;o)
8 Oct, 2011
Love you pebble border TT and how lucky you are to have such happy helpers in your garden lol my two are very good at trampling the borders especially when the little dash that comes next door is visiting maybe I should copy you and do a pebble border.
8 Oct, 2011
Hi Maggy....
Thanks from myself ...
.. and from my happy helpers :o)
... pleased you like the pebble border ..
yes, perhaps it would work well in your garden too ...
9 Oct, 2011
Great blog as always, and love the pepple erea, as for the boys they really did well xx
9 Oct, 2011
Hi Clarice.. Thanks.
Our gardens wouldn't be the same, would they, without the little garden birds, and your cats, my dogs ..Lol... xxx
9 Oct, 2011
They sure would'nt, yesterday i put all my gnomes etc to bed for winter, the garden looks quite empty without them, can't imagine my garden without cats being in it, Tilly is like a dog getting, she follows me all the time i'm in the
9 Oct, 2011
Yes, it is that time of year ... on Thursday I cleaned and wrapped my garden ornaments ready for the winter...
Sending a special "woof" for Tilly from Conker.
Lol... xxx
9 Oct, 2011
Thanks conker Tilly still can't meow dont think she ever will as her voice box never developed, just have to keep an extra eye on her as she can't tell me when she wonts anything, bless her she knows where the treats are, like Jack he will go and sit at the cupboard and meow, if i dont notice Tilly sitting there she will keep coming to me and then runs to the cupboard door, plus the other week i lost her for ages and i kept shouting her then after about 5-6hrs after remembered i'd been in shed and went to open door and there she was stood there with mouth opening and no sound coming out, best bit was i'd been near the shed shouting her quite a few times :)
9 Oct, 2011
Oh, good that you found Tilly ... bless her ..
Maybe Jack will learn to show you where Tilly is ...
... If Conker had been there, I would have said "find Tilly" and he would have gone over and sniffed at the shed door...
Glad you remembered about your having been in the shed earlier ... Happy ending to the story :o)
9 Oct, 2011
Great blog TT, good fun was had by all, glad you are keeping the boys busy. I do like a pebble garden they are very attractive.
9 Oct, 2011
Thanks Bob...
... the pebble garden turned out better than expected ..
... but I guess that is due to my happy helpers :o)
9 Oct, 2011
I do like this new addition to your garden, Terra ... the sweeping curve of the new pebble bed is gorgeous ... as are your 'boys' ... such happy faces in the photos ... love the serious expression on Conker's face where he's using the broom .. lol! :o)))
12 Oct, 2011
Thank you, Shirley ...
I'm pleased with the curved border edge... it fits in better with the rest of the garden...
Conker loves sweeping ... indoors, he holds that long broom and goes round and round my lounge... in fact he does more housework than I do ;o)))
12 Oct, 2011
LOL, Terra! ... :o)))
12 Oct, 2011
Thanks Homebird ...
I'm pleased with the curved shape of the border, and I was lucky to have so many helpers ;o)))
19 Oct, 2011
I love all the hard work your four legged friends do for you TT. That erodium is very pretty and I will look forward to seeing this develop and the sedums in flower. Putting it under a birch tree adds to the vision of it being a dried up river bed being replanted by Mother Nature.
27 Oct, 2011
Thanks Scotsgran ...
That area is very much the sunniest, driest part of my garden, and, yes, good idea to think of it as a dried up river bed producing new growth ... :o)
27 Oct, 2011
Another fantastic funny blog.Certainately cheered our day up.I also noticed Conker and Truffle were doing all the work again as you took the pictures lol.Well done on the pebbled area it is looking really really good.:)))))
6 Nov, 2011
Mark do you remember the dog who could say 'sausages' on Esher Rantzens programme on TV. They did not find one who could say "say cheese" so that will be why they don't operate the camera lol.
6 Nov, 2011
Yes i do remember it very well.Nice one quality answer there Scotsgran lolol.:))))
6 Nov, 2011
Thank you Mark and family ...
Pleased you like the Pebble Garden ...
and, yes, as usual, Conker and Truffle doing all the work ;o)
6 Nov, 2011
Just read your lovely story... What helpful companions you have. Pepper just lays around most of the time - certainly has never helped with the garden. No, wait, she does like to decorate the lawn on occasions, if u know what I mean.....
8 Nov, 2011
Hi Panny ... Thanks.
Conker, especially, is always trying to help... fetching, cleaning, vacuuming, mowing... Lol.
8 Nov, 2011
Only joined yesterday, love your pebble garden.
Your garden helpers are amazing, i think i need help like yours.
What wonderful companions.
9 Nov, 2011
Hi Sheila .. Thanks ...
Welcome to GoY ...
I'm very lucky with my garden helpers ..
Gardening without them would be difficult for me ...
9 Nov, 2011
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Nice to see the "family" helping out. Looks good TT. A good days work
5 Oct, 2011