All from ONE October day ... twelve months of plants ?
By terratoonie
Photos from my gardens on just one October day
Berries on Pyracantha Saphyr Cadange …
I guess it’s November …
… but a robin in a Christmas tree ? …
Could it be December ?
ah … Skimmia Magic Marlot …
… maybe we’re in January …
Clematis cirrhosa Wisley Cream …
In flower … definitely February …
Time for a paddle in the warmth of the day ..
The sparrows tweet, but they are puzzled :
“We splash our feathers all year round ~
so don’t ask us which month this is !" …
“But must we ALWAYS bathe near a peeping Gromit ?”
Winter jasmine blooming with flowering Ceanothus …
… now that is confusing …
Primroses … hey … maybe it’s March ?
Primulas with hardy geraniums … April ?
Syringa meyeri palibin … Lilac blossom … Maytime ?
Hot days and butterflies basking in the sunshine …
… are we in summer already ?
Pretty petals on Pittosporum tobira variegata …
… a sure sign of June …
Flowers on Phlox subulata Amazing Grace …
…. very amazing… July perhaps ?
The traditional song says ‘Frog Went A-Courting’ …
… but this Kermit is confused …
…which month to ‘A-Wooing Go’ ?
Rose Ballerina … mid-summer it seems …
Pretty Hebe flowers and Rose Heartbeat .. August ?
Sedum spectabile …
September ? … Summer’s over ?
Long shadows of late afternoon …
Stunning skies of pink and turquoise …
Seems it could be October after all …
Autumn is almost here …
18 Oct, 2011
Previous post: New PEBBLE GARDEN ... with help from my friends ;o)
Next post: TWEETING again :o)))
Hi Franny...
thank you ... such a lovely comment :o)
18 Oct, 2011
wonderful photo's, and a brilliant blog yet again Terra
18 Oct, 2011
lovely photos, so clear and what a lot of colours still in the garden.
18 Oct, 2011
Like Franny when i see you have done a blog there wil be brill photos, loved it.
18 Oct, 2011
o wow Terra. well spotted. Plants are reallly very confused this year... Here in Wales we had nice temperatures just last week- felt like summer - today I am digging out my winter clothes, lol.
lovely blog and photos:)
thanks for sharing:)
18 Oct, 2011
Your blog's are alway's great lovely flower's, photo's and of course Conker and Truffle :-)
18 Oct, 2011
I'm thoroughly confused Terra just like the garden, I had a few days away on the south coast and I'm convinced its high summer with BBQ's on the beach, people in the sea dress code is shorts and flipflops-- and Icecreams of course the shope can't decide if its Halloween/bonfire night/Diwali/or christmas.......
lovely blog --at least I'm not the only one who's addled -- must be the 'silly season!'
18 Oct, 2011
I have to agree TT...I also have primulas, winter flowering JJasmine, Roses and Sedum....although no sign of a flower yet on my Clematis Cirrhosa....lovely blog, I thoroughly enjoy your blogs and always look forward to seeing Conker and Truffle at the end!
18 Oct, 2011
A top blog - really clever how it was put - and was funny looking at how it all looked different months on the same day - cracking pics, love the robin and the frog and of course those lovely sunset clouds - great blog
18 Oct, 2011
Isn't it strange TT? Roses seem to be doing well everywhere, brambles that should be long spent have blossom, green, red, black and withered fruit all at once.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Yorks, Sticki, Clarice, Kasy, Mavis, Pam, Karen and Paul ...
It seems all across the UK the seasons have got mixed up...Lol.. "Tis the season to be confused"... ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
Hi Pimpernel ..
It's been a great year for roses, and yes, they are still doing well, aren't they... not knowing whether to bloom or to shut down for winter ...
18 Oct, 2011
Again TT excellent as usual
18 Oct, 2011
Thank you Oldcrock :o)
18 Oct, 2011
Wonderful blog TT. just love your photos, that lovely robin and that amazing sky. Your garden is looking great for 'October' !!!
18 Oct, 2011
Hi Grandmage ...
this "October" the skies have been beautiful ..
... robin and garden also say "thanks" ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
:~) xxx tweet.
18 Oct, 2011
It has been such very strange weather this year, Terra ... no wonder the plants are so confused! ... I have seen a Robin feeding from the Sunflower hearts today ... not seen that before ... also lots of Starlings flocking in the sky ... I love the pic of the Sparrows paddling ... :o)
18 Oct, 2011
Hi Shirley... Thanks..
... the sparrows often come down to the bird bath, a dozen at a time ... Gromit keeps a check on all the birdie visitors for me ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
very nice blog Terra, lovely photo's too..
18 Oct, 2011
lovely blog and photos Terra, my phlox has a flower to and had primroses most of summer, very strange indeed, i dont think plants, wildlife or us humans know where we are with seasons, nice to see the flowers though :o))
18 Oct, 2011
Thank you Surreylad and Sandra ...
I wonder if the primroses will know to flower again next springtime ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
I really enjoyed this Terra,but it is so strange to see all these different plants doing what they are not supposed to do in October.You've also answered my question about the clematis Wisley Cream, so hopefully mine may flower next spring.Lovely pics. and a lovely blog.
18 Oct, 2011
interesting Terra, we will see, hope so :o)
18 Oct, 2011
Great blog....goes without saying of course! Most of us have oddities going on in the garden it seems. Smashing pics.
Nice to see Conker and Truffles relaxing in the garden for a change :))
18 Oct, 2011
Smashing blog Terra and your photo`s are really good, love the one of the robin and of course the two special boys in the last one.
I agree with everyone your blogs are always a pleasure to see, you must put a lot of work into them, so many thanks from me as well.......
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Scottish and Lincslass..
Conker and Truffle were happy to relax in the evening sunshine ...
yes... quite a lot of work making this blog, but it was fun :o)
18 Oct, 2011
TT, you`re not just a `Lady of letters` but of beautiful pictures too. Enjoyed the blog.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Stroller for such a thoughtful comment. xxx
18 Oct, 2011
12 months all in one day :o) That's wonderful TT ...
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Hywel... time flies... Lol.. ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
Great blog and lovely usual,Terra..I think we all feel the same ..we know it's going to be something special..:o)
18 Oct, 2011
Thank you Bloomer ...
a very kind comment... :o)
18 Oct, 2011
Beautiful blog Tt...I loved it!!..:>)
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Moti :o)
18 Oct, 2011
Blimy!!!! what a mixture.......but lovely with it!!....xx
18 Oct, 2011
Hi Alice... thank you ...
...variety is the spice of life.. Lol... xxx
18 Oct, 2011
Oh my goodness, can't read all those comments!
Your pups always stand out to me!
Pimpernels comment strikes me, brambles having blossom and red and black and fruiting all at the same time......
This season is confusing, lets prey that mother nature isn't as confused as she looks!
18 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog, lovely photos Terra. I think all the plants in the gardens are mixed up, not sure what time of year it really is. My neighbour has a crocus flowering!! - what is going on here?
18 Oct, 2011
You beat me to it Sheilar......I've been looking for a crocus.
18 Oct, 2011
Hello Lulu... yes... puzzling !
Hi Sheila... Thanks ..
Your neighbour's crocus flowering already ..
...that's amazing...
...get ready with the Easter Eggs. ;o)
18 Oct, 2011
As usual TT you never fail to deliver, smashing photos, unusual content (if you know what I mean) not sure how all these plants are going to cope with a sudden spell of winter though!! always look forward to your blogs.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Dotty...
glad you enjoy the blogs ...
Any advice for poor Kermit ?
... doesn't know when to go a-wooing ...;o)
18 Oct, 2011
Beautiful blog - gone straight into faves.
18 Oct, 2011
Great blog TT, our gardens are very confused these days. What a wonderful mixture of delights for you to enjoy.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Frybo...
Glad is on your faves :o)
Thanks, Bob...
I hope these out-of-season flowerings won't mean the plants forget to bloom next year at the "correct" times.....
18 Oct, 2011
I've noticed my holly has berries--and flowers!
19 Oct, 2011
Another lovely blog TT , same here I noticed cowslip yesterday too and flowers and berries!!!! on my cornus which look quite pretty with the yellowing leaves :-)
19 Oct, 2011
Thank you Homebird ...
definitely a mix-up of the seasons ! :o)
Hi Pam...
I must check my hollies for buds .. and flowers !
Thanks Simbad ...
Sounds like your garden is confused but very pretty ;o)
19 Oct, 2011
I love your photo's Terratoonie. I know what you mean about the garden being confused. I have primula's and aubretias in flower on my front garden, whilst all my acers have put on a firework display of colours in my back garden. The birds started courting again a couple of weeks ago in the Indian Summer, I hope they learn a valuable lesson.
19 Oct, 2011
Hi Vf1 ..
... thanks .. you're right about the birds ... in the tree past the end of my garden, I'm sure the collared doves are nesting again... !
19 Oct, 2011
Wonderful pictures and quite amazing to see the range of flowers and shrubs you have in flower, not alot in my garden now been a very poor summer weather wise very little sun but lots of rain. There has been lots of bird activity in the garden and I think my Doves are nesting again too, only three coming for food at the moment, hpe the young hatch before the winter sets in;0(
19 Oct, 2011
Hi Pansypotter .. Thanks ..
Yes, let's hope the doves can raise their young successfully...You've had more rain than many other parts of the UK....
19 Oct, 2011
Really lovely blog. Great range of flowers in your SO pretty garden and fab. photos...
19 Oct, 2011
Thank you Breda ...
Amazing so many shrubs are flowering in October... I hope they don't forget to bloom again next spring and summer !
19 Oct, 2011
fantastic blog and photos TT, as always!
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks Aleyna :o)))
20 Oct, 2011
Great blog & pics Tt, you are so right about the plants/flowers ..i still have flowers on tomato plants for goodness all the colour you still have in the garden..:o))
20 Oct, 2011
Hi Joanella... Thanks..
Looks like you'll have a winter crop of tomatoes ;o)
20 Oct, 2011
YW.they are going on the compost at weekend..too late for them now..i am still trying ripen some in the
20 Oct, 2011
What a delightful blog, Tt. I enjoyed it, though I'm a little concerned about 'mixed up' plants, as well. I have had a double Hellebore in flower for the last month, and my Ceanothus looks like yours. I love that Pittosporum, by the way - I'll have to make a note of its name....:-))
20 Oct, 2011
Thanks Sh ...
Yes... hellebores and ceanothus are two of many which are confused this year !
21 Oct, 2011
Oh, and I've got a Aubrieta in flower as well! How are yours doing?
21 Oct, 2011
Aubrieta has a few flowers ... it is saving itself till springtime ;o)
22 Oct, 2011
lovely pics and blog TT.... its strange how the plants are all flowering again isnt it.....
22 Oct, 2011
Hello Holly ...
Thanks... yes amazing to see so many plants flowering at unusual times of year ..
22 Oct, 2011
the ground is so hard too, we were given a bare root morello cherry and it took a pick axe to break up the soil--been here 25 years and don't ever remember it so very hard!
22 Oct, 2011
Hi Pam... yes.
I've just been digging and I noticed how dry the soil is ... compacted in places ... !
22 Oct, 2011
soil here han't ever been good 4"topsoil then solid yellow clay-- except for the shrubbery which was put on top of the old manure heap-- long story but the previous owners had a double stable in the middle of the lawn--why?- no Idea!but the concrete slab has now been a patio for many years backed to the north side by a very lush shrubbery-- the lawn is really part of the field with the old ridge & furrow, always green and makes for interesting games of croquet....
22 Oct, 2011
... your garden would be ideal for Time Team ...
... in 2111 ;o)
22 Oct, 2011
22 Oct, 2011
Thanks Raquel :o)
22 Oct, 2011
probably Terra! I did find some pottery and childrens toys buried in the muck heap!-- maybe we should plant a time capsule....x love to the gorgeous boys xx
23 Oct, 2011
Hello Terra, you certainly put some hard work into preparing your blog but what a result, well worth you effort.
We all have a favourite and your little Robin was a sure knock-out. Should use as a template for your Christmas cards.
Please may I ask the model of your camera.
25 Oct, 2011
Don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said! but thanks for posting this blog, and those lovely photos
26 Oct, 2011
Hi Tommy... thanks.. I'll send you private message..
Thanks Fran ... lovely comment :o)
26 Oct, 2011
Hi Terra, lovely Blog, enjoyed the read, confused plants, confused growers too...lovely show...Thanks for sharing...
1 Nov, 2011
Hi Sue ..
Glad you enjoyed the read... Thanks ..
yes... confusion all around ! ;o)
1 Nov, 2011
Hi TT ,what a beautiful selection of photos.You are making me so jealous especially how you can get fantastic snaps of the butterflies and the birds.Im lucky if i get one decent picture lol.By the time i get my camera the butterflies have already gone and the birds then
6 Nov, 2011
Hi Mark.. Thank you...
This autumn, I've been lucky with photos, especially when the robin was posing for my camera... Lol..
... and the butterflies enjoy basking in the new Pebble Garden :o)
6 Nov, 2011
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Beautiful photos as always Terra... I always know there will be when I see you've posted a blog... :)
18 Oct, 2011