HATS for HYWEL ;o)
By terratoonie
Recently, Hywel explained how the police had
stopped him in town, and asked lots of questions …
… they said his clothing was similar to that worn by thieves, as seen on CCTV, near Boots the Chemist !!!
So, here are some hat fashion styles …
… to help Hywel stand out from the crowd … ;o)
Deep blue is a bold statement …
Ideal for the well-dressed Welshman …
Pure white is demure …
For gentlefolk who are genial and guilt-free …
Pink wool tassels are flashy …
Not the first choice for criminals …
The ‘Wedgwood look’ is popular this winter …
Delicate and sculptured …
The sporty chap might prefer a cute cap …
Ideal for a game of golf or tennis …
Red for danger …
You won’t be interrogated wearing this !
Or a red bow …
Gives you the INNOCENT look ;o)
A huge woolly bobble sends the correct message …
The amber edging indicates you are ready to GO …
And NOT ready to answer so many QUESTIONS !!!
In fact, too much of a GRILLING is BORING …
so … YAWN and show your TEETH !!!
But, if all else fails,
Try wearing the white lace …
SMILE and LAUGH at them …
Ho Ho Ho … :o)))
P.S. If, over the winter, any GoYers have time to make colourful or ridiculous hats for inclusion in my dogs’ hat collection, they would be very welcome, please. Thanks :o)
… and Bloomer is partly to blame for this blog !
… she encouraged me, when I should have been working ! … but making this was more fun … Lol …
3 Dec, 2011
Previous post: NOBODY KNOWS ... the Truffles I've seen ...
Next post: Hidden delights of DECEMBER
I absolutly Adore Conkers smile-- it would brighten any day!
and the blue one with the amber trim well it gives Truffle such a rakish look half over on eye-- the scary teeth are funny!
wonderful Terra!
3 Dec, 2011
Just brilliant TT. you have the perfect models there, Hywel will love this! I started knitting a baby blanket last December and it is still not finished, so you wont get much knitted by me I'm afraid Lol , but hope others will for you. x
3 Dec, 2011
I've all sorts of bits of wool from various project Terra-- is there a special size or colour ? have you looked at some of the american doggy knitting pattern sites? well I don't know where to start as you can imagine!!
3 Dec, 2011
I'm liking the pink one TT, keeping the head warm and the neck, brilliant I must get Sylvia to knit me one I can see me in it now. LOL.
3 Dec, 2011
Fabulous array of hats and I love the pair of Super Models, like the Blue and Gold hat Shown by the jaunty Truffle and Im bowled over by Conkers smile in the White lace ;0))
3 Dec, 2011
Thanks Paul, Pam, Grandmage, Bob, Carole ...
My dogs just love wearing the hats ...
... Truffle says he won't lend Bob the pink hat.
Hi Pam I'll send you a p.m. tomorrow re. hats .. wonderful ... :o) x
3 Dec, 2011
That was brilliant TT :o))
And thanks to Bloomer for giving you a nudge :o)
I think I like the first one. It looks warm and comfy.
But to have a distinctive one, I think it should be the blue and amber - nobody would have another one like that, and if I showed my fangs like Truffle, I think I'd scare everyone away lol
Beryl thinks I should have the bright red one - She said it would suit me :D
Thanks for thinking of a way to keep me safe from Mr Plod lol, and I'm pleased you enjoyed making the blog :o) xxx
It's gone on my favs X
3 Dec, 2011
Oh how could I forget to thank Conker and Truffle for modelling the hats for me :o))) X
3 Dec, 2011
Hello Hywel ..
Pleased the blog has gone to your favs.
Glad you and Beryl like the blog.
I think you'd look good in any of the hats ..Lol. x
3 Dec, 2011
Crocus tried to model some hats ...
... he ended up with a feather in his cap ;o)
3 Dec, 2011
Brilliantly funny blog, Terra! .. Truffle looks so fed up modelling the red for danger hat ... and those teeth ... scary! ... love the final photo ... :o)
3 Dec, 2011
What a fantastic blog....you had my five year old in stiches!!! Your dog's and hat's are sooo cute. I'm sure you've put a smile on a lot of people's faces including mine....thanks.
3 Dec, 2011
lol thank you TT :o)
And thanks to Crocus for trying :D
3 Dec, 2011
Hi Shirley ... Thank you ...
Truffle was actually enjoying the hats, and didn't like waiting when Conker had a turn. With those big white teeth, it's good thing Truffle is good natured ! Lol. It's amazing that Conker knows how to smile. :o)
3 Dec, 2011
Thanks, Alex ...
Glad your 5 year old enjoyed the blog. :o)
3 Dec, 2011
lovely pics of the boys Terra modelling the cute hats, such fun :o))) x
3 Dec, 2011
Hello Sandra ... Thanks.
My dogs love dressing up.. :o))) x
3 Dec, 2011
I can't decide ig Truffle looks funnier in the first photo.....or the red hat..... this blogs funnier every time I look..on my faves too xxx
3 Dec, 2011
Thanks Pam ..
Glad it is on your favs. :o) x
The pic I think funny is the hat with the huge 'NOT GUILTY' bobble and the wiggly ties under Truffle's chin... Lol.
3 Dec, 2011
i can see they enjoy it Terra as ones that dont will just fight to get hats etc off, they are true showmen or show doggies i should say haha :o) x
3 Dec, 2011
Lol. :o) x
3 Dec, 2011
that's great Terra, what a lovely load of hats they have... very suave they look and happy to :-)
3 Dec, 2011
I told you everyone would like it,Terra..we need to laugh a lot..you have done a brilliant job..I love them all..but Truffle in the blue and amber,and Conker in white,does it for me :o) I cracked up laughing ! Your captions are brilliant ! What a choice you have,Hywel...Lol...Sorry I dropped you in it,Terra..but OH hates it when I say" I've been thinking", so thought I would pass my thoughts on to you :o))))..It's called 'copping out ' Lol.
3 Dec, 2011
Thanks Surreylad ...
My dogs thoroughly enjoyed the photo shoot :o)
Hi Bloomer...
... Glad you like it .. somehow your thought of one photo turned into a whole blog. Lol..
3 Dec, 2011
A really fabulous blog, many thanks, it made me laugh, the captions are great and your dogs are just beautiful just brilliant. They look great in their hats, such good dogs.
3 Dec, 2011
Hi Cazcat ... Pleased you like it ...
My doggies send woofs and thank you :o)
3 Dec, 2011
Terra you made my day, that is the funniest set of photo`s, your boys are treasures the way they let you dress them up for all these lovely photo shoots.
Truffles scary one is really funny, my fav for him has to be the red one, he looks really handsome and very seasonal in that one. HOWEVER on his behalf I feel I must protest at you putting PINK on such a lively lad, hows a fella going to feel when meeting up with ones mates? LOL...
Conker wearing her red with the bow also looking good for this month ,love the Wedgewood look but my fav has to be the smiling and laughing one..
Smashing blog Terra and in my favs...
3 Dec, 2011
Hi Terratoonie,WOOOOOO!! what wonderful pis's I love the red one with a bow ,you are sooooooo lucky to have sutch wonderful Doggies :))))
3 Dec, 2011
Hi Sue ... Thanks ..
Must admit I was pleased I got that one of Conker with the red bow .. :o)))
3 Dec, 2011
lol you're nuts haha 4TH LAST ONE PRETTY SCARY!...brilliant!
3 Dec, 2011
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Love every hat and your models are just perfect!!! lol Going straight onto my favourites!
3 Dec, 2011
What a brilliant blog Terratoonie, Truffle modeling the blue and amber hat had me in stiches (what big teeth you have), added to my favourite's :-)))
3 Dec, 2011
Well, Ive not been on top o the world of late with a sore tum...now Ive got another sore tum...from laughing!!
Thank you Truffle and thank you Conker for cheering up a bad week...just the right medicine xxx
Terra, you havent missed your vocation, wardrobe mistress and photographer to two such great stars..what more could you ask??
3 Dec, 2011
Brilliant as usual TT made me laugh, such obliging models you have there.
Hope you're feeling better Tetrarch, didn't think I'd seen you on for a while.
3 Dec, 2011
Conker in the red and white bonnet does it for me - it looks absolutely right! Truffle's red one is a close second.
3 Dec, 2011
Thank you Pixi, Sheila, Mavis, Tetrarch, Simbad and Steragram ...
For yawning and smiling, my dogs have lots of very clean, white teeth ... Which is good .. it means their breath is sweet and pure. :o)
Conker and Truffle had great fun posing for the pictures ...
Most of the hats came from charity shops.
I'm pleased this blog is the right medicine ... xxx
4 Dec, 2011
Hats off to you for a brilliant blog, TT, and some fantastic photos. Couldn't fail to raise a smile - Millie wouldn't wear anything like that - I bought her a coat for the wet weather and she walks along looking behind her as if she is being followed!!
4 Dec, 2011
Lol. Gee ... Thanks ...
Maybe as Millie gets older she'll appreciate the coat you bought.
My challenge, when taking the photos of my dogs, is not the well-behaved dog who is enjoying being photographed ...
..... but the fact there is always another dog, somewhere behind the camera, waiting eagerly to have HIS turn with HIS hat in the spotlight ! Lol.
4 Dec, 2011
Absolutely brill loved the blog photos and the models who where modeling the outfits, xx
4 Dec, 2011
Hi Clarice...
Thank you... glad you like the photos ..
The models say thanks also. :o))) xxx
4 Dec, 2011
My english setter Katy had long silky hair but no undercoat, from about 7 years she had athritic problems and going out in the wet was difficult as she got so cold, I bought what was like a small pony coat , she'd stand waiting to put her head in and secured then off she'd go running & rolling in the rain & mud-- she died at nearly 14 so it certainly wasn't a problem for her,once she broke her cruciate ligament and after going theraputic swimming she'd wear her towelling coat I made ( do you think we spoiled her....:o)
4 Dec, 2011
14 years old is a good age for a Setter ... so, yes ...
you looked after Katy very well indeed ... pony coats, towelling coats et al... ;o)
Lucky doggie to have such a caring owner. x
4 Dec, 2011
My daughter has a greyhound and as the breed has very little fur, he has to wear a coat when it's cold. He has no problem with wearing it, in fact he looks a 'real cool dude! lol:-)
4 Dec, 2011
Yes ...
Greyhounds and Whippets do feel the cold !
After Conker had his chemotherapy, the following winter, all his body hair had fallen out. My house is not heated at night, so he slept wearing TWO woollen coats, one on top of the other... Lol...
4 Dec, 2011
Well , I just don't know which one is the best, but they obviously enjoyed modelling them. Absolutely brilliant Terra, and its going on as my favourite too.As long as they don't start modelling skirts next! lol.
4 Dec, 2011
Hi Rose ...
Thanks. We had great fun with the hats and photos...
I'm pleased you've put this on your favs... :o)
No ... they won't model skirts... Lol...
4 Dec, 2011
Well TT I think Hywel would look a treat in the white demure number - he would never be a suspect ever again - come on now, criminals just don't wear white lace ...
5 Dec, 2011
Hi Terry60 ..
Conker certainly thought the lace hat was funny...
he was smiling and laughing the whole time ...
5 Dec, 2011
Better behaved than some of the models Ive seen this year, and they love to pose for you. Like Ambers yawn.
Such a cheery blog, thank you.
5 Dec, 2011
Hello Geordielad ...
Thanks. My dogs very much enjoyed posing for the photos.
They love joining in with my days, indoors and outdoors !
5 Dec, 2011
Conker and Truffle have pulled it out of the bag again, they never cease to amaze me......brilliant TT.
5 Dec, 2011
This is such a cute blog, TT, please, could you give the pups a wee scratch behind the ears for me! Oh, and a pat on the back for you,TT, laughter is the best medicine! Lol!
6 Dec, 2011
Thanks Dotty and Libet ..
Conker and Truffle are pleased you like the latest millinery fashions ..
They send hugs ... ;o)
6 Dec, 2011
Fantastic blog Terra. Thanks for entertaining us. Gone straight to favourites!
6 Dec, 2011
Thank Poppylover ...
We had great fun taking the photos :o) x
6 Dec, 2011
I'm speechless!
6 Dec, 2011
Lol. Chris ... :o)))
6 Dec, 2011
Excellent blog. Love the Big bobble hat
Not very good at knitting but will think of something to include. One to favourites to cheer us up :O)))))
6 Dec, 2011
Hi N3tyy ... Thanks ..
Glad you like this ... Yes, the big bobble hat is one of my favourites too ! :o)))
6 Dec, 2011
Couldn't sleep so switched on my lap top and was instantly cheered by these soooooooo cute pix and I sent them to my little great grand children. I know they will love them. Fantastic and aren't your dogs so obliging, or should I say well trained. Ta lots for the giggles....
7 Dec, 2011
Hi Breda...
Glad this blog cheered you in the middle of the night, and gave you some giggles ...
Did your great grandchildren like the photos ?
7 Dec, 2011
It looks like Conker enjoyed modelling more than truffle or maybe it was just the choice of hats? Love the last pic....what a smile!! xxxx
7 Dec, 2011
Hi Annella ... Thanks.
That's Conker's best smile pic. so far I reckon.
In the "teeth" pic, Truffle was merely yawning... :o).
Both dogs love to be photographed ...
What they do NOT like is being the one out of the picture..Lol.
7 Dec, 2011
Poor Truffle looks like he was playing the villain ;O)))) and Conker of course is an angel!
7 Dec, 2011
You've summed it up perfectly, Annella ..
Truffle is by far the naughtiest dog I've ever owned ..
and Conker goodie four shoes ..
7 Dec, 2011
I think thats why 'terriers are often called terrors.....:0)))'
Many years ago I had a West Highland with a definite mind of her own....xx
7 Dec, 2011
Lol Pam... Truffle is a. k. a. Trouble ;o) xxx
7 Dec, 2011
Great models Terra. Love the photos.
I've seen dogs in little coats
and seen them wearing booties
but different hats I've never seen
until now, Terratoonies.
9 Dec, 2011
Hi Linda...
Thanks ...
My dogs absolutely love dressing up .... coats, hats, etc.
We had lots of fun with the photos ... :o)
9 Dec, 2011
Wonderful, wonderful blog Tt....Thank you ...:>)
9 Dec, 2011
Hi Moti...
Thanks... :o)))
9 Dec, 2011
thankyou for brightening up my day,lol
10 Dec, 2011
Hi Christine .. Thank you ...
We're pleased to make you smile...Lol. :o)
10 Dec, 2011
It's a laugh a minute with your wonderful blogs of your dogs all dressed up!
On occasions my wife tried to dress up our dogs but generally they didn't particularly like it! I think I may still have a few photos of them on my PC, I ought to look for them.
The photo of Truffle with those ENORMOUS teeth was very scary! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful pair of dogs that love dressing up & posing for their photos to be taken.
11 Dec, 2011
Hi Balcony..
Thank you.
I hope you can find your dog pics. on your computer.
As always, the challenge for me is not the happy dog enjoying dressing up and being photographed, but the one "behind the camera" waiting for his turn in the limelight ! :o)
11 Dec, 2011
Just as well you only have two then! Imagine what it might be like if you had 5 like we used to have!
13 Dec, 2011
Love the Pics and the dogs--wonder which of you enjoyed it most..them or you !!!
15 Dec, 2011
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haha T.T love the hats - such a cutie dog :)))))))))))))))))))))
3 Dec, 2011