Woodland Garden
I thought I would share my garden I am working on in my woods. First there is getting there.
This was taken from behind my house looking up to where my woods are located. The little dip in the tree line is it, and you can see part of the road just below it. So I set off, up the road which starts just to the right of my house.
It is as steep as it looks, but finally I reach the top, turn around and see this:
In the front, I have a problem with ivy and ferns:
Some of the ivy vines have gotten almost 2" across growing up trees and the ferns came from my neighbors land. Trying to remove them is almost impossible.
But then I go inside and my Bilbergia nutens are growing there. I have several that are getting ready to open:
Recently I had uploaded a photo of the first one to open, and now it has come fully open:
But this isn’t the only bromeliad I have there. Last year at this time a Portea had opened with its striking flower spike, and lasted about 6 months!
Since they only flower once, after it faded I took 7 pups and another large one that hadn’t flowered yet up to the woods and planted them there.
Hopefully next year this one will bloom.
Another invasive plant here that does well in a woodland setting is Hedychium or Ginger Lily. This time of year the seeds are ripening and getting ready to continue spreading:
Those seeds will germinate in spring with no help from me. They will fall among Crocosmia which have started growing in the sunnier parts.
I am working on the very front area and hope to have daffs and Scilla in bloom during the spring as well as belladonnas in the fall. I moved them up in the fall, just before the belladonnas started flowering and they are all foliage right now.
It is a easier walk back to the house, but the incline stretches those leg muscles. As I get close to the end, off to my left is this:
My woods is not only a garden, but I get my wood to heat my house all winter, so tomorrow I will go back up the hill with my backpack to see how things are growing and to bring down some wood.
7 Jan, 2012
Previous post: Daylily 'Red Volunteer'
Next post: A different way to start Daylily seeds
What a fascinating blog, thank you wylie, its lovely and amazing to see these plants growing in their natural environment.
7 Jan, 2012
Willie, saying "my wood" sounds proudly :) I wonder, what is your plan if you want to plant so many flowers in the wood? Will it be arboretum? By the way, I like very much those stone hedges and buildings, look very intersting and reminds me those I saw on Tenerife, referring to former inhabitants. What origin do have those stone buildings on the bottom pictures? 19th century?
7 Jan, 2012
I think this is something very special - enjoy
7 Jan, 2012
Just lovely . Keep up the good work .
7 Jan, 2012
gorgeous area and beautiful plants.
7 Jan, 2012
Looking very green there, great stuff
7 Jan, 2012
I'm glad everyone enjoyed my blog.
Katarina: The stone buildings are for rain water, but I'm not sure how old. A lady in her 90's remembers them as a child. Just like my chimney is in the traditional style of Terceira (each island has a different shaped chimney).
I like to think of this as the ultimate shade challenge :)
7 Jan, 2012
Great blog...scenery spectacular...plants beautiful...your own wood...wylie is very lucky :))))
Good luck with your challange :)
7 Jan, 2012
What a stunning place to live Wylie, I wouldn't mind that ginger lily being invasive in my garden, gorgeous,now we need to see where you grow all your hundreds on daylily seedlings :-))
7 Jan, 2012
Wylie, it can be perfect resting place in the hot day. There is shade and water and the building for sure will not fall when strong wind will strike:) Very wise.
8 Jan, 2012
By the way, is it that chimney on the top?
8 Jan, 2012
Simbad: I'll take some pictures later this year. I am expanding some of the beds and pruning some acacias which are supposed to be wind blocks, but have become sun blocks. And the grass needs mowing, but it won't dry out enough until we get a strong wind just before it rains.
Katarina: The first picture shows my chimney. In the last one, it is designed to catch the water on top and it drains into the upper square hole, and then taken out through the bottom one. The trees on the right sit in a dry creek bed that roars with water when it rains, and carries the water down to the ocean, over a 30 meter cliff (the Azores aren't known for their beaches).
8 Jan, 2012
I know, Azores are thought to be remnants of Atlantis after large volcano eruption. As each island of volcanic origin it must have cliffs and rocky beaches.
8 Jan, 2012
I'll look forward to it Wylie :-))
8 Jan, 2012
Absolutely fascinating blog, Wylie. It looks a beautiful place to live (apart from the wind!), and I love the stone walls lining the road. We can only grow Bilbergia nutens as a houseplant in the UK, so it's amazing to see it growing in the wild. I wonder if you are the only GoYer living in the Azores??
19 Feb, 2012
As far as I know, Marleenjongen is the closest GoYer, and she is on the continent, in the Algarve. I have a clivia out front that is going to be moved up there as soon as it finishes blooming. It has been growing in a pot under a Vitex shrub for several years, so I know it does well outside.
20 Feb, 2012
My friend who gave me the Clivia said it had bloomed many times, and just leave it alone. That is why I am a bit curious. they are so beautiful when blooming...Hers was outside on the porch in a semi-shaded area.
I thought your blog was terrific. The view photos are so clear. We loved Portugal, but you say you live on an island? Where is that and what is the name please. We took a trip for about two weeks driving about 50 years ago. I cannot believe it was so long ago, but it was so much fun. And the food and wine, absolutely delicious.
5 Mar, 2015
I am on the island of Terceira in the central group of the Azores. There is an Air Force base here, although I was stationed here in the early 80's with the Navy.
Clivias like to be root bound, but when it breaks the pot apart, it will have to be repotted. Try YouTube for advice. They have several videos on Dividing Clivia.
6 Mar, 2015
Beautiful view you have on your way to your woods Wylie!
13 Jan, 2016
I am on the north west side of Terceira, so there aren't a lot of people out here and lots of open views.
14 Jan, 2016
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Hi Wylie, I just wanted to say what a lovely blog this is. Your wood looks great!!! :o)))
7 Jan, 2012