Late Autumn garden
By Janey
I really enjoyed Hywel’s blog of his November garden, there is so much still in flower this year, some of my plants have been flowering for nearly 6 months, especially the campanulas. Here’s a little look at what’s going on in my garden right now…:o)
Planters with Cyclamen and Carex
Campanula latifolia still busy.
Yellow Polyanthus and Erysimum
Winter Jasmine
Euonymus, these really seem to shine bright in the winter months.
Corydalis lutea
Rudbeckias and Marigolds
Blue Larkspurs
Campanula persicifolia and deep red Dahlias
Choisya ternata, pink Valerian and red Sedum
Kniphofias and orange Dahlias
Euphorbias and yellow Calendulas
Pyracantha berries ( not pinched by the Blackbirds?)
Blue Violas
French Lavender dentata
Hebe Wiri cloud
Pink Cyclamen and Artemisia
And overseeing every photo taken… very own Lionking….Ted…:o))
6 Nov, 2010
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Certainly Wow. Such a lot flowering still. Lovely Ted.
6 Nov, 2010
Ted is the star here beautiful colour still in your garden :-)
6 Nov, 2010
He really looks sweet there, Janey :-)))
6 Nov, 2010
Thanks girlies...:o)) He is very sweet natured and knows he's my special boy....he sat there for ages having his photo taken....:o)
6 Nov, 2010
really beautiful, you have an amazing garden ~ can hardly believe its in england!
the photos are fantastic ~ thank you ~ inspirational
6 Nov, 2010've got so much colour and bloom still...and your handsome Ted overseeing it all....he looks rather stern in the you ever wonder what he's thinking? He's a very good looking cat...thanks for sharing your garden with us.
6 Nov, 2010
teds amazing , overseeing every thing lol you def got plenty going on still . mine stuf allmost over apart from rudbekias they still budding even after haveing frost a couple of days . very nice!!
6 Nov, 2010
If Ted's so clever, how about he takes a pic of you for us to see, I'm sure you could smile more. OK I'm just jealous, it must be so nice to just hop onto the roof like that. By the way, you didn't tell us you've moved to the Canaries, my flowers are just a memory now.
6 Nov, 2010
Such a lot of colour for early November ... do you have to restrict the pink Valerian ? I understand it's a bit rampant ... I shall get some if it isn't! Ted looks like the garden inspector ! : o )
6 Nov, 2010
So much colour you must have a very sheltered garden Janey, it makes the winter appear to be shorter when you can carry this amount of colour over.
Ted is just like our old ginger George, we had several
ginger cats such characters......
6 Nov, 2010
~all my beautiful dahlias got frosted so will have to be lifted but your garden looks lovely still!
6 Nov, 2010
The`re all such beautiful plants Janey, Im quite envious of the amount of colour you have still got.
We have had a lovely sunny day today, so I have been giving the fencing a lick of paint, couldn`t quite believe we are into November and yet a couple of weeks ago we had frosts. No accounting for our weather is there.
6 Nov, 2010
lovely to see so much still in flower.... what a lovely cat Ted is...
6 Nov, 2010
Fantastic Janey, is your garden completely walled in?, you`ve a grand selection, lovely Ted, makes me think of the head gardener overseeing all..........
6 Nov, 2010
lucky you janey so much colour left, love your autumn planters to, i havent any this year, my fault just havent made time and not alot of anything in my garden at moment so will just enjoy yours and teddy looks soooo cute as usual :o)))
6 Nov, 2010
Gorgeous lot of colour left in your garden, Janey, and Ted is gorgeous too :)
6 Nov, 2010
Thanks very much everyone for all the lovely comments....:o)
Stickie and Whist, the temps haven't been too low yet up here, strangely things seem to be frozen in time, not dying or growing, just still........Ted is a real softie, though his expression does look like a frown, more than likely hes thinking" Ther's Mum again with her camera, why she bothers when she can turn round and see me here, I just can't fathom!" Lol!
The Rudbeckias go on and on don't they Cristina....I've sown some of this years seeds ready....:o)
Ha Heron.....that's because I'm walled in! Arrgh let me out!!
That piece of the pink one Shirley was from Mum's garden and seems to be slower growing than the red, which has self-set all over....I love it though and so do the wildlife....I'll pm you.
Gingers have always been my faves Dd, though Pops is just as lovely. We've never had such a big cat before, Lottie looks a little dot by him!
Sorry to hear that Arlene. it's such a shame when suddenly they're black, another week or so and I'll have to lift these.
Thanks Stroller.....another lovely day here too....but very cold tonight, so will have to see how things look in the morning...:o(
Thanks Holly and San....he's been sleeping through all the bangers and fireworks do worry about your pets when it this time of year don't you....
Yes part a 6ft fence, but the rest walled....sometimes it would be good to have a distant view, but then we all would like a change now and again....two climates though, hot and sunny and shady and damp.
Thanks Gee, how's Millie coped with the fireworks?
6 Nov, 2010
We had a village display this evening, Janey, but I only heard one or two 'bangs' - Millie didn't react at all. There was none yesterday evening - I'm just hoping they're not being saved up until tomorrow!
6 Nov, 2010
That's a lovely colourful blog and is it just my observation or do most gardeners have a cat?
6 Nov, 2010
Love the pics, love the blog, love the cat Janey! Also love your avatar..Autumn treasure..ahhh a walled garden! Peaches anyone? Im sat here at 3am listening to a load of people up the road still having a Nov 5th party! Fireworks have been replaced by music. Woke me up and now cant get back to sleep. Grrrrrr!
7 Nov, 2010
I think maybe we do Drc, they have a calming influence don't they....especially when you've spent ages clearing a part for planting and you find someones already planted something there first....grrrr!!
Thank a lot Tetrarch.....oh I know that feeling well, wide awake in the small hours, poor you, hope you managed a couple of hours later....I am typing this quietly....:o))
7 Nov, 2010
I'm pleased you enjoyed my blog Janey, and I enjoyed yours :o) There's so much still to be seen in all our gardens eventhough winter is on the way. It's as if the plants want to cling on to the summer just like we do.
7 Nov, 2010
Lovely blog Jane, and great really are a class act ;0 x
7 Nov, 2010
Lovely your blog is looking very good for time of year.
7 Nov, 2010
Thanks Hywel, well they took ages to flower this year, so giving us an extra few weeks.....:o)
Thanks Blue and Carol....another fabulous day of sun today....apparently this is the end of it, so no doubt will have a winter garden next week....:o(((
7 Nov, 2010
M...I could have kept you company in the wee small hours. I was up and couldn't sleep to bed finally around 4.30am...can't blame neighbours though; things had quietened down by that time.
I was going through old blogs and photos to keep myself occupied....sure glad there are so many interesting GOYers and lovely gardens to view.
Yes, Janet...I believe the forecast is for a change from our milder days...winter is coming.
7 Nov, 2010
Hi there Ted you look very proud of your gardern! You have so many lovely plants still flowering. I love the picture of the Rudebecia and Marigolds and the Bluelarkspur, I m afraid there isnt a lot still flowering in my garden think its the Northern weather and the sharp frost we had two weeks ago;0(
7 Nov, 2010
just lovely Janey & Ted is beautiful...
8 Nov, 2010
Thanks Carol and Elsie...not such a summery garden today though...pots rolling everywhere....Lottie chasing them and enjoying the wet mud....:o((
9 Nov, 2010
Homes flooded ... cars stuck in flood water ... what a dreadful night & morning down here across Sussex & Hampshire! No damage to our home or garden thank goodness.
9 Nov, 2010
Ooh poor you Shirley...glad to hear all well at yours though...take care. X
9 Nov, 2010
Oh how awful, Shirley. I've not had any news on yet today so hadn't heard about all the problems from floods.
Thankfully nothing that bad has hit the NW and today is a brilliantly sunny day with a chilly wind....but so welcome after yesterday's downpours.
Relieved to read that you have suffered no damage yourselves in your garden or home, Shirley.
9 Nov, 2010
Chief Fire Officer said the road culverts are blocked with fallen leaves, hence the rain just has nowhere to go after a while! Subsided now, but dark clouds coming over from the East yet again. : o ((((((
9 Nov, 2010
Great to see so much summer colour still in November! In the gardens here there are still lots of summer flowers. Dahlias will go on for a few more weeks unless we get a strong frost in the meanwhile.
The Dahlias on the allotment & the frost tender plants have all been killed off almost a month ago. Just goes to show how some places are veritable frost pockets.
9 Nov, 2010
your garden looks terrific for this time of the year, like your cat too
9 Nov, 2010
Still looking colourful, Janey. Most gardens are a bit dull this time of the year, not your's though!
9 Nov, 2010
I can't believe you still have your dahlias Janey, doesn't look like autumn has hit you yet. It's all looking so lovely, almost summery...well...except for Ted, couldn't you get him to smile? Did little Lottie chase him up there?:-))
10 Nov, 2010
Lovely photos, Janey - I still have quite a lot in flower, too. Half my dahlias went black - the others are fine, though. Very odd!
You have a real 'eye' for a photo! :-)))
10 Nov, 2010
Thanks everyone....:o))
Balcony and Islander, much more wintry now, pots rolling around, fuchsia flowers in puddles of water.....still it was good while it lasted!
Tog and surprised Ive just noticed more Daylily buds coming! Hasn't anyone told them winter's on its way??....:o)
We've been lucky so far Barbara, Dahlias still there though, going to look after my Hebes this year and get them covered in a few weeks.
Thanks for the lovely comment...:o))
10 Nov, 2010
Nice pics and lots of stuff still going. Your winter jasmine is far earlier than mine. I feel we are paused waiting for the real winter to strike!!!! make the most of it.
12 Nov, 2010
Lovely pics Janey. I really like the pink Valerian and will try to get some if it's not as rampant as my red one (self seeds all over the gravel in the front garden but flowers forever so I can live with weeding them out) :-))
12 Nov, 2010
It does seem to be earlier this year Chris...and today very windy, but not cold. Just been in the garden and my Wisley cream Clematis has lots of bells...will post a pic. Wouldn't it be great if the winter passed like this, but we know it won't...especially where you are!
Thanks Annella...there are plenty of seedlings if you'd like some.
12 Nov, 2010
nice colour for late autumn.not much left in mine now.
13 Nov, 2010
Ooh yes please Janey :-))))
15 Nov, 2010
Hello Janey, can I have one please too ?(one of Annellas lol) Oh there you are Annella, didn't see you there, can't remember if I'm talking to you again..have you any idea? :-))
15 Nov, 2010
Thanks Keithbob, after the rain and winds of these last few days.....things are looking decidedly wintry...:o((
Right, shall post a few tomorrow Annella, then you can get them in before the big frosts come.....or pop them into pots...:o))
Lol Ba....send me your address then.....have you two been having words on Floris blog???....:o)))
15 Nov, 2010
I can'y remember if we have or not Janey just not taking any chances lol:-)) I'll pm you thanks:-)
16 Nov, 2010
Thanks Janey, and Ba you are very welcome to some of mine too if you want the red ones.....+ I don't care what they say Ba cos I love you babe..Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xx
16 Nov, 2010
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Wow ... lots flowering well ... and Ted looking lovely :o)
6 Nov, 2010