Captain's Blog (7) "I've Struck Gold!"
By david
I have such exciting news I want to share with you. I have just got myself the best “second job” I could wish for, and it is totally gardening!
Last week, someone I work with said that they were despairing of the garden. So many neglected corners, not enough time to keep up with the main areas. Typically, someone who likes to have a nice garden to show and entertain in, but not enough interest to put any effort into it. We talked, I thought, half-jokingly, and before I knew it, had agreed to go along today and discuss.
Set the alarm clock and woke to torrential rain – bad start, methought! But ’phoned and said I was coming along anyway, as planned.The house is a Victorian lodge on a private estate, surrounded by fields and meadows, and with its own “burn” i.e. river/stream.
There is even a chicken farm at the beginning of the “rollercoaster” mile-long track to the house, if I decide I ever need some such manure. I felt a bit “seasick”, and was worried about my car, at first, as i drove along this track, but it was well worth it.
At first, we trudged around the various garden areas, and exchanged ideas. i also met the garden visitors – Mr & Mrs Pheasant, Maggie Magpie, Henry Heron, Seamus the Squirrel, and the nameles duck family. Then, I met the lovely statues – Amazin’ Grace, Mutt ‘n’ Jeff, et al!
First project will be to create, from a neglected"dell" area, a walk to “nowhere”, planted with hostas and ferns. This afternoon, I cleared this area of rubble and 3 building sand bags filled with broken slate, which I used elsewhere. I have free reign, and have agreed upon another, subtle, oriental area under a wonderful wisteria, I have free reign on a stream embankmet walk, plus many more!
By Noon, the sun was out and the steam was rising from the steamer chairs on the big lawn. We celebrated our new partnership with sliced strawberries in glasses of champagne (defo not my idea) Had to do some real work after this to clear me head, lol! Managed to get rid of the slate as topdressing in various other beds which had been given a meagre dressing a year ago, and retrieved a great many apple tree trunks and branches to be able to erect a natural trellis-work to screen off the one view of the main garden from passing walkers, Vines, clematis, etc. given to" M’lady" as shoppping list for Monday)..
Am also going to get me a full-sized allotment, and they will get me a greenhouse, in exchange for some of the produce, if I teach them some cooking!!!! Had to talk them out of chainsawing the elder trees, lol! Their adjoining field, where my allotment will be, was formerly a polo field, where the Queen and her father played a few times( does this give me a right to fab veg, lol?)
Also, James and Eilidh very welcome to come aloing, they have a playground, and a rowing dinghy for the stream……………………
“Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile – don’t forget to scream!!!!!!!!!!!
Aharr! Sorry, I took me camera, but no chances for pics, yet! I’ll be there on Monday morn, though, so hoping to show you some of it, soon! :-))
6 May, 2010
More blog posts by david
Previous post: Captain's Blog (6) "Pirate Story"
Next post: Captain's Blog (8) "A Safe Haven"
Its great what you have fallen upon David and pleased the children can go too, I use to take my children to work with me to work every day.
6 May, 2010
Fabulous job.... do they know how lucky they are to acquire such a gardener as yourself? Congratulations to you looking forward to seeing the pictures. Is this full time or part time for you? sounds jolly exciting...enjoy :o)
6 May, 2010
Good Luck ! It sounds exciting.
7 May, 2010
Well done, David, it sounds an amazing project and I look forward to seeing it progress. I think the owners have struck gold too :)
7 May, 2010
Wonderful "Second job" ... to be surrounded by fields and meadows sounds perfect ...allotment/own garden/work ... will you have a free hour for GoY ... lol
7 May, 2010
Wow, what luck you have David !
If this was me though, no-one would ever see me .... i'd be in my new 'playground' all the time ;-))
7 May, 2010
oh sounds hust perfect... Good luck
7 May, 2010
thats fab and i hope they pay you handsomly for all your hard work wth peices of gold lol gud luk carnt wait to c the pics.
7 May, 2010
Sounds good, so good luck.
7 May, 2010
Sounds absolute heaven.
Can't wait to see some pics :O)
7 May, 2010
Oh err does that mean you have to doff your hat whenever you go onto the veggie patch!! Good luck to you it does sound as if you've landed on your feet there!!
7 May, 2010
well sounds a great place....
7 May, 2010
Cogratulations on landing such a brilliant job,and to have free "reign" over your ex polo field for your allotment,is great.Lovely that your children can explore too,they will really enjoy that......
7 May, 2010
A second job?????/.....are you going to have time for the first one!!!......what a marvellous opportunity and a free reign as well......lucky devil.....I wish you all the best of luck with it and am awaiting lots of pics...:-)....Well done David .
7 May, 2010
you are very lucky ,you really have struck gold,look forward to see your photo's .
7 May, 2010
Many Thanks for the good wishes with my new project. Can't give up the day job, lol! I can just go along there whenever I wish, no set days, hours, etc., which makes it even better. Shall be back there on Monday, and will try to get some pics. :-))
8 May, 2010
Great news! It was so inspiring as you will see by the following little ditty!
A safe haven.
The Pirate's hanging up his hat
He's going to have a rest -
From sailing seas and plundering
And fighting foes with zest!
His cutlass he has packed away,
Likewise his black eye patch.
Gone are his boots and 'golden chains'.
He's bolted down the hatch.
What a new life has opened up!
Fresh air and sun and soil.
And views to gladden any heart
While resting from his toil.
And as he leans on trusty spade
Or fork or even hoe-
He'll gaze around upon the scene
And watch the garden grow!
Assisted by his erstwhile crew
Much good things will be done.
That will be very much admired
By each and every one.
Elderflower wine he now will sip
'stead of knocking back the grog.
His future tales of 'Derring-do'
He'll write up in his blog.
So we shall share his pleasure
And hope he has success.
To him and to his lovely crew -
We wish great joy - God Bless!
10 May, 2010
Wow, Lyn!!! I am totally overwhelmed by these absolutely wonderful verses. You are so clever!! Am going to make a copy and frame this, for sure. Just came home from my first full day in the "other garden", with pics. Will write a blog, with your poem as the basis.
Only one wee thing - won't really be hanging up me cutlass, boots, hat et al, but you knew that anyways! God Bless you, and Roy, too!!
10 May, 2010
lucky you ! fantastic poem!
10 May, 2010
Sounds an excellent job - enjoy yourself.
11 May, 2010
What a wonderful job for you to get David, it won't seem like work, will it? No doubt you'll keep us posted on the progress you make there?
11 May, 2010
What a wonderful opportunity to be allowed to play with someone else's garden.
I'll have to watch this space for new ideas.
Have fun!
11 May, 2010
Great news David! Looking forward to lots of pics!! Hope the Queen doesn't turn up hoping for a game of polo only to find rows of cabbages in her way lol
12 May, 2010
David thats `s certainly an opportunity not to be missed, I wish you all the best with it, also sounds a perfect place for your children......
12 May, 2010
A lovely opportunity has come your way and from what little I know of you through your blogs it couldn`t have been offered to a nicer person. Good luck.
12 May, 2010
It sounds wonderful, a perfect second job. :o)
12 May, 2010
How nice to hear something so positive. Have lots of creative fun
13 May, 2010
Well done david
Sound like a really fabulous job
I cant wait to see your picture:)
You are going to be so tired evey night lol
13 May, 2010
That's fantastic news, David - I'm delighted for you. Sorry I'm so late seeing this, but I have now. A little bird whipered the news in my ear at Malvern, to tell you the truth! :-)))))))
13 May, 2010
Many Thanks, again, for the kind comments and good wishes. Something else for my "spare time". Have begun this project now, and will keep you posted. :-)) A GOY bird, Spritz?? :-D)
13 May, 2010
Naturally! LOL.
13 May, 2010
I've only just found this, David...
What a wonderful opportunity for you, and for James and Eilidh !
The owners of the land are very lucky to have you, with your knowledge and enthusiasm...
Good luck with the project... any new developments ?
15 May, 2010
See next blog, Tt. :0)
Have had one full day there, and will be back on Thursday this week. Have erected a rustic trellis from discarded apple branches, up which to grow fast-growing Clematis montana to screen off the one view of the garden from walkers in the lane outside. Am creating a dell walk to "nowwhere", to be planted mainly with hostas and ferns. Mainly, however, getting to grips with celandine and ground elder, which have almost overtaken the borders. :-((
Aha, Spritz! I read elsewhere about your Malvern day out, so know who the birdie is, lol! :-))
16 May, 2010
I know there was a time, a while back, when good news wasn't plentiful and the view of the way ahead seemed a little murky... but isn't it a wonderful truth that time can change many things for the better ..all we have to do is wait! "It is said that all the good things will come to him, who can pretend he doesn't have to wait!" So I'm so pleased to add my congrats to all the many comments before me. (I have to admit to some serious envy too!.) What fun you are going to have...will watch your blogs to keep up on your progress... Tallyho!
19 May, 2010
Recent posts by david
- A Haven for Birds
27 Nov, 2011
- All Decked Out at The Haven
23 Oct, 2011
- Spring Colour at The Haven
7 May, 2011
- "Pondlife" at The Haven
2 Apr, 2011
- Snowdrops at the "Haven"
13 Mar, 2011
- "Local Heroes" 2.2 Plants Associated with Masson
12 Jan, 2011
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now that is what I call 'striking gold' you jammie devil. lets hope you spliced the mainbrace and dont go 'tapping the admiral' or you will be rolling drunk :o)
nice one David, my kind of job.
6 May, 2010