The Teddy Bear's Ears
By hywel
Once upon a time there was a cold frame …
…. and in the cold frame lived lots of cacti.
One day, one of the cacti, called Echinocereus rigidissimus rubispinus, developed two bumps on his head …. and everyone said he looked like a Teddy Bear with furry ears ….
All the other cacti laughed at him …. they said he looked funny with furry Teddy Bear’s ears :D
Echinocereus rubispinus felt very sad and upset because he was being made fun of, ….
especially when, one dewey morning, his ears started to grow bigger :o(((((
He was the laughing stock of all the other cacti in the cold frame :o(
Then one summer day, something wonderful happened ….
the Teddy Bear ears started to open ….
First one opened ….
And then the other one opened ….
Until they formed the two most beautiful pink flowers you ever did see …
After that, the other cacti never laughed at Echinocereus rubispinus again :)
And they all lived happilly ever after, together in the cold frame :D
26 Aug, 2012
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it is lovely Hywel - I remember saying they looked like ears - it is a lovely proud cactus :)))
26 Aug, 2012
Aww a lovely little story, Im saving it on my favourites,you never know one day I may tell this little story to my Great Grand children and show them the lovely pictures ;0))
26 Aug, 2012
oh what a lovely blog
26 Aug, 2012
Enchanting story, who would not love ER.
26 Aug, 2012
Stunning, such wonderfully coloured and as I said before fragile flowers. Real nice post. LT
26 Aug, 2012
Didn't those ears turn into something really stunning ... beautiful flowers, Hywel ... lovely blog ... :o)
26 Aug, 2012
Brilliant Hywel, I did enjoy that story, so glad your Cacti are all being nice to each other!! Lol.
26 Aug, 2012
Well you can give Hans Christian Andersen a run for his money with that little tale. And how they laughed, those other cacti - shocking photos of them all falling about like that. Bet they're laughing on the other side of their faces now tho' - a thing which used to be threatened by adults in the long-ago of my childhood days - and not a little bit jealous, eh? Who's got beautiful carmine ears (flowers) then, ER? YOU have. Hooray!
26 Aug, 2012
Excellent blog Hywel :>) Beautiful flowers
26 Aug, 2012
that's lovely Hywel, great blog..
26 Aug, 2012
Loooooooooooove this blog Hywel :o) I remember commenting on him in an earlier blog and so pleased he stopped the other cacti in their tracks by growing such beautiful flowers :o)
26 Aug, 2012
Sweet blog Hywel, and that pretty cactus deserves the spotlight!:)
26 Aug, 2012
Forgot to say; gone in favourites and nominated for Goypedia.
26 Aug, 2012
This is a great blog Hywel, you certainly have a way with words, the cactus is lovely and now will always be known as little Teddy...
26 Aug, 2012
Oh, I just loved that little tale - what a delightful blog Hywel :)
26 Aug, 2012
My allotment neighbour annoyed me yesterday. Said a man we both knew had been laughed at for 38 years in the workplace as he has sinus trouble. The other men called him 'Sniffy' behind his back. I really exploded -
which is unusual for me. Must have been thoughts of Hywel and all he suffered from morons like that. I said this man was an excellent walks leader, and had been well respected in the local Rambling Club for over 30 years by mostly professional people. It was wicked to bully him because of this sinus trouble. Couldnt stop being cross, finally told this man these other men were a load of 'B' stream factory hands from the Council Estate which shook him rigid. He was so proud of his work at the factory. Bullies can always be challenged and hurt, the way they hurt others.
I feel better now I have told you.
27 Aug, 2012
Lovely story, Hywel!
27 Aug, 2012
Ahhhhh I love stories with happy endings.........
What a delight Hywel, so beautiful!
27 Aug, 2012
Thanks for all your comments. I'm pleased everyone enjoyed my little story :o)
Thank you Tuesdaybear ...
Lincslass - I always thought I was hopeless with words Sue .... so thanks for the comment. It gives me confidence :o)
Diane I have had enough of bullies. I don't tolerate them any more - not even on this site .
27 Aug, 2012
Brilliant blog Hywel ! at first glance I thought OH had knitted you a cover for your cacti lol :)
27 Aug, 2012
i Love your blog, it's just like the Ugly Duckling ...only better lol. Such beautiful flowers, all the more so when you compare the size of the flowers to the size of the cactus. Do you know Hywel, I have never really been able to see the attraction of cacti before, but your lovely pictures gave me an inkling of the thrill of cacti collecting ....suddenly I get it thank you:-))
27 Aug, 2012
What a lovely fairy tale, but all real aswell, so pleased it ended so happy, loved this blog.
27 Aug, 2012
The flowers to me epitomised the good people who form the backbone of our Country.
27 Aug, 2012
Lovely blog Hywel :-))
27 Aug, 2012
great blog! beautiful flowers!
27 Aug, 2012
Looking at the photos of your cacti reminded me of my dad.
He sadly passed away 2 years ago.
He had an entire greenhouse of them built up over the years by him and myself.
I used to travel around the country for work and used to pick up different or rare ones for him.
When they bloomed it was a truly amazing sight, all the different colours and shapes which seem to go on from late sprimg to early autumn.
Sadly my mum couldnt keep up with there care and i could only manage to take a few back to my home and the collection was broken up.
Well thanks again for the loverly photos, its nice to see them in bloom.
27 Aug, 2012
What an amazing display. Let's hope Ted doesn't let it go to his head, he's going to be very sad to see his ears lose their decoration :-D
27 Aug, 2012
Well let that be a lesson to those rude cacti - they will think twice before laughing at anyone again!
28 Aug, 2012
Have just seen your lovely blog Hywel. A real beauty. Do they all flower? I have one in the lean-to greenhouse which has been there for a number of years and is partly covered in white netting but its never flowered.
28 Aug, 2012
Thanks for all your kind and interesting comments about my little story lol.
Linmar some flower every year given the right conditions. Others are only able to flower in their natural environment. It depends on the species.
28 Aug, 2012
Sniff! Sniff! That was a lovely story, I will show it to my Grandaughter Mia, as I know she would love to read it.
xx Jackie xx
28 Aug, 2012
Thanks Jackie. I hope Mia will enjoy the story :o)
29 Aug, 2012
the story of life and growth, lovely and very witty and what beautiful flowers, i will never look at at cactus the same again, do they all flower like that and do you have to keep them in a cold frame??
29 Aug, 2012
See Hywel, you're getting us all into cacti now!
Bonsai jon, sorry to hear about your Dad and sad that his collection got broken up. Maybe you could extend yours one day but in the meantime Hywel has plenty for us all to enjoy.
29 Aug, 2012
Andrea Thank you ... They don't all flower in our climate. It depends on the species.
I keep them in cold frames during the summer. I haven't got room for a greenhouse. I bring them into the conservatory for winter :o)
lol Tusedaybear :o)
29 Aug, 2012
Oh you did make me laugh! i got sick of my one and only cactus,coulden't bring myself to throw it out,so I put him outside! The little blighter is still with me!
30 Aug, 2012
Oh good ... Now you can bring it back inside and give it some TLC - poor thing :o))
I'm glad to have given yo a laugh :D
30 Aug, 2012
They're gorgeous Hywel , very jealous of your collection . I don't have much knowledge of their names . Love their structure
12 Jan, 2023
Thanks Paul. I studied botany in school and college and I've been collecting cacti since 1965 when I was a teenager.
12 Jan, 2023
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Lovely Hywel, what beautiful flowers they are.
26 Aug, 2012