Late Summer Garden 2013
By hywel
I haven’t done much in the garden this month, so it’s getting a bit out of hand now … but here are a few photos taken during August ….
Anemone japonica :-
Apples on one of my trees :-
Clematis Venosa Violacea :-
Dianthus :-
Francoa :-
A lovely blue Hibiscus
brought from my dad’s garden (he only liked blue flowers) :-
Colourful Gazania :-
Hypericum berries :-
Indigofera tinctoria :-
Lantana :-
Lythrum :-
Mentha arvensis :-
Pelargoniums :-
Sorry about the wall. It’s holding up my coldframe, to save me bending….
I’m going to paint it soon, and then it won’t look so bad :o)
And another one, with nicer leaves :o)
Phlox paniculata :-
Rose Ballerina (I think that’s what it’s called) :-
Sanguisorba hakusanensis :-
Sempervivella …
Thank you Urbanite, for naming it for me :o)
Spiraea :-
Stachys macrantha :-
Streptocarpella saxorum :-
Strange to see in August -
A flowering Lilac and Weigelia :-
I hope you’ve enjoyed my late summer flowers.
It isn’t my favourite time of year, but the plants look cheerful :o)
27 Aug, 2013
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Very nice Hywel, I do love that Sanguisorba hakusanensis. Loads of lovely colour in your garden still that's great. :-)
27 Aug, 2013
You've still plenty of colour Hywel. Gorgeous clematis. Some great pictures - bee and hoverfly especially.
I've a few things flowering for a 2nd time, always pleasing when that happens :)
27 Aug, 2013
Hywel, these pictures are glorious - a real celebration of your late summer garden.
I love the clematis and the picture titled 'Francoa.'
I wish our garden was half as colourful at this time of year.
27 Aug, 2013
It's a superb garden!
I love the anemone japonica, I had a very little plant from my cusin last mounth, I never had it before, it has only 3 leaves! Must have patience, no?
27 Aug, 2013
Everything looks fresh and very beautiful. I do have many of the flowers above, but they don't last long in my garden. They go over very quickly. Could it hotter here and fresher there? Could it be my soil? I don't know. I always water the whole of the garden when conditions are dried, but it makes no difference. I am just wasting my money as I am on a water meter.
27 Aug, 2013
Great blog Hywel....Love that Clematis and the gorgeous Gazanias...:>)
27 Aug, 2013
Lots of lovely colour, my fave is the Gazanias, brilliantly cheerful flowers!
27 Aug, 2013
your plants look wonderful!! I love the clematis and phlox :-)
27 Aug, 2013
So much colour for late August Hywel - those Apples look tasty and the Clematis Venosa Violacea is amazing - so many blooms on it! Indigofera tinctoria is a new plant to me so I'm off to read up about it - thanks for sharing your garden ... :o)
27 Aug, 2013
Lovely photos as ever Hywel I love your father's Blue Hibiscus, the Sanguisorba Hakusenansis and the Clematis Venosa so many actually....just beautiful :o)
27 Aug, 2013
I like that Clematis - gorgeous!
27 Aug, 2013
I love it all, looks amazing so much colour..... :-)
27 Aug, 2013
Beautiful Hywel,really enjoyed your pics.
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you all for your comments about my garden :o)
Sorry I've missed a bit on here lately ...
28 Aug, 2013
It looks great, Hywel. Mine is beginning to go over a bit now - a reminder that the season is maturing quickly! What a lovely summer it's been.
Your flowers are lovely - such a wide variety. I love that stunning clematis, also the gazania. It is strange to see the lilac. A few of my primroses have started flowering again. And at last my Swingtime fuchsias are producing some flowers - I thought it might be too late.
28 Aug, 2013
great pictures and looking brilliant:)))))
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you both :o)
Melchisedec I think Fuchsias do better in the cooler weather of late Aug/Sep ... mine are never any good in the summer.
In fact this year, they've been hopeless all the way along lol ...
28 Aug, 2013
I think you're right, Hywel. Mine have had their poorest year, but I'm hoping they'll survive a while now :-)
28 Aug, 2013
Beautiful photos Hywel, such colours....
We went to a national trust scotland garden. Culzean castle and some herbaceous borders were full of colour like your garden and some completly overgrown and no flowers......your garden looks so well!
28 Aug, 2013
Lovely pictures of your garden Hywel, lots of different colourful plants. Love the Anenome Japonica, had some pink ones last year, but they've disappeared this.....think I must have pulled them out when weeding(a bit over zealous) like the white ones better than the pink. Have also got primulas flowering... thought I was seeing things!Love the Sanguisorba :-)
28 Aug, 2013
That was a lovely look around your wonderful garden loved everyone of your plants !
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you all for your comments about my garden :o)
28 Aug, 2013
What a lovely, colourful and cheerful garden Hywel! I've not seen Francoa before - it's so pretty - is it hardy?
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you Sheila :o)
Francoa is usually hardy, but I lost it a few years ago in a very bad winter.
This one is rather new, and I'm keeping it in a pot, just incase we get another bad spell. I can move it into shelter, if needed.
In the summer I just plonk the pot in amongst the other plants, and it looks as if it's growing in the ground :o)
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you Homebird. I am pleased with it, but it's starting to look rather tatty now lol. It needs a good tidy up.
28 Aug, 2013
Your lovely garden is beginning to feel so familiar now Hywel and it seems there's always something new and beautiful to admire. I'd never heard of sanguisorba, its gorgeous. No Bella today?
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you.
Bella doesn't keep still long enough for me to take her photo :o)
28 Aug, 2013
My fuchsia's haven't been doing very well either but now it's a bit cooler and I've put them in shade they are coming on better. I didn't realise they prefer shade- we don't usually have so much hot sunshine -you live and learn as they say.:-) I've been looking at your fuchsia blogs , there are so many and what amazing colours , well done !!
28 Aug, 2013
Thank you Nanjo ... I always find fuchsias are at their best in autumn. I often get them flowering right up until the end of November.
I'm pleased you enjoyed my fuchsia blogs. I've written several lol
I hope your fuchsias perk up now, and that they'll put on a colourful show for you :o)))
29 Aug, 2013
You still have loads of colour in your garden Hywel ,I loved the Indigofera tinctoria it's a new one to me ,is it hardy ?
29 Aug, 2013
Just for interest(?) Amy, I'm butting in here . . . we have the 'other' Indigofera, with smaller flowers, and it is completely hardy :))
29 Aug, 2013
You can but in as much as you like Sheila :o) it's always nice to hear from you.
Amy I keep the Indigofera in a pot, and move it to a sheltered place for the winter.
29 Aug, 2013
Thanks both for that information , I shall be putting it on my wish list ! :o)
29 Aug, 2013
I'll try to remember to take a photo of mine, Amy, as it is very different - more "airy" than Hywel's. Thank you Hywel for your generous comment :))
29 Aug, 2013
:o) yw ...
29 Aug, 2013
I must have missed this somehow,Hywel..but better late than never,eh? your garden is always a delight,whatever the season..and everything always seems to look so vibrant and healthy..I love all of them,and I agree about Fuchsias being better when it's cooler..but some of mine have been better than others,when kept in the I haven't fared too badly..thanks for sharing your lovely displays :o)
29 Aug, 2013
Hi Sandra :o) I've missed a lot myself lately too, so don't worry about it ...
Thanks for looking at my garden.
30 Aug, 2013
YW.:o) x
30 Aug, 2013
Its great to see so many flowers Hywel, my beds are too crowded but a jumble of colour, as you know I can't do much about it this year so its been left pretty much to do its own thing and the plants are loving it, lol, I'm miles behind on here as well because my eyes are terrible now and the words all dance so can only read for a few mins...
30 Aug, 2013
Thank you Sue.
What a nuisance about your eyes. I hope you can get some treatment soon.
30 Aug, 2013
So much fantastic colour Hywel.
I really enjoyed looking at u'r pics, now that I can , finally, get on GOY again.(major probs accessing Internet last few weeks, but, hopefully sorted now!)
31 Aug, 2013
Thank you Paul. I'm glad your internet problem is sorted out now :o)
31 Aug, 2013
Give yourself a pat on the back Hywell, your garden looks lovely.
31 Aug, 2013
I enjoyed the tour of your garden Hywel. I love all your pictures and specially the Rose Ballerina .And your clem is doing so well.
1 Sep, 2013
Looks wonderful. Francoa and Sempersomething now on my wishlist.
ps Sempervivella - found an image as "Rosularia sedoides alba - sedum - sempervivella" ont'web
1 Sep, 2013
Thank you all for your comments about my garden :o)
Thanks for the name of my plant Urbanite. I'll write it on a label.
1 Sep, 2013
Only just seen your blog Hywel as I deliberately looked you up, because I never received any notification that you had written anything , or put on any pics. I was sure you were on my faves list & wondered what had happened to you as no news. Anyway have sorted that now. Your gdn is lovely & nothing more to add to all the good comments. I too love the Indigofera, love it's ferny leaves as well as the flowers. Have also looked through your fab cacti collection.
Try not to fall down stairs again when you bring them in for the winter! Cheers :-)
3 Sep, 2013
Thank you :o)
I can't rush these days lol
3 Sep, 2013
Many thanks for sharing Hywel, your plants are so beautiful.
18 Sep, 2013
Thank you :o))
18 Sep, 2013
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All looking wonderful Hywel, especially like the mentha and the clematis.
27 Aug, 2013